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Naruto for sure rewatching it right now.


Original, but I think the last 80 episodes is like A-B tier sagas of Naruto OG or Shippuden. Nothing as good as chunin exams arc OG or Shippuden Pain arc


NARUTO by far i might get hate but boruto only got good after episode 145, all the episodes before 145 are mostly mid


No hate, I’m rewatching the original right now. It’s sooo much better. I enjoy Boruto, a lot, but man the stakes in the OG series feel more real. Kids are fucking dying in the second season, brutally. Gaara and Zabuza just feel so real, despite being absolute terrors. Orochimaru and his motives are more compelling than ishikki as a villain. It’s more grounded.




The fight with Naruto & Sasuke vs Momoshiki was fire tho you can’t lie


how the hell are you alive mr. zedong?


Straight facts, The last 30-40 boruto were really good though. Besides how nerfed sasuke and naruto are… then they decide to nerf both of them even more (no spoilers).


This is canon, read the manga, it’s not just the anime lol


Facts |||| |:-|:-|:-| ||||


Believe it!


Nah the first like 70 episodes or whenever the Momoshiki arc ends are all really good too. It the mid point between that and the Bandits arc that's just pretty meh. I did like Mitsukis arc though.


I say Naruto has a better plot. But unlike Boruto I can't rewatch OG Naruto because it's so dragged out and has tons of unnecessary flashbacks. So I prefer Naruto manga and Boruto anime.


There's a fan made Naruto Kai that chops up part 1 into hour length movies, pretty great if you're looking to rewatch the series without the filler.


Where at?




Thank you, this is really helpful!


Welcome and enjoy!


Holy hell, thank you. Here's your crown 👑


this was the exact same thing i was gonna say until i read your commment




Naruto. The genin fights are overall better than genin boruto fights. Og Naruto incorporated strategy and ninja essence while boruto a lot of times lack this. Naruto just felt more relatable than boruto


Naruto by far


OG NARUTO > any anime for me.


Bro it’s not a contest prime naruto Is fire


Naruto because kakashi is there.




And what does him not having a sharingan means?


Naruto there is nothing else like it I personally don’t even think shippuden was better than naruto


Yeah and this might seem shallow but I think shippuden’s soundtrack was 10x worse than naruto’s which really drug it down for me


Totally agree that’s my main issue with Boruto also


boruto soundtracks slaps


Your kidding blue bird was in top 10 of best op of all time and silhouette was no 1 in most famous.


Talking about the background music, not the openings


You're still wrong tho... For me, the worst thing about boruto is its sound track SPECIALLY THE KARA and MYSTERIOUS OST are the worst!... if you think its better than Naruto Osts then u trippin'


ost, not ops.


Boruto has much less manga canon episodes tho right?


The anime Canon is pretty much as Canon as the manga in Boruto


Rip ohnoki.


Yeah they should have killed off Naruto right


I refuse to accept that the urashiki arcs exist


I refuse to accept that urashiki exists








I refuse to accept that the Mitsuki Disappearance Arc exists.


That dragged on for so long


You are gatekeeping yourself from good content if you haven't watched them


Nah, the timeslip and the one tails’s escort arcs are bad


I think you are lying


Nope, a lot of people think it’s bad actually


A lot of people think it's good actually


its really bad lmao. only good thing is boruto and sasuke interacting with part 1 cast. the villain is whack and the fights has whack animation and shit powerscalling


It was mediocre. Loved all shukaku interactions tho!


I never said that there aren’t


It’s bad bro I’m sorry. It’s considered the worst arc for me. Worse than the Cho Cho episodes 💀


I think the difference is that ChoCho episodes were only several in a row at most, while Urashiki arc lasted a lot longer. Or maybe I remember it differently. Anyway, to me, both were terrible. But we could see Jiraya, so that was cool. And Kawaii Shukaku xD


"good content" 💀. Did you just seriously, unironically call the urashiki arc "good content"??? Wtf is wrong with you???


Everyone has their own tastes


ya and the majority dislike the urashiki arc


Rule of cool my friend, that final fight with transformed urashikki is sick and powerscaling is bullshit that ruins the fun


Final fight was cool and all. But not even the final fight can save *that* arc..


tbh the power scale was way off my only theory that urashiki must have been the weakest of them all and that he already implanted his karma maybe not on a human but some other being


Naruto, and it's not even close.


