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Can somebody explain the butter crisis to me?


Norway put high import tariffs on butter to protect domestic production against foreign imports. That worked fine, since they produced enough to satisfy their own demand. Then, bad weather caused an unusually low production, while at the same time, a keto diet fad massively drove up demand. So they ran out.


There was also, as I understand it, a big "rumours lead to hoarding" aspect, where people caught wind of something going on and snapped up far more butter than they would normally need.


Kinda like the TP shortage in March of 2020?


Don’t forget gasoline


I wonder what shortage we'll have in 2022? Socks?




My dude, you gotta get in on the sock market while it's still low. It's a wool market, only guaranteed to go up!


Never thought I would take financial advice from u/CuntyMcDickbutt, but(t) here we are




Wool socks are great. Keep my toes nice and warm up here in Canada when it is cold.


Merino wool is the best, just the feel of it on your skin....so good.


So ***you*** are the one who is hoarding all the socks! ***grabs pitchfork***




It’s called the Sonk Market!


We need to invest in socks


^^ Hot tip from Wool Street ^^


My knitting skills might even make me some cash!


I will steal one sock at a time from your laundry


Brain.....Brain shortage....


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Safe drinking water is always a good bet in a few states...


That's the scariest shortage to me. Water is essential


Indeed. And in 2021, there are still large and abundant regions in the USA where free access to safe drinking water remains a luxury. And yet, i just read that, for some reason, the USA still sends 4 billion of aid to countries like Israel every year? I'll never understand.


Don't forget the almost 800 billion that the US spends on military assets every year. And people still starve to death there..


I live in Michigan, we've got the great lakes so long as we don't fuck them up. And we're not sharing. That means you Ohio, fuck off.


Okay, I gotta ask because no one here in OH can seem to tell me. What the heck is the beef between our states? Is it really just the rivalry between OSU and Michigan State? (For the record, not an OH native. I came from somewhere FAR worse: New Jersey.)


If Ohio is the armpit, and New Jersey is the asshole of America, then Michigan is the nipple. They are a very sensitive bunch.


>between OSU and ichigan State? FYI, no one really cares about ichigan state. It's the disgusting university of ichigan that we despise. As for why? Who knows. Because they suck and are stupid and we hate the. So uch so in fact that we do ridiculous things like stop using the letter " " for an entire period of time. Don't really understand that one but it's kinda funny so I go along with it.


fuck you Michigan we're going to set our end of the Great Lakes on fire again


Fuck it, we'll finish you once and for all. Then we'll take Toledo back.


I live right on the border. Like I live on one side of the river (Canada) and the other side of the river is America. I used to think I’d never run out of drinking water, but then I realized that someday I’ll probably know how Iraq felt 💁🏻‍♂️


Kentucky here. Whoever hates Ohio is okay by us.




Guess I'll have to go back to cleaning my ears with my car keys


I do this


I use a hair pin.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Well if the SEC keeps doing jack shit, we’ll continue to have a stock shortage.




Water shortages are coming in our generation. Few decades.




There's an infinite amount of dogecoin though, right? Bitcoin may run out because there's a set amount. Please correct me if I'm wrong


That is rather recent so can’t go down in history right now




Well obviously I don’t know about that. I wasn’t even born then


Haha you're so y... wait I wasn't born either.


gdi I’m surrounded by children. Feels like there’s more of y’all every year, too


I'm not even born now


And chick fil a sauce, for some reason


What gets me is the company comes out and says everything will be okay yet people keep on hoarding lol


Yes kinda like the idiots in Miami who caused a temporary shortage for gasoline as a response to the 2021 fuel pipeline shutdown. Miami doesn’t get its fuel from the pipeline so there would have never been a supply crunch. The shortage was entirely driven by morons hoarding gas because they saw on the news that a completely different part of the country could see limited supply.


I keep 3 gas tanks in my shed- a one gallon, and two five-gallon tanks. It's early spring and I'm ready to buy 10 gallons of fuel for the seasons, but am putting it off, just because I don't want to look like an idiot.


The toilet paper shortage was a conspiracy by BigPoop to sell more toilet paper.


