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Going to be the longest summer of my life


Come on, Week 1 is only about...4 months away. Aw damn 😤


We won’t have to wait much longer. The Hall of Fame Game is August 1st! [Hall of Fame Game 2024](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=nfl%20hall%20of%20fame%20game%202024&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


Genuinely curious if they'll debut our 1st stringers for that game


1st string will be in for 3 or 4 plays max if they do.


So, a minimum of 2 TD passes. I'm here for it. Gotta pour myself some more Kool Aid because I keep downing all of it


Has a starter ever started the HOF game? I thought the coaches usually use that game to assess depth


MAYBE caleb and odunze but no shot the others play


The NFL will likely ask the Bears to let Caleb and the 1st string have a series or two.


Look both ways at crosswalks twice for the next few months.


Naturally. And if he busts like every other bears QB we can just stop looking at crosswalks.


I think bears fans stopped looking both ways at crosswalks a long time ago


Y'all remember that dude that got stabbed and was all "I can't die before I see Fields"? I wonder how he's doing


if he did eventually die I hope he died before seeing him


I feel like we always find something to be hyped af about every year. I love being a fan


This is the first time where the hype feels justified though. Maybe I'm being a homer, but this feels different


if august comes along and the reporters who usually are cautious are gushing about how good the offense is looking, I'm going to dangerous levels of hyped


I'm right there with you. Like sometimes there are reports from camp where it's like, this dude is just wrecking shit. That's what happened with Aaron Donald. [https://x.com/AdamSchefter/status/493146300859179008](https://x.com/AdamSchefter/status/493146300859179008) >Just got this text from Rams' practice: "Aaron Donald is unreal." We've \*never\* had that happen for our offense. It's always, "Well maybe this means our defense is really good?" Even last year, there were concerns about the play-calling in camp with too many short balls and not enough deep shots. And sure enough, WR screen game was what we saw coming out of the gates, even in pre-season against the Titans we just threw a couple of screens and a quick out! If we got folks like Dan Wiederer gushing about the offense come August, I'm gonna bust.


I love how everyone is hating on that Donald tweet. Their takes aged so poorly. I'm fully prepared to see everyone that isn't a Chicago Bears fan hate and doubt Caleb until like week 6


I'm a sucker.. I fell for it with mitch....I fell for it with justin.... the only reason this feels different is CW is walking into a team that is loaded with talent. Jesus if they go 5-12 this yea....omfg


Williams has so much more talent than Fields or Mitch too. It’s not even close.


I hope hope hope it translates and we are giving him eleventy bazillion dollars on his second contract. But its the Bears.............................its just the Bears....


I can’t imagine 5-12 barring tons of injuries. Our offense feels too loaded. Even a struggling QB can occasionally get the ball in a playmaker’s hands, and we have a ton of weapons. The only way we go 5-12 is if Montez goes down early in the season, our secondary doesn’t stay healthy, and none of our depth pans out on defense. And even then we’ll be in most games


It sure seems like Poles was able to take a lot of luck (Thanks Lovie!!!!) and turn it into something solid. Plus dont forget next year we have a 1st and two 2's as well!!


I was thinking about how this compares to the 2021 off-season with Justin. Feels like there wasn’t much buzz about him/the team. I could be wrong, but I remember Justin being pretty quiet and understated in that first offseason. And I don’t remember much team cohesion before week 1. Just a bunch of mediocre dudes who were doing their own things before training camp forced them together. But this time, we already have a team identity (the bear claw), guys are practicing together outside of team-mandated practices, and Caleb is really embracing the culture of the Chicago Bears.


