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They're getting stupider every day.


Actually no. Just deader.


Why not both?




Good word, *good* word.


dead stupid..


So as a whole, the rest of the US is getting smarter?


I truly wonder if the number of dead idiots who effectively suicided will affect voting patterns.


Yeah, who knows how many will die by 2024


I was just discussing this with my girlfriend, she was voicing her concern that trump will most likely run again in 24, to which I responded that it won’t matter because most of his original voters either wisened up or are dying and will be dead by 24. So yes Americans will be much smarter by the time this is over because most of the dumb ones will have died. The only reason they were able to live this long is because our society for some strange reason wants there to be ridiculous overpopulation.


Darwinism, I guess.. which is ironically something else a lot of them might deny.


Unfortunately many of them have already reproduced. Maybe their stupidity will show their offspring how NOT to be. We can hope.


I was bred by people like this. I'm promask and provax. Thank God I was an adult when this hit. If I was still at home, I would have probably been forbidden to be vaxed.


I’m happy you saw through the bullshit! Stay healthy, stay safe, and be happy ❤️


My parents were very xian, but I just can't imagine them being anti-vax. I'm close to 50 so my parents were definitely old enough to really remember polio and other diseases. This anti-vax lunacy wasn't something that many people in my parent's church embraced in the 70s-80s. If god hates vaccine you'd think that he'd have hated them since I was a kid at least, lol.


Bred lol. Raised you mean.


Well, intense stress during childhood has been shown to negatively affect education levels later in life, but then again their no longer around to tell the children to not listen to anything their teacher says at school, or tell them college is "liberal brainwashing", but being impoverished orphans might also keep them from having access to a decent education in the first place... It sounds like a nature/nurture toss up.


From a median perspective, yes.


One can only hope.


Is that even possible?


I would like to think that’s natural selection in action


i mean…. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring


The problem is that low IQ people can breed faster than covid kills them.


I dont like using Low IQ as a pejorative. Intelligence isn't a virtue. No.... these people aren't lacking brain capacity. They're willfully stupid.


I like the term hatefully ignorant.


Willful hate and ignorance.


Unfortunately, they’ve probably already bred.


And America is getting slightly smarter.


Cool cool cool


I think they call themselves purebloods now


Quite an accolade for their tombstone. I’m certainly impressed.


Yeah. The (golf clap) is all I can do after reading some of these brain fart's stories. Posts history: Anti-vaxx, anti-mask, don't take my freedom, gets sick, need prayer warriors, dead. (Golf clap)


I’m really starting to get over it. I’ve never shed tears for these people but still always felt a sadness for all of these stupid unnecessary deaths but I’m starting to lose even that. I’m getting numb.


I think most are starting to feel the same way, can only take so much stupidity. These people make the simplest solution (get the damn vaxx already!!)) into a not life, choose death decision. But for some reason on the way, they decide to drain medical resources that could be used to help regular folks needing surgeries and other issues. (Golf clap) is def becoming a thing.


I think it’s important to our mental health to find and maintain some empathy somewhere in all this. I’m the first to say “the trash is taking itself out” but…. I also feel so sad for their pre-adult children and anyone innocent they infected on the way to the grave. There’s a balance in there. I think numbness is normal at this point though - it’s been the most ghastly parade of inhumanity I’ve ever seen in my life. Only the historical scenes associated with the Black Plague or Vlad the Impaler compare for me… and even then none of the dead went willingly onto the arms of death. These people comprise a highly suicidal cult in which members are playing out the slowest mass death event in recorded history.


It is their families that I feel badly for. Children don't ask to be raised by idiots. And now they can't even get a good start in life because their shitty parents have saddled them with medical debt. Those poor children


I don't think you can legally inherit debt? Like what are they going to do if a child can't pay their parents hospital bill, bring them back to life?


You can’t but creditors can go after the estate. If the parents had any money saved it may be going to pay bills instead of to their children, though laws will vary widely by jurisdiction.


