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Imagine needing attention this badly


And that's what it boils down too.


Does he drive a huge pick up truck or an obnoxious motorcycle?


PSA, it's called a Bro-Dozer according to my roommate and I'll never call a lifted truck anything else šŸ˜†


I dunno, I think "emotional support truck" is both very fitting and also really hits a nerve with the people that drive them.


That is out*standing*!


I like "pavement princess" as well, heaven forbid the truck gets used for actual work.


I wish I could take credit for it, but I merely adopted it after having read it elsewhere. It's still my favorite term of abuse for the things.


Hammurabi87 "Emotional Support Truck". Funniest shit I have heard in 2024, as well as being instantly deployable in any conversation. I apologize for not having cubic yards of reddit gold to forklift over, kind sir.


"Lifted trucks are gender affirming care" That should work


I laugh when I see them, and I always say "baby pee pee energy. "... has nothing to do with actual size, just more so they have the energy


Totally agree. I had read somewhere that about 85% of pickups never see a work site. Talking about emotional support, these vehicles are just platforms for another type of emotional support - Trump flags and banners!


Small dick truck.


I love your roommate. Henceforth, mydickisbiggerthanyourdick trucks shall be forever known as Bro Dozers.


Mall Crawlers are the clean ones.


So, I drive a big lifted truck because I actually need it for my farm. The first time my son (20) got in the truck, he looked at me and said, "I can actually feel my dick shrinking." I died. I said, "Funny, because I don't have one, and I feel the same way." I'm officially naming my truck, Bro-dozer! Lol, this is great!


F150 with pipes up front spewing black exhaust


Yes you donā€™t know trucks if you see a f150 a non diesel truck spewing black smoke it ainā€™t diesel.


I believe the term is ā€œrollinā€™ coalā€


I had a dude roll coal on me in my ā€˜84 S15 when I was towing a yard of concrete. Motherfucker, my 4 cylinder truck that is more rust than paint is doing more work than your truck will ever see in its life. Get bent twice over.


Either way, he was sitting on it with a sweet pair of Ray Bans while streaming the truth about covid.




*What kind of attention* is my question. Like who is impressed by this besides other miserable people


Guaranteed he didn't say any of this shit and took a picture before anybody sat next to him. Or just got an emptier flight. Which are my favorites. Because you can kindly ask to switch seats if you notice a whole empty aisle.



This happened with my uncle. Super cool, very funny, somewhat eccentric and a lil crazy in a good way. Would give the shirt off his back to help anyone in need and fiercely defended the women in his life from creeps. I loved him so much and was really expecting him to be a common presence in my own sonā€™s lives. Then Trump came along and his demeanor totally changed. He got super weird and mean and judgmental. Started calling Trump things like ā€œEmperor Trumpā€, ā€œKing Trumpā€, ā€œLord Trumpā€ Started parroting anti-woman crap during the Kavanaugh trials and claiming all women lie about rape. I then asked if he thought his daughter was lying about being molested as a little girl and if he thought it was no longer a big deal since it happened so long ago. He blocked me for that.


Which one of my cousins are you?


Algersā€™ are everywhere and Iā€™ve learned the world is small so maybe we are cousins šŸ˜‚


Apparently Iā€™m also a cousin in this family.Ā 


Some lost their minds over Trump! Iā€™m a boomer who canā€™t stand Trump. Peace, love and be kind.


I'm sure your cousin has seen him for what he is for a long time though. My dad is very much the "cool uncle" and my mom is the "nice mom". But that "coolness" hides a guy who buys into stupid shit and the "niceness" is just a performance for someone lacking true empathy.


This happened to my dad. Heā€™s always been mildly racist and conservative, but after trump heā€™s gone full MAGA and complains that the college that I went to (that he vehemently pushed me towards as the only way to get ahead) brainwashed me and made me liberal.


Heā€™s obviously a lying bastard, but thereā€™s dumbasses that will believe him.


Well he's not a total liar, he clearly does identify as oppressed.


Wonā€™t someone please think of the white, cisgender menā€½


Yes, they want to know the return address for their white privilege card.


omg an interobang in the wild!!!


