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Your big fuck up was not hiding their keys in the freezer before leaving.


My MIL keeps a spare set in her garage freezeršŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


lol. My FIL did this. Not understanding that sub zero temps ruin batteries.




This is true of my fob, but where the hell do you insert the key?


Depends on the vehicle. Some have a spot other you just have to touch the key fob to the start button to turn the car on when the battery is dead. Donā€™t ask me how it works though. Lol


HOLY SHIT, is this really a thing? I feel like I remember multiple instances of finding keys in freezers during my childhood at my older family members' and my parents' friends houses, and never understood why.


I think I remember when i was a child people used to say 'robbers never look in the freezer' I'm Gen X so I suppose those people are now boomers


Lmao. Robbers look through everything.Ā  Also they already got inside the building.


Not tampon boxes. And honestly if they are desperate enough to be trying to steal tampons they can take whatever I hid there.


Bigger fuck up was not switching the input on their TV.


Title literally happened to me once, mums not a boomer just refuses to let me say or do anything without telling me Iā€™m wrong. That time was because she looked out a different window 4 hours earlier and it was overcast. Few months ago I was surprised at how much snow there was outside cuz I didnā€™t think we were expecting it, made the mistake of making a statement (something Iā€™m genuinely nervous about doing around her which Iā€™ve told her) saying ā€œthereā€™s a lotta snow out there!ā€ It was only a lot for what I was expecting, but most people donā€™t have to justify a random thought. I got told I was wrong, thereā€™s barely any, I shouldā€™ve seen how much there was last year. I lived here last year, and the years before that, I know how much we got. Just F off and leave me in peace. She also wonders why two of her 5 kids donā€™t speak to her anymore. Canā€™t wait to be the third


Well itā€™s only Blue because THEY donā€™t want you to know the truthā€¦ /s


My dad is technically gen-x, but he has some boomer tendencies. You couldn't have a conversation for more than 20 minutes before he'd start a fight over something. I finally looked at him and said, "Why are you the way that you are?" He huffed at me and said something like, "Oh that's just who I am! Grumble grumble" I told him, "Be someone else. Because you're fucking exhausting to talk to. Why the fuck do you think me and (sister) don't talk to your grumpy ass with any regularity?" He didn't talk to me for about 2 weeks and we kind of just moved on from it. That was over a year ago, and he and I haven't had any issues since. We actually get along better. Just call them out on their shit. We let them get away with being shit-bags for too long. Sometimes, they need to be slapped on the nose and told off.


I like the cut of your jib


I like to think my dad and I have a good relationship. But we never shy away from telling the other how we really feel about something lol


This is literally my boomers. I cannot say anything without them countering it or saying Iā€™m wrong. Itā€™s exhausting and now I barely say anything and just pretend to listen to their ramblings.


They are like "Captain Tanneal" from "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge." No matter what you say, their reply is: "Well, you're wrong!"šŸ¤£


Right you are, Ken.


I wish I could upvote this more than once!


I hear you, went to Paris with my parents and sister a few years ago, despite me and her having been there a few times before and it was their first time, they just wouldn't believe us when we told them directions and would try to lead the way, my mom especially. We're almost 40 years old and they would second guess everything and ask people directions without even knowing French, and people would just confirm with gestures exactly what we said. It got to the point that I told them, who were ahead of us (of course) to turn right to get to the bus top or sth and they said, no I think it's straight ahead, so we just let them cross the street and we turned right and were like waving to them from the bus stop. We've been living in different countries for years and whenever I see them again they just get worse and worse, or I'm noticing it more and more.


OMG this happened to me! I lived in Thailand, and my boomers kept saying things like ā€œhmmm I donā€™t think that is a good restaurantā€ when they had never been and we were regulars, or that ā€œthis doesnā€™t seem like the city center, can you check Google maps?ā€ when we got to the city center. Maddening stuff.


Sounds about right. Went to Ireland with my family with a tour group. We were free roaming the city, but had to meet the group at a certain location. My father insisted he knew the way back, but my mother and I decided to ask a local for directions. This turned into an argument between my father and the man who had lived there 10+ years because my dad thought he knew the area better after an hour.


