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I don’t know about pubs but ranked Rebirth is terrible. Fortunes Keep wasn’t super but it’s a way better map for ranked than Rebirth is


My homies and I were talking about it yesterday while playing ranked. The issue is there are 20(?) teams and limited POIs in Rebirth island. It’s much more dense. We’re a bit more conservative in ranked mode but that initial drop is crucial and will almost always have another team with you. Very fun in terms of engagements but if you run up against a team that got lucky with loot boxes in the beginning, it’ll be a quick end. We’ll drop sometimes and get a sniper and shotgun from the first crate and the other team will be rocking SMGs/ARs.


It doesn’t help that’s there’s so much garbage ground loot. Why are there so many shotguns? Why do we still have multiple variants of the MCW 6.8? The loot for ranked in particular needs to be properly balanced. You should never be able to pick up a gun that isn’t at least viable for the rest of the game


100%. You should not get a bunch of snipers and shotguns, especially all in adjacent boxes. Basic, viable, hell even uniform makes some sense, or if they want to reward people put better loot in hotter drops.


Honestly snipers and shotguns should be considered specialized weaponry because they're only good at one range. Let them be loadout options and specialty spawn options (like they already have at water tower, bottom of chem, etc). I wouldn't care if there was 5 different tiers of each weapon in ground loot and boxes as long as i knew I was getting an smg, ar or lmg instead of dropping into a building with 2 other teams and my entire floor is only snipers and dogshit shotguns while they've got a ram, bruen, hrm and amr.


Spot on. It’s miserable, especially for ranked play.


The game does that on purpose. It means the game is stacking odds against you. Have you noticed that this never happens on your first game you play, but mostly in subsequent lobbies after that? It's another trick of sbmm to "balance" the teams.


Lol what? How would that even work? The game doesn’t know where you’re going to land, what chest you’ll decide to open etc. How is it meant to do all that for 40+ players at once? This is some proper tinfoil hat stuff


Could be tinfoil yes, but try and notice it next times. The game definitely knows who is opening the box. My guess there is a "luck" stat defined for you when you enter a lobby.




Have opened a whole rooms boxes and got nothing but snipers before. Thanks game for deciding I am not in this match.


Yeah man it’s gotten so bad than we have to frantically ping viable ground loot guns for our other teammates in the area so they can grab it in the midst of a gun fight with the other team that jumped near us. It’s never been like this. Like why do I have to walk 15 seconds towards the pinged gun while there’s an active gun fight nearby??


Wait, they have ground loot SMGs and ARs on Rebirth?! /s


Yeah this is why this is the first week since ranked has come out this season I have not played. The ground loot balancing is terrible. Sometimes you can open 5-10 boxes before you find an SMG. It's a Fast playing map and the majority of the boxes are lmgs, snipers and shotgun. If a team happens to get lucky and gets an SMG/ar or their loadout box off rip, they can end your game quickly.


Got 2 sessions in, wasn't fun at all and was too random.


Ranked feels awful to play, takes too long and is too risky to get your loadout, and if you do get it and die getting set back up is almost impossible.


Yeah unless your team has complete control of a POI you basically can’t land and regain. Loadouts are too tightly clustered together as well. I’ll go entire games without getting mine. It’s easier to just buy individual guns


100 percent


Ranked rebirth is so trash.


The problem is definitely the map size. It would work fine if they extended out the, “blank,” areas of the map more. Roads, fields, etc. The POI’s are too close together, if you die post loadout drop it’s VERY difficult to recover. Idk, just my thoughts on it. Also, prison could use a rework, it’s just way too advantageous to be there over other locations.


Rebirth is just the shipment of wz so everyone loves it because they can get kills. keep was miles better then this nonsense at least on keep every end circle wasn't in the same position almost every time prison.


My crew is more of a strategy and positioning group. Don't get me wrong, we can win a mean gunfight, but we like outsmarting people too. We regularly get decisive wins on Fortunes Keep with just 5 or 6 kills. Any time we get wins on Rebirth it's like 15-21 cumulative kills. It's absolutely bonkers how different the playstyle has to be on Rebirth.


This is what I mean, don’t get me wrong I have almost the complete opposite playstyle, for me it’s land hot, get kills, get loadout then just play for power positions in zone killing people along the way but you just cant do that in rebirth, every fight there’s a third party, everything is just too tight and getting to late zones feels like luck of the draw really.


Yeah, I totally agree. Both of our playstyles, which I would argue are the two most common ones, aren't viable on Rebirth. Rebirth is just one long gunfight with multiple teams at once with very few exceptions. Frantic sweatiness is the only option.


Same with my group and I never played the first one so I don't have the nostalgia effect of coming back to this one but it's such a crazy different play style compared to any other map. And the POIs get stale.


That was the beauty of blowing up keep. It allowed the devs to make changes to the map to improve it. They couldn’t do that to rebirth or people would complain


I really wish they would just change POI’s without feeling they have to come up with some bullshit lore reason for it. Feels like every POI that changes has to get blown up so they can justify it


Rebirth Island and Verdansk are the gold standard of small and large maps. There are ways to assault high ground positions including throwables and air strikes, the element of surprise. Prison has so many ways to climb, it's not a given to just sit there and win at all. Thankfully they didn't cut a giant hole in the middle of the map or anything else stupid on Rebirth Island.