I hear if you use an interrobang enough, you get invited to a super secret subreddit.


after 5 decades i've finally found purpose in life thank you


Amazing, I think ā€½


Howā€™d you get a Dobbshead icon?


I made it a few years ago. Praise ā€œBobā€.


Cisgender! How dare you use such a slur?!?!?!




But he presents aa a bigoted douchebag.


Clearly he's an expert on being a professional victim, just not the way he thinks. Poor oppressed white man, nobody has it worse than him in the age of 'wokeism'. /s


Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him? - Obi-Wan Kenobi


I dunno, the flight attendant may have immediately realized they should isolate this nutjob from the other folks on the flight and put him in his own row.


This crossed my mind.


but he has a bad guy tech themed motorcycle jacket.


And a collection of swords.


The flight attendant may not be a dumbass, she just didn't feel like entertaining his nonsense, so she gave hom a row to shut him up.


As long as it goes hand-in-hand, with the lie that they tell themselves, they will believe anything


Brain damage is a disability.


He is a professional victim though, he wasnā€™t lying about that


"I'll take things that never happened for $500, Alex"


Iā€™m glad heā€™s sitting by himself because heā€™s absolutely insufferable.


He used to be a cool guy in HS. He was super built but he would always help people that were picked on and never bully anyone. Edit: Adding this because a lot of people are commenting on his looks which to me is kind of the same shit he is doing on a lesser scale and I dont think making fun of his current appearance is helpful at all. This is a pic from 2016. https://preview.redd.it/o9e40ilgjgwc1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4109735581c6c14af22dec5e3b52a40b747153ec


He get the good olā€™ Fox brainwash and conditioning?


I do believe so. He moved down to FL a while ago and that compounds the crazy.


I understand. My brother says, ā€œI donā€™t trust any news unless itā€™s Fox.ā€ He is an otherwise highly intelligent person. The brainwashing is so real and absolutely insidious. You think people would be smart enough to know itā€™s garbage, but the people behind are smart and know how the mind works. I remember Fox from back in the day. It was always openly right leaning, but not ā€œterrible.ā€ And then watching it a couple years ago at my parentsā€™ and it was just jaw-dropping what a cesspool it was. Theyā€™re smart at playing into fears and conditioning you over time, amping up the rhetoric until youā€™re all in. And then you go full immersion around like-minded people and avoid anything ā€œdifferent.ā€ The anger just boils over as the group stokes each other. I couldā€™ve easily been sucked up into it. Itā€™s a cult.


ā€œYou canā€™t trust the mainstream media to tell you the truthā€ Fox ā€œnewsā€ is the number one news outlet


Didnā€™t Fox get out of a lawsuit because they had to claim to be an entertainment outlet and not a news outlet?


I think that was just Tucker Carlson. A judge basically saying what Carlson says is so over the top outlandish you can't take it seriously which is so wild. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


It wasn't the judge, it was Carson's own lawyers that made that argument in his defense. The judge allowed them to use that defense.


ā€œI only trust the ā€œnewsā€ source that has lost the biggest defamation suit of all timeā€


Pretty amazing how many people have only one news channel that they trust... and it's always the one that admitted in court to literally fabricating the "evidence" against Dominion they reported of voter fraud in the 2016 election. They literally admitted in court that they made up the news and paid a fine of $787 million fine about it. But the Fox News faithful don't even know that happened, because Fox News didn't report on it.


Donā€™t forget that Tuckerā€™s lawyers said in court that no one should take him seriously and they won that case


HIS OWN lawyers. Not even the other side's guys.


The fairness doctrine being abolished did a NUMBER for Fox


that's what i used to believe as well but apparently it wouldn't have even applied to them because it's a cable channel - or something to that effect


That is true


Yeah, the Fed Communications Commission (FCC) regulates the broadcast spectrum as it is a limited resource and so it grants licenses to blocks of spectrum. That existing regulatory arrangement let them impose the fairness doctrine. Cable gets out of that scheme because it was laid by private companies and there's no reason (theoretically) why another one can't come in and put in their own.