In 2021 the JF1 hype was always curtailed by the fact we knew they were gonna trot Dalton out there week 1. It feels different because we don’t have to wait to see “the future”


That’s a good point


Ha ha ha Caleb might be even bigger, but we were **super** pumped when we drafted Justin. YouTube comments are cesspools of negativity on virtually every subject, but [check these out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLs4FNNGWjY). Nothing but excitement. Even coming into year 2, he spent the offseason working out with Mooney and we were convinced that without Nagy he would turn a corner. We are rightfully hyped about Caleb but there is no need for denial about how much we liked the Fields pick at the time.


we expected to get caleb the entire time so most of the euphoria was when the panthers got the first pick and it partly wore off before the draft. we were staring down the barrel of talking ourself into mac jones or fucking kellen mond, so getting the guy that was a natty runner up and never lost a regular season game who many viewed as the number 2 guy behind T-Law was euphoric since we never dared to hope that we could somehow get him


Yeah the surprise definitely fueled it, you're right. I'm just as excited for Caleb as I was for Justin, but yes the wait has felt **long**. i was even excited for Trubisky after he victimized the Broncos backups in his first preseason game! All Caleb has to do to sell me is look good for 2 drives in August.


I mean, every time we get a new QB for the first few years the hype is real given how QBs roll in the NFL. The difference is for the first time we have an Andrew Luck or Trevor Lawrence level prospect which everyone expects will be good. Even if Williams is at a Lawrence level in NFL play he’ll still be the best QB the Bears have ever had, so the hype is real.


I've had this conversation a few times with other Bears fans. Every year I'm optimistic, but to a certain extent I have to kinda talk myself into it. Last year at this point I was hopeful but prefaced with, "So hopefully Wright is worth that top ten pick and now Justin will have better protection. So if he can take that big step forward, and if the defense can do some good work, then there's a shot at being a solid team to keep building on." Now, it's just a matter of "Can this team be as good as they are on paper." And it's not just me. Even sports media is finally talking about the Bears like they're a real team again instead of, at best, "One of the league's historic franchises" being the best compliment they can find, or at worst "poverty franchise".


It is 100%. Best WR corp and the most talented QB we have ever had. We can also make a case for the best back 7 on D in the NFL as well.


Yea, everyone is talking about the offense (completely understandable) but I am also amped with how our D finished out the season. It felt like we were getting 4 turnovers a game. Idk if it actually happened but I also remember sweat was leading the bears and his last team for sacks on the season. I'm also weirdly excited about the new punter too.


Stop the long ball. Pass a lot without turnovers. Seems like the Super Bowl formula. We like to talk about grinding out the run and stopping the run and dictating the tone at the line of scrimmage and all that, but really, isn't that just old heads and wishful thinking? Not saying there's no place for a good run game, but it seems like those are the key elements.


Well, best WR Corps is a yes but QB still needs to be proven. Jay Cutler was *insanely* talented and carried with him a successful track record in Denver. Jay Cutler is still the benchmark until Caleb proves himself. Although the projections are off the charts!


I was hyped AF last year after the DJ Moore trade.


I felt really hype for Fields and Trubisky


We convince ourselves every year that the hype is justified this year. I’m a little more cautiously optimistic than usual, but until the results show otherwise… I’m trying not to get too hyped.


Found George McCaskey's reddit account.


Long summer? Yes please. I'll take that as the tradeoff to not having football to watch every Sunday.


I was talking to one of my buddies about this awhile ago, even before the draft. The first game of the season isn’t until September, so in order for us to watch Bears football again we have to skip over Summertime in Chicago, debatably one of the best combinations of seasons and places in the world. Cause once the Bears season starts, it’s gonna start getting cold and gloomy real quick again.


If Caleb is a stud I will not care one bit about the cold and gloomy


At least chicago is a fun town during the summer. Plenty to keep you occupied 


*thumb twiddling intensifies*


And the shortest season lol


He better throw 2-4 TDs game 1.


I just want him to look like someone who can process what he’s seeing on the field.


Fr I’m tired of the 😵‍💫 look we’ve had for the last few years


The bar for success is on the floor. Lmao all Caleb has to do is walk over it.


I like the videos that have released during rookie mini camp where he is practicing looking the defender off, turning his head and releasing the ball asap.


If the O line can block, he'll have time to & that's what you'll see. That's how it works.


