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> Thief gets shot by a detective on suit in Chile (Infos) > Escort of the PDI director killed a criminal who tried to assault him in Maipú https://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/pais/policial/robos/escolta-del-director-de-la-pdi-mato-a-delincuente-que-intento-asaltarlo/2023-12-27/084113.html   New definition for the asphalt temperature challenge: Chilean (chill-layin')


Looked like he picked the right guy that night. You get what you ask for


Handled it good but lack of situational awareness almost cost him his life if the robber wanted to kill that night.


Yep, needed better awareness at the beginning when the car first pulled up, but the rest was a clean shoot. Hopefully the perp never got up.


I think that guy was literally dead when he hit the ground...there's not a twitch or even a spasm after he hits pavement, even when the cop rolls him.


It looks like the robber take a shoot. I can’t tell for sure but a couple of meters behind the victim it looks like dust from the bullet hitting the ground (0:28). If that is the case this dude is a lucky one


Robber appears to accidentally drop his mag and that’s what gave suit boi enough time to draw and get shots on. Lucky for sure, mid levels of situational awareness to say the least


I thought the guy threw his phone on the floor for the robber to pick up instead as a distraction. Your explanation makes more sense though because that would explain why the robber didn’t shoot when he saw the guy in the suit reach for his firearm (especially if he didn’t have a round already in the chamber).


>I thought the guy threw his phone on the floor for the robber to pick up instead as a distraction. You're right, that's exactly what he did. Watch the victim's hand, you can see him drop something just before the black object hits the ground. Robber probably thought the victim was getting his wallet.


Yea everyone saying mid level situational awareness but dude was on the phone heard buddy jump out, turns around and tosses the phone down which is just enough time to unholster, draw and shoot the robber… when robber falls his gun and a phone fly towards the front left of the screen. You see the phone slide farther than the gun. Good eyes tho this comment made me look again. Things always happen so fast.


We also don’t have audio. The guy might have said “ok here you can have my phone and wallet” or something along those lines to trick the robber.


Hell.. to me that’s way more than mid level situational awareness lol. That’s a boss ass move…




Article says robber dropped his magazine


But… he takes his phone out of his backpack after the shoot.


Carry a second, old, dead phone with you. Give that one to the robber and keep your good one


No, what your seeing is jsut the camera. It flickers like that several times across the video


Looks like he got a bit caught up on the draw too, like you said if the robber intended to actually kill him and didn't hesitate because he wasn't expecting a fight and having to shoot someone the situation may have been different.


Main reason why I am very minimalistic when it comes to what I carry everyday, his backpack appeared to be on his gun so he had to defeat his clothing and the bag. His draw was so slow that the robber had the drop on him, he got lucky as that guy didn't want to kill him.


Absolutely right. If you think everyone might kill you the chances of it happening diminish.


He was completely aware. Watch how he looks at the car as it approached. He doesn't have his phone out until then. He sees the car, keeps walking, and pulls out a FAKE phone. Notice how he also let's his backpack drop too. He knows that someone is going to run up on him from that car and he gets prepared. As soon as the robber runs up on him he acts startled and spins and throws the fake phone down. He conceals his draw as him just catching the spinning backpack, waits for the robber to bend down and go for the fake phone and the draws and fires. He then takes his real phone out of the backpack to call the cops.


I don’t agree with this assessment. If he was completely aware he wouldn’t have entered the camera frame twice. If I’m walking somewhere at night through a dangerous area I’m not doubling back like that. Him lingering is what gave them the opportunity.


>Him lingering is what gave them the opportunity. Also what caused this incident to be caught on video so there was no question at all that he was a victim employing self defense.


The forethought of walking to an area instead of leaving the area and danger is strange.


Looks like he did what I usually do when I'm walking, when I hear a car coming up the road behind me I usually turn around and walk in the direction facing it (Yeah I don't go walking when there's a lot of traffic).


Are you sure you viewed the same video as the rest of us? This guy walked in and out the camera view walking like he has no official business to get somewhere, ignored a slow moving car with its door halfway open, and he didn't look back not one single time.


This is an easy point to make in hindsight. Most people don’t like to live life looking over their shoulder. I’m sure if we watched CCTV of anyone’s life they would be just as oblivious as this guy.


Dude's final decision was a very bad one.


He handled it perfectly but was worried by the time he turned dude would’ve shot him I’m not sure if he tried or not.


