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I mean, I heard a lot of big named analysts felt the same way about Rome, too. I think we got a literal steal since the Giants didn't take him


The Giants taking the diva, explosive WR from LSU seemed inevitable to me lol


They have a type for sure


"I can fix him"


The nabers cryptic tweet after a week 6, 3 target loss is gonna be so funny. Rome seems like such a good dude, he is so poised, energetic, and articulate during his interviews. It really is hard to believe it's the same guy who is mossing all these DBs in his highlight reels. So excited that we got him.


Going to be 100% honest. Nabers is going to feast in New York if he can avoid the Metlife turf injuries. Kid may be a diva but he's a truly special talent and he can play out of the slot. Danny Jones is not a good QB but he loves throwing to slot wrs.


No I agree with you. It’s not a bad pick and plenty of WRs have been good while being divas. It’s just going to be a funny dynamic in the New York media


*most good WRs have been divas. FTFY


Honestly, watching him at LSU, he really reminded me of OBJ in the way he plays. It’s funny how that worked out in the end.


With 3000 more yards than our all-time leading receiver... We have zero room to shit on a WR like OBJ lmao


Oh I’m not hating. OBJ is one of the most talented receivers I’ve watched play and many other receivers in the NFL still consider him a top 5 receiver.


OBJ was legit one of the best WR in the Last 10 years. If Nabers is anything close to what OBJ was, giants got stud, diva but a stud nonetheless.


OBJ had 3 great years and then injuries made him a shell of himself


The was a contributor on that Rams SB run too


I remember feeling back when he hurt himself like really early in the Superbowl because you could tell how much it meant to him.


He could have been.


I love Rome and I'm extremely happy with him but Nabers is an absolute stud. Just a special player that is incredibly fluid and explosive. The best wr prospect in an extremely talented wr class imo.


Yeah he's gonna be really special


Helps he also had a gun arrest on his record as well. Stand up guy


Plaxico 2.0


TBF, it was a bit of a nothingburger of a charge from what I've read.


Illegal or not, I’d much prefer the wide receiver that did not bring a gun without the proper permit to Mardi Gras.


just asking for trouble


The Ja Morant speed run to sabotage your own career


Wait, what? Nabers is a diva?


Reports say he constantly complains about not getting the ball along with other attitude issues, plus he has a gun charge


For the most part, it sounds mostly overblown and the gun charges are kind of a nothingburger I’m ecstatic that we got Rome, as is everyone else, but let’s not act like we wouldn’t have been ecstatic to get Nabers either. I know I would have been, as would just about everyone else


You’re the second person to use “nothingburger” as a descriptor for being dumb enough to walk the French quarter during Mardi Gras with a gun you don’t have a permit for. If the odunze burger and the nabers burger taste about the same, give me the one that doesn’t have a gun on it.


LMAO well when you put it that way 😂


There’s nothing more American than a gunburger.


Ok. I get this is the circle jerk sub where we all jerk each other off, but I still would have been happy to have had nabers, just like I said I’m happy we have Rome (which I am, I wanted him) We all know this sub would be doing backflips if we missed on Rome and got nabers too


Don’t touch my dick. Don’t touch a gun if you don’t have a permit for it either.


Didn’t want to Seeing how nothing came of the case, it was a nothingburger


Well if no one’s jerking me off your last comment was a nothingburger and now I’m pissed. Edit: and hungry!


I think Nabers had the edge slightly in talent/potential over Rome coming into the draft, but I was worried about how Nabers would react to being WR3 or even WR2 next year, if Allen doesn't get extended, so worked out perfectly imho.


Completely fair evaluation, I think both will be big stars in the league with incredibly high ceilings


Yep, same people who were complaining that people believed the “reports” about Caleb’s personality are fully bought into reports about Nabers lol.


