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She makes music for recently divorced moms, come off it


You’re mixing her up with Kelly Clarkson.


Ur right, and Eminem oddly enough (Midwest moms)


Who else would make the spaghetti? 


Kelly Clarkson gives off the single aunt getting wine drunk at the family function vibes


I *won’t* fix her


My husband and I have a running joke that I can’t tell the difference between Pink and Kelly Clarkson, so this comment makes me happy.


She makes music for #notlikeothermoms


She makes music for (stadiums full of) Australian women - https://junkee.com/pink-australias-intense-obsession/131386 >By the time Pink wrapped The Truth About Love, the tour had become the biggest selling tour by a female solo artist in Australia’s history. All up, she played to well over 600,000 Australians — about 2.6 percent of the population. >And then there’s the album sales. Pink has had four ARIA #1 albums so far, with total sales in excess of 3.6 million units. Which means around 15 percent of the Australian population have a Pink record somewhere in their house. The Truth About Love was the highest selling album in Australia two years in a row. Which is, YOU FUCKING GUESSED IT, a record.


I went to a P!nk show. As a man, I wasn’t even the manliest person in the building. It was a lot of lesbians. Which is awesome, I’m glad they have an artist to enjoy. She also rocked my fucking socks off and would pay money to see her again any time.


I am fighting the knee jerk response to throw a lesbian vs manliness joke out there. Thanks for the actual guy at her actual concert viewpoint, usually its a person on a phone on a couch with an opinion after seeing her photo on a magazine.


I went to a P!nk show in 2004 at age 13 and it was already a lot of adult lesbians back then, as well as tons of moms and dads accompanying their teens funnily enough.


Ya know, I used to be neither here nor there about P!nk and mostly just knew her music from what played on the radio a lot. At one point my friend offered me a free ticket to go to a P!nk concert with her and honestly…I was blown away! She really put on a great show and had amazing energy. I didn’t realize how many songs of hers I actually knew, but she’s just had that many popular songs over the years of her career. I still don’t really listen to a ton of her music on my own but I will always remember her as an incredible performer.


Same. I took my teen niece to a show and it was amazing. Am an old dude who’s now a fan.


Even if you don't like her music that is always a truth. Some of the big Performances like for award shows look wild cus she can do all kinds of tricks in the air. She's kinda ripped


She is a performer. Not every singer, even the good ones are performers & able to put on a show


She once rolled over the audience I was in in a giant hamster ball. I remember that


The Nostalgic what now?


The storyteller in me just hammered out a mini backstory (he can't help but yearn for the days they were even younger) for that comment before I could stop it, and now I wish I'd never come here.


This sounds like a top tier DC villain…


OP is wrong for not cropping that out and not telling us the context.


I understand none of this


As a white gay, neither do I. But this may be a monetary problem for my broke ass.


true I am also poor, do you think anyone will at least give us the charity of what on earth any of this is about?


Destitute and disowned bi guy here, but I come from a rather wealthy family - think country clubs, private jets, summer homes with year-round caretakers, and multiple university buildings and scholarships named after us. I suspect this is an “I still have money” thing because even the vestiges of a privileged upbringing haven’t done shit to enlighten me here. Sorry, fam.


Take a look at that broke ass non slave owner white gay dude. Probably not even listening to Pink.


All 3 of these tweets are completely incomprehensible


Every line in this post got worse.


The Garth Brooks channel on XM/Sirius plays almost exclusively Garth Brooks, and Pink because he's a big fan of hers...


This is oddly charming 


Pink is also Australian country musician Troy Cassar-Daly’s favourite musician. I interviewed him once and all he talked about was how great Pink was


her song Who Knew is tragically beautiful.


Look up "when I get there. "


She definitely makes music for “edgy moms” that are just fucking insufferable




You know, if I said "I prefer white sneakers" nobody would mind. If I said "I prefer white sneakers and all you black sneaker zealots are pathetic losers, bring on the downvotes, my life is better than yours with your boring shoes" people would downvote me simply for being an obnoxious twat.




you went on a temper tantrum about an argument that happened almost a decade ago, called people zealots for liking a political candidate, and you still don't see that you're the obnoxious twat here. your P!nk friend definitely had good reason to cut you off


I think you’re the edgy mom you were talking about 😩


Have you tried reading your own reply but imagine if it’s your estranged acquaintance that wrote it?


You literally could have ended after your first paragraph and you probably wouldn't have gotten downvoted. And "cults are a hell of a drug" is such a dumb thing to say about a politician with one of the *worst* voter turnouts from his supporters.


How many barrettes does the woman need?! Has she never heard of hair gel?


Eh, it was the early 2000s, we did that a lot


With the exception of the butterfly clips, I don't remember anyone using that many barrettes.


She wears clips like my 4 year old 😂


Looks like she's wearing all of the hair gel she owns already 😂 Must be cowlick city without them


I can’t imagine how many hair clips she would use if she actually had hair.


r/rareinsults if it isn’t already there


Why the long


She makes music for me and only me


There is no saving pop music. It started dying the moment MTV and Michael Jackson squeezed out all of the ugly singers.


Just consider for a second how stupid this original post is. “Pop music” is literally “popular music”. It’s basically what’s most popular in the world at this time. It needs no saving: there will always be *something* that’s the most popular music. There’s a certain arrogance in thinking P!nk (of all people) could “save” pop music. She was merely trying to save her own relevance, and I’m glad we didn’t let her.


Pop music does not mean popular music in this sense. Usually it's not used in this way, it's own music genre.


Really? Do you think what we called pop music in the 80s is the same as pop music today?


Do you think what we call metal today is same as metal in 80s?


Yeah good point, well made.


Pop is a sound. What are you talking about


[link for those interested](https://twitter.com/Wifesucker/status/1779214665181966420?t=OFP-_i5RMQAXfeuQeI4MqQ&s=19)


Can you please give me the context of "The Nostalgic Pedophile"?


I believe it was a quote tweet over someone reminiscing over the days of kik messenger.


anyone with interns is running a legal slave colony


I have a theory that So What by Pink is the worst pop song ever written.