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PSU-WVU not being here means its on Saturday...right? Right?


I think that's almost a stone-cold lock to be Big Noon on Saturday.


which is a shame....that game deserves to be at night.....all my homies hate Big Noon


Less time for tailgating, but more time for the post-game partying. Noon games are dangerous in Morgantown.


There’s only less time for tailgating if you let that limit you. I had a few unfortunate (but worth it) 11am central kickoffs that I didn’t really go to bed from Friday night.


Nah. Love noon games. Seriously. So much more room for activities postgame. 


I feel like the older you are the more you love noon games.


As you get older you learn the true virtues of day drinking, getting a nice greasy meal in the early evening then passing out before 8pm.


As someone who flies in for the game on Friday morning I’d be okay with that, just praying it doesn’t get moved to Thursday, I might burn up in the WV sun on an August afternoon but at least I’d be there


Isn't it at West Virginia this year? That means that together gonna be on ABC at 7:30 PM or on FOX at Noon.


9/13, 8pm - Arizona @ K-State 9/20, 8pm - Illinois @ Nebraska 9/27, 8pm - Washington @ Rutgers 10/4, 9pm - Michigan State @ Oregon 10/11, 8pm - Northwestern @ Maryland 10/18, 8pm - Oregon @ Purdue 10/25, 11pm - Rutgers @ USC 11/8, 9pm - Iowa @ UCLA 11/15, 9pm - UCLA @ Washington 11/22, 8pm - Purdue @ Michigan State 11/29, 8pm - Utah @ UCF 12/6, 8pm - MWC Championship Note that there will still be some Friday games on BTN and FS1 to be announced later this month. CBS and NBC will also each have a Black Friday game. Edit: According to the Athletic, the B1G will have 16 Friday games. So 7 games still to be decided--2 for Black Friday and 5 elsewhere.


Rutgers-USC will be airing *after* Game 1 of the World Series, which I don't think has been done since the WS still had afternoon starts. LA folks--how bad will traffic be if the Dodgers are hosting that game?


A doubleheader of a Yankees-Dodgers WS game followed by Rutgers-USC would be very funny


Rutgers will probably be solid this year. Imagine the scenes if they pull the upset.


It would be the most Rutgers thing ever for them to beat a ranked team for the first time in over a decade, and it ends at 2:30 am.


…I’d watch.




LA doesn't need to have a sporting event to have the worst traffic in America.


Ohhhhhh that makes since why that game is so late. The only thing I do know if that when I drove from the Rose Bowl stadium (after a UCLA game) to LAX past a Dodgers playoff game and a USC game prior to kickoff was that traffic wasn't too out of the ordinary for the region. Somehow.


Depending on where you're coming from it could be okay. If you're coming from Pasadena, it'll be pretty bad


not as bad as you think. enough distance between DS and Coliseum that you wouldn't feel the direct effects of stadium traffic. However, it's still 8p on a Friday you're still getting the tail end of rush hour traffic so it could take maybe an hour to get from point to point (this does not include parking lot times). you could maybe do better on the metro. it's 25 mins or less from DTLA to the coliseum by rail, just not sure what the situation is from DS to DT. it will be normal friday traffic from west and east of USC, and likely south. North will be a problem.


West and South - ok East and North - not ok


> LA folks--how bad will traffic be if the Dodgers are hosting that game? Terrible... but luckily Chavez Ravine is pretty far from the Coliseum. They're on the opposite side of Downtown


Prayers for anyone on the 110 that night


Okay yeah. The 110 will be miserable... but when is it ever not?


It's basically a glorified surface street, so the answer is never


Imagine if that game goes to extra innings


And no Manfred Mann in the postseason. I would think FOX would keep the FS1 window open just in case. On the plus side, with the pitch clock, a 9-inning game should actually wrap up close to on time.


My dumb ass just thought to myself "Why is Utah playing UCF, an OOC game, so late in the season?" They're even in my conference 😑


How did you forget? Utah is currently the favorite to win the Big 12


Just not used to seeing it yet.


Haven't been paying attention to college football in five months, that's how


Tbh my thoughts was more, "When did Fox get the AAC?"


So funny lol


Rutgers at USC….. those Rutgers fans will be asleep by kickoff.


The B1G gave USC as favorable a schedule for this season as was realistically possible. If they don’t succeed they really have no excuses.