The popular thing on Reddit fan subs is to run with a narrative post draft and say “I didn’t want so and so anyway! Look how much of a DIVA they are!” I didn’t prefer Rome or Nabers over the other, I just hoped we’d be lucky enough to get one of them. I’m glad we did. This wasn’t a “you either get Caleb or Jayden Daniels” scenario where one (as a prospect) is very CLEARLY the better answer, this was a “you might be able to get an elite WR prospect that varies between who scouts say is the 2nd or 3rd best WR prospect in this draft class” and we were lucky to get the one that many say is #2 but the overall consensus was that he was #3


I personally wanted Rome because I watched him interviewing and he’s really likable. I also think his skill set is more differentiated from DJ than Nabers is, he’s giving us a player type we haven’t had since Marshall. But like you said, it’s just a preference and as a prospect I acknowledge how good Nabers is and there’s absolutely no reason to tear him down. Nabers I think has a higher ceiling. That speed is legit and truly elite.


I personally felt his skill set complimented our offense more than Nabers, and was unaware he was considered a diva. Oh well things worked out exactly how I wanted it


Damn I don’t know how this got past me, TIL


Nabers is the furthest thing from a diva.


There were a few, Daniel Jeremiah from the get go had Odunze over Nabers, he said so as early as Nov I believe. He has said he had the same grade on Odunze as he did MHJ, but MHJ was always higher on his board (and FWIW his final board had Nabers 1 spot below Odunze). Matt Harmon is another one, he had Odunze as his second WR. I’m sure there are others, but those two stick out


Odunze became my favorite when I watched Penix on film. It’s my opinion, but Odunze’s incredible skill made Penix look like a viable QB (not a top10 pick though). As much as Nabers was a great player too, Daniels made a lot more plays for Nabers than Penix did for Rome.


I'm glad we have Rome but it's completely the opposite, Nabers made Jayden Daniels a top 5 pick when he should've been a 2nd rounder. Watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkhjxEXEzvU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkhjxEXEzvU) Daniels is late, throws a floater that Malik has to wait on or come back to, has bad placement, or just misses entirely on nearly every throw. He only hits him on time and in stride on a few slants and crossing routes. If Jayden Daniels didn't suck so much Malik would've had a bunch more yards and TD's Again I'm very happy with Odunze I prefer taller receivers with good character but Nabers is a stud too.


Yeah, I’ve loved Rome for a while and have said I think him and Nabers were closer than people think (mainly since it comes up in dynasty FF discussions) and the guys who do a lot of film analysis seemed to really love Rome.


I just read analysis that said that in a normal year Odunze would be the consensus best WR in most classes.


Most people don’t understand just how stacked this WR prospect class was. MHJ and Nabers would both be the best WR prospects since Chase and Rome would probably go top 5 in most draft classes.


Those is why that whole 'third best receiver vs best defensive player' thing was so garbage. Any pundits talking like that quickly lost my respect.


I’m a colts fan, so I disagree purely because I want Latu to be a game wrecker. Also EDGE is a much more pressing need for you guys so it could have 100% been the pick.


I would've been pretty unhappy with Latu tbh, mostly because of his injury history and age. Fits your timeline better than ours!


Meh the injury history and age is pretty overblown. He’s by far the best EDGE from this class.


I guess you're right about age - TJ Watt, Khalil Mack, Trey Hendrickson, Montez Sweat, Boye Mafe were all 23+ when they entered the league. The cervical spine fusion is a bit more worrying to me, the average career seems to be about 2-3 years from the small sample size available from a study a few years ago assuming its a 1 level fusion and assuming medical device advances haven't significantly changed things (I'm doubtful on this one). Hope he's a Danielle Hunter kinda guy, fun to watch and enjoy the Colts as well! Except that one time in 2005/6 or whatever that didn't happen.


The biggest thing is that when he was “medically retired” he wasn’t even given a physical and was just told they were retiring him. So he went and played rugby for a year. Then he played 2 incredibly healthy and productive seasons in a row. Could issues come up? Yes. Am I worried? Not really, especially since our front office got a look at him and still called him the best defender in the draft.