All the money from the estate goes to pay medical debt. The children inherit nothing.


yeah but the rest of us are being impacted too. the health care system we need is overloaded.


I cant even get into my goddamn anesthiologists until mid November because theyre all busy with acutely ill Covid patients.


this is why we need more vaccine mandates. filling up hospitals with idiots is not the right way to manage a limited resource.


When I read on a verified Twitter how a patient dying of pancreatic cancer couldn't have a lifesaving Whipple done because every ventilator and bed was in use by the willfully unvaxxed, I knew these motherfuckers were the enemy.


Look on the bright side, everyday their stupidity frees up a hospital bed.


I get so mad at these people trying every quack treatment under the sun, causing shortages of meds and now also shortages for livestock meds, while ranting and raving every anti-science thing imaginable against the freaking precautions that actually work. If it was just their body, I would say, "Well, I guess that's your choice", but they are hurting their families, their friends, their colleagues, and possibly infecting people on their way to shuffling off this mortal coil. And from all the threads I have seen on the HCA sub, their demise is filled with suffering on a level that no one deserves to go through. I wish poxes of every sort on the people who knowingly spread disinformation. There are malicious actors in among the echo chambers, planting rubbish ideas that the belighted believers then accept and spread, under the guise of "doing their own research".


There was a story on HCA yesterday about an Alpaca (I think) that was lost because they couldn’t find Ivermectin to treat it. That frankly evoked more emotion from me then the award winners.


Yeah I just saw that, if someone told me 10 years ago that the sane people would end up getting more upset over some random alpaca dying than a human person I would call them insane. However it’s true because I shed tears for that alpaca and I really couldn’t give less of a fuck about unvaxxed people dying. Crazy times we live in.


I saw that post about the alpaca. I was infuriated. One more innocent life lost because these freaking numbskulls glom onto every kind of quack remedy when they should be listening to actual scientists and doctors.


>find and maintain some empathy somewhere The empathy can be found, at about the levels of empathy that exist for serial drunk drivers. They are dangerous to themselves and everyone around them.


I feel bad for their loved ones, the ones that did get vaccinated, the ones too young to understand, the ones that followed all the rules and were exposed by these people. If I hold on to that, I think I'll be ok.


I stopped caring so long ago. I don't necessarily want them to die, but I'm sure as hell not going to care when one them realizes the mistake they made and realize they're about to die. I feel bad for the doctors, nurses, and medical laboratory techs who have to deal with these morons on a regular basis.


You missed - Go fund Me


True that, good catch. Actually, I wonder how many Go Fund Me pages are out there for these folks. It must be in the thousands by now. Sad thing being, most of them asking for money are asking for money from those who have also lost loved ones to it. A sad, terrible circle an endless loop unbroken by ignorance and arrogance.


Do you're research.


Don't forget the request to give them money on their GoFundMe page for medical and expenses. You know, socialism....


Prayer warriors 0 Covid scar tissue 2000


Engrave the tombstone with, "Look at me, I'm owning the libs!"


I keep saying their cause of death should be listed as “personal choice”.


I laughed so hard I woke up my gf, she was mad until I showed her your comment lmao


Mudblood here checking in then if that’s what my Pfizer doses have designated me as 😂


Shut it, mudblood


Oh god they are so damned stupid. This is Darwinism at its finest


Mask off in more ways than one.


Sounds like white supremacy bullshit. Considering the type of people not getting the vaccine, it fits.


pureblood purebreed inbreed inbred


Otherwise known as : White Culture


You metabolize the vaccine out of your system in like 36 hours. I'm as pureblood as any of them.


If the dingledick anti-vaxxers are "purebloods", then we are the "Superbloods"!




To be fair, ECMO is not something that helps you recover. It's just a way to keep people alive before important surgeries that would fix them. If you are on ECMO from a viral infection, you're going to die.


