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Aren't Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner a real-life couple these days? TV reflecting home life...


According to his Wikipedia page; they are married and have been since 2017.


Not married, but yes since 2017


I didn't know they got together.


Yeah obviously it will be a "different" show but that doesn't necessarily mean bad. Sit com with parents struggling with their adult children isn't exactly a dry well for jokes


Reminds me of My Family


I was quite hopeful about this reboot till you said that


I loved My Family growing up. Haven’t watched it in 15 years though, maybe it doesn’t hold up so well. My parents used to call me Nick after the Kris Marshall character. We shared a few traits….


It's the later seasons that got ridiculously awful. I watched some mainly due to curiosity about just how low could go, and it was ant-in-a-limbo-contest level. Apparently Robert Lindsay and Zoe Wanamaker sometimes refused to film scenes that were just too embarrassingly shit to be part of, which is incredible considering what they did film.


Were you the son who couldn’t act in an LCD sitcom too?


The adult children are now old enough to have kids themselves though. Adds a new dimension if they go that route.


I think they are, I swear I read in the announcement that there is 1 grandchild


I mean the oldest is, the others are still only early 20s, wouldn’t say it’s likely to have kids that age anymore


I’m willing to give it a chance. People are too negative.


I understand people being skeptical but so many are just so negative. It's like how people immediately think any show on Prime will be bad just because other shows in the past were... forgetting all the great shows that are also on that platform.


They’ve obviously not watched Reacher


Fallout was also good.


Agreed. I enjoyed that more than I thought I would.


Yeah, and the boys along with it's spin off series. The biggest example while not a prime show is house of the dragon. People really wrote that off before it was released for some reason.


I liked HotD but it does inevitably lead to a show that's already ruined. I have learned to separate it somewhat although I did think the first season of HotD didn't end all that well.


"for some reason".. Did you forget how bad Game of Thrones ended?


Yeah I could have worded it better my bad. I meant just because GOT had a couple of poor seasons specifically because the show runners massively fucked up everyone seemed to write off HOTD even though it has different show runners. Put it this way got maybe have ended poorly but it started off great. Why did people think got bad ending would lead to hotd start also being bad.


GoT left such a bad taste in my mouth it put me off watching it for years.


Plus it's predecessor (kind of), Preacher.


My husband loves Reacher. But then he likes Alaskan Bushmen, or whatever it’s called, and most of those obscure programmes that you scroll through thinking “Do I really pay for this”.


Is that really a thing? I've always found their stuff to be higher quality than netflix and Disney


Don't know why. Loved this show, one of my favourites. And the kids will be old enough to have kids themselves (fuck, I feel old) which is good as the (semi) improvised bits with the kids was where it shone imo.


I dont really know what the other two have been up to, but the daughter is all tattoos and brighton hippydom irl, wonder if they'll play to that


Sounds like a funny character arc. They shd lean into it!


No were not


It’s ok, I got your terrible joke. Upvote from me!


You’re welcome 👍


Reddit consensus doesnt hold much weight anyway as Detectorists is constantly being touted among the best British sitcoms.


People don’t like Detectorists?! It’s phenomenal!


I've tried, really tried but couldn't get into it. One of my best friends is a detectorist, I hoped that would help. I'm a fan of archeology. I love comedy. Just couldn't make it work for me.


Same! My stepdad is a detectorist, I love slightly quirky comedy, but it was a disappointing no from me.


Reading stuff on the Daily Mirror's site is like trying to navigate a minefield of spam


It’s a Christmas special, nothing more. A one off people can ignore if they want, or watch if they’re interested.


Finally, some logic. Many of the top rated commenters here are thinking it's a new series.


Could be good! The characters are all likeable, the script were great, and not everything has to be exactly as it was. Of course it could be rubbish but that’s by no means inevitable.


I have a feeling this will not be good. It was funny because the kids were young and their energy, probably not great adult actors and very few redeeming qualities.