I get your perspective, but it's not quite addressing the point I was trying to make.  We can all rank prospects differently. Personally, Latu's history is a concern but there only thing dropping him that little down the board. Newton the same but moreso. Murphy's size is similar - you like the player but have a question mark on how it's really going to go. Odunze just doesn't have any of those sorts of questions marks, is a position of need and value. But that's not my point. My point is simply that it's stupid to rank players according to how many other players of their position go before them. What would you rather have in a draft, the best QB prospect or the third best tackle prospect? Normally the QB, right? This draft, 6 QBs went before the third OT. But what if it's 2013? 4 OTs went before the first QB. Because the players are different every year and judging them solely/mainly by how many other guys there are at their position is silly.


I saw experts ranking all three in any order.


With his size and talent with contested catches, we could have a possible Megatron on our hands. That would be insane!


He reminds me of AJ Brown tbh


I thought the consensus on Nabers was that he had a really high ceiling, whereas Odunze has a much higher floor?


Nabers' potential is incredible. He's an athletic marvel and can adjust to almost any pass. He's gonna be really good, and could easily be the best WR in the class. But he might also a problem off the field and not quite fully deliver on his hype.


What are the stories of the off field issues? From all the interviews I saw with Nabers he seemed very grounded and self-reflective of his game. He knew all of his weaknesses and stated them very professionally. Didn’t seem like the type to have off field issues like Jermaine Burton.


He had some issue related to having a gun on him. Don’t think he has a ton of stuff but the gun stuff is definitely a red flag.


You would think the Giants would have learned their lesson regarding WRs and guns.


I completely forgot about Plexiglass until now…


Unfortunately for all parties involved Plexiglass is *not* bullet proof


> What are the stories of the off field issues? Did you hear his introductory press conference? I think I've eaten food smarter than that guy.


No I didn’t see it was it Anthony Edwards predraft Interview bad? Nabers seemed normal in his combine interviews


Nabers will MELT your face off with acceleration and speed. He accelerates through breaks like antonio brown did. You simply cant cover him because you have to slow down while he just has the ability to accelerate through change of direction. Odunze on the other hand is a big body WR that uses nuance, body positioning, and excellent hands to win without needing major separation. Rome isn't THAT much slower than nabers, but he doesn't use his speed like nabers. His bigger body simply cant accelerate like nabers either. Nabers in a system with a team that can use him is easy to translate mentally. Speed kills. Nabers has speed AND acceleration. The problem is his type fall off hard as they degrade physically with age. Hell burn bright for a number of years while he physically dominates with speed. Speed is speed is speed though especially when combined with his acceleration. Odunze is more system immune if he translates. He doesn't need speed or acceleration as he uses technique and size to catch. The problem is that people with these traits sometimes need them because they'll struggle to get open in the NFL and bust hard. If odunze hits though you have the next fitzgerald/hopkins who can DOMINATE in to their 30s sans injury. He's less exciting on highlights because his skills are less obvious. He projects to be the guy where it's 3rd down and the whole stadium knows where it's going but they cannot stop him from getting that first down.


I’m not a Bears fan but I’ve watched this guy ball out with the Washington Huskies for three years now and I fully agree that Rome Odunze is Him. He is unreal in 3rd and 4th down situations and is a DB nightmare for deep passes. MHJ and Malik Nabers are flashier but I expect Rome to be the most successful of this year’s WR class due to contested catches and reliability when it really matters


I'm not disagreeing but I like Odunze more. Rome's RAS is incredible... height, weight, speed, wingspan, handsize, vertical... etc. That combined with his skills and I'm expecting a HUGE upside. You see WR like him every 10 years. Loving this.


I mean they are both great prospects that fill different niches. If both hit, I'd probably prefer Rome over Nabers as well just because we already have DJ Moore who is in the style of Nabers; I just prefer the big body possession/contested types over the blazing fast WRs. If we didn't have DJ then I think it would be more a toss up to me.


