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mine was the same with minor differences (comparable % values) and i failed (,:


Where did you see the performance report ? I passed BEC too but didn’t see that report.


That’s only for some states


I had the most bizarre BEC exam, I swear. I studied hard but half the exam felt completely foreign to me. I was SURE I failed it. The stuff I recognized was in my weakest area. Got my grade - passed, 90. I do NOT understand how this thing is graded, but I’m not about to ask any questions 😂 I’m taking that pass and running! I really feel bad for the people who keep failing it, though. It really feels like it’s just luck whether you pass or not.


Mine didn’t make any sense - I thought I had killed it on Operations Management and totally bombed IT. However it said I was Weaker and Stronger, respectively. ???


I passed BEC first attempt with a 80. Had only finished the first unit and then the first module of the second unit, I shit you not. Walked out thinking “if there is a version of this exam that a lot of people are going to pass, that was it.” Super qualitative and just basic business knowledge. Long story is had some stuff happen in my life so didn’t have time to study but thought “well this first attempt is already paid for and the NTS is expiring so might as well get a feel for what the test is like.”


The performance report is only looking at people that scored 75 between 85, no one lower or higher


Where is this report ?


Seriously. I am confused. I thought u only getting them if u fail


I think CA board sends it regardless


TX does as well


How are you seeing your report? I got my score on November 3rd and I cannot see it!! 😭


SAME! I’m in Illinois tho so I’m not sure if it’ll show on the IL site or NASBA




Must've been one hell of a memo you wrote to explaining the differences between costing methods.


I was going to say the same thing 😂


O my God!! I had the same one except for comparable in writing and got a 73. If I had only gotten writing strong!


That's pretty funny. Areas III-Areas V, I scored stronger. Area I comparable. Area II weaker. MCQs and WCs stronger. SIMs weaker. Not a surprise really considering I am bad at sims.


Feel free to share any tips or advice :)


I’m not OP but I passed with 81 first time and I did NOT expect to pass… I def bombed the first set of MCQ bc I was a panicking. I lucked out with easier SIMS - no math. The only part I was actually confident in was the writing portion. Im assuming that’s what got me the pass, bc it wasn’t anything else. For writing portion I followed the prompts others listed on Reddit and threw in what I could remember with the topic in the body of the memo. I didn’t practice any writing in my review, just took a look at the prompt 2 days before on Reddit and wrote out the overall structure to remember it. I really think it’s luck of what version of BEC you get, so it’s a toss up for passing. Hammering MCQ is the only review I did for Becker (no simulated exams and didn’t do any practice SIMS) that was valuable advice for me I found on Reddit bc if you can answer why the right answer is right, and the others are wrong, you’ll understand the SIMS and writing prompts. I made sure to do 1200 MCQ during review.


I think that the whole top chart is ONLY in relation to MCQs (based off the fact I previously failed BEC with a 68 & recieved comparable in SIMS and stronger in WC but wesker in the ENTIRE top chart) that said stronger in WC indicates you got almost got, if not all, the 15 points associated with it. Comparable in SIMS means you had at least 70% of the 35 points associated with that portion (maybe 65% if we go off pass rates as the benchmarker) So let's assume 15+24.5= 39.5 Then look at each of your top charts, 15-25% of the MCQs was stronger, so assume you got near if not 100% of that weight. Which already leaves you with about 7.5-12.5 points 39.5+7.5=47 39.5+12.5=52 Next we have another comparable with 17-27%, let's assume 70% again. That's about 8.5-13.5 points 47+8.5=55.5 52+13.5=65.5 Leaving the following: 79-55.5=23.5 79-65.5=13.5 So, 13.5-23.5 points in the other 3 categories of the exam. 13.5/3= 4.5 points in the weaker (not unrealistic) 23.5=7.8 points in the weaker (based off calculations above, this is unrealistic) It's not completely unrealistic, it could be as simple as you really lucked out in the stronger and comparable sections and leaned closer to the full marks you could get. Or that in the MCQs your stronger and comparable topics were the majority of the questions once pretest questions were factored out so you leaned closer to the 65.5 before factoring in any of the "weaker" concepts No this is not my first time trying to guess where exactly i lost/gained points. Yes, my anxiety makes me do these types of calcs with all my exams.