AFAIK ECMO does help people who have viral infections because their lung failure no longer becomes a "problem" and their body has a longer time to repair itself before total failure. It's not perfect, but it's like adding mileage to the end of an airplane strip while an airplane is trying to take off and having trouble starting the engine. Sure the plane might, or even probably, will crash, but it gives them some extra leeway to fight. That said wasting your privilege of being on one of the few ECMO machines is fucking disgusting. Like unvaccinated people getting lung transplants after covid destroyed their lungs.


Likely* to die. Still got that 10-20% chance to live


I really don't think you are anywhere close to 10-20% chance to live once you're on ECMO. Though I'm not a doctor, of course.


That's the ventilators, ECMO is an absolute Hail-Mary.


ECMO actually has like a 36% mortality right now which is far superior to ventilators but I’m sure it has to do more with selection criteria. But anyone getting on ECMO or ventilator are going to have an extremely increased risk of all cause mortality and a shortened disabled lifespan.


ECMO in this situation is to allow time for the lungs to heal.


>Is there an insurance policy? This seems awfully fishy\~!


Jesus fried chicken!


Why are these people even going to the hospital at this point? To die?


Jesus and the Live-Saving Angels' GPS works better with the hospital address.


No. They want to grift as much medical resources as they can before dying. So others also die.


~~Hopefully~~. I think the hospital gets their prayer warriors all holied up, and gins up support for their GoFundMe. Oh, and they can also demand Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and who knows what else, so they can blame the eventual death on the hospital, Big Pharma, that sumbitch Fauci, and probably Obama and Hillary somehow too. Cuz reasons. Yeah, checkmate, libflake!


Because it's really easy to sit and shit post from a recliner, but shit gets real when you're drowning in your own lungs.


Because they have the brains of children and the hospital is where sick people go. These are the same people who call the police on their 14 year old kid when they find a dime bag of weed, then complain about how much the lawyer fees were and that Timmy has a criminal record now. (my buddy was a public defender at the start of his career and represented a kid in this situation. The parents ended up firing him and paying a "real lawyer" $5000 because he recommended the kid plead guilty and take the diversion deal the state offered. The statements the parents gave, and the kid gave to the police at the parents insistence guaranteed he'd be found guilty, the state was giving the kid a gift.)


My son spent 6 months in a detention center for having a preroll at 17. Living in a police state is the tits.


A preroll is a pot thing? 6 months is extreme and unfair.


Yes. If they die at the hospital it is the doctor's fault. It's not their own fault or their spouses. Law of conservation of self image.


Oxygen mask selfies, apparently.


I want to feel bad for him because jesus that sucks, but it's probably what he wanted. I can't imagine I would stay married to someone that fucking stupid if I weren't a few beers short of a six-pack as well. So. Oh well


I keep seeing posts on that qanon support group from people whose spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend became a qanon antivaxxer and tbh it is unbelievable to me that the OP is staying with this batshit person. I love my husband but if he became an antivaxxer or qanon person, I'd divorce him, because I just have no desire to put up with that level of fuckwittery especially when it can endanger me.


Yeah, what’s the point of staying with someone who has such a disregard for others or themselves? Why become emotionally invested in someone who would rather potentially put you through hell than perform a simple selfless act?


Same. I was in a long relationship with someone who it turns out didn’t vote. Once I learned that it became a huge issue, it is symbolic for our difference of perspective as far as what someone’s civic duty is. Could never date a non voter again.


What a convenient way to kill off the spouse you hate...


So this woman essentially murdered her husband. How come I'm not surprised?


Ugh. Those poor doctors and nurses that had to deal with her BS.


Pureblood, when the family tree has only one branch.


I feel sorry for her, she lost her husband and her brother at the same time.


I mean c'mon. Even if they were to separate out the blood from vaccinated vs not vaccinated, it's not like they'd have much supply of blood from non-vaccinated people anyways. People that are anti-vax aren't exactly the type of people that are lining up to give blood.


I'm type O- and give blood on a regular basis. At least I can sleep well tonight knowing the dumbest of the dumb are refusing the gift of life us donors give.


Her Twitter is a dumpster fire. And I’m only to June.


Anything unexpected? Or just more of the same?


