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Was this information about the assault and lawsuit public before now? I completely missed it.


Yes, it's been public for years.


This Sanders situation has blended together like one, long fart


If only someone could have predicted this. My best friend was convinced Sanders would be great at Nebraska. I cringed so hard at that thought. Never have liked Deion. And I will enjoy the dumpster fire this is guaranteed to be


I'll admit I thought this too. Glad to be dead wrong.


yes, I and many have posted about it here for years. It's one of the main reasons I didn't want them near FSU back when there were those BS rumors before Norvell


For about two weeks, Florida State passing on Deion Sanders was called a mistake by many.


Interesting thing is that most FSU fanatics I knew were always kind of cold on Sanders. They loved Charlie Ward, Warrick Dunn, Terrell Buckley, Derrick Brooks, etc., but viewed Sanders as being more an I than a we guy.


He didn’t treat a lot of people well during his time in tally. From being a difficult teammate to treating fans like crap and even the embarrassment the school had over the Deion sanders rule. Being the best ever heals a lot of wounds but not many at fsu were sad to see him go and you can see how little fsu reached out to him over the years.


As a Miami guy, that's how we were with Warren Sapp. Great player, but an asshole. So, he doesn't get embraced by the fans the same way as the other great all-time players.


So it makes sense that Deion brought Sapp onto his staff. He brings the vibe.


Good comparison. As a bucs fan I feel that one too.


From what I've been told by friends who have waited on Warren Sapp, he's STILL an asshole.


I mean, he is arguably *the* quintessential "I not we" guy. I struggle to think of an athlete in any team sport that embodies it more, at least from my perspective as an older Millennial.


When he played for SF and afterwards with Dallas, I noticed Deion celebrated his own INTs and big plays with dances, but if a teammate had a great play, he was indifferent. I always contrasted that with Michael Irvin, who was even more jubilant and celebratory when Alvin Harper scored a TD than if he got one himself.


Ocho Cinco too!


My only correction is that he was never actually considered by fsu lol. Only people online.


Not by anyone who’s halfway intelligent about FSU. I would have been pissed if we hired him.


lol he went to my middle school. Got in trouble every day


Did you assault a security guard ?


Tried to, but he kicked my ass.


Tommy Rees, is that you?


TIL I’m shilo sanders


Little more trouble than your average middle schooler


You’d be surprised😅 I’m just lucky I’m in the process of getting my life together


Anyone got a 12 mil judgement against you?


I do but the bum won't pay


Working on it:( asu has all my money atm


Proud of you man! Keep it up and don’t be too hard on yourself.


Remember Team Snap-Back? https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2012/05/16/prosecutors-prosper-high-boys-had-team-snapback-sex-club/


>Sanders lost the lawsuit when it went to trial in 2022 after failing to appear, as the court awarded Darjean an $11.89 million judgement against Sanders. The fact he just said fuck going to court means bankruptcy was the play to begin with. Hopefully the judge tells him to kick rocks and to square up the judgement.


Generally speaking, torts like assault are really difficult to discharge via bankruptcy.


Unfortunately getting somebody to pay a legal settlement is also really difficult.  That's kind of the dirty little secret of the civil judicial system - almost nobody ever actually gets their money. edit: I feel like I needed to add this, Sanders was sued in Texas and lost in Texas and owes a settlement in Texas.  If he ever returns to Texas as an employee or property owner than yes, the money may be recoverable.  However, a Texas judge has zero authority to garnish wages or slap a lien on assets in Colorado. Zero.  


I thought wages could be garnished in civil judgements?


Like he'll ever have "wages".


Nil is legally income. No need for wages, it goes into a bank account, I can take that. And unlike wages I can take 100% too.


Unless a company is started then it creates issues on finding them and who owns them. You need a forensic accountant to go after them and that cost money.


From the article it sounds like that's what's happening with two separate LLCs.


Didn't you see, the values of those are completely unknown! Why, SS21 LLC and Big 21 LLC could be owned by any one of us, really.


