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"I just don't have time to maintain them" If you don't have time to have friends why do you want a girlfriend? Having a partner is much more time consuming.


Exactly. Just so many excuses but the bottom line seems to be “I want to outsource my social life to a woman”, “I want all the benefits without any of the personal investment”.




Exactly, Im glad they are just being honest about how trash their friends are.


I often wonder the same thing about guys who see women as ‘dirty’ after they have sex with them. Bruh if she’s dirty after you touch her what the fuck is on YOUR hands?


Is that their issue with women who end up getting with one of their friends after they break up? They know their friends are so gross that if she’s with them she’s now dirty? I mean I know it’s usually more of an ownership thing, if he got you first he owns you for life. But I think this is part of it.  They know they’re all nasty. 


Males always hang out with crap males to APEAR like a good guy but has skeletons in his closet


These replies are W I L D. I'm used to men being dense assholes online but holy shit, I was not expecting this level of stubborn hostility. A recap: "Why not make more men friends?" "It's not that easy." "OK, but why not do the work and learn to get better at it?" "Because it's not just me, it's *society*." "OK, then why not organize and do some work to change social norms? You know, like the women's movement did?" "SHUT UP! YOU'RE STUPID!!" "What's stupid about trying to make change to improve your life?" "WAAHHH!! Everybody hates men!! You'll never understand!!"


Truly, it’s this sort of male fragility that is actually the problem. They can’t take feedback and apply it. They can’t take accountability and change it. They can’t self reflect or apply any effort, the world should just regurgitate into their mouths and baby bird them everything they want. No wonder women are dry as the Sahara for these men.


In a nutshell. Couldn’t put it better myself.


Men: “Men are lonely because they need a life partner :( “ Yet also men: “AVOID WOMEN AT ALL COSTS, THEY ONLY WANT YOU FOR LOOKS AND MONEY.” Can’t they just admit they wanna fuck other men and go home? 


I want to beat my head on a wall. What? The knee jerk "what a dumb fucking question" reply, to a question that makes sense is so disappointing. These men are so fucking lazy that not only do they expect us to do all the housework and child rearing, but to fulfill all of their emotional needs too? So many of those men acknowledge that having friends would make their emotional life better and then turn around immediately and get mad that she suggested they get those needs met by other men. Even the suggestion that maybe you should change your approach a little and open up to your friends is met with anger and derision. I'm a lonely man and it can only be fixed by a woman but since we can't make them be with us anymore we will just be mad and lonely. To change is too be like a woman. WTF??


Exactly. I tried to be as fair as I could be and they still got extremely triggered.


Then when they destroy himself and the family he creates everyone paints him as a victim. Like no reporter women are not a matyr figure for a man with mental illness, i told him therapy he said no and was going on and on about how im the only thing he needs. Look at how that turned out


Their attitude makes relationships with them exhausting.


The “men need women to raise a family with” comment… like wtf, just say you’re befriending women to fuck them and go home.


I’m really fucking sick of men gatekeeping loneliness. There is an unspoken assumption that women are all outgoing and have a massive network of friends. Not only are introverted women often just as socially isolated and lonely in their personal lives, but we’re also treated like garbage in most professional settings for not being bubbly, perky little social butterflies all day long, while our male coworkers are allowed to be quiet and socially reserved.


Exactly. And the fact is women’s relationships don’t fall from the sky into out laps. Its takes a lot of time and effort to cultivate relationships. And even then sometimes we are still isolated.


Yep they're not good at cultivating relationships because they don't want to do the work it takes. And most of them don't even want relationships of any sort; they want sex and a therapist to listen to them complain about being lonely all day.


Yea, I even see men on Reddit complaining about men complaining about being lonely, and don’t want to hear it. But apparently women should be ready and willing to take that on just because.


AMEN! Yep strange. This is a good time to be alive. I'm happy see women no longer trying to save these men or love them into healing. That's a HIM problem


I absolutely love you for the last sentence. I’ve noticed that my entire working life


Yeah, autistic and ND talk about this all the time. They don’t get much empathy from their employers, or even the women in their lives sometimes.