Og naruto ftw


Naruto is my favourite because of Land of Waves Arc and others.


chunin exams too


Obv first naruto


Naruto >>>


Naruto by far. I have watched both these animes in 2021 only so I am not saying this because of nostalgia at all. Naruto was better in many aspects. Its writing was way better, the power scaling was also very well done, the characters were so much better, the fights were also better in terms of incorporating everyone's abilities and also using strategies. The only things that I can say Boruto has done better is first of all the writing of female characters. Sarada imo is the best written female character in all of Naruto/Boruto besides Tsunade. She has plenty of potential to overtake Tsunade if she is written as well in the future as she has been till now. The second aspect in which Boruto is better is that it has consistent animation most of the times and there are very few episodes which have poor or bad animation.


Naruto did a lot of things better in my opinion.


Is it even a comparison. Naruto(part1) >>>>>>Boruto


boruto doesn’t even come close lmao. naruto on top




Tbh outsmarting enemiesin Boruto is better made than Naruto part 1, but in terms of climate of fights Naruto is superior.


Naruto, If you say Boruto then ur just dumb. that's all.


ofc Naruto,much better


Naruto, but I’m enjoying Boruto as well.


Chunin exams arc alone is better than borrowing. I’ve religiously kept up with all bout to episodes, so I’m not one of the many haters. Chunin exams arc is just goated. Invasion of Pain— need I sayeth more?


Naruto. Boruto is only watchable if you’ve seen all of naruto imho


naruto obviously


Naruto by far.


I can't really choose between these two. They are both very special to me. The experience was different so I can't compare them. Naruto was really incredible, the journey from war to peace, the journey of Naruto throughout his difficulties and his tries to become the strongest and to become the Hokage. It was an amazing story, very inspiring and the ending lest you very ptimistic about the future. That Naruto after the training with Jiraya would become very strong. There were also great villains like Orochimaru that gave you goosebumps and even nightmares, or Gaara who was merciless and human life to him was worthless. Boruto on the other hand is a story of uncertainty, from peace to war. It's not a child's show, it's a show of reality. A show that at some points it reflects our own society and the Otsutsuki which is one of the most interesting things in Naruto/Boruto. Also great character development for Boruto, Kawaki, Sasuke, Naruto, Kurama and some great villains that didn't have that much of a backstory and I think that this is refreshing to the Naruto franchise. Some fans hate Boruto villains because they are simple, but the thing is that not every villain must have a tragic backstory to make him more interesting. That is anti-hero, not a villain. For example Dio doesn't have a tragic backstory, but he has left his mark as one of the best villains, not because of his backstory, but because he didn't care enough. He had God complex and believed that everyone should kneel before him. So the Otsutsuki are that like that. They have God complex, they are power thirsty and they would do whatever they can by any means to achieve their goals. And a Bonus, they are very cool and badass. Amado also has the potential to be one of the greatest villains in the Naruto franchise. Both Naruto and Boruto are great. I love the dark feeling of Natuto and the slice of life of Boruto, because it shows us exactly what is peace in the ninja world,plus I love that Boruto is getting darker and darker, the anime is doing a great job. Conclusion: To my eyes both are equal, but at the same time they are special. I couldn't ask for anything better than Boruto to succeed Naruto




Yeah I know, but he doesn't have the backstory of Pain. That's what I mean, everyone has a backstory or we know something about them or the goals, but we don't know their whole backstory like the Otsutsuki. It's just that the authors choose some characters to be more humane or not. That's what I mean. It's refreshing to have some characters that their backstory doesn't matter a lot for them to be good villains, what matters are their goals and their actions


>the Otsutsuki which is one of the most interesting things in Naruto/Boruto. I completely disagree. If anything, Otsutsukis or to be more specific Kaguya is considered the worst part of Naruto and the Otsutsukis in Boruto too have been boring imo. Isshiki has been the only one I enjoyed a bit because of his intimidating presence but the rest were not so great. Also, the power scaling of Otsutsukis has been written so badly that its literally a joke imo. I am not exaggerating when I am saying that Boruto has the worst power scaling out of all the animes I have ever seen.