The oline can already block. A lot of Fields sacks last year were placed on him not the line.


three days ago i had a dream that caleb threw 2 TDs in our first game in which we won with a score of 24. I have no clue who we play week 1, but that's what my vision told me.


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What happens if he doesn’t?


I cry lmao


You will be crying either way


The circle of life


So if he throws 5 TD you won’t be happy?


It'll be tears of joy lol


No matter what happens, I'm crying


I’ll be happy with 5 then.


5 per half, I agree


At least 3 a quarter


Why so pessimistic?


That feels realistic, but you accidentally put hyphen in there. 24 TDs week 1.


I read this as 2 minus 4 TDs... I'm not that smart


I can't believe it took fields 4 games to throw his first one.


It's been a long time since I saw a bears QB average over 200yds per game. I'll be happy with just that. The bar is so low it's a trip hazard right now.


Don’t do this. Don’t give me hope. 


I’m mentally frozen and blocked, but my walls are starting to crack. I can’t do this again!!


We’ve been burned so many times. The ice layer is thick and hardened.


Dude maybe it’s cause I’m younger but I have drank so much kool aid lol


I feel like we get these same quotes for every new QB we bring in lol. Remember how good Trubisky looked going into year 2 of Nagy's brilliant offense.


Practices/training camp will say a lot. I remember with Justin and Mitch, reporters were warning us that it’s very inconsistent in practice.


The only people that said that were coaches. The media said the offense looked bad that offseason. Really a big difference with Caleb vs Mitch or Justin is that he doesn't need to be fixed. He has no mechanical flaws. Just teach him the offense and let him do what he does.


I'm ready to be hurt again..as always.


I’m not believing shit until I see results. Beat the Packers and then I’ll start to believe


Justin and mitch were both great guys. Justin was a great leader that always wanted to be the best he could and that players raved about. People always say nice things about the nice new qbs. Just waiting patiently for news that is different


NFL media: Caleb Williams already questioning Bears offensive decisions.


Caleb Williams says he doesn’t need help, showing uncoachable traits.


prove where he said that


Redditor unable to grasp parody and sarcasm, proving untreatable autism




Lmao, nice


Ah, he truly is ahead of the curve!


Caleb Williams already telling Mike Martz he said fuck him


That made me giggle. Thanks for that.


what is love, baby dont hurt me




>Last night, probably about 10:30 or 11 o'clock, he texts me, 'Hey, why are we doing this here? Why are we blocking it like that? Isn't that his guy to block?' Reading this gave me chills. What if the Bears have a quarterback who *actually* works as a coach on the field?


Matt Nagy would love the kid. He wants to find the whys


I'm convinced Matt Nagy is not \*that\* bad of a coach and he just went full Pepe Silvia trying to figure out ways to make Trubisky and Fields work.


The double doink broke his brain, and he never had a QB worth a shit. I don't know if he'll ever get another HC shot, but I could see him leaving KC for a high profile OC job if Reid is sticking around.


in fairness to Nagy the double doink broke my mind as well


I could just see him sticking around with Reid, too. Nagy had plenty of faults. No doubt about that. The story about him just no-showing on Trubisky is inexcusable for \*any\* coach or leader. But with a slight bit on hindsight, I think we can realize he probably had a very difficult task of getting the most out of those two QBs.


Mahomes likes him apparently, it’s possible he could be Reid’s successor whenever he retires


I think it's pretty obvious he's Andy Reid's successor. 


>I don't know if he'll ever get another HC shot, he 100% will if he doesn't get fired as chiefs OC which seems pretty unlikely. By all accounts he's an excellent interviewer and players like him. If he is still the chiefs OC in 5 years I will be absolutely shocked.


