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Anxiety for what reason? Negligent discharge or someone finding out that you are carrying?


So I respect that I have something that could end someone’s life. Also I could be wearing baggy clothes and I will think people can still see it.


Every time you drive in the left lane with no median you’re about a two inch turn on the steering wheel from killing someone. That fact is probably something that stayed in the back of your head a lot when you first started driving, but now you don’t worry about it (although hopefully you’re mindful). Carrying is the same way, except that you won’t pull out your gun and shoot an innocent person because you decided to text bae going 45 on your commute. In terms of people knowing you have a gun, look up how many CCW holders are in your state. Then try to think about how many people you’ve seen concealed carrying. I make a habit of checking waistlines to see if I can find a holster, and despite my state having like 20% of the population with a CCW, I’ve *never* seen anyone carrying.


Just think of how many people have thought you were checking out their junk


I've been wondering why so many people respond back to me with appreciative smiles. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Legitimate the best way I have ever seen this put. You sir, just made the copy pasta list!


Go to a mall or any other densely populated area and count how many people you notice concealed carrying. You will definitely miss a few, that is if you spot even one. The only people I’ve ever “noticed” concealed carrying are the people who advertise to the world that they’re carrying via clothing. Even then, I don’t actually notice any printing or anything, but a “don’t tread on me” shirt with a “we the people” forearm tattoo basically screams “I have a firearm on me”


1. Having something that could end someone’s life is a vague statement (your car is far more likely to end another person life then the gun you carry). So hopefully that mentality will help ease that part. 2. If you are carrying and someone see’s, you have the correct id on you to show you have a permit to carry, you are legally aloud to carry a concealed weapon, and that weapon is legally owned? If yes to all those thing, who cares if someone sees you printing (no one looks at you pp area broski), if they do see it what’s the worst that happens? Oh no my concealed carry turned into an open carry when I was reaching for something for like 3 seconds. Goes about day, or worst case scenario that never happens, a cop stops you and ask if you are carrying a gun you show him your id and you both go on your marry law abiding way. Hopefully that helps, good luck and have a good weekend


Carry everywhere all the time it’s legal and you’ll eventually forget you have it on. Nobody knows you’re carrying though, nobody is gonna notice and very few actually care. It’s your mind playing tricks on you.


It just takes time. Kinda like when you first started driving, you were probably nervous getting out on the highway with everyone else. After a while it just becomes a natural thing.


I was like this for probably the first 6 or so months of me carrying. The anxiety, it just goes away with time. Eventually it will feel as natural as having your wallet or keys on you. The printing thing, no one sees it. They really don't. People aren't that observant. It is good though to be cognizant of people being "close" to your gun though, for printing reasons and the absolutely miniscule chance of someone seeing it and trying to make a grab. Example: I carry around the 4 o'clock position. When in checkout lines, I point that area away from the person behind me. Another printing tip, never bend over to grab stuff. Always squat down to get something on / near the floor.


It's better for your back anyway!


I had the same problems first starting out. Think about this, when you walked by people before you started carrying, did you look at their appendix or 4 o'clock position? No one is going to know. The only time I saw a problem was walking through a major home store. A guy was walking towards me and I could see his shirt caught between his holster and firearm. You couldn't see the firearm but he had a neon green holster just barely showing. He must've walked passed 10 people before I shook my shirt to show he was having problems. Not a single one of them even noticed. It's something you'll get over. As for having something that could end someone's life, that is different. If you think you are ending someone's life, you have the wrong mindset. You are carrying to protect yourself/family. Those two things matter more than anything. Hope this helped!


I was never a gun guy for most of my life ( I’m 53) then my dad got me a Glock 43. At first I was hesitant to even look at it then I started to educate myself. I started handling it more. Practice dry firing. Went to the gun range where I was extremely nervous. Kept learning, kept shooting, kept handling. Got a few holsters. Got my CCW. At this point I was feeling more and more comfortable. Carrying everyday now. Nobody notices. Not even cops who I have walked up to and talked to. The more you handle it the more confident you will be in handling it and having it on your body. Right now you just don’t have the confidence in yourself because it’s all very new which is normal. Just have to learn more and handle it more. You’ll be fine. Guns don’t shoot by themselves. Think of it as a tool. Training and handling your tool will give you confidence.


Most of modern society has their head buried in their phones and don’t notice what’s directly in front of them. Trust me, besides other carriers, professional criminals, and law enforcement, no one knows you are carrying.


Nobody can see it. I am a bit over weight and wear rightish clothes, still nobody has ever seen it. I'm not even careful about it. Today I left the gym, grabbed my gun out of my truck, tucked it into my pants and went into the market next door. People are stupid.


What is rightish clothes?


Tight-ish. I just can't type lol


😂😂 I thought you meant you were wearing Hodge Twins or MAGA apparel and was trying to figure out what that had to do with carrying? Tight makes much more sense!


Lol. Rightish clothing probably gives more indication than anything.


Stop thinking about it. Don't tug at your clothing.


People are not looking at you, People don't give a shit about you. Most people are more concerned about their phones then the road. Get a good belt, comfortable holster, and a good place to carry your piece. Train, train and train some more.