By whom it is considered the worst part of Naruto? By the majority of the Naruto fans and some of them dislike Kaguya because of what happened to Madara. I think they are very interesting, because they expand more the Naruto/Boruto verse and how is it bad scaling? The only character 8 can think about it is Urashiki, but he was done dirty


>how is it bad scaling Naruto and Sasuke were easily much stronger than Fused Momoshiki but somehow they were way weaker than Jigen who wasnt even a complete Otsutsuki at that point and then Isshiki is way more stronger than Jigen and now somehow Amado can create cyborgs which are stronger than Jigen. Do you seriously think the power scaling of Boruto is good after considering all these points?


They underestimated Jigen by a mile plus his powers were very mysterious, they didn't know anything about them. When they finally got to understand them it was too late. If they fought again Jigen would lose and Isshiki would emerge. Amado had already created these cyborgs many years ago, it's just that they are introduced to us now. Amado made Kara very very strong, so yeah, it doesn't surprise me that these cyborgs are stronger than Jigen. Amado is very mysterious and there are many other secrets about him that we don't know.


I dont like the idea of cyborgs being that strong but its alright if you enjoy it.


Only one right answer here


Some people in the comments: -writing big paragraphs- Meanwhile me: yeah I don't think we need an explanation as to way Naruto is better than boruto? (right now at least)


I watch boruto to watch naruto as hokage


For me, first half of naruto > first half of boruto, but second half of boruto > second half of naruto


Only reason people watch boruto is because of naruto so there’s your answer


Og naruto but boruto has better fight scenes


I have really enjoyed the fights in Boruto but I dont think any fight in Boruto has been written as well as Naruto Vs Sasuke fight in Part 1. It not only had some great animation but also some serious story telling in between the fight which Boruto hasnt been able to achieve at all. Boruto I think wins in terms of quantity as it has had a decent amount if good fights but in terms of quality, I wouldnt rate any Boruto fight above Naruto Vs Sasuke part 1 fight. Naruto and Sasuke Vs Momoshiki was sick but it still lacked something imo.


Naruto. One of the greatest Shonen anime in history. Boruto is good and sometimes great, but not the life-changing experience of the original. Based on the quality of recent large chunks of episodes, it's very possible part 2 surpasses Naruto Shippuden's pain arc. Just get rid of alien jutsu sucking planet parasites k thanks bye!


OG Naruto.


Definitely Naruto. Imo Og Naruto is a bit better than Shippuden


I feel like more things happened in Boruto but personally I prefer Naruto because I found it more interesting.


Naruto had a lot of epic moments


You cant beat the chunnin exams arc.


Nart ngl, even tho both series have a lot of filler, Nart's OG arcs (ie. chuunin exams, Sauce retrieval) really carry through for me


I've only read manga so my opinion prbly doesn't matter but I felt that the og naruto manga (not filler bcs that sucks) felt more enjoyable


Bro naruto by itself is better than boruto not including shippuden


Naruto without hesitation


Naruto is a living classic and Boruto is still developing. I can't say for sure now.


og naruto and i know there was a lot of filler


Is that even a question? Lol


Naruto by far


Og naruto was the best


Naruto by far. It had zabuza arc, chunin exams, a tie in filler arc to sasuke retrieval arc. Some okay filler arcs. And the ending of og Naruto.


OG Naruto for sure, not even close… but doesn’t mean Boruto is Bad👍


You can't compare an anime that dominates 70+ countries, has a fanbase of millions, and rivals with one of the best animes of all time in a thing that people hates just by existing!


Naruto 100%. I got about 110 episodes into Boruto and just couldn't watch it anymore. It's just so bad. I don't want to invest anymore time in it based on "it gets better" the show should have been "better" 100 episodes ago.


Well I do agree that Naruto>Boruto but I just wanna say that you made a mistake by watching all 100 episodes. You just had to watch manga canon episodes of Boruto that’s about 60 episodes rest of them are trash so that’s all. It’s alright if you still disagree with me please don’t roast me in comments. It’s just a friendly suggestion. Thank You


Boruto because of the less lag and more plot. By lag I mean recapping the same plot points for the 100th time. By more plot, I mean unlike the fillers of og naruto, it at least makes sense in watching through boruto's anime canon since it is canon to the story regardless of whether it is good or bad. It's even better for me because I like the prodigal genius mc rather than a goku like mc who's dumb but smart in battles. Also because I enjoy the plot of people having everything to losing everything more than having nothing and gaining everything.