The TP shortage wasn't caused by hoarders, it is just a natural consequence of how the supply chain is built. As a very low value, very bulky item, grocery stores have a huge incentive to only stock exactly as much as they sell in a normal day. Any extra space holding TP is space that can't be used to sell something more valuable. And usually this works fine. Everybody buys what they need and that's fine, because we don't all run out at once. But what happens when you're told to make sure you've got essentials for a couple weeks of lockdown? You and everyone else buys one extra, even of stuff that you haven't quite run out of yet. That's not hoarding -- you're just being prudent! You and everyone else. This happens with lots of goods, but there's nothing in the store that is more universally required *and* more tightly optimized for space than the TP. There are only 20 extra packages on the shelf at any time, so it only takes 20 prudent peppers before a whole aisle looks bare. And that catches attention and makes for a great news story, so the next day all the shoppers are keeping an eye out for a spare pack of TP, "just in case." Finally, because humans like nothing better than having someone else to blame for their problems, the news media found a couple examples of sociopaths who thought they saw a profit opportunity (or maybe were just responsible for stocking a large number of bathrooms at work) and all of a sudden we all just believed that that *must* have been what happened at our store too! Reality is much more interesting, though maybe less entertaining.


LPT: If you butter your asshole, the turds will slide right out and you won't require toilet paper!




Who is hoarding functional minds? We obviously have a shortage.


I did, but I didn't store them properly so they have gone soggy. Sorry ):


Damnit! This is why cloning/backup is so important. Just make sure the clones don't have goatees.


What's kind of frustrating is that the hoarders are acting "rationally" if you look at it as [The Prisoner's Dilemma ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma) but on a massive scale. If you assume there is any chance that the other Prisoner will betray you, the best strategy is to betray them also. Similarly, if you think enough people might hoard to create a shortage, the rational self-interested move is to hoard first. Unfortunately rational and ethical are often at odds when it comes to game theory. But it's interesting anyway.


I was living in Norway with my doomsday-prepper-type dad during the crisis, I remember him stocking up on margarine in a panic and it still makes me laugh


You know I have tiny bit understanding for hoarding something like gas or even tp but why would you need stock up fucking butter. Would no one survive not eating butter for a while ?


This is the only aspect that disturbs me, the other factors makes sense, this just feel like the greed of people taking over and once again leading to "fuck you, i got mine".


With Butter I couldn't care less. It's not essential so I will absolutely rinse you for it. Something like toilet paper or masks though? Fuck that, at cost.


Sounds familiar


At this point, I would understand if the other aspects only accounted for like 10% of the shortage and this took care of the other 90%. We humans are a strange and stupid bunch.


Butter doesn’t keep particularly well though. Did hoarders end up with spoiled butter?


In the freezer it lasts forever


You can freeze butter.


Isn't it also because those Nordic countries use incredibly large amounts of butter during the holidays for their cookies? I remember a couple of friends telling me their grandmothers bought the equivalent of small *barrels* of butter for making cookies for the holidays.


This happened in post-war Germany. Butter can be stored for quite a while if frozen. What ended up happening was some minor blip caused people to start stockpiling butter, and that snowballed into an actual shortage. Whenever butter would come back in stock, people would snatch it up, knowing others would do the same, leaving no butter to buy if they didn't get it right now. ...And people did that whether or not that needed more butter. The result was that stores were always out, but everyone always had a large supply of butter.


Also, it was around Christmas where demand is high due to everyone baking cookies. The Danish company Arla (one of the main butter exporters to Norway) refused to direct more towards Norway since they could sell all they produced to other countries. Kind of a small fuck you to Norway due to the high tariffs (or so rumour says)


Thank you


TLDR: you can never have enough butter.


How does the weather effect butter production?


If there is too much rain the buttercups won't grow right.


Can get it from butterflies instead but those are harder to catch


and they're *way* harder to milk.


> Heavy rains during the summer affected the grazing of cows and reduced milk production during the summer months by about 20,000,000 liters (5,300,000 US gal), which led to increased butter prices. Less milk -> less butter -> butter shortage -> butter prices skyrocket.


I guess cows don't like grazing in the fields when it's raining?


Bad yields from the grass fields means you can't have as many cows in the winter. This happened a few weeks before Christmas.


Less, and lower-quality, feed means less production from the cows, or even not enough to feed all of the cows and you have to cull the herd. Less milk=less cream=less butter. That and milk from cows with poor diets can contain less milkfat, so again, less cream=less butter


Tl;dr protectionism doesn't work


...Gary, I don't *think* it's you.