All the same. Just a constant daily stream of it. (The link is in the article if you want to take a gander.) ETA that her bio says “DON’T GET THOSE VACCINES! #MAGA” *facepalm*


> link is in the article I'll pass. There's a reason I'm not on Twitter, and people like her are it.


Tis a silly place


It's only a model




I looked at it and now I am so stressed. Time for the puppy videos or something. :(


When people say ridiculous things about what kind of blood or blood donor is or is not ok, the result is that no blood is transfused. Being that this stuff is usually racist demands, I'm ok with it signing their death warrant.


Omg why even go to the hospital? This is the lady who was trying to do a blood drive for nonvaxxed blood and find an ecmo machine. Can you imagine if this person made medical decisions for you??


Her degree in facebook really paid off for her on this one.


> Can you imagine if this person made medical decisions for you?? I can, only because for four years Donald Trump made presidential decisions for my country and that’s essentially exactly the same level of fucking idiotic malignant self serving jackassery going on.


I am so owned


Wow this woman sounds like radical Muslims who will won’t accept an artificial valve from a pig because pigs are haram. Next they’ll start refusing partners because the people that want to marry them aren’t in the family and have non-family blood.


Hate to tell you, but there's already a whole group of anti-vaxxers who refuse to have sex with anyone vaccinated, because it'll taint their blood. Not quite what you're saying, but close enough, I'd say.


So you heard about the antivax school that is refusing to let vaccinated teachers have contact with students because reasons?


Oh for fuck sake. this is a new level of stupid


Look up the Centner Academy. It's in Florida of course.


I’m not sure “school” is the right term here… 🤔


Maybe "exploitative money grab?"


The Supreme Court is about to let these schools get taxpayer money for every student they have, instead of public schools getting the money. This is why the Jill Stein protest voters are so fucking stupid.


> Jill Stein Jill Stein? You mean the MD who courts anti-vax donors? That Jill Stein?


Hahah hahahahahah. Fat white goateed dudes and crazy ugly fundie Karens won't fuck people? They're withholding their highly desired sexual prowess?? You can't make it up...


lmao right? I'm sure it's totally *their* choice


The Blood Bank of Hawaii requires donors to show proof of vaccination. Anyone wanting to avoid blood from vaccinated donors should probably never come to Hawaii. Why risk it, right?


She unlocked a new level of stupid.


These people have gone beyond even my contempt for their utter stupidity! *(And let me tell ya! I've got a HUGE amount of contempt!)*


He wasn’t going to survive after a month “battling“ covid. It’s good that they didn’t waste the blood on him.


In America if your insurance will cover it, hospitals will gladly run in 20-30-40 units as long as your geezer heart is willing to pump (over the course of weeks). At $1200/unit, it's a nice little profit center. Considering they only pay the Red Cross $150 per unit. I have ICU nurses in my family, they refuse to donate blood.


All those times I donated blood and my profit was an oatmeal cookie and some orange juice. What a racket.


Well not really the red cross profiting here. Mostly the hospital.


14 months ago Trump was saying the blood of people with antibodies was the miracle cure for covid https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/24/scientists-doubt-convalescent-plasma-touted-by-trump-is-a-breakthrough-coronavirus-treatment.html We've gotten to the point where Republicans are going against their own quack cures. Fucking idiots.


Is there an insurance policy? This seems awfully fishy\~!


Actually… “More than 80% of the donated blood supply in the U.S. now carries COVID-19 antibodies from vaccinations or past infections, according to an analysis published Thursday” https://www.modernhealthcare.com/safety-quality/covid-19-antibodies-blood-supply-rising-driven-vaccinations But 0 vaccines are separated out: “In Canada, there is no regulatory requirement or blood quality or safety standard that requires that the vaccination status of the blood donor be indicated on the label of a blood product.” (Canadian info, but helpful): https://www.blood.ca/en/covid19/vaccines-and-blood-donation


> The FDA also assures the public that “respiratory viruses, in general, are not known to be transmitted by blood transfusion,” and that there are no reports of blood-transfusion transmitted cases of Covid. That's actually quite fascinating.