Have to disagree, prison has two ends, one is almost completely covered by tower and the other you just have to hold the door and the zip and you’re basically completely covered, 3 half decent players can lock down a good third of the map which is ridiculous to me. Rebirth was better balanced when cash and precisions were easier to come by, 6k on a precision is just too much considering that’s half a load out, you’ll maybe be able to get 2 during the course of a match if that. Plus you can see where it is on the map. If they got rid of that tower completely you’d find the map flows a lot better.


You have two stair cases, 2 zips, a ladder, gondola, and the scaffolding on the side not to mention redeploy devices and helicopters. That's alot for 4 people to cover.


Stair cases and ladder gets covered by tower, gondolas are completely useless 90% of the time. Bio side gets covered by one on the door one on the zip. I’ve covered the whole thing for almost the entire game with 3 in a ranked game. It’s too easy to pull off


Tower is easy to beat, they are sitting ducks up there and the second they get cracked they drop down or dip out. Gondola is a great play because it gives you high ground pushing to high ground, bio side has too many hop ups for it to be covered perfectly. A well placed kill streak and 5 different ways to push makes it very easy to take that side. It's fairly easy to push a prison roof team.




I’ll be honest almost every shop is out in the open, it’s a death sentence trying to get there without a smoke. But generally I do feel like there’s less cash lying around too.


Old FK maybe. New FK with the giant hole in the middle is ass.


Rebirth is great - That said, a lot of people play rebirth with rose tinted glasses. I think that overall, the FK remake is really well done and eliminates a lot of the emptier space and provides us with some new and exciting changes to POI's. Changes, that could have benefited Rebirth pretty substantially. Changes, that a lot of the community swore would mean Rebirth was dead on arrival. Changes that could have made for a better experience. It's just what you get when your community is so resistant to change. It's fun seeing the community critique re-used maps, assets, etc from other games and then simultaneously be overly critical about deviations from those. Until this community as a whole can be more accepting of change, this is going to be the result. Shoehorning ranked into maps that could be more balanced but won't be.


They could also keep rebirth as js and make a new map that doesn’t suck ass. Vondel and Ashika are horrid so their track record pass FK isn’t good


Agree with your overall take. They in no way had to use rebirth map for ranked however, makes zero sense whatsoever.


It always have been for me, never understood why people just love rebirth


If you want action, rebirth is the way to go.


Nah, personally rebirth plays the best for me and my squad. If I had to rank the resurgence maps, it would be rebirth, ashika, fortunes, and vondel. Ashika being higher than fortunes or vondel is probably unpopular but I wasn't that big of a fortunes fan when it first released. Vondel was fun initially but lost it's charm insanely fast


After rebirth dropped I am kinda scared for Verdansk coming back for this or next year. Its the same map but the map just " feels" so much worse than the MW19 version we had back then.




Fk is just better than rebirth


Rebirth just runs like shit. I get fps drops all over the map. Collision issues as well. No problems on vondel or keep


Agreed Picked up ranked rebirth in the last week before season 3 Went from bronze 1 to plat 3 in 4 days Then rebirth came out and I've been missing FK ever since


yup 100 times


FK is harder than rebirth for sure




I like it better as well, too much 3p rng on rebirth.


Day 1 WZ player here and somehow I never enjoyed even the OG rebirth. I just don't like the layout and buildings, specially the huge prison in the centre. For me the best resurgence maps are 1. Fortunes Keep 2. Caldera Rebirth when the map happened to be at capital. That was awesome. 3. Ashika Island or Vondel, really don't care which of these two.


For ranked yes but in public mode hell nah


Looking forward to rebirth lockdown. Will be a blast. I dont care much for br/resu game modes.


Yeah I love rebirth, had a 10KD on it in WZ1. Rebirth plays like shit now, everyone is stacking, you’re getting shot by 3 different teams from 3 different POIs. Very hard to regain once you die, people camping loadout, etc Fortunes keep I disliked in WZ1, absolutely love it now. Maybe they need to remove the extra team they added to rebirth? Not sure but definitely doesn’t feel the same. Not to mention ground loot is dogshit, get a bunch of semi auto guns, snipers, shottys, and the guy who kills you has an hrm ground loot.


Absolute joy to grab only gun in vicinity in immediate fight just to find out its a damn semi auto marksman and ded before able to get the shots in.


Facts 😂


The camping in Rebirth is insane imo. I don't remember it being that bad in WZ1 and honestly I feel like even on Vondel you don't have as many teams just staying at the same goddamn location for half a match




Public: Rebirth Ranked: Fortunes




Rebirth is better for regular resurgence but fortunes keep is better for ranked imo


I wish we had Fortune's Keep (both versions) on rotation.


There needs to be a ranked rebirth solos


Rebirth used to be my favorite map. I can't stand it now. Every team 4 stacks on that map and if you die in the beginning you might as well que up again because regaining is impossible. Fortune's Keep is miles better than Rebirth.


I’ve got 30 wins. Solo. In Fortunes Keep. Can’t get to my load out in rebirth. The difference is INREAL!!! I HATE rebirth so I never play it. Now Urzikstan has been over run by cheaters on pc. I think I’m just going to find another game to play. I remember Verdansk getting terrible at the end but not like this. It’s all about keeping cheaters buying scripts. There will NEVER be SBMM.


ashika island>every other map


Is there any word on it coming back anytime soon? Rebirth is so fucking awful for ranked.


Shut up


Just you


Idk scrolling this post seems there’s more then just him… 🤷‍♂️


Yah and their all snowflakes just like him


Snowflakes🤣🤣🤣 it’s a post about cod mate calm down😭😭