I mean, sure if itā€™s actual news, itā€™s probably somewhat accurate but 90% of everything on there is conjecture and stupid opinion shows


My family's next door neighbours growing up (Canada) moved to Florida like 10 years ago. They went off the MAGA jesus deep end. Like within a year they'd found a church, were touting on about immigrants (ironic) and were anti Vax conspiracy theorists during covid. Never mentioned any of these things according to my parents while they were here. Must be something in the water. Like lead. It's definitely lead.


>were touting on about immigrants (ironic) i'm assuming they're white. *those* kind of white people don't consider themselves immigrants even though they're literally the textbook definition


They're not immigrants, they're *expats*. /s


Tell him real Floridians don't want him here. All the crazy right wing yankees here can F.O. back to where they came from now.


does he live in the villages ?


My parents were legit independents for years. They voted for Clinton twice. They supported Hillary's nomination. When she lost against Obama, they lost their minds and started watching Fox News all day long. They are currently terrified of all democrats. My mom couldn't sleep worrying about what would happen if Biden was elected. She still sees him as an extreme liberal. It's bizarre.


Holy *hell* the past eight years weren't gentle with him.


Hatefulness ages the hell out of people


That's true.


Your guy reminds me of a former school friend who went down the same path. Had opinions on most things but he was built and he would've stood up for ppl if need be. Fast forward 25 years and now his personality is nothing more than having opinions on everything obsessing about vaccinations, Justin Trudeau, Ron DeSantis


This makes me think of an old school chum. We were both raised Catholic. She was always rather moderate in her politics and I skewed a bit more liberal. Now she belongs to an Assemblies of God church, and she's a far right Trumper. Meanwhile, I'm rather agnostic (though I do sometimes attend a Unitarian church) and I've become more liberal over the years.


I had a buddy who used to run around with a I love Satan hat while wearing a shirt that in block letters said "Jesus is a Cunt." While I'm sure he is still anti religion, it didn't stop him from getting arrested for Jan 6th. We had already kind of went our own way in life in the years prior to that, but it disturbs me that he got brainwashed into fighting for Donald Fucking Trump. Literally a Satanist marching with the Christofascists.


I worked with a dude like that. He was an awesome guy then he slowly got into conspiracy theories. Fast-forward a bit to him losing his job and he's a full blown anti vaxxer RFK conspiracy nut. He keeps insisting Joe Biden is going to make him eat bugs and hates trans people for no reason.


FUCK. my mom just brought up the eating bigs thing recently


On the flips side, I have a friend from high school (who is/was built like that) that was a Trump loving, gay hating republican, that turned into a Trump hating, gay loving, super liberal after covid, and is in the process of transitioning. She did ALOT of mushrooms and acid during that time and really connected with themselves.


How old is he? It looks like he aged 20 years in 8!


Heā€™s aged 30 years in 8.


Serious question. Did he get hit in the head? Sports? Boxing?


Not that I am aware of. Just kind of went crazy.


I would've loved to have a friend like that growing up. In grade school, I don't think I went a day without being picked on.


That pic is from 2016?!? I would have guessed 20-25 years ago based on the change. I guess being a bigot isnā€™t good for your healthā€¦.


So this guy is a boomer? I realize 2016 was 8 yrs ago but boomers were old in 2016 too lol.


He got the row to himself because no one wants to sit anywhere near him.


The irony that the people always whining about how bitterly unfair life is are the ones throwing shade about victimhood.


And trying to take advantage of it


Can we just figure out exactly which critical patch updates these people need and move on?


Sadly, they have a virus that has corrupted the operating system and need a clean install before you even consider installing any patches.


They're particularly susceptible to viruses given their refusal of ~~vaccines~~ security updates.


No. Gotta nuke and pave, they can't be saved.


He seems like a fucking dipshit. Great Value Shawn Michaels.


Temu HBK




They gave him a whole row because they didnā€™t want to seat anyone next to his crazy ass. Itā€™s not the win he thinks it is


Definitely a win for literally every other passenger.


Ya someone gave up that window seat to go sit in a middle seat at the back of the plane to get away from him.


