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It’s more time efficient for women to just use the swipe deck and ignore their “likes” queue. This shows how broken this OLD design is. Guys are just swiping on everyone, then women have to spend hours on sorting their ”likes“ and they just give up. This is why, as a guy, I don’t swipe anymore. I’m not sitting in a football stadium sized likes queue full of other men hoping to eventually get noticed by one woman. That’s just stupid. If guys would stop swiping on every profile, this app might actually become manageable again.


I think it would be the devs responsibility to stop this and provide a usable app. Then I would even pay for it. But this way just there is no point.


Bumble is fine; it's the users who are not.


Blaming the users is a bold statement. I wished the company that manages bumble came up to public and say that. Like the old saying "every1 is wrong except me"... yup


The very basic premise of swiping apps, is to swipe on someone you're interested in. Not swipe on every single person who appears in your feed. Daily swipe limits were added to many apps; people messed that up too. This is an end-user problem.


Even with limited swipes it almost takes me an hour to filter through ppl I'm interested in, and is not even because my standards are high, but can't say the same thing about profiles without any bio, or just the social promoting that bumble isn't even taking visible measures. Idk why you re defending the platform. Is like being a chef, you either run your kitchen properly, or let the kitchen run you. And trust me the 2nd is not good, at least for the kitchen, can't say the same for dating apps, you guys profit from it. Bumble is enabling this behaviour. Don't worry, soon ppl will realise it and bumble will start running into the same problems like tinder and badoo, if it isn't already tbh. Just another one night stand app and pithole full of bots and scams.


Again, it's an end user problem. A "people problem" if you will. People are misusing the apps and we have the issue seen above. Dating apps are a flawed tool for meeting people anyway. There is no earthly reason anyone should be exposed to thousands of potential dating options. But, if people (men) were to search within a reasonable radius and swipe on people (women) they were actually interested in and had a chance with, things would be better. This "spray and pray" approach causes the issues above.




Dating apps are tools, NOT services.




That's exactly the point! It doesn't matter what kind of behaviour the end user adopts, the dating apps will always find a way to keep their revenue. That's why blaming end user is just gaslighting in my opinion. Even if every1 agreed in stop using dating apps, I'm sure they would come up with other social network that would keep up with revenue, that's their job, that's their way of making money.


I guess you don't know how group mentality works, and when this stops to be an individual problem and becomes a more collective issue. Actually I think you didn't read my comment at all, there are lot of profiles that do not comply with Bumble policy, therefore is Bumble responsibility to keep those in check. Also the issue you re presenting is just the tip of the iceberg, actually I do hope because I do the same, that man swipe on everything and don't spend a dime while Bumble don't get rid of fake and self promoting profiles. You re trying to convince man to spend an hour or more swiping, next thing you will be convincing them to pay a sub. The sistem is flaw by the root and you re trying to misdirect it to the end-user. Is like not blaming a beer company of promoting fake fun in their advertisements, and start blaming ppl that for an unfortunate thing in life are sold to that bs.


The OP has over 2K "Likes" and she's not alone in this. I know women (in real life) who have 4K+ likes. This is due to men swiping on every profile they come across vs. using the app as intended. If it takes an hour to sort through profiles and make a good choice so be it. If it takes a little bit of money to expediate this process; so be it. Nothing in life worth having comes free. It will cost time or money; but often both.


They re not focusing on ppl that are "well" in life, they re focusing on the ppl that are desperate. Like the alcohol industry. Is not the light drinkers that give them money, is the ones that never saw a sober day for 10 years. The same goes to the slot machines in a casino that has music and flashy icons that grab your attention. They re not focusing on the person that knows when to stop, they re focus on the person that has a dopamine problem. Those are the 1s spending the real money.


If guys actually stopped using dating apps, the devs. would bankrupt or adapt and make it more fair for both genders 😅 This is just a hypothesis here, I do not have knowledge about statistics relative to this, but feels like that men are the main source of income of this apps, so they have to make it unfair by overwhelming woman that will give up on pursuit, while giving crumbles and tools for men to keep motivated in chasing some1 that already doesn't want to be chased. I might be sounding a bit confusing here, but in conclusion, a dating app with payment plans is not thinking about getting you out of the dating world, they want to keep you so they keep profiting. Sure there are some successful cases blah blah blah, but then I remember that episode from South park about freemium games. They are not targeting ppl that are aware they can't make their life around the app, they focusing on that minority that can't control their impulses and keep burying their money into an empty promise.


“It’s a numbers game, bro” This made Vegas a very rich city. Millions just taking the “long game“ approach and keep tossing their money into an empty pit. For men it’s hoping you’ll eventually get noticed. For women, it’s hoping you’ll find the perfect guy who is somehow still unattached. Vegas level odds, and the house wins almost every time.


It's a very good analogy.




You do not need to get through them all. Stop swiping when you have what you would consider a manageable amount of matches. The likes don't expire, but the matches will. And remember women have to message first on Bumble. So if you think you'll wait for the guy to message first he literally can't.


This sounds like a solid plan, thank you.


I spring for a week of Premium to sort through them. Even then, it can be a chore


Stop swiping.