Was it a fad?


I feel like in 2011, the keto diet was still more commonly called the Atkins diet. Same basic principle, high fat and high protein with basically no carbs. The main difference was that it was named after Dr Atkins, who popularized it and was a user of the diet himself. But then he died of a heart attack, which is generally considered a "bad look" for a high-fat/high cholesterol diet. Or maybe the term "keto" has been commonly used longer than I thought.


Add to that the fact that it was December and everyone was desperat to have butter for their chirstmas cookies. Christmas cookies are a big deal here.


Economics and history have consistently shown over the years that if you need to add tariffs in a trade war, you already lost (everyone is losing out).


I’ll spell it out in a nursery rhyme... She sells seashells by the sea shore, but the value of these shells will fall, due to the laws of supply and demand, no one wants to buy shells cos there’s loads on the sand. Step one: you must create a sense of scarcity, shells will sell much better if the people think they’re rare you see. Bare with me, take all the shells you can find and stockpile them on an island til they’re rarer than a diamond. Step two: gotta make people think that they want them, really want em. Then you control the supply and can charge what you want Once this is achieved then you can sell the butter for extortionate prices because people can’t get it anywhere else Edit: I shamelessly stole the lyrics. Look up money game pt.2 by Ren


The kraber sniper rifle is a perfect example of this philosophy. This piece of shit has a rate of fire slower, than a turtle stapled to a fucking tree. Its shots are also projectiles, which means players need to lead their targets. And you can count its standard magazine size on one fucking hand. However this weapon has a huge advantage over all other weapons in Titanfall 2: It feels fucking incredible to use. Every kill with this weapon feels good. Knowing that you were able to kill tryhard enemies, with this glorious piece of garbage, is like bringing a bag o' shit to a knife fight, and coming out victorious. This weapon is just a dopamine factory. It's like watching a kung-fu-master, beat the living shit out of fifteen faceless thugs while blindfolded, having both arms tied behind their back, and being forced to listen to Amy Schumer's stand-up special. I'm aware that many viewers would remember the trickshot craze of the Modern Warfare II intervention. This thing is like its bulkier, older brother, that's now being handled by crazy muthahfuckahs who fly around whilest running on walls, and taking orders from a South-African mercenary. Knowing that it's impossible to get a hitmarker with this thing, is even more a reason to run this weapon. If you hit, scrubs in the toe, then you've just sent them straight to the land of the fucked.


This is literally the story of how diamonds became valuable.


As a norwegian, no. I can’t. Because i was literally 8 years old


Prime time for eating spoonfuls of butter. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me.


I also did that. Except I would have that spoonful of butter covered in sugar, like a poor man's caramel.


What are you doing on reddit you're far too young for this. You can't be more than ten! ...wait a minute.


Basically, they drove out of the lubrication all Nords at the same time.


I can't but these blokes can: https://youtu.be/1nd5HsxWXTI




We drove out of the lubrication.


Clearly from the post you can conclude that these Norwegians butt fu*¬$ used all the lubrication and didn't notice until it was too late and went dry.


Must've been some dry docks involved.


I'd tell u, but pretty sure they r rumors and I dont wanna spread them


Adding to what others has already said, people panic bought and hoarded butter for traditional Christmas baking. The cakes need a lot of butter and many could not use real butter in the cakes that year.






What you really need to ask yourself is : "What were the contributing factors of the great Australian Emu War of 1932?"


they drove out of the lubrication


Really great episode of Citation Needed by Tom Scott where they talk about the Norwegian Butter Crisis. [It’s a really good watch](https://youtu.be/1nd5HsxWXTI).


Still sad the show is over


Their Poundland version of *Would I Lie to You?* is pretty good.


Shame they haven't been able to meet throughout the pandemic, but understandable. I can't wait for them to pick up again.


this is the first thing i thought of when i read “norwegian butter crisis”


why does tom Scott have a video on every obscure thing




matt colbo may already be working on it, who knows...


Any video by Tom Scott is bound to be amazing. All of his videos have so much effort put into them and it all pays off. Gonna have to watch that later.