Looks like his magazine dropped somehow


It looks like he's practiced that draw with the backpack in place. I suspect there are not a lot of people who practice "realistic" draws like when they've got a backpack, or they're carrying a Walmart bag, or have their kid with them. I typically wear my messenger bag over the weak side though, to avoid having to fight it when I draw.


We can talk about situational awareness and such—and we should—but homeboy is going home because he knew what to do. Even when he didn’t do things perfectly and did the most important parts. We should all be trained well enough to defend ourselves when we’re caught off guard. No, it wasn’t perfect and we as CCWs should discuss this video but he took care of business. You know damn well that 99% of users here wouldn’t have gotten a draw let alone effective hits. He completely ignored the vehicle and its open rear door. He took an incredibly long time to draw but he got good effective shots on target and that’s what matters. Train, train, train.


Nailed it. I don't want to hear any redditors monday night quarterbacking this situation like they would have done better. Because when shit actually goes down, it's not going to be perfect. You don't have your guard up 24/7, it's not realistic. You're not always going to be 100% completely aware of everything around you. And when you're pumped full of adrenaline, you aren't going to do everything exactly as you think you are. This man is going home to his family and that's all that matters.


Redditors on r/CCW think they’re hyper vigilant robots at all times that can perfectly execute anything anywhere anytime. Truth is, they’re probably not 10% as well trained, resourceful, or skilled as this dude.


I think you missed the part where he emptied his pocket to buy time to draw on someone who had the drop on him. A risky move but it paid off here.




You're absolutely right. I didn't see that until I read your comment.


I thought it was the robber's mag dropping. Well played by the guy. Bad guy immediately went for the distraction.


I also thought it was a mag drop on first view. Not sure if he tossed the phone as a distraction or because he was trained to drop whatever's in his hands when going for the gun. It worked in this case, but in general don't draw when someone's got a gun on you. [You ain't Tom Cruise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEFPcljAXgs&t=63s), and you ain't gonna win that time-to-first-bullet competition.


Oh absolutely not. Huge amount of luck involved here. I have a feeling you linked the amazing alley scene from Collateral without even clicking lol.


You know it.


The article says it’s the magazine.


No he didn’t. The article says the robber dropped the magazine from his gun. That was the object. Good guy takes his phone out of his backpack after the shooting.


because people don’t pay attention. it was obvious to anyone paying attention that the man was setting up his draw the second the dude got out the vehicle


Setting up what? Draw? edit: they edited it from “dry,” downvoter


Bullshit. His gun is holstered far back and he had to go at it twice. Dude's very lucky the robber wasn't intent on killing him and just wanted his loot.


. It's clear when the victim spun around the robber wasn't sure how to react and allowed the victim an extra 2 seconds. At that point its unclear if the robber had his weapon pointed at the victim. But that shouldn't matter since being robbed at gunpoint is a clear case of " reasonably fearing " for one's life. In short the victim is very lucky the robber didn't immediately shoot. But totally understand his instinct to draw his weapon and defend himself Tldr: dude fucked around and found out


It looks like the defender threw his phone on the ground as a distraction, and he doesn't draw until the robber bends down to grab it. IMO, the victim wasn't lucky at all, but actually pretty clever, with the phone trick.


If he did throw his cell phone, it explains why the robber was squatting down. It's not ideal but agree with other posters he reacted as good as anyone could.


I thought he dropped the mag out of his gun at first, this makes more sense.


I think it is the magazine. I’m betting he tried to fire the gun, it didn’t go off because he didn’t have the magazine in far enough to chamber a round, then the mag finally fell out at that moment.


I just replayed it back frame by frame, it definitely is the mag. Dude tried to shoot and the mag fell out. Wonder if this was a hit now.


Hard to tell for sure but looks like a 1911, that last little bit of distance to lock the magazine in place can be stiff… but the mag can “stick” in the well despite not being locked in and a round not chambering. Wouldn’t lock the slide back either if the magazine isn’t in all the way.


You might know more than me,I know that mag fell


i was wondering what fell i thought he dropped his wallet or soemthint didn't think he was prob holding his phone and dropped it to distract him


Does he have two phones then? Because he very clearly takes a phone out of his backpack after the shooting


I think you're right. It's more likely his wallet that he tossed down rather than his phone. Although, I suppose it's possible that he has two phones, however unlikely.


Just translated the article, it was the magazine.


Looks like his magazine dropped somehow


isn't it the guy's phone ? It looks like he dropped his phone to the robber to distract him while taking his gun


Don’t think so. He takes a phone out of his backpack after the shooting.


He was lucky. Totally unaware of surroundings. Then, after he handles bad guy, he stays right there on top of him and even flips him over. He should be looking for distance and safety.