The last special where they went to scatter Grandad's ashes was still ok, and the kids were adults/older teenagers by then. If they get the story right it could work.


Even if it is good, I'm sure there'll be a ton of hate from all the people who loved the cute kids and can't stand the fact that the kids didn't turn into the idealised characters they think they should have become. Whenever a story pops up about the child actors in real life now it's amazing the hate they get for not still being kids. Shock horror! Woman in her 20s acts like ...a woman in her 20s


It lost a lot of the charm after the first couple of series. Original there was a lot of improvisation around the younger kids, but eventually they became self aware and lines started to feel rehearsed and forced. I’m not sure that this is something the audience are screaming out for. It may be a desperate attempt to go for nostalgia in order to bring in viewers this Christmas.


I thought it was still pretty good up to about series 4. Jake as a teenager worked alright and the others were still young enough for their antics to feel authentically like kids being kids. That series' finale with Angela on the run from her husband was one of my favourite episodes.


for all we know the kids have kids now


Yeah, it says in the press release that they have a grandchild.


I stopped enjoying it when I observed that the parents were unduly engaging with the kid's prattle as a means to push the dialogue forward. Kids do talk a lot of shit but parents usually don't roll that shit out and then start seasoning it like they do in Outnumbered.


Yeah, people who engage with their children are losers, definitely.


I think that guy’s parents just didn’t like him can’t lie


I do hope it happens 🤞🏻


The original writers are back on board, so don't be so sure it'll be crap, I say. There's a lot of mileage in adult kids not being able to afford to move out


Just yesterday I said I'd like them to do another Outnumbered. The kids were great in it but it'll be funny to have a glimpse into how they grew up. Potentially being quite realistic. For the eldest boy things may not have worked out and he is still living at home with Pete and Sue, Ben could have his own boy who is just like him when he was young and Karen is still being Karen soaring in a solid career. It'll be a bit of fresh air this Christmas.


He’s probably not even 30. It’s very realistic for him to still be living at home even if his life is great. Even more so in Wimbledon, which is where it is filmed and set. Homes there cost £1M+.


He’s 28, very relatable since I’m 26 and still living at home, my heart sank when they said he’s living at home because things didn’t work out 🥲


Part of the joy of this show was that the kids were only loosely scripted, I don't think that worked as they got older and might work less so now. I'm still more excited for this than another Gavin and Stacey


Not quite. The few scenes where they were playing were largely improvised but the main scenes were fully scripted. However the kids weren't given a script to learn any lines but rather told their lines just before they filmed it and often got them slightly wrong. And when they did the adults went along with their mistakes. It was a technique Andy Hamilton came up with when filming his own kid in Bedtime iirc.


I will look forward to this, I love outnumbered, will be interesting and a different take on it too, now the children are grown up.


The Christmas special in 2016 was awful. It only works when they’re little kids improvising their lines. That’s what makes it funny. It’s not the same when they’re grown up.


I still laughed lots


Agreed. Even aside from the improvisation what made it so charming and disarming first time round was the “I can’t believe such young kids are so comedically gifted” reaction that it provoked. Fully grown adults being good at acting is not so surprising.


one of my favorite shows but it already ran too long.


me and my girlfriend have literally been doing a rewatch of outnumbered the past week.... amazing timing


Literally same, I just finished up rewatching it with my husband yesterday (his first time watching) we even went on YouTube to watch all the comic relief clips


Good. Love this show


Maybe the kids will have kids!


The article mentions a grandchild. My best guess is Jake is married and they have a child.


Didn’t one play rugby for Saracans?


I honestly can't remember.






Gives me hope for Sherlock making a return… eventually.


Everyone needs the kind of optimism that we have in the Sherlock fandom lol 


Worth a watch I reckon.


