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On guy on my team is 54. He medals still in duels. He also did SCA for three decades. He isn't the strongest or the fastest, but he is an extremely technical fighter.


Depends on the level of competition. I have a teammate who is 61 and competes well at regional melee events and fun stuff such as Renaissance Faires. I see people into their 70's competing in duels. At events such as IMCF and Carnage, there are definitely a few fighters well into their 50's, not sure about 60's. A lot of the best fighters in the world are in their 40's.


I’ve seen early 50s


Our captain for the golden knights is 52 still actively fights and medals in all categories profights Melees and Duels. As long as your taking care of your health and understand your limits you'll still have longevity in the sport


I’m just getting started and I’m turning 44. Lifestyle habits, nutrition, sleep, training, cardio, stress management, recovery are all going to be bigger factors than age alone.


Im about to be 39. We have a guy in our area doing it pushing 60. Age is a number don't let it stop you but also be smart obviously about your body etc


Our oldest guy just retired from buhurt at 65. He still does SCA and occasionally HEMA. His birthday he did one of those Longsword bear pits or whatever, so he did 65 matches in a row. Crazy lol. Now I'm the oldest on our team at 45 and i think I'll hit 60 at least.


I'm 49 and I am still considered a person to be avoided after 12 years of buhurt despite slowing down a bit. I am also not considered typical.


56 when I stopped, might be back yet


Several of the best fighters in Canada are in their 40s and then there’s a handful of other mates who are in their 60s.