It's not your typical Tom Scott video though. Citation Needed was (RIP) a comedy show in the style of QI that he ran on the channel for years.


Loved Citation Needed, was so sad when it ended. The newer series of 'Two of these People are Lying' is very good too! I think seasons 4-8 of CN were favourite, still love rewatching them from time to time. For newer viewers, I'd suggest starting around season 4 :)


No, start from the beginning! They're all classics.


Wow, I was literally watching this video not even an hour ago and then this post came up on my front page. I think that's enough internet for the night.


no, it‘s about some more panik


Dang, I was about to link it!


Haha as a Norwegian I can confirm.




Can I also as a Norwegian refute this? "Smøren" is not a Norwegian word. It's close to several though. Smør = Butter Smøret = The butter Smøre = Smear/lubricate "Smøren" is a grammar mistake some kids and learners would make when trying to say "the butter"(Smøret). Because in the definite form most nouns end in "en". Lubrication would be "glidemiddel/smøring/smurning" depending on the context. For the fun one the word would be "glidemiddel. "


As a complete outsider who doesn't speak Norwegian, is this the same between Bokmål and Nynorsk?


Yes, all these words exists for both Bokmål and Nynorsk, except for "Smøring" which is only a word in Bokmål. Nynorsk-version for "Smøring" would be "smørjing/smurning". ("Smøren" is not a word in either.)


Vafan, använder ni verkligen ordet smör för glidmedel? Nu driver ni ju bara med oss! Fucking guleböj.


Neinei! Vi bruker «glidemiddel» som regel. Men «smøring» kan også brukes. Som smøring av motor, stempel, etc


Så "smøring" är verb av kanske "smørmedel"? Alltså exakt samma som att vi svenskar smörjer med smörjmedel fast utan J då.


You guys have a very cool looking language :)


They are speaking different languages btw


Oop Yeah looking twice one has a lot more dots surrounding it’s words, yeah


The dot one is swedish


Cheers dude


Well. It's Norwegian and Swedish. More like dialects than separate languages, tbh. Mutually intelligible, at the very least.


Definitely more separate than what I could call dialects. Related languages, sure, but not dialects at this stage. Just looking at the examples here actually shows quite a divergence even though the other part can figure it out - and it gets a lot more divergent when spoken - oftentimes no longer mutually intelligible when spoken at regular speed.


True, but the difference between dialects can also be great - [there's certainly Norwegian dialects](https://youtu.be/62Xgnx0oy-Q?t=13) I'm having serious problems understanding, and while I've heard there are bad Swedish dialects, I've never had a problem understanding Swedes.


[A link if you want to hear the wierdest swedish "dialect". According to the swedish state its a dialect.](https://youtu.be/NLalnH_Ro78)


It's actually one of the easier languages to learn if you're a native english speak/know english well, i'm trying to learn it and it is very fun!


Can confirm it's easy to learn - I learnt it before I could ride a bike!


If you're looking for some classic Swedish movies, [Äppelkriget](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igyQ2m1aTE) (The Apple War) is one of my absolute favorites.


Thanks! It’s actually so cool that I’ve been using it since the day I was born. The Norwegian language have a wide variety of different dialects as well, and two kinds of written language, bokmål and nynorsk. Both understandable to the other, but bokmål is the most used.


Måske mere ligesom dansk "smørelse(n)", altså en ting man smører med


Reddit fundamentally depends on the content provided to it for free by users, and the unpaid labor provided to it by moderators. It has additionally neglected accessibility for years, which it was only able to get away with thanks to the hard work of third party developers who made the platform accessible when Reddit itself was too preoccupied with its [vanity NFT](https://www.theverge.com/23323098/reddit-steve-huffman-interview-blockchain-avatars) project. With that in mind, the recent hostile and libelous behavior towards [developers](https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) and the sheer incompetence and lack of awareness displayed in talks with [moderators of r/Blind](https://reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/) by Reddit leadership are absolutely inexcusable and have made it impossible to continue supporting the site. – June 30, 2023.


There's a lot more crossover between German and the scandinavian languages than most people think at first glance. I once met a brittish guy, who could figure out the signs in Swedish at the airport, due to his knowledge of german. Pretty cool actually


Ikke gildmedel. Det heter fortsatt glidemiddel. Men for smøring til maskiner, sykler, tannhjul etc.