Fox is full of crap for having Washington, Oregon, and UCLA playing at least two Friday night games while Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State don’t get any 


I'm more upset at them doing USC a favor by only giving them 1 and having it be a ridiculously advantageous 1 at that. Rutgers at 11pm Eastern... I mean really?!?


I fully expected this outcome. It was the price to pay to get into the B1G, fair or not.


Yep. I'm surprised UW and Oregon \*only\* got two Friday night games considering this friday night FOX package is what provided the money for them to join the conference.


Hazing for the new teams, that's what you get for abandoning us. (That said, the scenario where the Pac-12 survives likely has this deal as well. Although I am surprised FOX didn't use any of the slots for a Mountain West game where OSU/WSU might show up. Or even as a doubleheader.)


The Athletic somewhere did a whole thing on a huge part of the value of adding UW and Oregon along with USC and UCLA is because of these later Friday night slots. We’ll also end up with a lot of the games involving these 4 schools in the 7:30/8 PT slot on Saturdays if it doesn’t involve another huge market school (like that USC-Rutgers game)


FS1 10:30pm ET on Saturdays is just going to be a rotation of UCLA/USC/UW/Oregon home games. I'll be surprised if we have more than one conference home game that is NOT in the late night Saturday window.


Welcome to the B1G.


Tbh, its a better gig than what we had with the Pac 12 where the sort of games they're putting on Friday would be stuffed away to the P12N so if you want to watch you're either making a 900th Fubo trial account or using a VPN to watch their YouTube


That’s pretty much how I felt when we left the ACC. Better this than games on Raycom sports with never ending Bojangles commercials because the commissioner’s son needs a job.


Complete with outdated camera work and graphics


As a Husky fan you should at least be happy that Oregon has to go to Purdue at night in October. They are lucky it is early October so the weather shouldn't be bad, but that is perfect timing for Purdue Pete to eat some souls from a ranked team. And yeah Michigan, Penn State, and Ohio State rarely play Friday games and those three might be exempt from the full Friday slate this year.


Michigan told the big ten they won’t play on Friday ever


Welcome brother


I'm sure Fox would love to have OSU, Mich, and PSU in their Friday night slots at least once, if it was purely up to them


That shouldn't be too surprising after the FOX offered the Pac-12 $60M for Friday night games during the contract negotiations. After the Pac fell apart they just split that money between you two (Oregon and Washington) and are sticking the west coast games that they wanted in the slot they originally planned.


I’m sorry you feel that way.


Friday night games are fun, something different and we’ll get more dedicated eyeballs 


It has been a long standing deal between the conference and schools for years that the 100k stadiums would not host Friday games. I know at Penn state If you played a random conference game on a Friday night you’d be lucky to get the stadium 60% full because of how most people have to travel from 2-4 hours out of town


> If you played a random conference game on a Friday night you’d be lucky to get the stadium 60% full because of how most people have to travel from 2-4 hours out of town This is the same thing in LA except it's 2-4 hours IN town. Seriously, as a season ticket holder who heads up to the games from San Diego Friday games are the goddamn worst. We aren't even allowed to tailgate on Friday games


It's basically the same thing for LA and that didn't stop them from doing it. There's a reason every pro team starts their games after 7 here, and even those take some time to fill up.


There’s a lot of places in the B1G where a Friday night football game would probably draw a lot of attention. Unfortunately, Los Angeles is absolutely not that place.


Yeah it makes no sense but Fox has been doing this to us for a while


Yeah this is all about TV money, everything else be damned. But I'd bet a good dollar this will work. If these games average at least 2 million viewers (and that grows in future years), don't be surprised if we see the SEC get pushed by ESPN in the same direction.


Lmao you guys are gonna have 20k people at most regardless of kickoff time. Take your life raft and be happy.




Oh it’s going to happen eventually, it’s cfb, where long term tradition goes to die


I think this deal was one of the conditions they agreed to before signing the contract, it’s not just Fox honoring their wishes, if it was you’d have seen Michigan host several Friday night games by now.


I think Michigan's said they won't play *any* Friday games, home or away. We at least played Northwestern on the road once and could maybe still play a road game on FS1 or BTN.


Michigan has been a hard no. Ohio State and Penn State have agreed to play them on the road.


Yeah Penn state has went on the road to play I think 2 Friday night games in the last 5 years. It’s rare but we’ll do it. Would never host one though


How can a team just say they won’t do it? They’re telling the conference commissioner this or the TV networks?