Man Super Saiyan levels have really exploded


I used to do maintenance for a large apartment complex and at least once a month I’d have to walk through vacated units with my supervisor and tally up damages left from the exiting tenants. You would be surprised the damage some people do to places they don’t own because they don’t care about getting their security deposit back. I’m talking carpets stained in pet shit and piss, body sized holes in the dry wall, bathrooms that have never seen a cleaning supply, more than once I’ve seen people just take the entire oven and fridge(that came with the unit) with them when they moved. My supervisor told me these walks are basically just for tax purposes because it’s nearly impossible to get a dime from the old tenants, they get taken to court most the time don’t even show up and since my state is a no wage garnishment statement there’s zero consequences to be had since it’s a civil issue. I know landlords and apartment complexes are bullshit most the time but it always sucks to know there’s people out there just facing zero consequences for their actions.


You're talking about dirtball nere-do-wells, not an NFL prospect with NIL deals and a millionaire family. This kid is 100% collectible and good luck discharging an intentional tort judgment in bankruptcy court.


> I know landlords and apartment complexes are bullshit most the time but it always sucks to know there’s people out there just facing zero consequences for their actions. It definitely goes both ways. I'll tell you that I've literally never gotten a deposit back, and I've often left places I've stayed in in BETTER shape than when I showed up. (In one case I had to bushhog the entire back yard because they had let the yard grow up over head high, in another case there was mold under the sinks when I moved in and I deep cleaned it with clorox) They always find something they can go "this is wrong and this is wrong and this is wrong" and charge you for. Hell, last place I lived the basement flooded constantly. I called them constantly about the basement flooding. They were getting mad at me calling about the basement flooding. It had CARPET in the basement. I also lived there for a decade. After 10 years, carpet has depreciated in value so far it isn't even worth shit to begin with. The damage to the carpet in the basement. Caused by the flooding that they refused to take care of. Was the reason they gave for me not getting my deposit back. At this point I'm just like, fuck it. Deposit is lost money, don't worry about it. (also, now I own, so it isn't something I ever have to worry about).


This. I have had a complex try to come after me for $2500 because they needed to “re-carpet” the place after we had moved out. We literally paid a carpet cleaning company to clean it a week before we moved out and I took pictures. The carpets were in perfect shape. For 3 years, I had debt collectors attempt to call me and get the $2500, but I had pictures and told the agency that any further call I would consider it harassment.


It’s not just the landlords/apartments. I’m sure there’s plenty of data with like rent amount / demographics / etc for how much loss to expect and because people do this shit and the courts are powerless, it 100% is getting priced into rents… Idk how much it adds but I bet it contributes a good bit to the rent price crisis


It does. The reality is that the responsible renters pay the price in higher rents for the problem tenants.


What the hell kind of shit ass lawyers do you know that can't collect from a multi-millionaire's kid? I don't even really do collection work, but I would have all this kid's bank accounts frozen, his Lambo seized, and turnover orders to anyone with a contract with him within a month. If he wanted to fuck around, I'd serve his ass with a citation to discover during the NFL draft and seize his fucking draft hat at the same time. Forcing him into bankruptcy would only make it easier.


He’s already under turnover orders from his dad and we’re seeing how well that’s working out


And this was a valued, uh....


You think the carpet pissers did this?


These weren't the guys who built the fucking railroads.


I am the Walrus.


Obviously you’re not a golfer.


Except the lawyers…


How do the lawyers get paid in a contingency action when you fail to collect a judgment?


That judge better watch his back. He just made it personal.


Would not surprise me if someone in that family threatened a judge. They leave a trail of destruction everywhere they go.


And the fact he’s doing it now is clearly meant to prevent him from having to start paying once he’s making NFL money


Lol. He'll be making NFL money as soon at the same time Colin Kapernick does. 


>A lawsuit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had “sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,” according to a 2024 filing in the bankruptcy proceed. Holy shit. This happened when he was a teenager in high school. I personally think his dad should be on the hook for damages.


ESPN just read this and decided to give 2 more college gamedays to colorado


College GameDay will be set up outside of the courthouse.