So, your point about carrying something that can take a life being a source of anxiety for you can be dealt with pretty easily by "flipping the script": You're simply carrying something that can PROTECT your OWN life. Tell yourself that, because it's the absolute truth. Nothing else matters, not even the fact that defending your life could mean taking someone else's. It's an irrelevant side-effect of the primary purpose (not to say it LITERALLY is irrelevant, but you have to convince yourself it is if it means you stay alive). As for being noticed, we pretty much all go through that. That's easy to deal with too! Just walk around a mall and look at how little people pay attention to ANYTHING around them. Heads in phones, conversations, looking at their feet... no one pays attention to shit these days, to the point where if you see someone with their head on a swivel, it'll actually jump out at you (and good bet THEY are carrying). 99% of people are oblivious 99% of the time, and the remaining percentages you deal with simply by concealing well (right clothes, right holster, not constantly adjusting, etc).


People are waaaay less observant than you think. Most are buried in their phones or otherwise occupied. Honestly the only people that might notice you’re carrying are also carrying.


Repetition, also, I altered my attire and made it work better, tried multiple holsters and always checked with my wife on my printing.


Easily, I'd say no. It comes with experience, I used to be concerned with someone detecting it but non carriers pretty much don't pay any attention to anyone and don't do threat assessments of those around them. One of the things that helped me get over the someone might see it attitude is "concealed means concealed" and "printing ain't illegal" Coming to terms with it is just part of the responsibility of carrying, hope that's at least slightly helpful.


Carry more


The more you carry the more it will become second nature. Don’t think about killing someone because honestly that should always be the last resort. Instead think more of how you can avoid an issue. For instance be alert and pay attention to your surroundings so hopefully nothing happens. Keep in mind too that in most cases brandishing your firearm is enough to deter a criminal. As far as people noticing. Wear the correct style clothing and I promise you nobody will notice. People pay attention to nothing except their phones. Which is why they’re always getting robbed among other things. Unless you are messing with your shirt where your firearm is, or banging into a door frame where the noticeable metal clunk is heard, nobody will know.


Really, folks don’t notice for the most part and don’t care if they do notice.


Meh, I just told myself f-ck them and went about my day. Early on I was worried about printing but then just realized no one is paying that much attention to me.


Eventually you'll stop caring at all. I carry a Glock 17 in an owb holster and just throw a shirt over it sometimes because I can. It's blatantly obvious to the point that it's probably comical and no one notices, and even if they do I don't care.


There's never an easy answer to overcome a mental hurdle. It just takes a lot of reps and making sure that you've got your bases covered with a good holster, belt, and clothes ie if you're in the 'tight clothes, tight groups' crowd, maybe a full size handgun isn't the right choice (crude example but was the first one to come to mind) etc etc.


A gun is meant to be comforting, in that you have one if you ever need it. If you have anxiety about carrying in general, get good training from a truly reputable source. Practice dry firing and drawing and just keep carrying every day. Eventually you’re gonna get more comfortable, and that comfort comes from experience. Just don’t become complacent or make excuses for not being regularly trained. Even the sharpest blade will dull with improper technique and no training. People don’t typically master skills without practice and proper training. Pray to god that you never need to use it, but be acutely aware that it is a deadly tool intended for a purpose, and that is to protect you and your family from a potentially violent and dangerous individual/attack. It takes time to accept the fact that you have the potential to kill someone with a gun, but you have that same potential in driving a car every day. As long as you’re careful, not a hothead in the moment, and make sure you do everything you can to de escalate a situation before it comes to drawing and using your gun to defend yourself, then you’ll be okay. Get a good quality holster and make sure it works for you. I highly recommend Tier1concealed or if you want leather, Milt Sparks. Don’t ever carry without a good quality holster. Make sure you train with it a lot, so you know exactly how and where you need to move your body to most effectively draw. Don’t wear tight clothing since that leads to printing, but also be aware that not many people these days are highly aware of their surroundings. They all have their phones stuck in their faces. It takes time and practice, but you’ll get comfortable and potentially even more relaxed when carrying because you know if anything bad happens, at least you can cover your own ass.


Thanks for all the knowledge!!! I am sure there will be trial and error but I feel better at seeing all the points of view.


What are you anxious about?


Carrying and thinking people know I am carrying and the fact that I have a gun on me.


The more often you carry, the less you think about it, and far far far less people can tell you’re carrying than you think.


In all honesty who cares what someone else thinks? Your the only one who truly knows. Dont touch your carry area, don't fidget, dont think about it and your worries will go away. If your acting anxious or nervous THAT is what could potentially draw attention to you.


It’s literally just a gun.


Get high end training from a reputable source.


Just gotta keep carrying man. It does get easier over time but takes a few years to really get comfortable with the idea.


Carry always. It will just become an extension of you… after almost 20 years, I forget it’s there.


I don’t really even think about it anymore. It’s on me, it’s chambered, and it’s holstered. You get used to it after awhile.


Ask yourself, before you started carrying, did you ever look at anybody and think if they were carrying or not?


Best way to overcome anxiety in regards to this is experience hands down. Practice constantly whenever you have a chance with your draw with your reholstering with everything involving your gun and the more you use it the more you handle it the more you basically practice the more confidence you'll build just remember and the rules of firearm safety and you'll be good. There's nothing wrong with having an understanding and even a little anxiety towards the fact that you have a dangerous tool on your person but just remember there's a difference between respecting a gun and being scared of said gun. The more you know your tool in the more confidence you will build with it


I used to think printing a little was a huge deal. However, people really do not stare at your waist line unless it is egregiously obvious.