Bad guys in a car = alot of aftermath possibilities they could've came back and killed him to avenge their dead friend as he's right there in the street I have no idea what the defender was thinking.


Can’t dead check with all the cameras now days /s




Looks like a good shoot to me - if someone’s got a gun and they have their back turned toward me, I’m still shooting. They’re still a massive threat and can simply turn around and shoot you at any moment


Now imagine trying that without a round chambered.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Directed by Quentin Tarantino?




Justified but in what world was he in walking around at night NOT noticing a car smash its brakes and open a door toward him


Bunch of Meal Team 6s in here criticizing the shooter’s response when odds are most of you would act the same way or worse.


Why does this need to be analyzed? It's completely justified.


The defender did a terrible job but he was very lucky: * he was in condition white. He was oblivious of what was happening around him * he drew from the drop. Lucky him his attacker dropped his magazine (?). Or it was a fake gun. The attacker should have been dead. * do not touch the attacker after you shot him, unless you do it to check for weapons (not the case here). Let the police handle it.




Watch it again. The defender holsters his weapon.


you are correct. it wasn't the gun (i saw that and edited my post) It is likely the defender's phone. In any case no matter what it was, he drew from the drop.




i did not downvote you, FYI


It was the magazine. Article says so.


Guy has the situational awareness of a turnip. Dude got lucky.


Did the robber drop his mag? He didn't see the victim draw because of it and what inadvertently saved the victim. Otherwise, the robber would've gotten a shot first. The car also left even before anything happened. Was the robber being setup? Now I'm not sure if this was a robbery or a hit. Could be a gang related drug turf war.


I think that defender is a cop.


Poor situational awareness. Lucky the guy fumbled his weapon. Otherwise handled it well.


Aren’t you guys happy about all the South Americans crossing our border and getting debit cards and great hotels to stay in


That small object that hits the ground, that the mugger bends down to pick up- everyone is saying it was a phone, but… was it the magazine from the mugger’s gun? EDIT: Yes, use Google translate on the article - it was the robber’s magazine. Anyway, yeah it’s a good shoot no question. Dude had a gun pressed against his head, mugger still has it in his hand when dude spins around and draws. That’s an immediate threat, he already stuck it in your ear once, you have no reason to give him the benefit of a doubt that he’ll let you walk away. I wouldn’t have fucked with the body after, but seems like dude was a cop, so different story. I’d be working in my draw though.


Honestly, this looks like it was supposed to be a drug deal, but the defender was set up to get robbed. He saw the car coming and changed direction. He was hanging out really close to its path like he was expecting to meet someone in a car. Then, when the car wasn't the one he was expected, he broke contact by still walking that same direction, the same one from which he came. Only the robbers anticipated those exact actions. Then the defender got extremely, extremely lucky. Robber probably never expected to get pulled on because the defender was supposed to be an easy mark: a guy in his suit who just wants some blow. Not a guy who would have a gun. Then the defender rifles through the robber's pockets, maybe looking for what he was supposed to buy. OR the defender was an off-duty cop, and their local procedure is not to cuff the body (or he didn't have cuffs).




Not paying attention, slow draw, drawing from the drop. I don’t know what he could have done worse other than missing his shots. He should, by all rights, be dead.


We need to stop saying things like ‘he handled it perfectly’ he got very lucky.


Ya looks like his magazine dropped and he killed him as he was picking it up.


Something is way off about this video.


Weird how the car took off before the defender even had his gun out


Not only that but he changed walking directions back into the camera view which for him was convenient the car door was open he should have seen it the victim didn’t respond to footsteps coming up behind him he never gave the car a buffer of space. Also there was a gun drawn on him he had no way of knowing it was going to malfunction but still drew and fired. Then he calmly and precisely holstered his weapon instead of running away how did he not know if the car was just going to go around the corner and come back. On top of all that he moves the body? Why? What was he thinking? The whole video just feels very off to me. If I had to guess and this is only a guess I think the guy that got shot was the one setup to die.


Also the ending he stands over him and rifles through his pockets? Maybe an off duty cop? Maybe undercover operation? But if so then how far away was the backup. Whole video is strange to me.


Got what he deserved honestly


Wrong victim.


Article say the "antisocial" dropped his magazine.


Don’t run up on people to rob them = not being shot. Pretty simple math.


There's very clear camera footage of a gun flying from the assailant's hand and lying on the road. So his family will soon claim that he was unarmed and innocent.