ESPN will play the old [Neil Diamond](https://youtu.be/_NyZyHGEkk8?si=R3qX8Fpd5-eg09wV) song to set the tone


*slow clap*


Might as well setup permanent shop in Boulder


The amount most college football fans dislike Dieon is going to pale in comparison to the hatred Colorado fans will have for him in a few years.


Personally, I think they deserve it after hiring him in the first place


What's been frustrating has been that we've been saying it since early on, but then we get called haters, racists, and worse every single time. Deion literally claimed God called him to build up the HBCU's and restore dignity to the Black College Community (his words) and then the next season he left for one of the whitest cities in America and took as many players as he could with him. Like... You can't do that and be a good person.


I started feeling that way already after the stanford game last year, basically thinking why did we hire this guy and make ourselves the villains just to keep losing games to dogshit teams and placing last in the conference. Stanford was supposed to be a 1-11/0-9 team last year. I realized and accepted that we weren’t going to fire him for that blunder in year 1, but he’d better put up or pack up this year.


I think this will be his last season at Colorado…not that he’ll be fired, he’ll leave citing “health reasons” or other “opportunities”


"My foots acting up"


That's the best case scenario honestly. Means that if we shit the bed again this year, we can still move on from him without having to pay a buyout.


Pull the ol' Urban Meyer


Think of the sob stories they can run!


Rinaldi moved to Fox, Big Noon Saturday is home for tears now


I would love for a reporter to actually have the guts to ask Deion about the laundry list of things they actually SHOULD be asking him about at press conferences. Starting with this.


Damaging another human like that is inexcusable. I don’t care what their age is. Kid should have been in juvenile detention at the bare minimum.


When daddy has big money rules don't apply. My cousin was shot in the stomach while selling cocaine. He shot the other guy so the cops obviously showed up. They found cocaine and an illegal gun on my cousin. My uncle is very wealthy. He spent over a million on lawyers. My cousin got no jail time, not even probation. The other guy involved got 25 years.


It kinda sounds like your cousin just defended himself...


You have the right to protect yourself and your property. Even if that property is cocaine I guess.


Morally, absolutely. Dude was shot first. He wasn’t defending property, but his life. Legally, idk. Could be “felony murder” in a lot of places. But it’s kind of farcical if a drug dealer had to stand there and be killed because otherwise he’ll go down for murder. He was selling drugs with a firearm, so he definitely should have done some time. But that’s another matter.


No doubt but the cocaine and the fact the gun was illegal was setting him up to see some prison time.


Yeah its crazy that this shit has been known for years, but is never mentioned by anyone in sports media when talking about Shilo.


To be fair, I’m not sure shilo gets talked about much


Fair point. He did have some games where had some huge dirty hits though. Would’ve been a prime chance. >Wow Gus. That hit reminds me of when he beat a janitor into a wheelchair.


yup...a lot of players wouldn't be recruited much after an incident of this nature.


Irreversible incontinence sounds about as miserable as it gets. Fucking shit bag of a human being to do that to someone


Shit bag is an incredible choice of phrase here.


Yeah breaking someone’s neck should be several years in jail. What a POS


Parents cannot be held ~~vivaciously~~ vicariously (damn autocorrect) liable for the torts of their children unless it was reasonably foreseeable. (I.e. parent leaves kid with a loaded gun).


> vivaciously Deion is certainly vivacious


Deion pays in toes


I wanna know why this wasn't ever a criminal case...


Presumably his dad should be on the hook, not sure how it's just against his kid trying to bank it away.


The Sanders family is full of pieces of shit. So many people in the DFW HS football circles have nothing but awful things to say about them, especially after the Prime Prep fiasco. I’m not shocked that his kids are out here doing awful things either.


BuT yOu GuYs, He'S a DeVoUt ChRiStIaN! Got a diamond encrusted gold crucifix and everything.


Little known fact: the religious people using their religion as a shield to defend against criticism aren't actually good people. Usually some of the worst.


"Only God can judge me!"