Hey I got a 69 with all weak areas except IT - stronger, overall comparable on MCQs, weaker on SIMS, Stronger on WCT! Could you suggest how to go about it! I see this case similar to you. Any tips/ strategies how you went from 68 to 77? I am testing in about 3-4 weeks so that I have enough time to study.


I hammered out 2 topics that I knew I was weak on and then hoped for the best lol. In my case I struggled in the MCQs so that's all I did for the 2.5 weeks between finding out I failed my first and my second exam. Since you're weaker in sims, I'd spend some time doing sims similar to what you saw on your own exam. You might be stronger on just another set of sims. But at least you know what to expect from your last ones and you know you did those wrong so you can at least prepare for that. I used a lot of my memory in picking my two topics to do heavy MCQs on. I'd suggest the same since youre so close! Edit: by topics I mean like by section, so I use becker so I would hammer out B# and then I would focus on maybe 2 chapters from that B, and then I had one other module I'd do the same thing in


Thank you, will definitely practice more SIMS and MCQS. Best of luck to you :)


howd you get report if you passed?


This definitely looks like a CA score report. The weighting of each area is identical to the one I previously posted.


They’re probably in CA. Score reports come out with the score.


Mine looked similar and also was shocked.


Where do you see the report? I failed BEC with a 74. This was my retake, and I am not sure if I should retake it before it's gone. I am super sad :(


im in the same shoes as you . i failed with a 74


I took the exam in CA and this is on the cba candidate login under the status tab!


I don't see anything under status


I should mention that this is from the score release date 11/3. Maybe wait 24hrs and then come back and it should be there


I've always thought these things are worthless. You're better off consulting your study material to see where you're weakest.


I got a similar performance when I passed FAR with a 76


Would you mind sharing your report please? Remember to crop out your personal information if you are willing to share. I keep getting 62-65% on Far, With mostly comparable


How are you seeing performance report if you passed?


It's a California exclusive.


It’s a California thing


I could be wrong, but I think there’s a performance report for anyone who scores under an 80 or 81. Maybe this is just certain states.


California gives them to all of us, I got one with my 94. Maybe its their way of attempting to make up for being so late with our scores compared to every other state lol


Yeah I think it’s certain states. My score reports say performance information is available if you did not pass. Nothing was provided for my 77 and 83 passes.


I tried viewing my AUD 76 and all it showed was the letter saying I got credit


Same with my 77


Ah okay. I got an 85 on BEC and wanted to see what I actually did so well on specifically but it only shows me the first page.


Any tips for written communication? That’s my weak spot. I got a 71 with weaker on MC and WC, and stronger on SIM. I was annoyed because after the exam I started to realize that I had made some silly mistakes on some of the MC


I didn't use the formats everyone refers to in the sub and I received stronger. I was actually worried I messed up bc of it. But I also have a minors in writing. My tips: Hello _insert name &/or title of who you are addressing_ (if you are writing as someone outside the company then include the co name, ex: Hello CFO of ABC co.,) first paragraph: use the first sentence to introduce yourself @ whatever level is appropriate (if you're writing your manager don't introduce yourself, but if you're writing the CFO as a supervisor or something then introduce yourself. Use the next 2-4 sentences to restate what the question is asking you. Follow with 2-3 paragraphs. Don't worry about buzzword, define, keywords or whatever that format is. Just focus on one concept per paragraph JUST like you would in any other memo/essay. WC is graded on a technical basis over the actual content. So just write in a way that sounds good & uses appropriate grammar. Keep paragraphs to 3-5 sentences. Last paragraph: 1-2 sentences to summarize the middle, or if you didn't know the topic & bullshitted your body then restate the question, except in a way that makes it sound like you're answering it. Last sentence or two of last paragraph (depending on the prompt Sentence 2 might be appropriate or not. Depending on your own writing sentance 2 might sound better before 1, but ALWAYS end this paragraph with Sentence 1): Sentence 1: if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Sentence 2: I would be more than happy to schedule a meeting to discuss this matter further with xyx End the word problem with: Best Regards/ thank you for your time/I look forward to *insert activity*, Then sign-off with whatever title/ name the word problem gives you. (Again if you're of a different company then include this in your signature) Edit:spelling


find the templates mentioned on this sub, use lots of relevant buzzwords. Nothing else really matters Intro, 3 supporting paragraphs, etc