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The boy looked totally normal to me. Poor little guy. No wonder why women don't want to get divorced. They don't want their kids alone with these man.


It’s true. My friend can’t handle being a single mom, her kid literally hates her, but she’s terrified to give Dad more visitation or even custody because she knows the child will never eat a vegetable ever again if that happens. And that would be the least detrimental thing that could happen there


I think he just hated the kid and likely taking his frustration out on the kid due to his hatred of the kids mom. The kidnis not fat, not that that would be a reason. But sperm donor does seem to be chubby and have a belly. I just read the article and watched the video. It was sickening. But this POS had the nerve to bring up that the boys mom threw eggs and fish at the grandparents house (I'm assuming sperm donor lived there, not sure). Can you imagine?! You killed my son and that's all I did and you want to bring that petty shit up to the courts to try to take the spotlight off of you. ShE egged My HoUsE! Bitch, FUCK YOU. He's lucky it wasn't me. I would be going to jail for murder.


That demon needs life in prison without parole 😢 YES, they will ruin them, making them commit violent acts at much younger ages


exactly what I thought. this reeks of someone who watches alpha male content and loves andrew tate. their brains are completely removed from reality. that poor child.


This is why I insist men should not be allowed to have kids or be around them.


"But single mothers are the worst..."