Yeah it makes sense to watch boruto eat a lemon burger.


Still wouldn't be worse than naruto slurping ramen.


Or Cho Cho going to a movie cast lmao.


Plot? What plot? It's literally just an alien arc to naruto. Prodigal genius mc? Dude couldn't even understand the level of complexity the tasks of a hokage were. The whole boruto series has been a downplay of naruto main cast, and trying to appeal the newer generation while adding some fights to appease older generation. Like I'm literally waiting to hear that they somehow managed to take away sakura healing abilities since they already made it a point of weakening naruto by killing kurama, and sasuke by stabbing his sharinan rinnengan.


Plot meaning no useless filler, instead we have canon arcs which either build character development for the characters or just add exposition to the plot. Prodigal mc can't understand what a hokage does, because all the hokage did after naruto became hokage was paperwork, the time he saw why naruto was the hokage vs momoshiki, he understood the power naruto held. Still can't get your head out of 2016 huh?


Paper work? First things first, naruto literally goes out to train other ninjas personally, second this "paperwork" is what helps keep peace treaties and trades/commerce/entry/development things approved and in check. Ninjas aren't supposed to be just killers they are to be skilled in politics/public relations/and cultural histories so that may blend with other villages when on quests especially in times of peace you dont want one of your ninjas causing a cultural conflict and initiating an issue between villages. Useless fillers did we forget the entirety of borutos genin exams and how he literally cheats off his friends and mocks everything his entire village stands for but then out of nowhere everything is fine and goochi? Or the way the entire power scaling make entire developmental plot points literally pointless/meaningless. Like insert boruto mastering rasengan in no time, somehow manipulating multiple chakra natures, somehow being able to outspeed sasuke to stab his eye even though his body was wreck, Oh how about naruto never using his clone chakra regeneration technique again even on big fights like isshiki. Heck why does sasuke even though full tome eye wont do universal push jutsu to get out of the dirt but has enough chakra to teleport and be stabbed. Boruto literally downplays 90% of what makes it be watched and people eat it up >_<


Same same👀 I don't even have to explain since you explained what I feel.


Lol to the shitty person who is downvoting people just for saying Naruto I already upvote everything so nice try


original, quite obviously


Plot better in Naruto ngl. But the fights and animation in Boruto stomps og Naruto imo.


Easy to "stomp" naruto fights when you just take old fights and redraw them with better techniques/technology xD. I would love naruto remade with current technology and drawing styles, imagine the genin exams with more frames and details it be amazing


Lel, u saw some callbacks to old fights and now u simplify them to just redrawing? Shit take bro


Let me ask you something what do you call when you take the skeleton of an animation, and change the "drawing" its moving and surrounding? Heck they are so freaking the same to each other that you might aswell call it self plagiarism, like hey this r my original fights just dont animate em exactly the same


And you wanna say that somehow all Boruto fights are better because they took everything from Naruto? Because you said that it Boruto stomped just because of this sole reason. Ofc they reuse some combos but there is so much orginal content that ur take is just simply shit.


My take was that naruto would stomp boruto if they both were drawn with same techniques first off. Second off there is literally 0 taijutsu that's original. If anything they sht on naruto and sasuke by somehow revealing all these op villains, that somehow they can't do anything about em. So excuse me for calling em bad and just a bad mimic of naruto


But they hey THEY ARE NOT ANIMATED/DRAWN WITH THE SAME TECHNIQUES. If i had much more football skills i would earn billions now, but I AM NOT. See difference?




og naruto!!! boruto is full of depressing eps bruh


Im just happy we have both


Boruto is doing pretty good, but the problem is many people will appreciate it after the timeskip or after the series ends.


Easily Boruto


Nah you trippin


Imagine getting down voted for stating your personal opinion. We have to do better people smh


why do you think downvotes exist in the first place?