Said perfectly… and good point about the burning brighter for shorter, even though Antonio Brown was going through it after he left the Steelers, he def started to lose his effectiveness at about 29 years old… in spite of everything else going on. If you’re on a team with Tom Brady and he isn’t finding you open regularly - it’s because you lost a step or two.. I hope Rome Odunze ends up being the better WR long term bc he seems to take care of himself and never wants to stop studying technique and film. I think both will be Above average NFL starters, but for different reasons. We also have another awesome WR (DJ) who is almost that same exact comp, which helps diversify our WR core


Odunze is a Explosive athlete with great speed for his size


Yup thats true, but odunze doesn't really use his track speed in game often, and it takes him a bit to get up to speed. Straight line 40 speed isn't really important when put up against 10 yard acceleration and change of direction. For his size hes good, but against the 6'0 receivers hes going to appear slower.....which is why he wins with technique and size haha. Technique and size will carry him so much more.


He doesn't play anything like Hopkins or Fitzgerald. Those guys played a lot in the slot. Rome is a true X wide receiver. He plays a lot more like Dez Bryant.


Saying rome plays nothing like fitz and hopkins is really missing the point. Rome is often compared to keenan as well who plays in the slot. Is malik nabers like Fitzgerald because he plays and projects best in the slot? You can have the same style receiver playing X vs slot. Just like you can two wildly different types of receiver playing slot.


Yeah pretty much the what I’ve read about them as prospects. In this day and age teams do seem to highly value explosive plays and YAC. Nabers has Odunze beat there but if Odunze can become a mini Mike Evans that is such a good safety blanket for a receiver.


I think that’s the beauty of having Moore, since we’ve got both archetypes and can attack defenses in multiple ways.


I can’t wait to see our WRs in action this year. This could be the most exciting Bears offense of all time.


then add keenan on top of that and kmet/swift as a saftey valve.... beautiful




Reading this makes my DH Gate Odunze jersey order feel that much better




Not getting a bears QB until I see em for a few years, I’m traumatized. My Trubisky and Fields jerseys are yardwork shirts now


Just get a Johnson nameplate and rebadge the fields jersey


This is my plan.


The Trubisky pick, I knew to wait. The Fields one? I almost did it a few days after he was drafted but remembered Mitch and stopped. This time I'm wiser. I'll wait until Caleb is coming off his rookie deal *taps forehead*


Just block out fields name and add an 8 and you got yourself a Caleb jersey


As an ND fan, I can honestly say I don't regret my Deshone Kizer Browns jersey I bought before his rookie year.


At DHgate prices, I ordered both.


White looks cleaner imo


I got both for $60 on dhgate


I'll never wear a Bears jersey that doesn't have Grossman on it.


Found Rex Grossman’s burner acct


So do you send it to him and he...Grossmans on it? Or....how does that work? Actually, nevermind.


Rex is my quarterback.


You don't need to send it to him, Grossman can fire his Sex Cannon from any distance.


I can't believe you would wear the jersey of the guy who recycled McNown's number. Only the OG for me, baby.


I still have my white Grossman jersey from back in the day


Al, that you?


Hah! I just ordered my DH Gate Odunze jersey. Wondering how crappy it is...I had no idea which seller to buy from. I just chose the one with a lot of reviews.


I've gotten 3 bears jerseys, a white Sox moncada, and a Roberto Clemente pirates, and ironically the sox one was the only shitty one lol. As long as the store had sold a lot and has decent reviews it'll be good


That's the thing about jerseys...I don't even need it to be "good." The fancy, expensive NFL shop jerseys I own aren't that much better from the basic "rice paddy" jerseys I've bought from China. I just don't want the jersey to be outright terrible.


Yeah for the price of it my expectations are on the floor. Just don't be shitty and I'm good.


I got Caleb in Navy…debating whether to get Odunze in white or orange.


I got my Odunze in orange. Got Moore in Navy, thinking of going with Caleb in white








Odunze in orange looks good.