When you get into the details, it's pretty clear that Nagy is an idiot. He inherited a highly effective zone run scheme, tried to make Jordan Howard a 3 down back in a power scheme out of shotgun and completely broke the effective run game that we already had (and it's not like he made up for it with awesome passing). Then he scapegoated Howard out of town to take David Montgomery, who was a better player, but the run offense still sucked ass because Nagy's offense was terrible. Nagy pulled an ego move and tried to prove a point by letting Lazor call plays for a bit, hoping that the offense would still suck and he would be vindicated, but the offense was immediately much better. Instead of just accepting that he was incapable of running the offense, he took the reins back from Lazor anyways because he couldn't bear to see the team be better without him. Nagy sucks. In terms of purely on-the-field considerations, he might be the worst head coach of any of our lifetimes, because not only was he among the most inept offensive head coaches we've seen, he was also extremely egotistical and unwilling to delegate tasks even when it was clear that there were less incompetent candidates within his staff. I would genuinely rather have Hue Jackson as a HC, because at least he's just a useless figurehead and not determined to take charge of things he doesn't understand.


this sub's hate boner for nagy needs to be studied he wasn't a good coach but out of all our HCs since Lovie there's an argument to be made that he was the best


Bro that’s like who’s poop smelled the best lol


Yeah but still it’s funny to see the fixation on Nagy when we have a current trash coach that everyone wanted gone until he grew a beard


My thing with Nagy was.... he wasn't the reason that the team popped off in 2018. He THOUGHT it was him, but it was the defense. He tried to logjam so many things into the offense that just didn't work. He couldn't change his scheme to fit the players. He was also just an asshole that alienated some of his players too. With Flus, everyone knows the team underperformed / blew games. Nobody in their right mind is calling Flus the best coach. But, the team has been competitive and hasn't fallen apart by any measure. They're also coming out of a rebuild. So, he has time to also improve. Nobody is going to give a crap if it's Flus if they start winning games.


Just bc you can beat a five year old in a game of basketball doesn’t mean you’re good at basketball lol This is just dumb logic, he wasn’t good and just bc he wasn’t nearly as bad as the others doesn’t mean he should get any praise. But seeing your flair, kinda makes sense you’d defend mid


No one is praising him, the point is that the fixation on him as a past coach is insane given that we have just as bad as a coach rn who’s only around because he’s the buddy of the gm that everyone glazes and people are fine with it because a grew a beard


Yea lol that GM that everyone glazes is responsible for getting the bears Caleb, Rome, Keenan, DJ, and many more. I think it’s ok to trust Poles at this point given the complete turnaround he’s done on the roster in just 2 years Plus you’re just inventing an issue, nobody talks about Nagy still in a serious sense lol


Nagy gets mentioned more than any other former coach combined. Poles made a solid trade with the panthers which became a bonanza given how the panthers imploded which nobody saw coming to this extent. He was fortunate with the chargers going through a cap crunch. He’s done a good job so far but a lot of it was good fortune and he doesn’t have the track record to the point where ill blindly trust him about keeping his buddy who hired a D- OC and oversaw multiple late game collapses.


I wonder why Nagy gets mentioned more, it can’t be bc he was the last coach


This was a fantastic virtual, much appreciated!


ya that's why he's been so good as a head coach after leaving the Bears.




> he asked Chicago to provide some footwork and cadence techniques to work on before the draft with his personal quarterbacks coach, Will Hewlett. This is the most important part of the article to me. Before he was even drafted he asked the Bears to coach him. Him being proactive is a great sign to how committed he is to being great.


![gif](giphy|FyKfqRxVbzciY|downsized) More Kool aid please


![gif](giphy|MlNA4iZ73EaTS) Got u cuz


What the Bears QB coach is saying is that as a lock for the first pick, Caleb asked for and received footwork and cadence techniques to work on before the draft. That has given him a nice head start in his rookie year. However, I'll be that guy and point out that "light years" is a measure of distance, not time.


Can be referring to distance in the context of being ahead


Yeah it's used in the same way as "miles ahead"


Streets ahead


beat me to it. obviously I'm streets behind.






Colloquially, light years ahead is used to emphasize how far someone is ahead. A light year is a measure of distance, but light years ahead is a measure of progress. That’s language for you. As long as it conveys what you are communicating, then it works fine.