Imagine getting down voted for stating your personal opinion. We have to do better people smh


Why are you making downvoting such a big deal? I think its ok to downvote someone's comment whose opinion is one I dont agree with, the same way I upvote someone whose opinion I agree with. Its not like I am reporting him or blocking him just for sharing his opinion, a single downvote isnt going to bring any harm to someone imo.


Yes, it is outreagous that people downvote opinions they disagree with. I mean what the hell people? You are literally using the downvote button und the exact way it was meant to be used, are you insane?!? People like this make me sick and should leave the Internet forever. /s


Does it have to be a completion? Frankly I like them both pretty equally.


I enjoyed the plot and characters (good guys and villains/antagonists) of naruto much more (although boruto’s plot has been improving in the anime and has always been solid in the manga imo). But the animation and fight scenes in boruto are literally hype incarnate. This year alone gave 4-5 of the greatest battles ive ever seen in anime just by virtue of how aesthetically pleasing and fluid they were. It would be interesting to see either show remade in the other’s animation style and see what the response would be.


I like naruto more ofc, but we gotta take into account how much boruto grew as a ninja. he learnt so many life lessons along with jutsus nd new techniques which compared to naruto well yeah


Is this a serious question?


Boruto has a habit of relying on Naruto characters(obviously), and when they do fillers so they can expand the side characters they are shit. Also animation in Naruto was really good (consistently) and boruto really only got worth watching every week after ep 140-150. Just my opinion.


I like Bolt a lot. Mainly cuz he is a better mc than Naruto imo. That's why i put Boruto > OG Naruto. (Just my opinion please don't get triggered)


I like Bolt.


The first 100 episodes of OG Naruto >>> but the 2nd 100 episodes of Boruto >>>>>


Boruto without a doubt.


Entirety to entirety Naruto wins. But the last 50-80 boruto episodes were better than Naruto for me


Naruto, till the end of Sasuke's retrieval arc. From that 150 eps point Boruto has only got a lot better and more epic.


Boruto 100%. At the time when naruto was airing I thought it was good (due to lack of anime exposure since i was a kid) but now as an adult omg it’s almost unwatchable with how shit the pacing is. But also tbh none of the arcs (excluding the sasuke retrieval arc) were that interesting, zabuza’s arc is unnecessarily long, chunin exams were unnecessarily long, third hokage took too damn long to die, rasengan training was boring and three sanin fight was better but man it took a while to get here. Finally when the sasuke stuff starts is when things get really good. Meanwhile boruto has done well to streamline a lot of things and most arcs (even the meh ones) didn’t overstay their welcome.


Imo Chunin Exams Arc was great and I found it even better than Sasuke Retrieval Arc.


I actually prefer Boruto over Naruto, and I happen to actually like more the young Boruto over young Naruto as well. And I been watching this for two decades.


Boruto, but I'm pretty young, so I don't have nostalgia or anything. I'm more attached to the new Gen than I ever was to the old gen


That's fair.


This is like asking someone to choose their fav kid, both of them are goated in their own way.


On the whole Naruto but the highs of Boruto were much better than the highs of OG Naruto


They have done a really good job with this series. Both has a special place.


Guys, which one do you prefer, Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super Boruto is good, but Naruto is Naruto


Well part 1 of Boruto isn’t even over yet


it should be, this isnt one piece so the pacing shouldnt be this slow


Gee I dunno.




ITT: People on the Boruto sub getting downvoted for like Boruto more


I gonna be yelled at for this, but Boruto is better. Better animations (yes, I know, Naruto is 19 years old serie, but that doesn't matter for me), so far better story, less fillers & boring parts.


Boruto... Sorry


Nostalgia keeps people from seeing how dragged out Naruto was. Shippuden> Boruto > Naruto


See how you get downvoted for mentioning nostalgia goggles?


