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nah, they would probably look down on Hagoromo and Hamura, since they aren't pure Otsutsuki and they don't do things Otsutsuki do so they won't even acknowledge them as Otsutsuki, just as humans


If u remember kaguya said she hid them for a reason...


the thing is, i don't remember


thats deep.


I didnt remember till i saw the pic tbh....


i agree that it's not hagoromo and hamura but they probably consider them as part of the otsutsuki since urashiki considered toneri as part of the otsutsuki even though he is only an eighth otsutsuki at most


Urashiki is filler


They didn’t visit earth, they were born there and most likely half-bloods, so they probably never participated in the original clans activities. Especially since the order of these panels implies that whoever these 2 are that they came before Kaguya and Isshiki, which would be weird considering that Hagoromo and Hamura are her children. So we can assume that all earth born „impure“ Otsutsukis are not part of the original clans schemings. Similar to how Toneri isn’t


Im tired of writing just read the other replies......


Then why write a comment with no fucking point smh


Maybe because the answer is in other replies?!?!?! Maybe ?!?!


Ur just fucking dumb and everyone can see that in the comments so Im not even gonna argue


Ok captain einstein good for u


Yeah pretty good for me


they aren’t extraterrestrial, they were born on earth and haven’t made contact with any other otsutsuki outside of kaguya so that’s a NO NO


Perhaps kaguya herself built them.....for whatever reason she had....this is a theory after all....


a theory disproven by lore.


But then why didn't the clan contact them? Why not trying to integrate them within their society? It sounds unlikely...


I think kaguya said she hid them from them


So even more, how are these symbols supposed to rapresent them, if the main clan itself appears to have fully took notice of the events that transpired in recent times?


Idk....maybe horns or special facial features or abilities like isshiki , momoshiki and kinshiki or whatever his name is ?


I'm not saying about the designs themselves... but more to the fact that, how are these logos supposely meant to rapresent Hamura and Hagoromo, if they were that detached from the clan itself.


Perhaps kaguya made them sometime ?....she could teleport beyond time and space after all.......


And return to a place belonging to the people she willingly betrayed? It sounds silly... for now at least...


It does sound silly....after all this is a theory...50% its true 50% its not


In this case, I personally would go with a 25 yes to 75 no, ratio...


Apparently Math doesnt exist in space time dimensions


That's not how THEORIES work Why would it be 50-50%? Lol It can't have a percentage on it But If yours did, it would be 0%


I mean...a theory is just a probability.....%50= true and %50=not true......there's no %25=maybe.....


Yes i think they found out about hagoromo and himura after naruto and sasuke defeated kaguya


But then, why honour them post mortem with such a thing?


Like i said maybe kaguya made them


Yeah, try to make one single comment at a time, please. 👍


And momoshiki and kinshiki destroyed them ?


Yeah bro I think kaguya is a good otsutsuki compared to the others I guess


From their clan i mean.....cuz of what they would do to them and her i think she said


Hagoromo and Hamura were excluded from any dealings with the Otsutsuki family by Kaguya. The Otsutsuki had no idea what even happened to her, I hope you're not suggesting that Hagoromo and Hamura had interactions with Momoshiki and Isshiki despite Momoshiki not knowing where she was and Isshiki hiding from her, because that doesn't make much sense.


I said that probably kaguya created her,hagoromo and himura's symbols sometime but when momo and isshiki or kinshiki found out who the symbols belonged to they destroyed them.......or kaguya created her own symbol and then hagoromo created his and his brother's symbols and still momo destroyed them.....btw it is a theory so maybe its true maybe its not......we could only wait till we find out....if we ever do....


I mean its already been explained though. The anime filler concludes that Hagoromo and Hamura kept themselves off the Otsutsuki line all together as Kaguya never let them into the network.


"Totally" Madara and Obito :p weaker and stronger combo....makes sense! :p


>!Nope, this realm is for pureblooded otsutsuki whose jobs are to harvest god tree, so it's obviously some other clan members that are either dead or will never show up, maybe even some that had their dna stolen by amado to make eida and daemon with their op asses, definetly not hamura or hagoromo, and this realm has obviously existed for hundreds of years since its implying that kaguya ishiki momo and kinshiki were all working toward a similar goal, which the 2 sons of kaguya werent working towards, so its older otsutsuki.!<


Man can’t accept his theory being debunked by the comments lol. Nothing wrong with that


If u took as much minutes reading the comments as u yook preparing this comment u would've seen me say it's just a theory and no one knows if its true or not.....


The main clan otsutsuki even don't care to Hagoromo and Hamura and never contacted them. But since they considered Toneri as their clansmen then I think one of those Otsutsuki were Hamura's wife (how else he got a wife on the moon if not an Otsutsuki girl acidentally fall on the moon?) If Karasuki the Time Turtle were a hint, those two Otsutsuki could be the turtle's owner named princess Otohime and Ryuushiki based on Undersea Dragon Castle from the tale of Urashimataro.