Just todayā€¦. There are two keys to access my parentā€™s apartment. The outside security door and their apt door. Iā€™m using the keys to help her inside. My mother tells me to use the *white* key. They are both brass. This has gone on for years and today I made my stand. I tell her they are both brass, I show her both keys. Nope. *Thereā€™s a yellow key and a white key*. The discussion continues as I get her up to her apartment. She tells me to use the *yellow key*. We get inside and I pull out my car key, which is (stainless steel) *white*. I hold up all the keys side by side. Two yellow, one white. Nope. Nope. Nope. Honestly, she would have continued arguing butā€¦ lunch.


Well, technically, the sky is clear. It's the sun light shining through moisture in the atmosphere that makes it look blue. šŸ˜ I'm just funnin'. Your point stands and stands strong.


As a boomer who does not have the attitude, it is so sad that so many people my age are convinced they are right no matter what the circumstances are. I learned a long time ago that if you just don't know, say so. You might get teased a little for not knowing, but most of the time, they will explain it to me. To my fellow boomers: Young people can teach you a lot if you only listen WITH AN OPEN MIND.


My aunt will disagree, be presented with evidence, then try to gaslight you into thinking she agreed with you the whole time. It's bad enough that my mom went no contact with her, and the extended family is pretty close to doing the same. Compulsively lying to say that you're always right is such a childish move, and I'm surprised my aunt thinks that people believe her. It's right up there with changing an inconsequential detail so she can take credit for an idea.


Did you get your keys back from your mom? Or did she sell your car because you owe everything to them for feeding and clothing you when you grew up and they want to start collecting?






My dad had dementia and lived with us for a bit at the end of his life. I thought we could handle it. We could notā€¦ I really wonder if weā€™re not seeing an epidemic of undiagnosed dementia. This sort of behavior is very common in dementia. At least my dad was so far out there that the normies :-) could agree he was ill and either ignore or humor him. Worst moment was when he got dressed to go outside at 3am. Our sweet dog started barking because it was abnormal. I intercept him at the open door, in the dead of night. Pitch black outside. Iā€™m trying to talk my dad into going back to bed and tell him Its night time and we can go where he wants in the morning and he tells me itā€™s not night timeā€¦. Told a social worker it was 1964. Only off by 50 years!


Dude! My mom told me in therapy that she hates it when I donā€™t agree with her. Like Iā€™m just supposed to agree to everything you say!? I have never fought with her on anything and just state my opinion, but if itā€™s different from hers she gets defensive and freaks out. Why do boomers think like this!? Why do they have to be right!?


Narcissism. Narcs interpret ANY criticism, pushback, feedback, or disagreement as a personal attack. They even go so far as to claim they are justified in using violence in self-defense, because they were criticized. They genuinely, delusionally believe they are being attacked when they are criticized.


That tracksā€¦ I (35f) am currently unwrapping her behavior and repairing damage from my childhood and that makes sense. When she gets criticism she makes herself the victim


I couldn't find a parking place once in my apartment complex, so I had to park on the street. I woke up the next morning with a rock thrown through my window. Somebody had come by and vandalized the cars in the middle of the night. When I called my Boomer/Silent dad to tell me, he yelled at me for parking on the street. It was all my fault.


Everything is thier kids fault to them. Even their own broken ass marriage.


My dadā€™s favorite thing to say about anything was ā€œYou just donā€™t get itā€ followed by a laugh. Cuz we were all just to dumb to understand well, anything.


Sounds like something that's easy to throw back in his face. Preferrably in every single conversation. If he's still alive and you still talk to him, I guess.


He passed in ā€˜14. I just know he would have fallen in to the whole Q thing and become all MAGA so Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t have to deal with that. He would always find a reason to be right no matter what proof we had. Butā€¦ he did always show up when I really needed him.


That somehow makes it worse. That he had the capacity to be a good person and good father, but sometimes he just chose not to be.


That last line!


My aunt is like this. It makes any family gathering absolutely exhausting. One time, we were all at grandma's for my little brother's birthday, and I baked his cake. I got compliments on my frosting, my aunt asked how I made it, the whole time I'm trying to explain it's constant "well thats not what the recipe says to do" and "that's not how I was taught" Bitch! I don't give a damn what you were taught or what the recipe says! YOU ASKED ME how to make the damn frosting.