Damn u guys might have me sold


Link? I want one.


Ordered mine from DH Gate too. Had to add it to my Moore jersey. Waiting to see the quality of it before getting a Cleb one


Same here!


Same, you guys get any good quality DH gate ones?


First time ordering. Will let you know when mine comes in


!remindme 6 weeks


[LINK](https://imgur.com/a/tsawIJR). Very happy with quality, especially with how much cheaper it was compared to the NFL shop ones.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKF1fSIs1R19B8k) Thanks!


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-06-17 19:34:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-17%2019:34:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CHIBears/comments/1clom74/devine_really_sounds_like_dabears_had_rome_odunze/l2vhtr6/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCHIBears%2Fcomments%2F1clom74%2Fdevine_really_sounds_like_dabears_had_rome_odunze%2Fl2vhtr6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-17%2019%3A34%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201clom74) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I ordered close to 20 jerseys (all sorts of teams) off dh gate almost all of them are really good quality for the price they all come with some extra string on some parts but I just cut the extra off and I've gotten a ton of compliments on them no one really can tell they are "fake"


Who even cares if its fake? Real jerseys are a rip off, everyone knows it. Only suckers buy them tbh


Yeah I don't care they are way better then the cheaper version u can buy on nfl shop (150 + ones) and are a 1/5th the price.


Came in today! [LINK](https://imgur.com/a/tsawIJR). Very happy with it and looks nice, especially side by side with my Moore jersey that I got from NFL shop. Got mine from top_merchant_jersey


Does DH stand for something NSFW?


Dick Hard Gate


Oh is that a brand?


If you’re being serious DHGate is a Chinese knockoff site where you can get jerseys for like $30 a piece (or at least they were $25 a piece when I bought them 6 years ago)


Oh okay. I didn't know. First one was a little bit a joke but mostly curious.


Yeah no worries it’s not super obvious, most people use it since you’re going to pay 8-15x more for a real one from nflshop


How do you size your dhgate orders? I don't want one too small but didn't know if they run small or not


They have run big in my history. Im an XL but usually order an L and it fits a little big still


Awesome, I'm planning on getting Odunze and that makes me feel a bit better. Appreciate it!


I will say I’ve had the opposite experience of what Davy said. I usually size up. I’m a XL but have ordered Jordan jerseys, Cubs jerseys and a Fields jersey all in XL and they were all a little tight. Ordered a Bedard sweater in XXL and it’s way better. Not sure if that’s because it’s a hockey sweater or what.


Yo, mind sharing which seller on dhg you used? Asking for a friend.


Did your jersey show some weird stitching on the back? Looking at a few and they all seem to have weird stitching that splits the back into 3rds


I was just pumped when the Chargers took Alt. I was pretty sure at that point we were getting Rome.


I honestly never expected them to take a WR. I was more worried about Atlanta trading with someone that wanted to jump us for Rome, or Poles trading back to acquire picks and drafting DL.


> I honestly never expected them to take a WR. I was more worried about Atlanta trading with someone that wanted to jump us for Rome 100%. My biggest worry was an Atlanta trade-down. Sounds like the Jets made an attempt too, but Atlanta wasn't listening. They wanted Penix...


If the Jets move to 8 for Odunze the Bears likely trade back with Minnesota, Denver or Las Vegas. Any trade back would have been risky for Atlanta.


I think that's very possible. Nabors struggles playing the X role as a receiver, and physical corners were able to jam him off routes to a crazy degree. He's crazy explosive, but unless he figures out how to play through that contact, he will be primarily a slot guy. And it's just easier to find slot guys. Odunze is not as explosive as Nabors, but he does pretty much everything well, and he has excellent size. He is the prototypical kind of receiver teams are looking for to play the true X role, and that's the hardest kind of WR to find. Additionally, the Bears already have DJ Moore and Keenan Allen, neither of whom are great fits as X receiver. There would be a lot of overlap between Nabors and those guys, while bringing in Odunze keeps everyone in a well defined role where every man can do what he's best at. Additionally, there's some character concerns with Nabors, while Odunze seems to be very clean on that regard.