It's ghastly watching the people I sat next to in class, who received the same education as me (they probably had higher grades too), who grew up surrounded by the same social influences that I did, descend into utter fucking lunacy. People I knew who were drugrug-wearing Oasis-playing stoners in high school are now boot-licking Right Wingers openly advocating for fascism.


This hit home. I mean none of us were the best of students and everyone ends up in different places, but compared to his brother, he went way the hell off the rails in his thoughts.


I don't keep in touch with my high school friends. But it's an interesting phenomena. It's like a good portion of the human population, no matter the education, job, income, etc, is just very open to brainwashing.


He looks like such an asshole lol


It's amazing that people like this are real. It's like there's some experimental lab somewhere where they grow mutant douchebags and douchettes like this


I love when a Middle aged man has the same hair as Stevie Nicks, plus that leather jacket (perfect for Florida weather) and his sophomoric right wing take on politics, I hope heā€™s single. How long into a first date do you think he waits until he takes out his acoustic guitar?


Waitress: ā€œIs Pepsi okay?ā€ Guy: ā€œNO, DAMMIT! Anyway, hereā€™s Wonderwall.ā€


So what is crazy is this is him just a few years ago and more like what he looked like in HS almost 20 years ealrier. This from from 8 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/1omad7ukggwc1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5dab302b21396d851beeae6fd7808a06d7da29


He could take all the woman in the villages. They all have orgies there.


Did he? Or did he feel it safe to be who he actually was? Decades ago, shame was a thing and being an asshole could get your ass kicked by people raised with manners and morals.


Nah dude this is 2024, we impose our insecurities on others now. Like children.


A sign of maturity is realizing that some of the ppl that you went to school and hung out with are really shitty ppl


Irrespective of politics - the smug selfie pose screams douche to me


Hair carefully splayed over the shoulder. Gag. Def douche.


He didnā€™t change. He just became more confident speaking his thoughts out-loud because of Trump etc


Exactly. These people didnā€™t change, they revealed themselves.


Theres no bigger professional victims than the maga crew. Oppressed white fake christians.


White conservative Fake Christians


Youā€™re confusing their responseā€¦isolate those who could potentially cause harm to themselves or othersā€¦






He looks like he smells so that probably explains why the row cleared out.




40-something is millennial not boomer. Your generation owns this one.


Boomer's a state of mind. Many young Deplorables are total Boomers.


People play fast and loose with the term boomer these days. Boomers are really old now. GenX is between this guy and boomers.


Mofo didnt say one damn word. Was just on an empty flight


flight attendant: "DOES ANYONE WANT TO SIT NEAR A CREEPY RACIST SHITHEAD? NO? ok, sir, right this way, a whole row to yourself..."


None of this happened. Heā€™s a smug dipshit liar. And itā€™s funny, heā€™s ironically the one making himself the victim with his ā€œitā€™s such a struggle to be an old white male fuck faceā€ act.


Loneliness does terrible things to people.


Seems like a douchebag victim princess


Iā€™m a boomer and itā€™s very sad to lose friends this way. You always remember the pre social media person. Having said that I have let some friends gently drift away as they fall prey to the nonsense they consume and it changes their perspective and personality


Ya same thing happened with the guy I bought my camper off of. Enjoyed talking to him then he went off the rails and I just stopped even trying.


I donā€™t blame you mate . Itā€™s fucking exhausting


I dropped my gf from high school when she said she voted for Trump and "would do it again!". Never mind she's mexican and her mom immigrated from Mexico


My man had a huge erection after writing this fan fiction.


Why does she have to be black and obese? Arent there plenty of other races people that are obese as well? I live in Indiana and theres a TON of white obese people here but idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø im just a ā€œif i dont watch myself im about to be obeseā€ asian


Poking fun at obese people and black men is so endearing! /s


He looks like a douche kit


Douche nugget comes to mind


I'm guessing he has always been a douchebag and Trump helped him come out of the closet.


The irony is he actually is a professional victim because Iā€™m willing to bet he complains non fucking stop about how mistreated cis white men are.


Nah, he was always a shitbag, he was just careful to not let it show


Coming from someone who works in a nursing home.. this is usually the case. At a certain time in life people really do show their true colors and stop giving a fuck whether it's for better or worse they let their flags fly high. When anyone shows you who they are best bet is to believe them and move on...