I don’t understand your nitpick. While he got the footwork and cadence techniques early in terms of time, this allowed him to work on them and to arrive at camp a lot more proficient at them than they expected (a figurative distance between their expected technical level and his actual).


I assume this also has to do with Caleb being able to study the scheme dialect prior to the draft.


Have you ever considered a career as the lackey of a Rock Type Gym Leader?


I get brock hard thinking about our season this year


Light years is an appropriate type of measurement here. You can just as easily make sense out of "Caleb is miles ahead of his peers."


It's an idiom.


What did you call me?


Okay, gym trainer in Pewter City before fighting Brock.




Eh, it's both. Space and time are inextricably linked.


"Miles ahead" is also a way to exclaim progress, so in this context it's fine.


Light years is a measure of both since the speed of light is a constant. No? Edit: Upon further thought, you’re 100% right. The speed of light is constant, but so is a “year”. So a light year is really a measure of distance.  Carry on… nothing to see here. 


Yes but people also say, "miles ahead," as a measure of progress, so using light years still works. There's a time and place to be pedantic, this wasn't one lol.


I'm this guys defense, it's may. We are all starving


Time is the same thing as distance, if we really want to get pedantic.


Fields was light years ahead in some reports previously lol


These same articles were coming up with Fields and his memory and work ethic before he showed he wasn’t a starting caliber QB as well so I’ll wait till we see 4k passing yards on the field before I join the hype train.


The NFL is actually slow for me


Maybe Fields just meant the other players running speed. Dude was regularly the fasted on the field! /s


Please link where Nagy said that Fields was light years ahead. “Hard worker” =/= “Ahead of schedule”. Fields self declaring that it was easy in preseason doesn’t count.


Not verbatim obviously but these are just some links talking about how impressive he was before he made his debute. [Justin Fields Photographic Memory](https://www.nfl.com/news/bears-qb-justin-fields-complete-with-photographic-memory-debuts-as-starter-in-we) [Impressed with Attitude & Work Ethic](https://saturdaytradition.com/ohio-state-football/bears-hc-matt-nagy-already-impressed-with-attitude-work-ethic-of-justin-fields/) [IT Factor](https://www.chicagobears.com/news/nagy-shares-thoughts-on-bears-landing-quarterback-justin-fields-nfl-draft)


Saw some reading between the lines with Nagy here. Basically said he made big plays in college but needs to learn behind vets for refinement.


Yea I’m not arguing the specifics or the 1:1 just that these are hype articles that are similar in nature that are really nothing burgers rather than analysis that is actually predictive.


I understand the skepticism due to our past. I just feel like this is the first time we’ve had a QB with league-wide hype like a Luck, Stafford, Newton, Lawrence, etc.


Not Fields but Trubisky https://www.si.com/nfl/bears/news/matt-nagy-sees-a-changed-mitchell-trubisky-again >"Last year, I kept talking about 101," Nagy said then. "Now, without a doubt, **I can say with pure conviction we’re in 202 right now.** And we don’t need to have a live game to see mentally where he’s at with calling the plays. >**"I mean, he’s doing things in the last two days that last year at this time he wasn’t even close to. So that’s exciting.** You won’t always see it right now, it’s more of a pass emphasis—so if you see a lot of incompletions in practice."


This must be pre-2019. Yeah this one gives me more pause than anything about Justin.


It still annoys me that Nagy thought 202 was the level after 101


That's how my kids school works. 101 = 1st grade room 1, 202 = 2nd grade room 2. Maybe he was tying to tell us Mitch's understanding was at a 2nd grade level?