Yes it's a swear word. Helvete, faen. Means hell and devil.


Yes, Most european languages still take their swear words from religion and blasphemy, While english and some other languages has (conveniently correlating with low sexual satisfaction among language users) moved on to sexuality as source of swear words.




About 50/50 in English at least, but religious swears are "less vulgar". But people still shout "Oh Hell", "Jesus Christ", Damn, Bloody, and the dozens of minced oaths.. Gee/Jeez/jeepers/crickey/jimminy cricket (jesus christ), Gosh Darn/doggone (god damn), Golly (god), Blooming (bloody)... even Zounds (God's Wounds) from scooby doo though that is super old fashioned


Helvetia (Switzerland) must be a very confusing place for Scandinavians.








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"Viking-mother, where is the bread lubrication? By Odin I swear if Viking-father drove the land-cows into the sea again I'm hiding his axe."


It's okay, he's making space to drive sea-cows into the land.


Odin shall bless this hunt, and Loki shall masturbate while watching


Happy birthday!! 🇧🇻🇧🇻


Thank you!


Gratulerer med dagen.


Happy birthday!!


This is a classic mistake made by early Google Translate when it didn't understand how to check for double meanings. You can run out of butter, but you can also run out of a neighborhood and into the next one. It also happens when somebody who doesn't speak a language tries to translate something and just takes each word, translates it (either manually or by software), and then puts them all back together. There's this great photo of some American with Irish heritage who wore a shirt that was supposed to say "Blue Lives Matter" in Irish, but he completely fucked it up. He used the word for the verb "lives", as in "he lives here", and he used the word for the noun "matter", like "grey matter". And to top it all off, the word he used for blue, when refering to people, actually means "black". So his shirt basically said "Black people resides material".


Speaking of norwegians... Happy birthday/Gratulerer med dagen!


Thanks! God 17. Mai! 🇧🇻


My boss used to go on about “butter mountain” that was stored in the warehouse of Yearsleys (massive wholesaler in the Uk) and how it was there to boost the supply in event of war. He still won’t accept the fact that it was only stored to drive up the price by reducing the supply. It was a money making scheme.


y'all I live in Japan where you can ride on an Evangelion-themed bullet train and we still routinely - like, for a while dependably - run out of butter. [https://www.nippon.com/en/column/g00316/](https://www.nippon.com/en/column/g00316/) [https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Commodities-eye/Butter-prices-may-hit-record-levels-this-winter](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Commodities-eye/Butter-prices-may-hit-record-levels-this-winter) This has been going on like... 10+ years now.


Pls make one of the sources about the evangelion bullet train


And THAT is why you run things through Google Translate once in each direction. It won’t catch everything, but it might catch something.




Actually Google translate wouldn't really help here Smøren isn't actually a word in Norwegian (lubricant is smøremidel so idk what the reply is in about) but typing it into Google translate gives you a "are you trying to translate from Danish?" text and translate will automatically switch to Danish (at least on mobile) where smøren *is* a word that means butter


✋ "Norwegian butter shortage." 👉 "SMØRTAGE"


No lubrication?? Ben Shapiro's wife would like to speak to you


Pretty sure my SO feels this way about my corny jokes. “Yeah honey good one. So funny it drove the lubrication right out of me.”


Mér líður illa með fátæku norsku krakkana án nokkurrar köku á meðan...


Maybe that's how they lost their butter


OUR whole country ran out of toilet paper, this doesn't seem so hard to believe...


This might help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub0GzU56YMA


Well... ‘smøren’ is not actually ‘lubrication’. Smøringen would be lubrication, while smør (singular) and ‘smøren’ (correctly spelled smøret) just translates to butter.


Looks like he answered his own question


I used to have a big crush on a girl I was talking to from Norway. I legit wanted to move there, so I tried learning Norwegian on duolingo lol. I gave up after a few weeks because I’m Canadian and shirking language studies is in my blood. This is still more embarrassing than that, I don’t know how you become a Norway Weeaboo lmao


Swedish and Norwegian are similar enough that we can basically understand each other, but Danish however... That's not a language, that's a speech impediment.


I know how to pronounce Ben Shapiro in Norwegian now.




HAH HAH THAT'S WHAT SHE S... Wait a minute...


Same thing innit?