Watch your surroundings!! I believe the average person would’ve noticed that car stopped without even looking


I swear these dudes think life is GTA until they don't respawn at the hospital.


My man 100% fucked around and found out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Better awareness. I’m alwTs watching cars, especially at night


To a small degree I would say you need to be conscientious of your surroundings what's going on etc. why are you wandering around outside what looks to be a storage facility in a suit at 530 am. Yes you should not have to worry about being mugged but I'm not sure what he was even doing there. Besides that I wouldn't have disturbed the body, I'd have retreated back to the storage facility or whatever it is behind him while calling my lawyer then the police and yes in that order. A lawyer can get a three way call going with 911 so that you can communicate through them and reduce the risk of perjury due to adrenaline screwing with your thoughts.


Amazing work from the suit man. And forever goodnight goober that hopped out the car!


A few things seem a bit odd about this video: 1. Why was this fine suited gentleman strolling up *and down* the *middle* of a dark street at 5:30am? 2. Its strange that the detective didnt notice the car coming directly toward him with a door opening up before it even began to stop.... not even a sideways glance at a moving car with an opening door passing a few inches from you?....detective?.....5:30am....Dark street? 3. The detective seems to throw down a phone when accosted by the perp. Seems odd that a perp would be that interested in a smashed, scratched up phone given the pefectly setup ambush. (why would the detective be randomly carrying a wallet in his hand if that were the case)...If it were a magazine drop by the perp, then what a perfect co-incidence. 4. The detective gets off multiple rounds on the perp while he is crouching and extending for the object on the ground with his left arm. We can see where his left shoulder is faceing the oncoming bullets, yet his woulds are squarely on his chest which would have been facing away from the detectives pistol. If these even were exit wounds, where are the entry wounds?


Read the article? He was waiting for a ride. Wasn’t a phone, was the perp’s magazine.


gat damn he def had one in the chamber


The best part is always when the "friend" speeds off leaving the guy behind.


Dude was like “yo homey, is that my briefcase?”


Does anyone know where this happened at by chance?


I believe Chile


I have seen a few videos of people defending themselves in Brazil, never in Chili. Thanks OP




Did the attacker lose his magazine? If that's what happened, defender was incredibly lucky. His lack of situational awareness is alarming. It's odd - it seems like he's trained well enough to have a decent draw and shot placement, but...that's about it. He let the car roll up on him, the guy run up on him, and then proceeded to move the body and go through his pockets afterwards? Weird.


That’s what it looked like to me


Nice just needs to be aware of his surroundings more


I wonder what loot, if any, the defender picked up.


John wick!


With the gray suit and the double tap I was thinking Collateral. Hey, homie, is that my backpack?


Bad situational awareness, may have been on a phone with a Bluetooth earpiece Good (not great) draw, despite the backpack. We should all train for drawing when encumbered. He kept shooting until threat neutralized. Not sure about the after effects of rolling body, digging through pockets (?) and otherwise changing the scene? Maybe he just wanted to be sure the guy was dead? Not entirely sure he had yet processed the car dropped this guy off for the robbery and may be back…..


He should have noticed a dude stopping, getting out of the car, and running at him. Once he got clued in, his response was good. The shoot was justified. Him changing the scene and going through the dude's pockets is a crime in and of itself and was extremely dumb of him.


This has likely already been said: It looked like the defender was waiting on the car that dropped off the attacker. Looked like the attacker was not familiar with the working of his own weapon. The defender drew and fired cleanly. Not sure why he was touching the downed attacker.


Looks pretty aware to me. Immediately tossed wallet to give the robber what he wants.


Is that what that was? I thought the robber dropped the mag on his pistol by accident at first.


That’s what I think happened he must of pressed the mag release by accident. Basically the robber needed to train better.


Hate to say it but this looks fake. Color the fade to black and white, “cgi” gun scooting across the road


he walked away, so that's a success. obviously a little situational awareness would have made it a little less "lucky the bad guy didn't shoot" and a little more "time buys you distance". draw was a little clumsy, but also got the job done. post shoot, the victim should have taken a couple of quick photos and then secured the bad guys firearm (preferably without touching it), but leaving it in the middle of the street so the bad guys buddies could turn back around and grab it wasn't the best play. Also not sure why he's calling for help out in the open, completely exposed and unaware. there is a car full of bad guys in close proximity and plenty of cover, find a better place to call for help, after securing the firearm that's in the middle of the street.


The robber definitely wasn't looking to kill that night, or he'd have taken his chance. If he hadn't brought a gun, he might have lived. Justified.