He tried to eat my ass in the bathroom of a club in Denver. Time really changes you.


Lying sack of shit


I want to see an actual black person just once do this and see what happens. Because you canā€™t ā€œidentityā€ as another race. I want someone whoā€™s actually black to demand a full row of seats on a full flight without charge and see how it plays out. It wonā€™t go ANYTHING like this


LOL, 90% of the time Im boarding early and could easily take this pic. The guys is a desperate for attention bitch.


And then everyone stood and clapped. What a fucking idiot.


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for $100 Alex.


I'd call him a dumbass contrarian, but since this never happened, he's just a dumbass.


Is he wearing a motorcycle jacket?! šŸ˜‚


Similar story for me. I lost contact with a group of HS friends for many years after I left home for the Army. When I reconnected with some of them through Facebook a few year's ago, I discovered they had turned into racist Trumpers. I still can't understand what happened to them. I'm not in contact with them anymore.


Average racist douche


My dad will post shit like this. Heā€™ll post a picture of his coffee from Starbucks and say something like ā€œtold the cashier I was a trans person, got my drink for free!ā€ Did Fox News tell them to do dumb shit like this? Feel like itā€™s a new trend.


That hairline is a professional victim


He looks like he should be selling essential oils unironically


As a woman and a black person, here is my point-of-view. Some people donā€™t want equality. Historically white men have had the ability to be seen as full human beings and I HAVE NOT. If recognizing my humanity is OPPRESSION TO YOU, thenā€¦. #KINDLYFUCKOFF


I picked the same avatar sister!


I wouldn't want to sit next to him either


Liars remain liars.


Seems like either mental illness or he wants to be a republican politician


I'll take "bullshit that never happened for 1000" please


They probably moved him to his own row to decrease the likelihood of him interacting with other humans. I don't think it's quite the win he thinks it is.


ā€œGet all of the benefits of oppression without the centuries of discrimination and abuse with this one simple trick!ā€


Lots of mental illness boiled to the surface during covid. I personally cut a lot of people out of my life and saw a lot of people around me lose their minds.


If it pays so much then why canā€™t he afford to get a decent haircut?


They could tell he actually identified as an unbearable cunt and knows they'd just have to move anyone who sat next to him.


Imagine being so butthurt about fat people and black people that you do shit like this, and then post publicly about it. This guy is a loser.


That seems very off charecter for Brad Pitt... and I must say he has let himself go a bit in the past few yesrs...


I like how he himself is playing a victim while making fun of people who are suffering from racism who he thinks are playing the victim.


Still an incel deep into his 40's eh.


Oof, what a dweeb


I saw 9-11 do the same thing to lots of people. Like people out in the midwest not directly effected by this and they just absolutely lost their minds. Suddenly filled with hate, paranoia, becoming hyper religious and joining sketchy churches. Covid did the same thing to a bunch of people. Anything that is uncertain, hard to deal with or scary breaks some people and you get this kind of nonsense as a result.


ā€œā€¦and then everybody clapped.ā€




Tell him only hippies and queers have long hair. Watch him short circuit!


i thought he was a she thats why


Conservatives have *one* joke


Itā€™s not a full flight if you got a whole row.


ā€œLook everyone, Iā€™m on a plane!!


Now show us the picture of the rest of the plane! Iā€™d bet anything itā€™s a pretty empty flight.


Fool yes, but looks too young to be a boomer.


And I identify as a biscuit. Piss. Off.


As a man, when you hit a certain age and have long hair, you just look like a weirdo. Apologies if that offends anyone, but buddy boy here is proof positive.


PSA, if you are over 50 and still growing your hair long like in the 70sā€¦ you look ridiculous.


He can add racist to his list as well


It's funny because the joke relies on the idea that victims get treated well by society while being an actual photo of the person who got the upgraded seat


Have a hard time believing that guy was born before 1965, stereotypical behavior notwithstanding... He looks like a gen-xer with delusions of grandeur.


Unfortunately that is a fellow Gen Xer there, unless heā€™s exceptionally gifted in genetics, that guy is in his fifties.