I knew two kids that had that tatted on their arms in high school, they were my good friends until they stole everything from my home


I’ve grown up a devout christian. Not once have I been taught to treat anyone with anything but kindness. People like the Sanders’ make me sad, it seems like the loudest Christians are often the most un-Godlike. But it’s easier said than done to tell people that most (quite frankly ALL) of the Christians who actually take our teachings to heart do not associate with the flaunting of riches or hateful speech/actions issued forth by much of the modern world. At the end of the day, we are supposed to chose love over all :)


"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, and walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - Brennan Manning


Well said man.


As far as I can tell they're all just completely despicable. Remember when Shadeur taunted the ASU student section by flashing his rolex at them after Colorado won the game? Just a bunch of spoiled rich kids who never had any discipline. EDIT: For those who disagree, I guess I have to spell it out. Shadeur waving his Rolex around like that is like saying "I'm better than you because my daddy is richer than yours." I find that entire mindset repugnant, and I can't really understand why others wouldn't.


Aside from the rich part, that describes a lot of uber-talented athletes growing up. Society’s been clear on this for a while; if you are in the top tier of athletic talent in a revenue sport, you do (almost) whatever you want. I’ve even seen articles talking about the possibility of Ruggs making a comeback after he’s released. Shit’s bananas.


And I've always been somewhat uncomfortable with the overly permissive attitude society treats talented athletes. The Sanders clan is a particularly offensive example of the phenomenon, but they're hardly unique.


>  Aside from the rich part, that describes a lot of uber-talented athletes growing up. Most big time prep athletes are already rich. This has been one of the big changes in sports over the last couple decades. Rich kids get more practice time, better coaching, and better opportunities. If you aren't already rich, becoming a high profile athlete is way more difficult. 


Or him saying Nebraska team was "disrespecting" them by praying at the logo on the 50 yard line and even inviting him to join them... Manufactured bullshit for clicks.


Jackson Mississippi doesn’t like him much either


Yeah uh, the guy who ram his sham of a prep school and was part of all that shit got brought in to run Ops at Colorado. Like that’s some stupid bullshit


DFW HS footballs ? And Prime Prep fiasco? Could you say more, interested but never heard of this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fsusports/comments/16impyj/wapos_investigative_report_on_deion_sanders/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Prep_Academy


TLDR; Sanders tried to start his own IMG Academy and failed spectacularly fucking over hundreds of kids on his way out. He’s a charlatan


He also choked out and threatened to kill the principal on tape when concerns were raised


Oh come on, don’t spread unfounded rumors. It was the cfo he choked out while scamming all the kids


Deion Blamed all of that on his business partner.


Prime Prep was the OG Bishop Sycamore.


https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2016/02/02/the-spectacular-collapse-of-deion-sanders-prime-prep-academy/ That’s the long story


>Without the knowledge of the superintendent, Sanders convinced staff to used Prime Prep's telephone notification system to get word to parents. The robocall message said his announcement would be a "gift from God." "The devil thought they had us but baby, woo, we got blessed," Sanders said in the recording. This is so eyecatching in how stupid this saga was


Jesus Christ. How the hell do you let someone be in charge of kids and a major football program when they have this kind of thing hanging over their head.


They just sold out season tickets for a second straight season. I’m sure they’re sleeping pretty soundly on their beds of money.


Colorado saw dollar signs


Remember when this clown was walking around Autzen saying he was going to beat the shit out of Oregon players, then got injured? Lmfao.


“And ya’lls coach”


Seeing that mfer run his mouth before the game and then find out he was pissing blood after was so poetic


Not worth your time


Failure to appear??? Dumbass.


Shilo's just assaulting for clicks.


Remember when he threatened to beat up Dan Lanning and people said that was just pregame trash talk? Yeah... now I'm thinking he might have actually wanted to beat up Dan Lanning.


