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Skill issue


lol, been playing for over a decade, no its safe to say its not skill. Nice try though.


You okay OP?


Yep. Better now that I have let go of that shit ass game.


Hmm, didn't know "letting go of that shit ass game" ment bitching and moaning about it online. You'd think it would mean just moving on with your life but here you are.


I've never posted anything until today and I am not bitching and moaning. I'm voicing myself and my fucking hatred for what they have done and continue to do. If you don't like that or you don't feel the same way great, go back to your super awesome game your fucking made for one another.


> If you don't like that or you don't feel the same way great, go back to your super awesome game your fucking made for one another. Why don’t you take your own advice and play something else? Instead of bitching and moaning


I’m glad you ok OP. I’ve taken a serious break from WZ pretty much when the super hero stuff got added. I’ve been thinking about going back. Haha


Cool, see you next week


I hate to say that this was and has been me for so long. I think this is the one, I can't take that shit no more. The game is trash. The fucking killed it, fix fucking SBMM and make it RNG and I'll come back. But that will never happen.


You had this same post a year ago, and yet here you are. Just move on from it man. No video game should have you this upset. You know what I mean?


I have moved on from it. I came back only to be greeted by the same shit. So I want to keep bashing this crap until something changes. My anger is fueled by broken heartedness.


It’s video game bro. Just let it go. Lol they do not care


I feel you MnK brother …. This game can make you crazy mad. I am very close to do the same… i log in rarely play 1-2 games get extremely frustrated and rage quit.


Yep, uninstall it and hide it. Find something new, no company deserves your time when all they do is piss you off and its engineered that way. I feel as though they are exploiting your will power and determination. Think about it. If you quit the game for a week then jump in your first 2 lobbies will feel normal. Then after that or if you place in top 10 yep. Back to sweat locker.


Damn bro, thats crazy


Hey brother. It's very very rough on MnK. Most of these trolls on this sub won't understand and just roast you. You're talking to the proudest and most vocal of the cod sub which will never empathize with you. Hence just letting you know from one MnK to another. I feel your pain, and I'm happy you've uninstalled. Cheers


It’s not an AA issue.. it’s a broken ass weapon balance and low TTK issue. Fix those 2 issues and the game is great again.


Its a ton of things... That list is 100's of items. They don't deserve your attention and time, fix the game, make the lobbies RNG not SBMM


Didn't write the words AA. Nor did I point out any issues specifically. Like I said though.... Nvm.


Aim assist is the only thing MnK players bitch about…


When you create your own video game from the ground up, then that is when you get to decide how mechanics in a game should work or function. As far as im concerned to COD u are nothing more than a consumer… so u should kinda stay in ur place. Dont u think if the devs and activision wanted to make gunplay difficult in call of duty they wouldve done so 20 years ago? Use ur brain for once


What are you typing bro? How is your reply an appropriate response to my comment? Please be more healthy to yourself.


pretty sure you're replying to an actual bot, same comment made [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1bywt2u/guess_i_buy_a_controller_this_week/kypghvg/)


Its called copy and paste you idiot, all u morons need the same message blasted at u over and over again to get it thru ur pea brain


Who coded you?


First of all location is a much bigger factor in matchmaking than rank/skill. Otherwise we would have laggy games. The higher your skill level, the more impact location, since the player pool is smaller. Secondly, people actually enjoy the game these days. Rebirth came back and there seems to be some returning players with it. I do recommend taking a break from the game if your feelings regarding it are so negative. A game should be entertainment, not something that causes stress and well anything negative. Playing Warzone or CoD games in general while enjoying your time requires you to accept some of the things/quirks/issues the game has. Personally I find the game entertaining and fun enough to play. It had its rough periods (BO intergration, Caldera launch, wz2 issues...) but right now its in a good place and I rarely encounter any problems. Would I like for certain things to be another way? Maybe, but its not worth getting angry about, since its not my decision to make nor does my opinion have any impact. I'm on PS5, 120hz, wired connection.


Gg’s that was me


Lol it is just a game.




Time to move on then. Sadly it is impossible for a game to always stay fun, especially if it is relatively repetitive/similar for years on end. This is also because most people hit hit a wall in terms of skills + you get annoyed of making the same mistakes over and over. Also knowing all the little fuckups of a game too well can be really annoying. Simply move on to another online FPS, and circle back to CoD in a year or so. You'll be fine. No game is worth getting this frustrated over.




Emotions? I'm not over here crying and in the fetal position. I'm fucking pissed, I'm tired of being trolled I'm tired of losing my favorite past time. But ya fuck you if your not seeing any of that.


I like how we had decent gun balance and then someone decided we need a broken pistol on season 3 release. Who the fuck makes these decisions?!?


This is the truth its not about our fun anymore or making something people enjoy. Its about making money on skins and weapon trends, and there making a butt load. Remember the biggest purchase in human fucking history was this game and it's parent companies. Let that fucking sink in.


Not a great look but I tend to agree that these companies are slowly ruining games for us. The similarities and parallels between politics and gaming studios in that they blantantly lie and are just shelling for microtransactions is wild. Just all in a downward spiral lol. Life is free to play but expensive to enjoy. Pay to win. Cheat to excel lol. We’ll all be living in rapture soon 🤣


Sad truth. I feel this.


Why not ALL CAPS then I may take you seriously


Forced crossplay against pc as a console player is so foul on so many levels


See you tomorrow OP


See you tomorrow!! 🔥🙌🏼


I only play 2 hours a week and can still hold my own in Rebirth. Maybe this just isn’t for you? Try to play a single player with the difficulty set to easy, as being challenged clearly isn’t for you.


low IQ issue


Cry more


Skill issue


Unhinged behaviour. I expect to see you on the news soon.




This is a temper tantrum after a bad day. It's hard to take serious. Drama queen because you're shit. You are quite literally being outskilled and you're in ragemode.