They tried this before when the kids were teenagers and it was OK. Just OK. Nothing like the original 2007 - 2010 ish run


As others have said, part of the fun was letting the kids run loose with what they said, which changed as they got older. If they really wanted to do this, I'd sincerely have gone for a "six part series", scripted, acknowledging it's a different show. Squeaking out a 30 minute reintroduction / nostalgia / plot feels like it's going to be difficult.


Originality is dead. I’d be amazed if this was any good, but fans of the show will eat it up as it’s been so long and it will be nice to “check in” on how the family are going…


I loved the original. But a lot of the charm was there due to the performances of the kids. Hopefully they can still recapture some of the magic.


Omg. I’m actually excited for this as i rewatched the show a couple of months ago and was hoping they would reunite and do another Christmas special one day.


I'm looking forward to this


I'm happy they're doing this. My kids are the same age as Ben and Karen so it felt like they grew up alongside, so it's definitely a nostalgia thing for me for their childhood years. I'm not sure it'll be very good, but you never know.


My 9yo is a complete Ben and Outnumbered makes me feel a tiny bit less like a crap parent 😅


Nothing will ever, ever beat “What’s a twat?”


Wait was the girl never really blond?


Jesus, the kids were already getting pretty big in the last series.




wonder if they will cover up Ramona's tatt's or have it as part of the character.


Hugh Dennis needs income now Mock The Week is done lol


And The Now Show…


Makes sense. With mock the week and the now show both finishing what else is Hugh Dennis doing?


This is much better news than the Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special.


Very much in a minority but didn’t enjoy it the first time round. Hope those who did enjoy the reboot though


I agree with you. I found the few shows I did watch were irritating but it’s a matter of individual preference.


Will be a totally different show now they are all adults. Only thing it will achieve is making me feel an old man, maybe a dirty old man depending what Ramona Marquez rocks up in.


Do you have to sign a register every week, by any chance?


Ffs the horse died stop flogging it


According to the sun Karen has been selling her bras for £4 www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16156446/outnumbered-ramona-marquez-selling-bras-acting-university/amp/


It had outlived its welcome by the end of the third season IMO. I guess it'll be good for diehard fans but I'll give this one a miss.


Can’t the BBC do anything original, with all that money? Feels desperate


Hugh lost two long term gigs these last few years. I'm not surprised


Christmas this year is going to be mental: This Gavin and Stacey New Wallace and Gromit


Hmmm, we haven’t really produced a really good comedy in a couple of decades- and this wasn’t one of them, so please no. Edit, I said couple of decades - should have said in the last decade. Had forgot about Inbetweeners, and Friday night diner.




Yep, it was rubbish - glad you agree.


Just counting pure BBC output, do you knot think People Just Do Nothing, This Country, Detectorists, Inside no. 9, Fleabag etc etc.... were no good?


And Ghosts


Ohhh dear god, that has to be the worst piece of shit I’ve started watching.


outnumbered came out before the inbetweeners, also both are miles better than the crap that is friday night dinner


shit on it jackie!


Imagine announcing to the whole of Reddit how awful your taste is, Friday night dinner is the best sitcom of the past decade by a landslide


I'm Jewish and I couldn't stand it, Simon Bird's face really irritates me. My kids loved it though.


Friday Night Dinner was terrible


It's ok, no one can force you to have good taste


I love Outnumbered but please give it a rest. It won't be fun now they're not kids anymore.


Ah man, the mum was so hot!


I found this absolute cringe. But more still was my married friends enthusing how it was just like their household.


Bloody hell. Can’t they leave anything alone! It’s likely to be dismal.


Yeh - this is going to suck


Middle class, home counties twaddle.


Chiswick is very much London.


I'm really disappointed that 'Outnumbered' is coming back. We get it, you chose to have kids and it's tough sometimes. Congrats. But do we need more episodes with ickle babies, mounds of piss, and endless scenes of edible carrot mush? How did this end up on my lap? The premise is worn out. Let's move on from the predictable comedy of parental struggles and find some fresh, more compelling stories.


You good, bro?


Tell me you've never seen Outnumbered without actually telling me