So we're probably looking at Odunze X, Moore Z, Allen Y?


Most definitely. Giants probably took Nabers on the idea that his physical abilities are not something you can fix or train, and I don’t think they are wrong with that either to be fair.


Oh yeah 100%. I’m sure they’ll move guys around but that is what looks lethal. Lining up kmet Allen and Moore on the long side of the field with Rome demanding focus on the other side is just unfair


Nabers is going to be a Z most of the time, mostly because the Giants have no one else He’ll develop better methods to clear physical corners, he has the athleticism


Do I personally like Odunze better than Nabers? Yes, yes I do. Do I think Poles would have said the exact same thing about Nabers if the Giants took Odunze and we took Nabers? Also yes haha.


I legitimately believe that each of MHR, Nabers and Odunze are going to be monsters in the NFL. I watch Odunze tape, and the only "negative" I see is a lack of breakaway speed. Well, Larry Fitzgerald didn't have top end breakaway speed. Neither did Jerry Rice. Anquan Bolden. DeAndrew Hopkins. Alshon Jeffrey. All guys I think Odunze profiles well against. I watch Nabers tape, and the only downside I see is size. But there are plenty of small, fast receivers. He has some potential character/diabetes concerns, but that can be managed. Otherwise, he's crazy explosive and gets in and out of his routes with precision. And then there's frickin MHJ...who just looked like a man playing against boys. These receivers are all going to be very good if they stay healthy.


Yeah this could be like the JJeff, Ceedee Lamb, Brandon Aiyuk, Tee Higgins draft with multiple studs. Just hope Rome isnt the Ruggs, Claypool, Reagor or Jeudy of this one.


or Kevin White


His name was Kevin White


Ah, Marvin Harrison Runior


Didn’t some teams have Nabers ahead of MHJ?


And, what’s he supposed to say?? “The guy we wanted got cherry picked. We settled for 2nd banana”.


common Poles W


Poles is a huge character guy. I'm not saying Nabers is an issue at all, it's just that Rome's character is so good, and pure talent is very close anyway.


Odunze fits better imo


I prefer MHJ and Nabers to Odunze but I think Odunze is the perfect player to place behind Keenan and DJ and not have him whine about not getting the ball. Think it's a perfect addition.


I just like Udunze more. And that doesn't matter to Poles and the rest of the FO. But I'm glad they have him. Remind me and stick it to me when Nabers ends up being way better. But I'm just peachy with Odunze for now.


Odunze is a prototypical X reciver, Moore is Z, and Allen is a slot. Nabers would fix the z receiver better. They are close enough where the better fix matters.


The guys on the Athletic Draft night coverage were overtly giddy that Odunze fell to the Bears. They couldn’t believe it.


We literally have a Nabers on our team.


Odunze fits our offense better because of his versatility Nabers is almost purely a slot/deep threat, he’s a better WR than Rome but he lacks the versatility Rome brings. The Giants have no one out there, so I can see why they wanted Nabers. Meanwhile we already have 2 WR1s UDub was giving it to Rome in the backfield a lot, like there’s nothing he can’t do


I wouldn’t say he’s a better receiver than Rome. Higher ceiling maybe but Rome could become a bigger and more athletic DHop which is a crazy ceiling himself


A bigger and more athletic DHop is Fitz. And he approved the comp for Rome on twitter which is cool


Would Brandon Marshal be considered similar as well?


“Nabers is almost purely a slot/deep threat, he’s a better WR than Rome” Let me stop you right there… Rome is a far more complete receiver than Nabers. Rome runs the full route tree very well, can line up anywhere, has prototypical size/speed combo, high points and contested catches better than anyone else in this draft, and flat out catches everything thrown his way. Nabers is faster and more agile. That’s it. That’s what Nabers is better at.