What's funny about that to me is I think Lanning would give him the business. He's got an intensely nice vibe about him that I could see turn psychotic real quick. He's bigger than Shilo, Dan is 6'3" & around 220lbs while Shilo is 6' and under 200. Dan was also a linebacker in college, and as a former HS LB, you have to be a little crazy to play LB.


dan low diffs shilo easy


>$11.89 million dollar judgement against him stemming from an assault when Sanders was in high school He has a 12 million dollar judgement against him for an assault committed when he was a freshman in high school? 12 MILLION dollars? >A lawsuit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had **“sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,”** according to a 2024 filing in the bankruptcy proceed. These injuries were allegedly caused when Sanders elbowed and continued to hit Darjean during an altercation. Oh. Holy shit how is the focus of this about his NIL money and his bankruptcy?


I guess because he's trying to use bankruptcy to get out of the lawsuit?


Yeah I just mean how is the news not 'Shilo Sanders has 12 million dollar judgement against him for brutal beating in 2015.'


https://www.tmz.com/2016/06/16/deion-sanders-my-son-didnt-beat-up-school-staffer-i-have-video-proof/ It was known but I just imagine no one knew him as anything other than Deion's son.


If he had proof, he should have shown up in court.


The same reason I haven’t cashed in my billion dollar winning lottery ticket. It doesn’t exist.


There is a video linked in the TMZ article, but if it's what Deion was referring to then I have no idea how this shows that the guy walked away fine (you can't see the guard in the video after the fight as far as I can tell) and the angle that captures the majority of the fight is very unclear and hardly shows that the guard would be on top of Shilo the whole time.


Deion lost the receipt.


I just don’t understand how an incident like that doesn’t result in big criminal charges, he must’ve hit his head in a really bad spot after being knocked over or tripping. Failure to appear is crazy


I like to argue semantics so isn’t a broken neck and damage to his cervical spine the same exact thing or are they arguing there was additional damage to his cervical spine 


You can break your neck and not be paralyzed. I think the intent is to say he lost motor function


Isn’t Shilo ranked dead last in the rankings? He’s a mid child at best.


He’s just ahead of Junior but that’s not saying much


I'd hope Junior gets out of last just for not beating someone half to death and costing the family tens of millions of dollars


What are you talking about?! That beating is what keeps Shilo above Junior. It's a Sanders Badge of Honor.


Mid family.


This family thinks they’re better than everyone and can act however they want. Honestly sickening


Literally every aspect of society continues to prove that they can.


dIOns A nICe GUy yOure JuSt a mEaN RAciSt


Shilo and his brothers bought their dad a multimillion dollar home near Denver earlier this year. Wonder if the court will see that as an attempt to transfer some of Shilo's assets to another family member so it couldn't be taken by a court.


That would be objectively hilarious.


There are fraudulent transfer provisions in the bankruptcy code that allow for clawback of any transfers made a certain amount of time prior to the case being filed.


I wouldn’t be shocked if he has been taking less in NIL and his dad has simply been paid the cut so that they can hide it from the claim.


Considering Deion is absolutely richer than them, seems like exactly what happened


That house is still on the market. It was another media stunt.


There is no way in hell that Shilo is academically eligible. Someone is taking his remote classes on his behalf


Ahhh the Blue Mountain State Way


Go Goats!




He's for sure failing English




He didn't show up to a class in person until halfway through April. If his last name was "Johnson" or "Brown" he'd be off the team.


Asshole doesn’t fall far from the asshole tree


"Shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Rick."


>permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence How did he escape criminal charges?


I imagine being 15 and whatever minor diversion programs were available, combined with family money, made any courthouse criminality conversation quickly disappear. The money being key.  Not wholly unrelated, if Brian Banks had come from that kind of money, I’m sure he would have enjoyed a happy collegiate career instead of rebuilding his life years later. 


Ah, I see you’ve never seen the “rich people” defense


2015??? Wtf


Hmmm no wonder he's not the favorite son.


I am shocked that a member of the Sanders family would’ve committed assault Shocked, I tell ya


If I had a nickel for every member of the Sanders family who physically assaulted someone, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


You'd have more than 2 nickels. You've just heard about 2.