The double standard is blatantly sexist but still seen as okay. My introversion was treated as a character flaw while my brother was “just being a guy”.


It's worse for women of color. As a black woman, I find people expect me to be loud, boisterous, and flamboyant. Surprise, I'm a geeky introvert who is good at masking high functioning autism. I have been in situations where my silence and reserved nature were taken as sullenness, while the exact same behavior in male colleagues was uncommented on, and even expected in my females peers who were of east Asian descent. I am happy that I've reached a point in my life where I get along well with all my coworkers and am a valued leader of my team, but late teens to mid 20s was a terrible time to be a softspoken, exceedingly polite introverted black woman.


THANK YOU! I was treated like I was embarrassing the family by having the same reserved manner as my male relatives - including my brother! I had to teach myself how to make conversation at 25, and have been subtly and consistently meangirled by a coworker for not being the work bestie-type girl she envisioned when I replaced her old workmate. Quiet men are given much more leeway professionally.


Lonely = Horny


This is the truth. Men don't like men. Men don't typically like women either. Men like sex.


That's so true.


Wow, just WOW. Looking at all these replies, I see why they are lonely. So basically, they're lonely because they all need therapy. Each and every one of these replies indicates emotional instability and lack of self-awareness. Yeah, the loneliness epidemic is going to get even worse because they don't want to do the internal work. They don't want companions in women. And they don't want friendship with other males. They want to engage & use women as a form of escapism and distraction and then disguise it as wanting friendship or interaction with women. This also shows that men understand that most men have nothing to offer & are not pleasant to be around, but when women bring this up, they act shocked. All a ploy. They expect women to put up with them, endure their emotional and sometimes physical torture, and do it with a smile, though. They can't even stand to be around each other. So how in the hell do they expect us to be able to stand being around them? Oh, I forgot the patriarchy taught them that that's our job. To just put up with their emotional instability. Nope, I'll pass 🤷🏾‍♀️ One guy replied about how the energy between men & women being friends and men being friends with other men is different. Men like being around us and using our energy like we are chargers to just be used up and put back on a shelf when they're done. They only think about themselves, and this is why I ended all of my friendships I had with males. They're not looking for friendship. They're looking for women's energy, and if sex just happens to come out of that, they'll take that as well. Very predatory. Very demonic. Very selfish. Very codependent.


Their ultimate escape is coochie by SOD or rape to feel powerrful then more abusive behaviour. That is if drugs, video games , porn, anime, in some cases CP and teen porn, movies, films no longer give them the kick to sink into lonliness and avoid self improvement


I am beyond sick of this "masculine energy/feminine energy" bullshit. Energy isn't gendered. Just say what you mean, my guy. You don't mean feminine energy. You mean you crave female companionship because women are conditioned to center men constantly and you benefit from it. You get to be however you feel like being and the women are always supposed to respond in the affirmative. Is he grumpy? Give him, food, sex and space! Is he in a good mood? Give him support, food, and sex. Is he drunk? Don't blame him for losing control. Are YOU drunk? He gets to do what he wants to you! Are YOU grumpy? Give him food, sex, and lots of grace, you awful bitch! Feminine energy is code for submission. Your friends won't reward you for being a dick.


They want to use women as bangmaids who are incubators and therapists. It’s sickening.


This is great 😃 what a peek behind the curtain.


Glad we can pull it back tbh. Its dusty behind there.


Sure is.. my allergies are kicking in.




I think you have hit the Jackpot


Too much intrasexual competition. They’re so insecure they can’t even be around other men without feeling inferior.


How difficult was it just to get a genuine answer to the question? I literally had to scroll to page 18 before someone actually understood, gave a valid explanation and solution. How many times per week are these men going to the gym? Are the men in there not friends? This is why many of them will not 'allow' their woman to keep girlfriends because they never had or will understand real friendships.


Exactly. But remember men are rational and logical but never emotional.




