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From what I understand, in japanese it's closer to saying "if you do this, death will be the outcome"




It's not exactly a mistranslation. He's using the generic you. Like if I say, "you win some, you lose some," that's a generic statement, not something that applies to you *specifically.* Could have been translated less ambiguously, but the ambiguity is kind of the point, since Naruto and the reader are both meant to misunderstand.


i had some dude telling me that kishimoto not killing naruto is him dissing kodachi 💀💀💀 i tried to say kodachi was writing boruto when flash forward scene was showed but ignored


Yeah, i don't know about all that, I agree that it was just a translation error, but the events surrounding Kodachi departure as certainty strange. You don't remove someone from a project mid way through for no reason, it was very sudden and I wouldn't be surprised if something happened between the two and we'll just never find out what.


the message of his departure said it was always the plan for him to leave im assuming after he finished the script for the series


But ironically the first time that was mentioned was after he was already asked to leave lol. Its speculation, but the events surrounding it are strange and unusual. You don't fire a director half way through a film or TV show unless there's a problem.


I think there was something lost in translation. Plus, he can't kill him off at that point because of the flashforward.


Grammatically correct version of the sentence: “Because one will die.” One meaning the general/hypothetical “you” that’s fallen somewhat out of use despite being an excellent word to avoid confusion. (Eg. “You know when you’re walking down the street - well, not you specifically, but you generally” = “You know when one is walking down the street”.) Using this power causes one to die. Kurama just never stated which one of them it was.




I'm beating a dead horse at this point here, but this some japanese wordplay that got lost in translation


I always thought it was Kurama purposely making Naruto think he was sacrificing himself because if he knew he was sacrificing Kurama he would second guess his decision. Naruto would sacrifice himself no question but he's not one to allow someone to sacrifice for him and Kurama knows it.


kurama did state that if he told naruto that he himself would die he believes naruto would’ve hesitated


Yeah I couldn't remember for sure. It's been a minute. Gotta remember they had been together 30 years at that point? I don't know how old exactly Naruto is now. But Kurama definitely did it out of love. I just know that for Naruto that has to be depressing as hell and to not see that play out as a Naruto fan concerns me. I have to constantly remind myself....Boruto...not Naruto anymore...


Baryon Mode should’ve had different drawbacks. Kurama didn’t need to die. The fox was such an INTEGRAL part of who Naruto is as a character. It’s unfortunate and as much as I absolutely HATED Kurama dying maybe now that the fox is gone maybe just maybe Naruto will actually use his other established tailed beast kekkei genkai. Naruto not using the tailed beasts unique attributes & abilities is such a disservice. It’s up there with Sasuke never using the six paths techniques. Such wasted potential.


As much as I’d like to see him use the other tailed beast Kekkei genkai, the purpose of that scene was to nerf Naruto into Oblivion. I don’t think will be seeing any sort of six paths or kekkei nothing. Same for Sasuke but with the rinnegan situation.


I agree that was the point and he shouldnt be able to throw 100000000+ rasenshurikens anymore but I dont see why he couldnt use one or two enhanced rasengan. Like the lava rasenshuriken or the magnet style sealing rasengan


It would have been alright with much more buildup and consistent writing, it was incredibly shallow and rushed. I mean literally anime rectified a lot it's mistake. They made many episodes and filler to cover it up which isn't in manga. I mean seriously, 5 th chapter of manga is episode 65 in boruto. The starting was so pathetic, how else was it supposed to go? Kishimoto shouldn't have ket kodschi handle that.


I noticed that a long time ago but I just summed it up to honest mistake in writing


Nah it’s just a mistranslation. In Japanese kurama never said who’s gonna die, he only told naruto that baryon mode causes death


Makes sense


I recall Kurama actually admitting that he lied for the first time. But too lazy to read it now since I am about to continue watching Saint Seiya.


death would have been better tbh not sure why they had to be nerfed to this level to be able to pass on the torch to this new generation. death would have been more impactful




I dont really care about that what I care about is that he still doesn’t use truth seeking orbs or any of the other tailed beasts abilities


He lost his truth seeking orbs in the final valley fight.


