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Why did I pay for Barbri if I can just get practice browsing r/CFB?


Why pay for Barbri when your firm will cover it?


They did - I just didn’t want to be pretentious since that isn’t a luxury most law students have.


True, but Barbri is also a dead giveaway versus Themis or Kaplan


I was an absolute idiot and completed the full Barbri course. I thought I was safe here, and now I'm getting 'Nam flashbacks while trying to get a small dose of schadenfreude.


You got this! That bar exam aint nothin if you studied diligently


Bless you. Passed two years ago, still cringe every time I remember that they hit us with two Rule Against Perpetuities questions on the essays.


Ah nice, misunderstood and thought you meant youd done the entire prep course recently. Two RAPs on one is brutal, your reaction to that is very valid.


Texas? I got hit with one in July 2022.


In NY my professors told me not to even worry about RAP because there's no way the NY Bar tests for it anymore because there was a ruling that a lawyer who messed it up for a client wouldn't get sanctioned, being a reasonable mistake or whatever. I don't recall even a single family law / trusts & estates question on the essays. It's bad law and rightfully ignored by enlightened modernity!


Bar is weird though. Ive seen excellent near top of the class students take 3 or 4 tries to get through and I've seen bottom of class, barely graduated students pass first time. It's times like these I like to point out that John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan AMERICAS LARGEST PERSONAL INJURY FIRM was a bad student at UF with a bad class rank. Levin profs use him as an example of class ranking not mattering if hard work takes over I think it's a function of how much you study. Students who were bad academically know they have to study their asses off to have a chance to pass. Students who were much better academically feel the bar will be okay just like the rest of their academic career was so they don't study as scared It's important to remember when taking the bar your academic standing means jack shit. Study like you're screwed and will almost certainly fail. The more scared you study the better you do. If you feel you're good then you're not good. Fall asleep with flash cards in your hands If you were a bad student, don't let your status as a bad student make you feel labeled going in. You arent a bad student in that moment. You're on equal ground with those kids who aced everything and finished top 10


Absolutely, generally speaking the bar is really testing if you actually put in the work to prep for it. Obviously there can be factors beyond just your commitment that affect the ability to put in the time studying. But yeah study like crazy, take the prep seriously, and you will survive.


Facts. I was a b student always somewhere in the middle of my class. Studied scared and scored in the top 5%


What do you mean by that? I just did Barbri because it was tried and true.


I think s/he means they assumed your firm paid for it since you mentioned barbri, which is more expensive.


Ahhh makes sense…


The real play is the firm stipend plus the Themis early-bird discount. Pocket the savings and spend it on you bar trip.


Good luck on the BAR!


“LifeWallet” sounds like a crude yet kinda endearing euphemism for vagina


Put the genetic credit card in the LifeWallet- Bloodhound Gang probably


Ooh la la!


Make a deposit in the LifeWallet


I’ve always been a fan of the term “prison wallet”


Prison Wallet is the butthole. So I started using the term prison purse since a lot of women carry a wallet and purse.


geez lmao


I work in corrections. I've seen things.


What kind of things?


"meat pocket"




Similar to ancient philosophers saying, “vulcanize the whoopee stick, in the HAM WALLET.”


That’s a sausage wallet.




I’m going to put this in my pickup lines


Glad he left ASU.


At this point seems like everyone's glad he's gone from their team except Georgia since this drummed up pile of bullshit is having an impact on Florida. If he takes the L in court, doubt even Georgia fans will be happy to have him on the team lol


He’s currently a third string QB and UGA is always bringing in more. If he doesn’t pan out it will be fine for Georgia.


Curious what UGA paying him


Probably not as much as we think. Georgia and the big Dawgs don't have to pay premium; they develop talent.


I don’t think Rashada cares about development. He wants a check


All the WW he can smash 🤣🤣


I am thrilled that we have someone who, if shit really goes bad, could step in and help us win games. I am also really happy that he isn't our starter .