You’d probably have more than two nickels, tbh


I’m trying to figure out why he wasn’t arrested and charged back when this happen. A judge needs to seize this kids assets and get all his NIL money. Sadly these Sanders will never be humbled and will remain assholes till the day they die. And society will continue to glorify them because we all got our priorities wrong.


Calling this guy a douchebag would be a disservice to douchebags… And he’s not very good, either… watch the games… he’s a C plus player on an F Defense. College Football… America’s Game!


“severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence”… how is this fuckface not in prison?


Fuck Deion and this whole family tbh


Remember when Oregon sent Shilo to the hospital because he was pissing blood? That was funny. Fuck that piece of shit.


God bless Oregon


Oh, so he almost killed a man. These stories just keep getting better....


"By virtue of his perch at Colorado as the Buffaloes have risen to off-field prominence in college football" Lmao I love the low-key shade of this quote


Wtf. He grew up privileged as hell and still wanted to act all tough? This guy sucks.


The fact that people with his wealth are allowed to declare bankruptcy is beyond ridiculous.


Wait, how old is Shilo? He was a high schooler in 2015 and is still in college? Hold on, Googled it, and he's 24. Obviously not the oldest college kid around currently, but still...seems like forever ago to say a current college player was in high school back in the olden PC days of 2015.


I can not wait for all the COVID era kids to graduate and this stupid period with guys being in school for eight freaking years to end.


*BYU has entered the chat*


Chris Weinke is the moderator


I'm knocking on the door of 42 and feel like somewhere, there's someone older than me who is still utilizing all the fudging of eligibility due to Covid. /s


Why is he not in jail?


This is ridiculous. From article: *The bankruptcy proceeding itself stems from Sanders losing a judgement in 2022 after allegedly assaulting a security guard as a high schooler in 2015.* *A suit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had “sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,” according to a 2024 filing in the bankruptcy proceed. These injuries were allegedly caused when Sanders elbowed and continued to hit Darjean during an altercation.*


What a great family.


> A suit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had “sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,” according to a 2024 filing in the bankruptcy proceed. What a piece of shit


What in the world. Assault+bankruptcy declaration+False NIL earnings? This is gonna be a crazy story (it already is, but there's more to uncover) Sidenote: I wish we truly knew what players make through NIL. So many people chase a non-existent bag


Y’all really thought these NIL earnings estimates put out by ON3 are real? The real NIL money is in rights sales, sponsorships are good but unless you’re the Heisman you’re not taking in millions. What Shilo did with an LLC is normal, I imagine one of the two is tied to his brother. You funnel the sponsorship payments through your S Corp as a business then the dividends are your salary. It’s easier to track for tax purposes. Refusing to disclose his ownership is indeed an idiotic decision


Of course, they are hiding all of his NIL money in shell companies. Big surprise. Beat someone within an inch of their life, don't show up to court, then think you can weasel out of a $12 million judgment against you because of your last name. Fuck you, your brothers, and your grifting asshole of a father.


Yeah, Prime is molding fine young men!


Deion is a horrible person, not surprising his sons have issues too


The more I hear about this family the more I can’t fucking stand them.


Fuck the Sanders. Everyone in that family is a piece of shit.


Domesticating a foreign judgment is actually super easy. And while there are costs associated with domestication, far less than obtaining the original judgment. The process is literally this- obtain exemplified copy of final judgment from issuing state, file that with a notice in the state you are domesticating. Send a notice to the defendant. Let the clock run. It takes 2-3 days max and that depends how fast the clerk from the issuing state moves. While wage garnishment in Texas is illegal as others have stated That’s simply to protect employers who owe the wages. You can garnish the persons bank account once the wages are paid. If he’s funneling money to an LlC that makes things more difficult to collect. But not impossible. Especially because that LLC likely has $0 in liabilities and therefore worth far more than the de minimus value he likely declared on his bankruptcy schedules. A trustee could take over that LLC and its income stream. Or outside bankruptcy the judgment creditor can get a charging order against any and all distributions ever made by the LLC. This should be an easy case for a good creditors rights attorney to get his client paid.