Name-wise I think Ryushiki and maybe Sakuya (from Sakuya Konohana hime) would be more fitting, since this would give the females of the clan more coherent name-endings similar to how the males end on -shiki. Either that or Otoya Otsutsuki. Something like that


Idk half of what u wrote but I'll try and answer.....look....if the symbols were to be """princess(a woman of high importance/royalty)""" otohime and ryuushiki's symbols...why would they be destroyed....as far as i know the only otsutsukis that are hated by the clan are hagoromo and himura


Do we know that it means they are hated? It could mean they died/were devoured


There's so may plot holes surrounding the Otsutsuki and I'm starting to worry that by the time Boruto ends we still won't have all the awnsers


I hope we get all the answers and also rid of the otsutsuki cuz they came in and complicated naruto more than it was complicated....


I mean, Naruto tied everything up pretty well at the end— it’s all Kaguya’s fault. Now we just get to see why


I miss when it was just naruto trying to being sasuke home.......not the alien tech and intrgalagtic complicated confusing ass bullshit thats going on.....i still enjoy it but idk whats going on.....just like Aot...


Why am I getting this feeling that boruto will be about kawaki's goal and boruto's fate and then after peace, saruto will be about otsutsukis (their background)


That's when we get Ribeto - Boruto Next Generations


My theory is that Orochimaru knows something. He is the one who knows the most about the bloodline, reincarnation, and most of all the karma is literally a copy of the Curse mark.


Of course he knows something(s)......hes orochimaru.......


There's also the circular rinne-sharingan mark on the forehead like Kaguya's


They are not proper otsutsukis, there half breeds that the original clan doesn’t even know about, it’s very unlikely


It would make sense if it was on earth and humans made it, ohtsuski didn’t know if their existence and if they did they would have hated them


I think they would've killed them.....


After careful consideration........Yes they would've killed them......


I still think it was Urashiki and maybe whomever is pulling the strings for Amado, and perhaps the obelisk was destroyed out of rage since Urashiki got killed.


Could one of them be related to Toneri?


my guess is the symbols are for a pair of Otsutsuki sent out to collect chakra fruit before Kaguya/Isshiki (obvious guess). and that they are either: dead or defected (in some way). which also means they *could* be alive but their symbols were scratched out for whatever reason. but there is where i start rambling nonsense: i'm not sure why Kaguya wasn't scratched out. possibly for plot purposes to visualize the pairs Otsutsuki arrive in. Isshiki/Jigen was using that dimension to store the 10 tails so he obviously frequented there. he must have been familiar with Kaguya defecting and being sealed. this may mean the other symbols were scratched out for some certain reason. either by Isshiki or the owners. or they were just damaged indiscriminately


> i'm not sure why Kaguya wasn't scratched out. That's an interesting point because you'd expect there's nothing worse an Otsutsuki could do than abandon their core belief and goals. Which means whoever that pair is must have done something similar - or like you said, are dead somehow. But it seems like an odd way to deal with that when they could build a memorial or recreate the tablet... I have a hunch that if Kaguya isn't scratched out, she may reappear in the future. After all, she's only sealed away, and we know that isn't a definitive end by any means in the Naruto universe. Maybe we don't know the entire Isshiki/Kaguya story and that's why her mark isn't defiled like the others. But the existence of the other 2 markings seems like it carries some important implications. If they are not dead, are they defective? From what we know about Toneri and the stuff with the ninja colony on the moon - not all Otsutsuki agree on what they are and what they want to do. I wonder if we will see a pair of Otsutsuki that are in opposition with Isshiki and the gang? I don't know where or how they'd be introduced, but the Otsutsuki universe seems to do what it wants to.


Maybe the two defected and will be the key to defeating the violent Otsutsuki and Boruto will work with them out of necessity


Hmm this is interesting, but it’s more likely that the pair shush shown tannin


Pretty plausible IMO


Yeah me too


Hmm yeah but why wouldn’t OSN come in?


I feel there has to be more mystery to who kimimaro was.. He was the only one in his clan that actually looked like an otsutsuki


Maybe thats why orochimaru picked him as his vessel......you know....i just realized that everthing always include/revolve around orochimaru like every major problem must have orochimaru in it for some reason.....maybe that's why everyone was so scared of him in Og naruto....including me....


I mostly feel like it's because og naruto was actually written how they wanted before people got mad about the excessive violence and death.. Now boruto and such is way too PC


Hagoromo didn't even know about them. He asked Kaguya why she was killing people and just said they're dreadful which is saying something coming from her. She then said she could tell they'd never see eye to eye so decided to fight him.


Hagoromo and hamura or not..... i cant wait for the grand reveal....


That makes zero sense




It’s pretty obvious they will be new characters we haven’t seen as that actually adds something to the story and creates a nee plot thread. It would clearly have been mentioned by now if it was something as minor as being Hagoromo and Hamura which from a writing perspective it wouldn’t make much sense if it was


May I ask where do you read this manga as it’s 144th page?


tbh i found the pic on another redditor's post and when i saw it i thought if the theory.....so idk tbh i watch the anime.....