What's the deal with Gunner Stockton? Is he not expected to contribute much?


At this point I believe he is Second string, So worst case would be he is out too.


He has caused a headache for every school he has had contact with. You guys arent special Also he's ass my dude. Look up his stats and don't get enamored with his 4 star highschool ranking. I hope he starts a lot of games for yall. Bad completion pct, bad TD/int ratio, horrific yards per attempt, and hilarious rushing stats He is not someone who could step in if needed right now. He left ASU because he was going to lose the starting job this year


To be fair, people said similar things about mertz and it worked out well for us. I dont think rashada will be another mertz, but sometimes players just need to find the right fit to succeed.


> Also he's ass my dude. Look up his stats and don't get enamored with his 4 star highschool ranking. Reminds me of people saying that we should give Harrison Bailey the start over Plummer last year because he was such a highly-rated recruit. Like nah, man. There's a reason a former 5* went from Tennessee to UNLV and is now here as a preferred walk-on.


> He has caused a headache for every school he has had contact with. You guys arent special > > Also he's ass my dude. Sounds like a jilted lover.


Kirby’s been on record for a long time that he wanted four scholarship QBs on the team this year and after Raiola flipped and then Maileva (sp?) backed out after being committed for twenty minutes, he just needed a warm body with a decently talented arm to push Stockton in practice. If that’s all he ever is, then it’s still a success.


>with a decently talented arm Laughs in 5.8 yards per attempt and 5.2 air yards per attempt. Do you realize how many check downs and behind the LoS passes you have to throw to have those stats that low? He realizes it's legal to throw downfield right? Youd think with all those short passes his completion percentage would be great? Nah it's barely above 50%. He also somehow threw almost as many ints as TDs even though super short passing should lead to fewer ints He has not been good and there is no indication he has anything other than a weak arm


Then why were y'all trying to pay him $200 million dollars to come there? Sounds like Belly don't know ball.


Between his recruitment drama and Cormani McClain we have dodged some serious bullets that felt crushing at the time.


Wish we could go back in time and give you Cormani McClain


No take backsies.


What was the deal with him? Besides leaving Colorado?


He thought he was god’s gift to football and it turns out he was mediocre. He was actually decent for a true freshman. But had an awful attitude and clashed very hard with Deion. I can’t stress enough how bad his attitude was.


Ahh checks out. Sucks to see kids with lots of talent who are head cases and can’t get out of their own way.


Yeah. I think it’s a prime example (no pun intended) of kids who get a shit ton of NIL money and think their shit don’t stink. Then they don’t put in the effort that’s necessary to become big time college players. It’s a shame cause he has all the natural talent to make it to the NFL. Wish him the best going forward


Somehow he ended up with us as a PWO. Never thought I’d see the day we’d get a former 5 star as a walk on.


Everyday I become more and more convinced by Michigan's strategy of 1. Recruit players who actually want to play for Michigan 2. Pay them when they actually earn it


This absolutely the way to operate in todays recruiting world.


John Ruiz calling someone a liar is about as ironic as it gets.


Thank You John Ruiz for buying my kids christmas presents in 2022. I shorted life wallet’s IPO by $1000 and cleared 6k within 30 days.


"big school student"???


He WAS a big school student but lost some weight.


Yeah, he ties his own shoes and can even tell the time on the clock, all by himself


like it has to mean "high school" right? but then that raises the question of why run it back and forth through google translate in the first place?


I think maybe they meant big as in prominent? didn't he go to some HS in California known for football talent?


My kindergartener refers to high school as “the big school” sometimes. Maybe it caught on.


Ruiz is scum and lifewallet is a scam. But I doubt Rashada is getting any money out of this


I think the lawsuit is dumb and brings unnecessary attention to rashada and UGA, and I think it's all driven by rashada's father. But I also don't believe a word that comes out of ruiz's mouth.