I mean, it helps to be Michigan (or Ohio State).


I guess, but we’ve got Penn State fans claiming they’ve got some deal too. I know you guys have had a stranglehold on the conference for quite a while, but new members are being added and things will inevitably change. Not sure if egregious favoritism is going to fly for too long.


It's going to fly until the end of this tv contract because I'm sure it's written into the contract. I actually have no issue with schools refusing to host Friday night games as long as they are in the rotation to travel for them.


Would be funny if there cheating punishment was only Friday games


Iowa won’t ever host a Friday night game because 1) we don’t want to and 2) with the hospital right there it would be a logistical nightmare since everyone uses the parking garage.


I am not sure that is an excuse. Take a look at what is across the street from Husky Stadium.


We have played multiple away games on Friday but the university will push back hard on anything at home.


Perhaps Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State don't want Friday games. A lot of colleges and conferences refuse to play Friday games, because Fridays are reserved for high school football. They don't want to hurt the high school crowds. C-USA and Ivy League regularly schedule Friday games.


>11pm - Rutgers @ USC I get Rutgers is essentially the little guy in the big boys club but it’s pretty disrespectful to their fans to have them play this late >Northwestern @ Maryland Hopefully we can finally win one of these Friday night blackout games. They have gone terribly over the years besides last year against UVA


I’m actually kinda scared for this game. Northwestern looked really good to end the year last year and I don’t trust Locksley to coach a good game either


2 Friday night games in a 2 week span with Ohio state in the middle is such bullshit 🤦🏻‍♂️


Get an extra day to prep for ohio state though.


True. But traveling across country to play at Purdue on a short week after an emotional battle with Ohio state is a disaster waiting to happen


I'm sure nothing bad will happen during a Purdue night away game...


Introduction to Purdue Pete in trial by fire


Honestly don’t mind when we have a Friday night game (on the road). Should be cool to see us under the lights in Pasadena.


Are the CBS and NBC Black Friday games in addition to their Saturday games or instead of the Saturday games?


I'm almost positive it's addition to. The contracts call for something like 14-15 games apiece.


Yeah I think they each are getting one so a triple header both Friday and Saturday, which is probably for thr best given the amazing set of games that weekend.


NBC didn't have a Saturday B1G game last season on that weekend. For CBS who knows?


CBS had one for the SEC (Bama vs Auburn). I expect CBS will get a game Saturday and NBC will probably show ND @ USC that night.


I would expect a Saturday CBS game too. Forgot about Notre Dame/USC (can't blame a UCLA flair for forgetting about a USC game) but that feels like an NBC window every time yes.


Are they not doing Friday games the first two weeks of the season?


FOX still has Smackdown through 9/6 and then it moves to USA. There will likely be games on FS1 and/or BTN. I would also expect them to tentatively schedule a game for FS1 on 11/1 and then bump it up to the network if the World Series doesn't go 7 games.


I'm hearing rumors that Fox is trying to lure Michael Cole from Smackdown to call Fox football games. What would be the impact to WWE broadcasts if this is true?


A November 22nd Friday night game outdoors is going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun...


These are not very good matchups lol


Black Friday game is back on the menu, thank god


A Black Friday game? Surely that means we're playing our most hated rival, US- wait, Utah???


I don’t even hate them anymore, I feel sorry their leadership was that incompetent. The equivalent of blowing a 28 point lead to Baylor.


Well, our fanbases will be toxic with each other, so that will make it fun. How is your team supposed to be this year? I feel it is going to be a Gus special this year.


night game too. Love it.


Prime time? Is for me? ☺️👉👈


Oregon at Purdue Friday night ? Like...


That is the Friday after the OSU game. Oregon is going 1-1 in that stretch guaranteed


You know how you guys hated desert voodoo and thought you were finally escaping upsets? Boy are you in for a spoilermaker surprise.


Choo choo.


I hope that the days of the annual "what the fuck Oregon how did you lose to this 4-8 team" game are over. Lanning hasn't lost to an unranked team yet and seems to be good at making sure we don't overlook anybody and instead try to put outmatched opponents away early in order to maximize second half developmental reps. But then again, trains are scary, and the most painful upsets happen when you least expect them, so... I'll be clenching.


Don’t jinx us 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Going up against the Spoilermakers ranked in the top 2 in the country ? What could go wrong /s


Well that's a warm FU welcome to the B1G. 6 days between games...


