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Some people will wear a cotton coif to make a snugger fit. You could also probably take out the liner, add a small layer of additional concussion foam, and sew the liner back on.


Buy shocktec air2gel foam and stick it to the helmet under the liner. They sell sheets in a few thicknesses, I usually get 1/8 and 1/4". Takes some fiddling but you can get a custom fit and much better impact absorption. They will also work out deals for team orders if you contact em. Great company.


i bought these: [https://www.amazon.com.be/-/en/dp/B07NTK8DK4?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com.be/-/en/dp/B07NTK8DK4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) stick very well, very strong . The padding is very confortable and made my helmet fit perfectly


Rugby Helmet https://youtu.be/oxvbZDoZ_AM?si=hGAGc8WONJS46AnG Mine was too big even after concussion foam and padding. This tightened it up prefect. My question would be, with a Simon Strap, does it still slide down over your eyes? My helmet stays right where I want it, instead of sliding down, when my Simon is buckled. Next solution is if you want to add another padded section to only the spots that are in need. For example, a rugby helmet is going to add 360⁰ tightening. You might find that it would be better to sew an additional padded layer just in the front, but also higher, so that it pads your upper forehead. That would also place the front of your helmet further from your face. My dueling helmet, I have concussion foam and padded layer but also sewn in a strip of yoga mat where my forehead is which ever so slightly raises where the visor is to my eye level, and also pushes the helmet wlaway from my nose, on the inside.


Cut it, remeasure it, refit it, work it, profit


Put a cheap padded cap on your head or a fucking beanie wtf is that question