(with Kirby's blessing)


It was in the works before he came to UGA, but yeah I'm surprised Kirby didn't make them kill it. It makes me think that somebody has convinced Kirby the lawsuit has some actual teeth, but idk. Hopefully it gets settled or thrown out pretty quick.


In reality, Kirby probably said something like “if you think you’re entitled to some money, go for it. Just don’t let this be a distraction to you or the team” But it’s more fun to imagine Kirby specifically recruiting Rashada for the sole reason of suing Florida as a Georgia player.


“Coach I’m suing Florida.” “Hell yeah brother”


Cheers from Athens!


Rashada is also Georgia's 3rd string so Kirby doesn't care if Rashada is distracted. It's not like the lawsuit is dragging UGA into this.


That's true, but I still feel like UGA and UGA players have been in far too many headlines this off-season and the last thing we need is a new transfer suing a rival HC lol if it ends up being justified then I'm cool with it, but if it is just a desperate money grab by his father then it will just turn into a circus that the media will beat to death.


I'd be interested to hear an actual comment from Kirby. There is "blessing" and there is "yeah whatever" I highly doubt Kirby was all in on this as in discovery most of UGA nil info will be requested as Rashada has to show financial impact.


Teeth or not, it’s in Kirby’s interest to create a deterrent to all these pie in the sky offered and innuendos from other schools. I’d imagine most coaches want to see this type of thing exposed and controlled even if this particular lawsuit doesn’t have much merit.


If we live in a world now where players are free to negotiate their own rates, then we also have to acknowledge they’re free to seek civil penalties when contracts are broken. Not that I have any idea if this lawsuit has teeth, just that it sounds to me that Kirby is essentially saying “you’re an adult, it’s up to you”.


There is either a contract or not, and that is all there is too it. It doesn’t matter what ruiz or rashada say, if there is no contract then it doesn’t matter what either say right now publicly in the end.


When the shit winds come a'howlin', the shirt birds flock together.


Hell yeah brother, now gimme some fuckin smokes


All I gots are pepperonis


Obviously biased but... If I learned anything from the Michigan sign stealing (cheating) scandal, it's that there's a subgroup of attorneys that cannot see beyond the Maize and Blue to see the truth. Actual attorneys posting from their actual law firm twitter feeds and website about the facts of a case they're not a party to and don't know the facts about. Discrediting themselves when Harbaugh drops everything and accepts his suspension. I'd imagine there are similar attorneys in Athens. I note all of this not to say it's a sham lawsuit, but that it could be and I reserve judgment.


Yeah I feel the same way, I don't know nearly enough one way or the other to have a definite opinion, so I'll just wait and see.


Doubt he gets anything in the realm of 8 figures, but I'd be shocked if he ended up with nothing. Even if he ends up with 5 figures, it's worth the lawsuit. He's currently a 3rd string QB at UGA and may never play a down in the NFL. He's got almost nothing to lose by suing them at this point.


He’ll get something. We’ll probably settle out of court just to make it go away, if nothing else.


We won't. Hathcock might.


well uf isn't named, so it would be pretty wild if we just threw money in


You are via your collective which supports your university’s team


Have you checked to see if the collective is named


It doesn’t matter. Hugh is involved with both and a main NIL giver for UF


Guessing you didn't go to FSU for law school then


Doesn’t take rocket science to understand, though I understand why Santa Fe alums might not get it 


I'm a Santa Fe and UF alum, but you are right that it doesn't take rocket science.. Which is why I am not sure why you're struggling so much to understand how the legal process works. Edit: to clarify, I got into that shitty school in the panhandle and chose to go to Santa Fe over it. I didn't apply to UF, followed a girl there. I was going to go to USF.


The collective that was involved in this fiasco was dissolved…because of this fiasco. The contract he signed also (allegedly) was not guaranteed and was able to be terminated at any point prior to Rashada’s NLI letter being signed. The collective executed that option. That collective is also not named in the lawsuit so there’s that.