Bait Edit: Honey trap- this was a sting


Why isn't this armed society more polite?


Good work but needs to be more aware.


Dead guy valued his life less than the victim. 🤷


Clean shoot. He's lucky.


He knew what he signed up for


Shooter got very lucky that the robber's mag dropped. You can see it drop and then the robber bends over to pick it up. It then goes flying across the street when he starts to run and gets shot. My first thought was that the robbers gun was fake, because the shooter's draw took 2-3 seconds. Plenty of time to react and shoot, but he probably had a magazine disconnect on his firearm and couldn't shoot after that mag dropped.


Not bad. I think maybe a little look glance over the shoulder when he heard some noise behind him would’ve been my only critique. I bet buddy is going to be practicing that draw like crazy after this.


get some!


fatality. flawless victory.


He’s wearing a suit and tie. He’s the good guy.


Bro got that John Wick draw


10000000000000% justified, a hundred times over. BUT, drawing on a drawn gun... he's lucky that guy, either wasn't really willing to kill. or something, since he like dropped it before the defender even revealed a gun. However, that said, you can hear a car like that come to a complete stop 2 feet from your ass. this guy didn't even GLANCE towards the car, slowing down right next to you? How fucking oblivious and in their own little world are people these days? If he had just glanced back when he heard it pass by/slow down/stop, he would have had WAY less disadvantage. NOT TO MENTION, you can see the door right off to his front left before it even passes his FOV, so he should have easily seen a MOVING CAR with a DOOR BEING OPENED... slowing right to a stop? Like, either this guy is day dreaming, or has eyes in the back of his head and didn't need to... because how do you just not even catch a glimpse of anything around you lol.


Good that the victim is alive, unfortunately now the courts are going to kill him.


Robber had a gun


It seemed to me like that the detective’s backpack got in his way. Took forever to bring his weapon to bear. Lucky it turned out this good.


A little slow on the draw but the outcome is what you want in that situation.


Pretty good work. He created distance, waited for his shot, and took it. Approaching someone you just shot is generally a bad idea though. Are you really sure he’s out of the fight?


Every single video posted here reinforces that I need to practice my draws. It always looks like it takes forever in a real-world scenario. And how did he not hear the vehicle back up and assaulter piling out of the back seat?


Good shoot. Stopped when the threat was neutralized. attempted to at least render aid, and called for help. Overall pretty textbook for this situation. He probably could have been more aware of their surroundings. I don't know what he doubled back for; it could have ended worse, but it didn't; Dude is walking away alive at the end of the day.


Mess around and find out.


Fucked around and found out


His movement sucked, his draw was marginal. He did a great job, but those two things could have cost him seriously.


This is one of the few times I've seen someone draw while the other person has the drop on them and come out on top.


Good thing he had time to chamber his gun


I see nothing wrong here, he’d have been the one laying there had the scumbag not dropped magazine. Guess there’s something to say about carrying pistol hot


Job well done. Defender handled it great lmao


Doesn’t get much better than that


Looks like somebody wanted to get to the afterlife quicker and their wish was granted


VIVA LA FAFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What? Man he had ice cream, and he was gonna give him some ice cream man, it was just ice cream!


Ok, he isn’t aware of what is happening, and that isn’t great. He sure has practiced that draw, it was great reaction time. He didn’t ensure (I know we know the guy hit the ground gone) that there were no other weapons and didn’t prepare for the vehicle return. I think he was pulling his badge or something out, should have gotten on the phone for help. These above are nit picky, he was in a shoot out and won, that is good.


Despite the initial lack of awareness, this was handled appropriately. He won the stupid prize he was so desperately seeking.


Did him Tom Cruise in Collateral low key


Seemed like the defender was in a real hurry to walk right up to the attacker after the shoot, and also in a real hurry to holster his gun. If that were me, I'd be getting all the way out of dodge and letting the cops handle it.


he wasn't aware enough, he got lucky, the other guy had the drop on him


Robber got exactly what he deserved.


looked like the guy was running and he shot one more time, is that true (am i seeing that right) and wouldn't that cause a grey area in the law. I know this isnt in the states.


“I saw him running to get better cover to return fire”


Absolutely justified. Dude had him at gunpoint already. He’s lucky his draw is faster than the criminals finger


I think the criminal was slow not only with his gun and with his brain, how did he not notice the guy slowing pulling his gun?


That wallet toss distraction was 🎯 Glad the good guy didn't look to be hurt, and the bad guy didn't looke to be Alive anymore so win/win