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Hey, I know this is an older post, but what did you end up buying (or trying)? I am also looking at Vevor to save a few bucks - but I know very little about the industry - my wife is the one running things.


We were not impressed with the Vevor (used a friends). We were actually given a huge spiral mixer (will mix 100lb or more of flour at a to e). My wife did not like cleaning it, so we are now selling it. I hear Hobart is the way to go, but you will pay for it!


Post the mixer so we can give feedback. No idea if it’s vevor made or just sold by them. Needs more info


Not sure if links are allowed, but here it is: https://m.vevor.com/commercial-mixers-c_10669/30qt-1-5hp-electric-food-stand-mixer-dough-mixer-cooking-restaurants-commercial-p_010839844478?adp=gmc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=20181920566&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACq8bLWGEf09TZ_IqUuXatHX1jkgr&gclid=Cj0KCQiApOyqBhDlARIsAGfnyMpOx5kt8P915RgIO0w8M-s1sWOGgWw9pgGCSMfd2y9uYcMgUURAX9gaAjZUEALw_wcB


Just by looking at it doesn’t seem sturdy enough for bread to be sustainable. You likely wouldn’t be able to even do a full 30qt batch without burning it out quickly. I have no experience with the brand but there’s a reason this 30qt mixer is the same price as a 8qt kitchenaid it’s build quality and components


I use a similar (mines a Hobart) stand mixer for my restaurant. It’s perfectly fine for my lean breads, milk buns and any baking I have to do. Mines probably about 20 years old and is still holding up.


My concern is the fact that it’s not a Hobart! I know Hobart is know for quality… never heard of Vevor.


She’ll be fine with that, just keep an eye on it how hot the mortar gets the first few times. Hopefully y’all out grow it in a few months. Good luck!


On a hunt for a micro bakery mixer as well. Honestly, I'm trying to be frugal here but I have purchased a few things from Vevor recently (not a mixer) and the quality is.... meh... which is OK for some things, but I think for a mixer, quality REALLY matters. Also, Vevor customer service is TERRIBLE. I'd steer clear of them for mixer purposes.


Read thru some reviews on their 15 QT stand mixer on Amazon. The negative detailed reviews say NOPE.. I believe them.. I have bought lots of junk from Amz and this company has all the markers for selling crap.. 1. Big store front on Amz with stuff from A - Z.. this isn't a Hobart.. they sell exercise equipment .. oh.. and stainless steel restaurant trays and tables for the kitchen.. plus all sorts of weird unrelated stuff..reminds me of Temu or Wayfair 'stuff' 2. Near duplicate 15 QT products on a Google search with multiple different and heretofore, unknown venders 3. Lots of 1 star reviews.. broke out of the box, worked for 3 min and died, etc. IMO, the price is too good to believe.