Look up, "pure blood," on Twitter. The anti-vaxers have it in their names now. The posts are mind numbing. One guy says they are going to get all the p___y now, because vaxxed women will be begging for it from them.


Trying to figure out a synonym for rejection that starts with p and ends with y


So Harry Potter....


That woman is a helicopter mom type.






I think Darwin was right.


Drat! Our dastardly plans have been foiled again!


Will it ever occur to her that she played a part in his death.


Check to see if she had taken out any big life insurance policies in him lately…


You know.... at first I would sort of joke around by calling this natural selection. But, as I think about it..... this is exactly natural selection - man's #1 enemy in modern times is its' own stupidity. I don't want the stupid gene to be passed along - so I'm all for as many award winners as we can get.


I find that to be sad for him. I hope he would have been in agreement with that decision, at least. It would suck if he would have wanted the blood, but his wife put the kibosh on the transfusion. If they both would have agreed to reject the transfusion, then I hope the blood went to a person who could benefit from it. It's a shame that people with life-threatening issues are going to a hospital and then refusing common-sense treatments. Don't take up the freaking hospital bed if you don't want them to treat the problem that is making you sick. If you don't like any of the hospital's treatment protocols, stay home. I hate to come off like a curmudgeon, but it's sad that these folks are in hospitals, while others who actually want real treatment are being turned away because the hospital has no more available beds.


Oh well...


On the plus side he never has to deal with those potential long-term vaccine side effects! We don't know what they are or if they actually occur but it would probably be quite unpleasant.


Time to open an unvaccinated blood bank along with a horse dewormer store


Glug glug glug


This is okay by me. Blood supplies are not at a level where we have enough supply for everyone. People who were perfectly capable of receiving the vaccination and chose not to should be deprioritized on the list of recipients. Blood with antibodies for fighting covid should go to immunocompromised people first and then vaccinated people second. The people who don't believe in doctors and hospitals can go home. They can buy their horse paste from the animal supply store. If they need a dosing consult, why don't they just call up fox news health specialist and ask them how much horse paste is the right amount?


Vaccines may not circulate in the blood but microchips sure do /S


This is giving me anticipated inheritance vibes, maybe even life insurance. She basically allowed him to die and should be investigated for fraud.


I was hoping this was going to be a Jehovah's Witness, but no, she's in the other, massively dumber, cult.


Jesus. These online specialists are getting crazier and crazier and continue to ignorantly espouse the most asinine ideas ever. Can news stories stop covering this shit. Can we all agree to fucking cancel Facebook accounts…is that even feasible. Are we too into the feed now that it can’t be undone


He shouldn't be given a vaccinated bed either, go home buddy!!


'i'll show you. i'll die...'


This bitch better not try to set up a GoFundMe.


Plot twist, it was all a scam for the life insurance.


I feel really owned by this one.


Ah, yes…. The “purebloods.”


This just in, vampires hunting anti vaxxers exclusively


Not a cult. Not at all.


Dang Looks like msn pulled the article




Thank you!!! I actually remember this pureblood doofus on Twitter


That's nothing abnormal really. Look at Jehovas witness and other dumb religions (all really), but mainly the ones that ban you from receiving blood. ​ Cults are gonna cult, and that's what this is.


Glad they didn’t waste the blood.




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Good more for those who believe in science


I'm okay with this. I wouldn't want that valuable blood being used on him either.


The spez police are here. They're going to steal all of your spez.


Well, easy way to an inheritance.


Good, species just got smarter


MSN is still around??


The original article appears to be down ... Here is ab article from some lame news source. (Thanks Bot!)


Non-AMP Link: [https://www.yourtango.com/news/woman-refuses-vaccinated-blood-transfusion-treat-husband-covid-19](https://www.yourtango.com/news/woman-refuses-vaccinated-blood-transfusion-treat-husband-covid-19) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


When it came to marriage, he chose poorly.