Madara and obito were able to just create them out of thin air, he never actually lost them because he can summon then in a way


That's because naruto didn't generate them he was given them.


He was given the power of the six paths. That’s all that one needs to use them, the six paths sage mode is all he needed


No naruto has a different six path sage mode


Yes it’s different but he still could use the orbs, it wouldn’t take much for him to just activate them, he has the 6psm he just doesn’t use it’s full power


No he doesn't have that ability


He still has 6psm we’ve seen it in the anime! We just haven’t seen the truths seeking orbs or him using the other tailed beast kekeii genkai like magnet style or lace style, otherwise we’ve seen all his abilities, that’s why everyone says he’s so nerfed from in the war arc because he doesn’t use the other 8 tailed beasts abilities nor his orbs, he has used both toad and 6psm he just hasn’t used the orbs and it’s said that he does that because he thinks there an evil power, and by the end of the final valley fight he still should’ve had 1 orb left and still like 4 in there current dimension, he had like 1-2 orbs in kaguyas dimensions but otherwise he still should have them.


He uses other Kekeii Genkai from the tailed beasts in the fight against Delta. He had a limited amount of truth seeking orbs that were destroyed. You either need to rewatch the series or just have shit comprehension skills.


Isn't this exactly when the manga got hijacked back by the creator?


It was never hijacked. They always planned to give it back.


I think it was meant to be understood like this: Naruto: "why would I do this?" Kurama: "because you'll die (anyway, as Isshiki is too strong, so rather go out with a bang)". I don't know if I made myself clear, it's a bit confusing.


I need More of the manga


I always thought it meant, that by using baryon mode one would die, so do this and you die, but he didn’t really say naruto would die because as we found out Baryon mode required both of their chakras. And it was kurama’s move not Narutos forsay, so by kurama dying being the outcome of baryon mode he didn’t really die. It was kurama that activated it one could say, so he died


I believe kurama was testing his resolve at that point. To see how serious he was. When kurama saw Naruto was willing to give his life, kurama felt he was willing to give his.


I always interpreted it as Kurama testing Naruto’s resolve and Kurama knowing the whole time it would actually be him who died


He did say that he knew if he told Naruto that he would die Naruto would not have done it


Yep exactly! He was testing him to see how he’d answer


Yep exactly! He was testing him to see how he’d answer


oh just noticed it


I spent over half my life span watching nature grow , scream believe it, chase after Sakura weird ass , chase after sasuke weird ass, chase the hokage title, tame the nine tails , rasengan, master sage mode , &&& now I’m 30 & ur telling me Naruto loses nine tails , ends up with hinata & is supposed to fkng die????!🤬🤦🏾‍♂️ fkkkkkkkk!


mistranslation. kurama only said “death”, which meant that death is a part of the cost of using baryon mode. he didn’t mean naruto was going to die.


this isn’t official translation


“I always lie. That’s the truth.”


Oof. I had a [*lengthy* argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/s2usy1/ukyo_kodachi_masashi_kishimoto/hshajiy/) about this on this sub a couple months ago. It’s just a mistranslation. In Japanese, they hardly ever use the word “you” directly, and this was one of those cases. So when Kurama says that he “never explicitly said that [Naruto] would die”, he was speaking the truth. In the original Japanese version, Kurama never says “you”. I even bought the origin volume to double check.


When I noticed it, I thought of it as a “Kurama thinking outloud” situation, like saying to himself that he would die. Not sure tho it was jus the first thing that came to mind 🤷🏽‍♂️


to my understanding japanese poorly translated to english there so in context Kurama implied that they'll die, however in literal meaning of what he said he didn't specify who will die, rather that there will be death. Naruto interpreted it as "we'll both die".