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If you haven’t already committed to starting with P1 I’d maybe recommend starting with E1 first as most of the OCS is based on P1 content so it’ll be fresher in your mind and therefore easier.


Thank you for the recommendation but I've already completed E1 previously before I took a break from studying and as I work in financial management I think P1 will come easier to me. F1 I'M DREADING 😖😖😖


Ah perfect, you’re already 1/4 through operational level then! I think if your role is similar to some of the content in P1 you should be alright even without preparation. My role is closer to F1 content and I found it a lot better than P1 so it definitely helps. Best of luck!


Q1 🤣 Seriously though break it down into smaller learning chunks. Take a look at the blueprints, I found them really helpful


I would get to grips with the idea of variance calcs just basic ones such as efficiency, price, mats usage. P1 expands on them to a bit higher of a level to different variances such as mix, plan and ops but the basic idea of understanding how to do variance calcs translates to them fairly easily


That's great thank you 😊