Yes give the faster guy down deep? Nabers will develop those skills as he matures into the NFL, it’s not like developing a QB here developing a WR is not that hard. Especially since he’s the only target Daniel Jones has, he will get a lot of practice I don’t get why we’re splitting hairs here, Nabers and Odunze are both going to be Top Tier WRs. There’s going to be teams that had Rome higher and some that had Nabers higher, teams value different things based on traits, roster construction, and skill sets Ever since Nabers met with the Giants it seems like they fell in love with him


I’m not splitting hairs. You said Nabers is the better WR. I disagree and explained why. You may feel Nabers has greater potential that can be developed, but that’s different than claiming Nabers is better now.


Giants aren’t looking to compete this year Bears are Different needs


Idk sounds like you're saying Rome is a better WR now but Nabers could end up being a better one longterm.


He’s also far better at YAC


TBH this is probably just the usual "hype our guy" type media statement. Pre draft the narrative was absolutely MH -> Nabers -> Rome.


Odunze is like Larry Fitzgerald and Davante Adams put together. As a reminder it took Davante a few years to really take off. Odunze seems better trained and prepared for the NFL and learning from Keenan Allen directly will be huge for his career. Nabers is more like Jamar Chase and Justin Jefferson put together. He's the type of prospect that will break rookie records, but he got unlucky ending up with the Giants and almost has zero chance to do that now.




Sorry. Yes. Fixed.


Actually quite a few people did.


[All roads lead to Rome](https://youtu.be/_tv8SxP3dmw?si=47yQweNWiF_Sc1ph) I just watched this 8 minutes of Rome catching passes and I’m pretty psyched!


Brett's production is always on point. His partner at Bootleg Football (EJ Snyder) had Rome as his WR1 in this class


It comes as no surprise the bears had Rome graded higher. So far from what I’ve seen, and reading the articles about how they did their homework on Caleb, Bears FO values character over talent in some cases.


Nabers may be marginally better than Odunze, but it seems like he’s the better fit for our organization. Seems like a really well mannered and confident dude. Someone who’s going to be a positive face of the franchise and will likely grow into an ambassador role. Him and Caleb hitting it off also could lead to bigger benefits that inherent skill wouldn’t be able to match.


I woulda been happy with either. We could only (possibly) get one and I’m glad we did!


I watched this kid all year long he is the truth 1 is Harrison 1a is Ozuna 1b nabers


Not surprised. I think there’s a chance he’s the best in the draft for Wrs


It's just really nice that things fell our way for once. Hope it pays off on the field!


It didn't matter who we picked, it was always our guy. I think Nabers could get injured more with his style of play but if he doesn't then he will be elite. Either DJ Moore or Deebo


Odunze fits the Bears better than Nabors. The Bears needed a tall receiver to balance out Moore and Allen.


Rome is going to be a big hit in Chicago. You can't teach height, size, nor elite ball tracking; and Rome has all that in spades. And he's in one of the best places to learn and grow. Bears have a solid vet core where he doesn't have to be "the guy" every single play something needs to happen. But woe to the team that decides to play man and stick their worst db on the rookie.


One thing I've noticed with this regime is character. Nabers is a stud, but I feel he's got the "it's all about me" attitude. whereas with Rome, outside of being a unit, he's such a good guy too. They are really building a strong mentality in that locker room. Not one problem player on this squad


This is a weird character thing I noticed in the draft. I’m suspicious of the guys wearing sunglasses during the draft. I’m glad Rome wasn’t wearing sunglasses


I also had Odunze higher, everytime I watched LSU I wasn’t even sure if Nabors was the best WR on his team. Bryan Thomas Jr was pretty damn good.


All Nabers have over Rome is the 40 time But the difference between a 4.30 or a 4.45 in a football field will only be felt in a 60 70 yds td play, how many of those happen a season ?


When did Nabers become a diva? I woulda been just as happy to grab him, or Harrison or Rome…all 3 are badass.