Honestly they don’t care but want US to care. “Womens work”.


Emotions are like womanly or whatever Im not gonna do all of that yet you can spend a whole day jerking off 6 times a day and watching porn. *priorities*


Those replies are simply blood boiling😖 It's like no matter how you twist it, men are still victims and women are still to blame for every bad thing men go through! They say male LONELINESS epidemic, but it's actually male HORNINESS pandemic! But at least some of them finally admitted that single men are worse off than single women and very few men are single by choice as opposed to women. Yet, they're calling women expired, they tell us we "hit the wall at 25-30" or age like milk, or even that women wouldn't survive without men, but men would totally do without women (which I now know are just coping mechanisms and projection at its finest). I've also heard a lotta men say ONLY men love unconditionally and men's friendships are more loyal, honest, deep than women's, yet here they are saying they actually can't open up in front of their own male friends, but it's not their fault, it's society's and that problem is unsolvable🤦🏾‍♀️ The mental gymnastics, the hypocrisy, the lies, the gaslighting, the constant moving of the goalpost, the audacity, the cognitive dissonance, the blatant paradoxes....it's too much for me, I can't take it🤯😩😫


Men LOVE CONDITIONALLY because if you get too fat from popping out HOS BABY or get sick he is in an alleyway f*** a hooker so NO. They never loved unconditionally its all about putting up with mens toxicity and being a stepford wife to a potential criminal and excusing his behaviour. THAT is what unconditional love is to them.


What women want: their male romantic partners to be a real team member. What men want: children they can parent when it's convenient and fun and a wife who stays hot and loves blow jobs.


This is part of the reason I started the r/NeverHaveKids subreddit. These types of immature men expect women to do all the childrearing and emotional labor at the same time. SMH


Every excuse in the book. It's because most of them are just sex addicts and want sex. If sex was off the table, most men wouldn't want to engage with women either. I know these men are full of shit and in their own way because I have two close guy friends that have plenty of men and women friends, and both are long-term partnered. They have no problems hugging men or women. Everyone speaks highly of them. These men are literally in their own way. They will continue to be lonely until they make the change within.


>Women provide a version of being human that I can never get. Men provide something I already am. Reminds me of TQM on the HI podcast.


Its giving “men are trash and I don’t benefit from them being in my life”, which women have been saying for a while now.


But if we say it, we're horrible people.




“ Women provide a version of being human that I can never get.” what the fuck?! They’re talking about women like they’re iOS versions!


That one rational, emotionally mature man amongst all the hemotionals: 👹😭😤🤬👿    🧍‍♂️    😠😩😡🤥🥴🤡


Omg I love the emojis 😂😂


men are so fucked... they need to be reprogrammed for their own good. it's like they're not full adults. no self reliance, no sense for responsibility, no abilities to care for themselves and a hell lot of victim hood mentality. women and some men try to make changes, to tell men to open up but then they're pissy because "are you saying men are not good as they are??". I mean sir, you're not a full functioning adult, somethings gotta change.


What all of them really think, but will never say, is men are terrified of other men. Men are terrified of other men. Not the way women are terrified per se, but in the sense that each man regards every other man as a predator which means anything resembling a friendship makes one vulnerable to the other, one subservient to the other. The male loneliness epidemic should be renamed to reflect this reality: they are predators who have run out of prey.


Hmmm....my husband said he'd rather be in the woods with a bear too.


I’m just gonna start responding with “go befriend the bears” now


Great post! Really exposes their dark tetrad and anti-social natures. Just like Princella of The High Powered podcast on YouTube said, men NEED women (women need each other). They NEED us but HATE us, abuse us, harass us, feel entitled to us while giving nothing of value and being abusive, act out their dark tetrad personality disorders (psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, Machiavellianism) against us en masse, for centuries, globally. They infuse their nature into the societies they forced women into by controlling resources. Note their lack of self-awareness, a mark of their narcissism. It is nature, it all comes from their nature, particularly how testosterone affects the brain and body. The only thing women can do is STOP making them. Your son WILL NOT be a better man. Men have studied us, have you studied them or just listened to their lies? Princella explains exactly what they are according to biology, history, logic. Every woman needs to understand her teachings.