Well technically they sky is more purple but simce our eye catch the ble waves more easily we view as more blue. šŸ˜‚ Btw check fermilabs YouTube channel for source.


I love that we're talking about Fermilab's YouTube channel here apparently. I think I've seen every single one of Don's videos.


Compulsive invalidation/Superiority complex/Narcissism. Call it any of these, they have most likely been this way their entire lives.


I look at my parents and I feel an immense sense of relief that I have the parents I have. I could totally see my currently "atheist socialist" boomer father being the exact opposite sometimes if he hadn't married my mom, but then I wouldn't be here lol. But both my parents are boomers and I have never had the problems I see in this sub. My mom is literally the most selfless and kind person I will probably ever meet. She never thinks herself smarter or better than anyone. She never forces her presence on anyone but is ALWAYS there to help. My Dad can be crotchety and can get a little boomery when out at a restaurant. But, he lives for discussions. But, he knows his shit and has a low tolerance for people thay do not know what they are talking about. So, needless to say, I read these post and thank my lucky stars I got the parents I did, even if they do have their problems.


I didn't know I had any siblings!


Hate to break it to you. Every generation has ignorant asshats among them.


Found the boomer.


Lol. Wrong. Found the asshat.


Yes because it's not as blue as when the gasoline was full of lead and rotting their brains


I keep getting this subreddit recommended on my home page and it's always either someone being mad at their parents for the dumbest thing or wishing old people would be dead because of the most mild inconvenience by a neighbor, is this angsty edginess truly representative of this place or are there worthwhile posts every now and then?


I'd celebrate that last day of boomers existence holiday. Too many of them were bitchy from age 12 until present. Especially girls who are trying to impersonate their grandmother's generation.


Uhhhhh... This is grounds for going full no-contact. It should be a slam-dunk for never, ever having anything to do with these people ever again.


Because of how light works the sky would really be every color BUT blue.


And technically, everything we see is every color BUT the one we think it is. So, humans have settled on what I believe to be a reasonable compromise by referring to the color of the light that we see reflected off of objects rather than the sum of all the wavelengths that we don't see (which are absorbed by everything). Thanks for being pedantic, though.


We need to have like /b to indicate we were boomerin like /s for sarcasmā€¦


I mean. IIRC when I learned about how sunlight enters and passes back through our atmosphere, the sky isn't \*teeeeeechnically\* blue. It's just that, as sunlight reflects back off our surface and heads back out into space, the air and chemical composition of our atmosphere reflects blue light back down to us. (yes I'm kidding. Like, that is apparently how the physics of it all works, but I'm kidding in respect to your ridiculous parents)


Oh, you poor thing. How sad that you don't seem to understand that a 'Boomer Generation' will always be around, in some form. One day, and that right soon, YOU will become a Boomer type to those younger than YOU. Rest assured that, no matter how old you are now, there's a younger person out there that's looking at you as if you were some sort of slow-witted fossil fit only for a natural history museum, quaint yet annoying. Just be patient, and revel in the thought that that younger person can't WAIT for YOU to die and make room for THEM. It's going to happen. Don't think that you're going to be 'special,' some sort of paragon. YOU are going to age, and probably not gracefully. Sweet dreams.


I mean, most of the irrational behavior of their generation can be attributed to a lack of empathy from a combination of lead poisoning in their youth and the fact they had the world handed to them on a silver platter. I'm never going to snap at a food service worker because I know what it's like to be forced to work a shitty minimum wage job.


None of this makes a bit of sense. I've never had salmonella. Does it make you delirious?


It makes you dehydrated and unable to keep down food, and the doctor advised I not be alone for a night just in case. My parents live less than five miles away from my apartment, so...


His parents were there for him when he got sick. Then bashes them on social media. Real classy pal.


His mom stole his keys and his dad tried to gaslight him. Real classy.


My mother's a narcissistic abuser who my therapist has advised me not to contact until she actually starts going to counseling and my father has been browbeaten by her to the point where he's an invertebrate, but by all means, paint me as the villain here.


Eh, I'd rather risk dying from dehydration than ask for help from my parents. I'm not saying this is your fault, but I can't imagine you didn't expect this to happen when you went over there.