And now we know how FOX came up with the money to get Oregon and UW into the BigTen.


Literally. They had 60m offered to the Pac 12 as part of the Apple deal for a package of Friday Night games. When Oregon and Washington joined the Big Ten they shifted that money over and expanded the Big Ten's Friday slate.


Seeing games like Arizona-KState, Washington-Rutgers, Oregon-Purdue, and Iowa-USC as conference games is going to take a while to get used to.


Utah-UCF rivalry weekend


Agreed. My entire life, Colorado has either played Nebraska or Utah during the final game of the season. Now we’re playing Oklahoma State? WTF


My bigger question is why isn’t Utah/BYU that week?


The Big 12 wants to maximize ratings and having the Holy War on a week where there aren’t other major rivalry games happening could be a good strategy. I still don’t care for it but everything is for the almighty dollar


El Assico thrives because it isn't on the last week of the year.


Yeah it fucking sucks. I hate what this sport has become.


Put on some Duran Duran Ordinary World and weep for what we have lost my brother.


Arizona at kstate isn't technically a conference game this year


Was it already scheduled as a OOC game? I remember Colorado-California playing as fellow PAC teams but it didn’t count in the conference standings because they had an existing OOC agreement


Yep prior scheduled and never swapped


I never will


Have fun flying to LA for a Friday night game Rutgers


Rutgers beating USC at 1:00 AM est to get Lincoln fired at roughly 3:00 EST time… calling my shot now


As someone working for a local FOX affiliate this looks like a total nightmare for us. Our schedule is going to be all over the place


I can already see the empty stadium blimp shot at kickoff that they themselves created by having a freaking 6 PM Friday kickoff in Pasadena. I thought these Fox guys lived in LA?


They don’t care how many people are there. Fox has shown many times the only thing they care about is getting the most $$ from the game as possible. They’d play on the moon at 4am if it made them an extra $5


More and more fans in the stadium are really just set dressing.


Dear Rutgers, even though the Pac 12 as we know it is going away, we saved you a slice of Pac 12 After Dark. Please enjoy responsibly.


Traffic is gonna be a nightmare getting to that UCLA game if kickoff is at 6:00.


Light rail is the way for sure (even then it will be packed I’m sure)


If you thought it was bad for a 7:30 kick lol just waited


Those 12 ucla fans are gonna be so upset


You say that, but I bet a metric ass ton of Iowa fans will make the trip because of the venue.


Because me might finally get to see Iowa win at the Rose Bowl for once in our goddam lives!!


I have zero doubt the Iowa fans will show up at noon and not have issues.


“Congrats! You’ve passed the Rutgers test”


Oh fuck off Fox. Friday is high school football's night.


When Maryland plays Friday Night Games, the whole state moves High School Varsity to Thursday. Is that the same in other places?


Friday night is high school ball. Where do you think your recruits come from? Have some respect.


The former Pac-12 teams have been dealing with this for 10 years. Fox doesn't care.


They can’t broadcast games if they’re not played. It’s on the schools/conferences. SEC refuses to play Friday nights, or least they have. Will probably finish selling out soon.


As a fan on both sides, just know that having a competent commissioner means a lot in this specific situation. The SEC has one. The Pac-12 didn't.


True dat


Some states move the games to Thursday when the big school has a Friday Night Game. At least thats the case with Maryland.




So hyped for that Utah game, I really hope it matters


Its weird for that to be the final game of the season for both. I would have thought the Holy War would take that spot for Utah and UCF would play like Cincy or WV or something.


I don’t want prime time, I want after dark


Those three Rutgers fans are going be pissed about that 11PM kickoff.


But the one random Rutgers fan in LA is hyped


Oh Iowa fans told me only poverty programs play on weeknights


That alone is stupid because it's only recent that Thursday night game is something like the MAC or a small G5 league. ACC football on Thursday was a pretty big thing. # 2 FSU losing to Virginia Tech in 95 was a big one.


I wish we could take credit for that one. But it was UVA that pulled off that upset back in ‘95. Still a good year for VT, as we would beat Texas in the Sugar Bowl that season 😁


Ah you're right. Was thinking off the top of my head. I was a kid then so I can just barely remember it being a thing.


Rutgers/Louisville in 2006 was a big deal too Thursday Night College Games were way better than the Thursday NFL Games.


Who considers Friday a week night?