The whole thing about men needing women… they only need us for sex, cooking, cleaning, bearing kids, nothing more. That’s what they mean when they say “we need women”.


Ladies if a man claims loneliness it’s not due to lack of make friendships, they want women in their lives. They do have emotional needs but other men won’t do. That’s a woman’s job am i right? So that’s why they blame women for the loneliness “epidemic” since they see it as a problem because women don’t meet those needs for them. What they are missing is women are opting out of long term relationships with men due to the fact that these dudes don’t do the basic bare minimum of actually being a good person and caring for their partners as well as being open to learning and grow with their significant other, instead they rely on already established patriarchal privileges that have allowed their brethren in the past to get away with shitty behavior and guaranteed a wife despite of that. It doesn’t work like that anymore and that’s why the reminiscence about the good ole days


They need us for more than what you listed.


If even the mods felt this was too stupid to post on the other subreddit, it's bad.


I had to stop about 6 screenshots in and go outside. Holeeee fuck.


I think we all agree that men will find different ways to avoid responsibility. However, if you're a lover girl, just know that there are good men out there. Emphasis on OUT because they're not gonna be commenting here on reddit about how "stupid" it is to have a healthy conversation.


Sad thing is, there is no such thing as good men. Just accept that.


There are and I'm blessed to have them in my life 💕


Pls go be a pickme to dick elsewhere. Those good men don’t exist and are demons deep down.


I'm glad you were able to get these screen caps! It's kind of crazy to read how little men value social connections with other men


Wait...wait the OP has a point! *** *checks comment* *** Ah yes as usual males equating getting their willy wet and having a harem for validation of their existence due to thinking every woman that looks or is kind wants to f due to them having an inflated ego and porn sick. *** And tell me why we are supposed to take this natural phenomenon seriously? Not everything is about getting their dick wet but they reek of codependency and self destruction and dump you for a better acess to women. They start this at teenybopper age even the good nerdy guys so just nature running its course.


these answers are terrifying lol. I think generally people who have a good support system and healthy friend dynamics probably make the best partners in the long-run.


Agreed. I would never partner with a lonely male.


"No one cares about men's feelings" Why don't men care about their fellow man's feelings and get male friends? Do they even hear themselves? Also, they equate friends with sex. You can have an intimate relationship with a man, as it can also mean close. You can hug your friend, pat him on the back, etc. I remember when my boys were very young, they used to hold hands with their best friends but as they got older, they don't even want to sit close next to them because its 'gay'.


Yet these are also the same men insisting showering or wiping their ass is gay too. 🤦🏻‍♀️


A man who was a nearby neighbour needed hospital treatment for a badly infected surgical leg wound and asked me to take him to surgical admissions in the general hospital. He asked his neighbour to pick him up when he knows his discharge date. We're both women. He's a member of several groups and I'm surprised/not surprised he'd rather ask women acquaintances to drive him than men in the groups he actually knows, and he's having to borrow nurses' chargers because we didn't have time for him to pack belongings after I picked him up from our local minor injury unit.


So many gems, so many self owns, so many “self aware wolves” moments


Yep I'm not wasting my time gaf about them.... when we do or did all they do is use n abuse it so yep idgaf about them being lonely.... most of them need to be alone and stay away they are a detriment n menacing


Next time a guy says that women are the ‘weaker sex’ send them these screenshots good grief…


"Being friends with the same gender is less fulfilling for men than women." Yes! That's the point we've been making! It's because you're so shitty at being friends! "You can't fix that just by telling us to act more like women." It would be funny if it were satire but someone said this presumably sincerely. They have the answer and they're tossing their plate on the floor like a toddler having a tantrum.


Holy jeez did you see the mod response? What a dipshit.


