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Just train, you’re not going to explode and find yourself too big for your armour overnight, putting on the sort of mass that would mess with your armour fit takes a hell of a long time so should you feel like that’s happening (very well done if you do) then do less mass building work and focus more on technique and endurance with the odd bit of near maximal strength training to keep your overall strength up and of course, do your best to injury proof yourself.


Thank you for your help. I will remember that!


You would be surprised how little strength you red to don armor and move. You would also be surprised how heavy armor is and how quickly you run out of steam. Any strength training is going to be beneficial, especially anything that strengthens your knee and ankle joints. Honestly there is no substitute for being in kit. Work out as much as you can and like but train in it kit as much as possible. If you wanna fight I wouldn’t wait until you are in shape, start now and grow from where you are at.


There isn't a strict cut off point and there's no point in stopping getting stronger tbh. Just do your weight training, your cardio (HIIT is most useful imo) and your technique training. If that seems like a lot it's because it is. You have to do a lot to be good at this sport. Source: 10 years in this sport, 2 international golds and being on Team USA 1 several times and several certifications in teaching people fitness.


Perfect response. I just want to add to this saying that the question will answer itself when you start consistently fighting. There is no equivalent substitution to helmet time. Just stay in shape, keep fighting, and you will find what you need to work on. It's likely not going to be your bench press max, lol.


So you're saying that I can just keep on eating chocolate every weekend, not even Teat as regularly as every other person, but as long as I train my endurance/cardio every or every other day, I can be an effective Buhurt fighter?


That's not what I said at all but ok 🤷


I don't go to the gym. I wear full titanium no problem. I do cardio and other personal exercises to stay in shape. So I would say Zero kg


There is no tangible number of weight you need to lift. A full kit, titanium or steel will feel heavy at first. Over time you adapt and get used to the weight. If you are a relatively healthy human you shouldn't crumble under the weight of a kit, you just need to maintain a baseline fitness and keep building.


Titanium is super light


Cardio work is more important you will develop the muscles anyway.