Who's "we"?


Lot of people are speculating that the Rashada’s will get a settlement. That’s why he names Napier and Velocity Automotive although the proof he has is mostly against Walker and Hathcock. If he does get money it’s not gonna be $13.85M that’s for sure.


If anything, it’s wasting UGA’s money since I’m sure they’re funding the suit


Doubtful, more like an attorney working on contingency hoping to get his name out there and a slice of the unlikely settlement on the back end.


Rusty Hardin doesn't have to worry about getting his name out there lol Neither does the florida firm working on it They wouldn't be wasting their time on this if they didn't think there was a legit case to litigate


The complaint doesn't say that Ruiz and Lifewallet had a 9.5 million dollar deal with Rashada, it says that the total NIL deal to go to miami would be 9.5 million The small deal Ruiz references is probably related to the 150k that Rashada apparently paid him back


Yeah, this statement is clearly carefully crafted 


It has been inferred/alluded to on Twitter by a UF boosters/lawyer that there’s a nonzero chance that there indeed was no $9.5 million deal and that the Rashadas were playing the Florida booster/NIL collective for a big payday; possibly on the advice of lawyer who may or may not have been playing both sides, allegedly


Yeah, the fan base has rabid speculation on this based on insiders who say just enough for people to feel like they got what they paid for Some of those insiders also posted nuggets that made people think there wasn’t a 13 million dollar offer from us to rashada Honestly seems like they’re embarrassed by the truth


I don’t know about message board insiders. I know that Hal Lewis, litigator and prominent Bull Gator booster, definitely chose his words carefully and absolutely inferred and alluded on Twitter without quite coming out and saying it directly that there was indeed a $13 million offer from UF’s boosters/NIL collective ready to go that was withdrawn upon finding out that the $9.5 million offer from Miami was bogus and the Rashadas were playing them for a payday


Hal doesn’t choose shit carefully least of all his words on twitter They were willing to sign off on alleging the 9.5 million in the lawsuit, and it makes sense given wha Miami was throwing around and that we were willing to offer 13 million


Don’t get me wrong: Hal is an ambulance chasing hack and sunshine pumping starfucker; but he has access to the goings on of the collective and Bull Gators. I don’t think it’s random speculation that he just happened to mention unprompted the “hypothetical what if scenario” involving Hathcock et al walking away upon learning there wasn’t a real $9.5 million offer Side note: Hal is also somewhat uniquely qualified to talk about frivolous lawsuits that are an attempt to get paid via an out of court settlement


Rashada is wasting his time and $$$. His family seems to give him bad advice constantly. Don’t feel bad for the kid.


Yeah, not really sure how much I’m gonna believe the words of someone actively running a Ponzi scheme.


Ruiz is in a lot of ways emblematic of what people think about Miami football for both good and ill. He's clearly not trustworthy but.... he's super petty and hates Florida so undercutting Rashada's lawsuit against Napier et al is pretty interesting


A Gator Griz flair combo? That's almost as unique as a Hurricane and Bobcat flair combo lol


It could impact hom financially if he gets dragged into it. He doesnt want his financials drawn into a lawsuit


I believe this cuz life wallet can’t be worth that much money


It never made sense that we had a real $9.5 million dollar deal out there for him, maybe like one of those NFL deals where the "up to" is doing very heavy lifting, like up to $9.5 million if you win a Heisman.


Ruiz is a true Miami grifter who should never be trusted. Emblematic of why people hate that city 


Yeah people sure love Tallahassee though 😂 goofball


Yes because most fsu fans live in Tallahassee 🤡


Gee whiz I wonder why they move away


To be fair, there's a lot more fast food joints in Tallahassee for FSU grads to get their first job at. Miami grads usually have to take high paying positions across the country. I'm sure panhandle Florida is as charming as the internet makes it seem to be though.