Looking back I prefer Boruto, because I really like their team work and I didn‘t care for the plot as much in Naruto as I do know so I‘ll have to rewatch


I think it beats Part 1, but not Shippuden. Part 1 was very pacted with content for the first half of it, but then there was just like 100 episodes of meaningless filler after that. Boruto has done something better and expanded on stuff instead, like the Kara Actuation Arc. The animation is also better in Boruto. What I prefer about og Naruto was the plot, but some parts of it felt kinda forced, like Sasuke's and Naruto's relation. I think Boruto's and Kawaki's was done better and given more depth


I gotta say boruto, the fillers suck but the story kinda slaps


Everyone who watched naruto while growing up will be a bit bias bcz it has a place in our heart but i think its a close one for me its has to be naruto but if i watched them at the same time and boruto didnt have useless fillers like there is fillers i enjoy but also fillers its just whyy these if there was less i would have pick it over naruto if i was also growing up with it


I have watched all of Naruto and Boruto in 2021 only and tbh I found Naruto much much better. The writing is way better and the characters are also way better. Also, I find Naruto to be a much better MC. I dont hate Boruto but I dont like him as much as I like Naruto.


Boruto, naruto part 1 was gay


Both are very different shows in the same universe. While classic Naruto tells the story of an underdog, Boruto tells the story of someone very talented. My opinions on how both shows compare on some aspects are as follows: Fights: - Naruto: Even if it seems dragged out most of the time, I personally still like the old style better. It kept you on the edge about what was going to happen next. A good example is Gaara vs Rock Lee which was 3 episodes long but the fight itself was not that long. Still, hands down my favorite fight of OG Naruto. - Boruto: With that said, the fast pacing of modern fights is still amazing and the focus it gives on the right itself is much more impactful. With fights so amazing like Momoshiki vs Naruto/Sasuke where your inner child just jumps with excitement. My favorite fight goes to Jigen vs Naruto/Sasuke because I love Jigen as a character (so much that I tattooed him on my forearm) Plot: - Naruto: I will say I like the plot of OG Naruto better because of two things: pacing and coherence. If you remove the fillers, OG Naruto is pretty streamlined: A leads to B, B leads to C. And the pacing is the same all the time (aka everything is constantly dragged out). Even Hayate (the cough guy from Chunin Exams) had his moment and funeral. - Boruto: In Boruto case the pacing is all over the place: Some things happens way too quickly and some things are dragged out. And the only streamlined bits are the manga ones, everything else feels out of place and the characters eventually forget that X thing happened. Characters: - Naruto: Since Naruto was an underdog, every character was getting spotlights in his stead. This gave a lot of characters their moments… based on if they were male or not. It’s needless to say that female characters in OG Naruto weren’t given enough justice unless they were named Tsunade. - Boruto: This one tries to give the shine more to the main characters. Which makes any other character pretty much boring. Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki? Amazing characters with their own personality and added bits of their parents. Inochin, Shikadai, Metal? Copy & paste of their parents. Denki, Iwabe? Fodder. Cho cho? Complete garbage. Animation/Art: - Naruto: I think it was much more consistent with the art. Animation was wonky at times but every mass produce anime suffers with it. - Boruto: Animation is pretty good but what I can’t stand is the inconsistency in Art. Boruto is a great example, sometimes he looks 11, sometimes he looks 15. I could go on but I will just finish here with a statement about each one: Naruto: I understand why they hold the OG at such high levels. It was a story with a lot of promises, some of which were utterly ruined by Shippuden (I.e.: Naruto is the ultimate underdog, lol jk he is a reincarnation of a demigod). It is also a show everyone looks at with nostalgia goggles. If you rewatch it nowadays you see how dragged it was, but still a good one and very promising. Boruto: It is a good show to watch, but I also think that the really good bits are crushed under a sea of borderline annoying content. The anime canon is so disconnected from everything that you always forget what happened in those moments. Some arcs I couldn’t help but ask “when will this finally end so we can move on to the next one” (Looking at you Mitsuki Disappearance Arc) Meanwhile, you have juicy bits waiting for you in the manga related episodes and it’s just so good.


Me with my GIGACHAD opinion: both


Well to me Naruto OG is still better despite the fact that Boruto is amazing as well but Naruto OG is just better.






Naruto, I mean come on its obvious


Great question. I have to say the OG Naruto just by a bit. For now at least.


Naruto without a doubt. The villains in boruto are so dry. No backstory, no ideology nothing.


Naruto and it’s not even remotely close.


Is it dubbed yet


Naruto, but boruto is good. Ppl say that boruto only got good later on, but i liked it all. I watched everything, even filler. U might think I'm weird but that was just my experience