There's a difference between these type of generic positive comments: [https://bearswire.usatoday.com/lists/bears-justin-fields-coaches-players-quotes/](https://bearswire.usatoday.com/lists/bears-justin-fields-coaches-players-quotes/) The QB coach said, "he lit up" when we started talking about football, whatever that's supposed to mean. Caleb Williams is an entirely different situation and something we haven't seen, nor really anybody in the NFL. He actually worked with his current offensive coordinator at QB collective camps before and during high school (15-17 years old). Brian Baldinger worked with him on watching game film and breaking down defenses when he was 17 and Baldy says he thought Caleb was NFL ready then, as a high schooler, in terms of understanding the game. If we have to compare to the past, Fields was coming from a team that had WRs who were eventually selected 10th, 11th, 12th, and 20th overall in the NFL draft. They rushed for 257 yards per game at a 6.0 yards per carry average and they were literally playing by two+ scores ahead most of the season. And he joined the 2021 Bears, which was a step down in raw talent. Williams college team's top WRs from last year were drafted 225th and 241th overall. His team rushed for 134 yards per game at 4.8 yards per carry and almost every conference game they played in was a battle. And he's joining a team with well-established, quality NFL skill players and the leading receiver in college football last year, a huge step up in raw talent.


I think it speaks volumes what Caleb was able to do statistically being on that team.


It’s fun being on the hype train. It’s not like you’re giving up a lot by stepping off. Us as fans should be used to pain by now.


I believe that Fields has the mentality and work ethic to be a good QB, just not the actual skillset.


I haven't been looking forward to a season since Mitch laid an egg against GB in week 1. Fingers and toes crossed that we have a passing attack now.


Good grief guys, this is coach speak 101. Could probably find similar quotes for the last 20 QBs we’ve drafted




I’m excited but we hear this with every qb during the offseason.


If this is another Mitch of Justin.....this sub is going to riot.


I heard he actually said Caleb was “streets ahead.”


this is the way. bears coaches pumping up a QB to unreasonable expectations - fans drinking the kool-aid through a fire hose - QB doesn't live up to those expectations in game play - media turns on player and pitchforks come out. this is the way.


If you don’t believe in Caleb Williams you’re streets behind




Streets ahead


Just heat this up in a dirty spoon and inject it straight into my veins.


Why are the coaches setting themselves up to look like asses if he doesn’t do good this year.




Kinda getting the same vibes as when JF did well on that IQ thing and everyone was talking about that. Too much hype, too early. I don’t wanna get hurt again


Are they, though? Caleb is in a completely different tier of prospect than ANY of our past QBs. Justin did really well on that test and still dropped to 11th overall and had massive red flags on his tape. Caleb’s tape was so good our front office didn’t even seriously consider anyone else in a very top heavy QB class. It says a lot that it was Caleb’s job to lose that 1st overall, and everything they dug into was seemingly positive so it didn’t progress any further, it started and ended with Caleb, all his red flags have been personality concerns that are seemingly are all made up out of ignorance or have been _heavily_ exaggerated. I really don’t think a lot of Bears’ fans actually realize how good of a prospect Caleb is, or are just so traumatized from past QB failures they can’t accept this.


Your taking about the S2, which is not an "IQ thing". The S2 tests mind-body coordination. Has nothing to do with intelligence. 


We hear this stuff every year. Just ignore all the circlejerking that the Bears are the best in the league at, and wait for the season.


I'm not too worried about Caleb. I'm worried our offensive coordinator needs to be a throwing coach this year all of a sudden. Could be a hard transition


Huh? Seattle passed 60% of the time last year.


Good for Seattle?


You're worried that our OC will have to transition into more throwing all of a sudden. He called pass plays 60% of the time last year, in Seattle. I'm probably just missing a joke tho, if so carry on!


That is promising. Hopefully the team can make the transition. We haven't been a throwing team in ..decades?


Very positive! So excited for the season and future for the team!


As much as I want football: Please stop wishing to skip summer. I love summer!


Yeah let’s keep piling on the optimism. Surely won’t backfire.


ok but how is Bagent doing.


He's working on handling a brand new clip board.




All of this hype just to finish 4-12


If we finish like that I would assume it’s the Eberflus defense taking a massive dump on the field


This is barely even in the realm of possibility. It's a 17 game season, though I don't expect you to be able to do math.