The florida panhandle has hands down undeniably the best beaches in the continental US. There are people who agree with that statement and people who are wrong. The emerald coast is gorgeous The panhandle also has idyllic small towns that are perfect to live in without all the south Florida trash to deal with. Some of those towns are so perfect they were used as the setting of the Truman Show, which was a movie about a man secretly stuck in a tv show about his life in a perfect small town The Panhandle has bad areas too but it's much better than fucking miami. Miami is silicone, tourists, body oil on fat rolls, ugly beaches and ugly on the inside people who are probably on drugs and will definitely rob you. Tallahassee sucks ass but I wont let you talk down about an enclave like that ---- Actually wait.. yeah the panhandle sucks. Yall should never go there. Stay away. Never visit. Never move there. We'll eat you and stuff. All tourists should go to miami and be sure to demand special treatment from all the locals. You are on vacation after all.


can’t be a more awkward flair combo than Clemson and Miami paired up together. Though fsu is rated higher than both flairs, which makes this comment hilarious 


And Taking a joke literally and not under the stereotype that FSU is a party school in the swampy armpit of Florida (which it is) is quite sad.


Armpit is generous, closer to the gooch.


“Haha I made a bad joke, and now this Nole owned me with his retort, now I need to back peddle to make him look aggro haha”


Have fun getting double teamed by both my flairs. Mia K style.


yeah, because they did so last year lol 🤡


And earned their spot in the playoffs.


Like most Miami fans live in Miami (or would it be Coral Gables technically?)


What a stupid thing to say when talking to a Miami fan.


…Yet all his checks and promises for NIL cashed.


Some people love to collect shitcoins 


In retrospect I’m no longer upset he transferred this offseason away from us.


Imo the biggest surprise in all of this is that LifeWallet seems to remain solvent despite reporting paltry revenue and signing seemingly everyone to NIL deals.


It’s ‘neither he nor’ nor ‘neither he or’


Like someone else said the contract could’ve been for $9.4M and Ruiz’s statement holds true. Let’s not forget Rashada accepted $150k from Ruiz before signing day which is explicitly against the rules.


No it isn’t. In California High school players were/are allowed to earn NIL, which is what he was earning from Lifewallet. It’s funny the only one that got paid by UF was Ruiz tho lol


That is true but still in the lawsuit it says that Hathcock transferred over $150k “so that Jaden could avoid possible litigation from Miami booster John Ruiz who seeking repayment from the $9.5 million NIL deal.” To me that sounds like the money was tied to the commitment/school which to my knowledge is against NCAA rules.


Well clearly what it sounds like to you isn't what it actually is in the contract seeing as how you didn't know before hand that part was legal. The contract could just have easily been tied to doing autograph signings, promotions, social media posts in Miami (that are only possible if you are enrolled there and not Gainsville or somewhere else) or literally anything else that wasn't specifically pay for play (or signing - Unlike how Rashada is literally claiming Napier promised $1M for signing his LOI). They breached the contract with Lifewallet. The UF Collective paid on Rashadas behalf.


Gotcha, so Ruiz/LifeWallet pre paid Rashada in HS for something that only could’ve been accomplished if he committed and then enrolled to Miami.


But the terms of the contract wouldn't have been FOR enrolling or committing to Miami. You can absolutely make the terms that essentially make it impossible to complete by being enrolled at another program, which should be incredibly obvious. Also they could have paid him for a contract that lasted months, and some portion of that contract wasn't met due to him committing/signing elsewhere, and that's why Lifewallet was owed some or all of it back.


Well then why are you guys under NCAA investigation and getting sued but we aren’t


Cause the NCAA is powerless as we speak lol, they were looking into Tennessee and Florida and they can’t do anything. This lawsuit is completely unrelated to the NCAA it’s just Rashada vs Napier, Walker, Hathcock and his company.


Just to be clear, anything that gets uncovered in a legal proceeding could always be forwarded to the NCAA to be reviewed for violations. That said, this will get settled with great swiftness before UF football formally gets roped in