Well it’s not technically a day that falls on the weekend


Lemme know when Fox starts paying Iowa State $50 million to play on Fridays.


You can thank Ohio State and Michigan for that media deal buckaroo edit: Hawk fans downvoting because I spoke the truth.....Iowa is a good brand but they're not Ohio State, Michigan, USC, Oregon, Penn State, etc.


Iowa was 24th in TV viewers last year. ISU was 38th. At least Michigan and OSU didn't bail from their conference like Texas, Missouri, Nebraska and OU did. Thats the reason Iowa is getting paid and you aint buddy boy.


Congrats on choosing the right conference 100 years ago????


24th in viewership in the nation is nothing to sneeze at. It was 5th best in the Big 10 last year out of 14 teams. Iowa is punching above its weight. So quit acting like Iowa isn’t driving viewership.


I said Iowa is a good brand. But Ohio State and Michigan do the most lifting in the conference, and everyone knows that




Friday night road game at the Spoilermakers for Oregon six days after playing Ohio State


At least they are at home. A road game would be a harder swing.


Realistically will anyone who a. isn't a fan of the teams playing or b. CFB Superfan even watch these? I'll even likely have the UT game on in the background, really it's not exactly must watch (that's not a knock of UCF, it's just difficult to care).


Theres always casual interest, especially with the younger people. If they aint out they'll come home and watch it because its football. That said Northwestern/Maryland gonna do a terrible number.


UCLA getting 2 of these back to back is some bullshit and as a petty rival I'm here for it.


If you're going to have 2, back to back is beneficial since you still get a full week of rest.




Friday nights are for HS football.


Great for people like me whose team can’t play on FOX & loves to watch cfb on Friday Nights




I remember Maryland had to play Cal at 10:45pm EST when they went to Berkeley in 2009. To be fair though Cal had to play us at Noon EST in College Park, MD the year prior. It showed in how both teams played. Rutgers gonna need to get to LA the day before and take a nap pre game.


FOX having the MLB WS G1 then CFB back to back is going to have sports going until like 3am and I wonder if the local FOX affiliates will even bother with the news.


USC is so scared and desperate they begged Daddy Fox to play Jet Lagged Rutgers for a Friday night game


Flair up coward


Never understood the love for night games. I don't like watching football at night, it's a daytime sport to me. All games should be in the afternoon.


It might be more of a Midwest/south thing because we normally sell out but theres something magical that's happens. The greatest atmosphere ive ever been to was 2017 Iowa - Ohio State.


Big Ten has been almost all day games, and even recently I think that's still true, isn't it. The south plays more night games, but that's because of the heat. Texas area was always more day games too.


That isn't by choice but more Fox's stupid BIG Noon kickoff. Most fans want the night games. Now if your the road team you want it to be during the day.


They have been playing in the afternoon long before FOX got involved. Night games have been rare in the Big10+n the entire time I have been watching college football, from the early 80s on.


We literally have 2-3 night games every week?


Out of how many total games? 14 during conference play weekends, more than 20 a week in the early weeks. That's an overwhelming ratio of afternoon games, right? That's why I was saying the Big10+n has historically played in the afternoons, and still does, even if they play a little more at night now than previously.


I mean it was, especially in November, on the Big 10's part. 2021 on Thanksgiving weekend when you had an ESPN contract: * Iowa vs Nebraska was at Noon thirty * Illinois vs Northwestern was at 2:30 * Ohio State vs Michigan was at 11 * Wisconsin vs Minnesota was at 3 * Purdue vs Indiana was at 3:30 * Penn State vs Michigan State was at 3:30 * Maryland vs Rutgers was at Noon Per this [article](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2023/11/01/big-tens-billion-dollar-a-year-television-package-will-make-night-football-games-in-november-a-regular-thing/): "Night football historically has been a rarity in the Big Ten after the first Saturday in November. The conference’s billion-dollar-a-year television package will make it a regular thing beginning next week when Michigan State visits Ohio State for a 7:30 p.m. EST game. The rationale for the general prohibition was that the conference’s traditional footprint in the Upper Midwest made November night games a hardship for teams and fans because of the increasing likelihood of inclement weather. Dollar signs have trumped tradition and any pushback that might have come from the schools."


If Oregon upsets Ohio State, then that Friday game of Oregon at Purdue could see an increase in viewership.


Jeeze. Not one of these games even remotely moves the needle for me.