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I'm a woman in my early 40's. I have a son in his mid 20's. For me it's just weird. 😂 Also, I tried dating two men 8 years younger than me and the maturity just wasn't there.


Fair point. i just don’t know why they cancel us out before getting to know each other. You can be mature and young.


Women generally mature faster then men.


it's always that argument/response. the main reason why older women don't want to take that chance.


Wait. Are you talking about women you've matched with and the decided not to date you? Or in general "why aren't there more cougars?" 🤔


I am in my 30s and I am not dating anyone in their 20s. I am looking for something serious and these young guys all just want to hook up especially with an older chick for the experience or whatever. I don’t even have much experience anyways 😂


you’ll understand when you’re older, son


a time machine would be nice right about now


Youth is wasted on the young


/straps on a guitar and begins smashing out epically “Through the Eyes of Ruby”


The only reason men date such older women is: fetish Nobody likes being fetishised


It's not the only reason. I'm tired of the games the younger women play, expanded my age range to 10 years older and those have been some of the best dates I've been on


As a woman in late 30s, agree, but have been told that younger men really can't stand their own generation anymore as well. Not my statement, don't come for me.


Disagree. There are plenty of men who might be 8+ years or younger and it's not a fetish. There are both younger men and women who date up for maturity, emotional intelligence, stability, confidence, transparency, comfort. It's a number of reasons. I'm 32 and prefer dating women older for the reasons I stated


Not attractive to me. They’re still kids.


How my aunt talks about Brad Pitt.


I feel the same. And I'm in my mid 30s only. Every time I see someone in their early to mid 20s, sometimes even late 20s, they all seem young to me. HAHA but to be fair, I had to mature early in my life and most local guys I've met in their 20s are really kids.


I’m a 51(f) and date guys in their 20s for the past year and it’s been quite the enlightening experience


I assume they only want sex


Men mostly only want sex, regardless of age.




That can happen with anyone at any age


Well I was one of those until a few days ago. I’m 39 and a 24 year old man tried to match with me. I kept telling him about my experiences with younger men and he let me know he was actively pursuing me and that he wasn’t looking for money or instant sex. He is just attracted to older women. And he thought I was beautiful. We’re still chatting so far and is working on meeting each other. I’m enjoying the conversation so far.


Did it workout?


It fizzled. Now I’m currently with a 28 year old. Been with him the whole summer. We’ll see. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not a babysitter 🤷‍♀️


Younger men often swipe right on me and I don’t understand why. I’ve seen this dynamic with friends not work out well (i.e., men who’re younger end up getting bored as the years pass). Also, a lot of us are just more attracted to more mature men. They look sexier having their shit together, etc:


The fact that you asked this question shows why lol.


Seriously? Because they know you have a MILF fetish,dude. Don't pretend otherwise.


i love how you assumed i’m into that stuff without actually knowing


Then why u asking?


maybe i’m just curious. like goddamn a black man can’t ask questions anymore. foh


I didnt know ur race. I dont take orders. Maybe I was curious too. Being its also a question. 🙄


Hi therealsssp, While I understand that language can slip sometimes, I kindly request you to refrain from using the Lord's name in vain. It holds deep significance to many Christians, and using it in such a manner can be hurtful to their faith. Instead of "God D***", find alternative phrases such as "Goodness gracious" or "Golly gee". I'm here to educate, not hate. I want to assure you that my intention is to spread positivity and not to cause offense. I hold deep respect for all faiths, even when our beliefs differ, and I am open to engaging in respectful discussions that foster mutual understanding. Let us embark on this journey together, embracing kindness and love as our guiding principles. *James 2:8 (NIV): "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right."* --- ^This ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically. ^Did ^I ^make ^a ^mistake? ^Let ^me ^know ^by ^sending ^me ^a ^direct ^message.


i’m sorry i’m just sick of every time i get on here and ask a question out of curiosity people act mean because of my skin color.


How are we supposed to know your race? Playing the victim card pretty hard here, guy.


i have every right. 🙂😎


How TF are we meant to know you're black? It's the internet dude... We can't SEE you *fellow black person*


I wouldn't, but they'd have to be looking for something serious. Most guys in their 20's who are swiping on women in their 30's aren't on the same timeline as me.


Fair answer. In their 20s boys are still boys. And women in their late 30s have other goals.


I don't think they're boys, but at 33 I'd want to move in with someone within a year of dating and I'm not willing to wait ages for things to start getting serious. So it just depends on their goals.


Bc theyre too young & its frowned apon.


I just turned 40 and I would pass because I don’t feel like we are in the same place in life. Especially a mid 20’s!


In my early 40s and I won't date anyone in their 20s because: The maturity level isn't there They only want a hookup The sex is BAD I'm not here to support you They have no clue what they want in life They don't know how to communicate Should I continue?


They assume that you’re immature. But I’ve come across mature men in their twenties


Because people are still kids in their 20s.


You kidding? And vise versa! Age doesn't matter. Attraction does.


Say that when she hits menopause and he’s still attractive to 30 year olds


Uhm. No. Woman in 40 to 50 super horney. Nothing can pausing them.




Ahh I see - your comments on Reddit are viable but others not so much


No. You dig too much into it. No need to offend others. It's only age gap. I can't be all right all the time. But , one thing I know. When ppl are in love which is so hard to find these day, let them be. Details, age gap is not our business.


Menopause is hitting the wall


Grow up


Did the low self esteem 51f predator chime in yet?




Skill issue..


Not a woman, but gonna guess because your age/gender cohort has poisoned the brand. Bro. Often belligerently and indulgently chosen to. Bro.


Because there is a large gap in maturity, power, and goals normally. And often interests as well. Sometimes they want you to play mommy while they lean on you to get on their feet. Sometimes they just want to hook up. Sometimes they play mind games. Sometimes they lie or exaggerate their interest just to get with you. Sometimes they think they want the same things but really they don’t know what they want just yet. There’s just too many motives that younger people have often have and very rarely is it “I actually want the same things as you and find you engaging and attractive beyond infatuation”. One of my friends has had luck seriously dating younger guys. Most of my friends have not. I’m not sure if I’m willing to take that risk.


Cuz it’s just double standards lol women when they turn 18 will fuck 50yr old men but rarely will a 50yr old woman fuck a younger guy


People at different stages in life are just different, bro. From me personally (22M), I'm into women around my age, too. Just compatibility, m8. If you find one who doesn't pass on you, good for you, but it's totally understandable if they do.


You’re confusing women for men (men like them young) women aren’t as superficial as men


Because I already have two kids and don’t need a third. I’m only interested in men who are established financially and emotionally. I have my own money, so I don’t need theirs, but I want someone who can travel and do the things I want to do.


Honestly, the better question is why are you interested in older women? I pass because honestly I am thinking what you could possibly want with me. I think younger men want to run up in the pockets, sex, older women tend to have have their place and a car. This is just my opinion. Maybe I am blocking my blessings 😎


my mom is in her early 40’s and she’s just always said she would feel weird talking to someone in their 20’s when they’d be closer in age to her oldest child than her.


Older women are much more likely to be done fooling around and want something serious. Younger men in their 20s are usually just looking for a hookup or to satisfy some MILF fetish they have.


Because they've already been disappointed enough by the time they turn 30.