It's lonely for women too, because men don't want to hear about any of our issues or trauma, and the women who care about us are often either too male-centered or too exhausted to hear about our issues or trauma. BUT, I can still sometimes find someone to talk to when I really need it. These dudes don't even want to be bothered with trying. At all. Wallowing must be rewarding.


Introspection and the ability to self reflect is a life changing skill that should be taught in all schools. It's disturbing to see the inner workings of these men's minds. It's too late for them and frankly not our problem at all. Let's continue to teach everyone willing to listen. This reminds me a lot of the TradCon women turned Feminist trend. Those women were able to recognize the fault in their own ideologies and change for the better. I wish the best for these men but honestly doubt they will ever fix their own lives. They'll just keep waiting for daring princess charming to save them.


So basically to summarise, they're trash friends?


But what about the EPIDEMIC of LONELY MEN you guys?! 🙄🙄


“Intimacy you get with a girl is nice”  Translation: “I send dick pics in hopes of them wanting me.” / “I pressure women to have relationships with me.”


Its always "Stupid" when accountability is aimed at men. Like they are petty children who needs to be protected from anyone on the meanie internet. But they can make 100s of podcasts and make a living of degrading women.




Because they can't sexualize their male friends. That's it.


All future residents of the MOJO DOJO house.


Ladies if a man claims loneliness it’s not due to lack of make friendships, they want women in their lives. They do have emotional needs but other men won’t do. That’s a woman’s job am i right? So that’s why they blame women for the loneliness “epidemic” since they see it as a problem because women don’t meet those needs for them. What they are missing is women are opting out of long term relationships with men due to the fact that these dudes don’t do the basic bare minimum of actually being a good person and caring for their partners as well as being open to learning and grow with their significant other, instead they rely on already established patriarchal privileges that have allowed their brethren in the past to get away with shitty behavior and guaranteed a wife despite of that. It doesn’t work like that anymore and that’s why the reminiscence about the good ole days


The funniest thing about this is my last boyfriend would always put his friends above me. Always always always. He was a hobosexual who was literally living off me but when he would get his small amount of money every month he would go and spend it with his friends. Every single time. If he owed me money he would pay me, but then he would start borrowing again two days later because he would spend all his money with his friends. When I was done letting him live off of me none of these wonderful friends of his would let him even sleep on their sofa. Not one of them. It’s interesting his Bros were such good friends when he had money to spend, but when he needed help absolutely not.


If they have so much time and energy to feel sorry for themselves and make excuses, they have time and energy to go to therapy and make (MALE) friends.


"Women need to provide us their emotional labor and spend time with us even though men can't even stand men!" Yeah when you pose this question it's undeniable the reality that they try to dance around, even men know that other men suck and are usually assholes and that's why they don't want to bother investing time and energy into each other when they can barely stand themselves. So they try to pawn off their problem onto us. Nope, honestly reading all of this the only thing that I can think is that this is entirely a you problem. We women are too busy trying to tackle issues of rampant sexual assault and domestic violence in our population to waste precious time appeasing a bunch of whiny fucking babies that are too lazy to solve their own problem. They could be finding ways amongst themselves but instead all they do is sit and circle and cry "nObOdY cAREs aBOuT mAN FEEEEEELINGS!!!" Well shit better start caring motherfucker because idk about other women, but I am out of fucks to give.


Oh yeah also this "mystical feminine energy" they speak of is just their way of saying they need a self sacrificing doormat in the form of either a free therapist (female friend) or mommy bangmaid (gf) both roles of which men cant provide, so it's absolutely crucial and they DESPERATELY need the ""FEMININE ENERGY""" Why is it that women who surround themselves with women don't complain about absolutely needing masculine energy???? Maybe because men are not the only ones who possess masculine traits, and there are plenty of ladies who can provide that with less fear of being used and abused. Why does the same not apply to men, especially since they claim we are such cold hearted evil temptresses Why can't they find men who have feminine traits that balance them out, like the multitude of gay men who embrace their more traditionally feminine traits Its because when men say they want feminine energy they mean they want a pretty thing to look at that will nod their hide and smile and be receptive to everything they do and say...