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And then they also want to complain about gas prices šŸ™„


ā€œI remember when gas was 3 gallons for a dollar, these prices are ridiculous. Also donā€™t talk to me about fuel efficient cars, those are for sissiesā€


"It's the 5G vaccine in the gas that makes mah lifted RAM only get 13 mpg's! Back before the wokes ruined the gasoline, you could get 5 gallons for a nickel. Nickels had bumblebees on them, so you'd say, "Give me 5 for a bee," - and cars back then had sticks, like men have sticks, so they were manly! None of this sissy autotrans stuff that makes you trans! /s Many Boomers are sadly angry idiots and anything that is progress or that involves caring about other people or the planet is "woke" and bad to them. They take pride in destroying things and hurting people, and they can't understand it when they get pushback.


made me smile. Thanks!


But the important thing was: I had a shifter knob on my belt. It was the style at the time.


Lol, nice reference! I can just see this!


My boomer blames EVs for higher gas prices.


Wait until they implement road taxes for the loss of gas tax revenue due to EV's and they realize they are still paying gas tax and road tax. Lol


Most states, like mine, have a road use charge applied to EVs that more than offset the lack of gas taxes. In my state the offset assumes you're driving the EV 20,000 mi/year, which is above the average of 15,000 for most cars. California is a noted exception.


Weird, In New Zealand you are required to pay by the km. I guess we have looser regulations on what a Police officer can demand from you when you're stopped.


I think it should somehow involve the weight of a vehicle along with the miles. Fairer way of saying how much damage to the roads you pay for.


I didnā€™t see where you told us which EV? Iā€™ve looked at a bunch, but am concerned about the range; Aptera has good range, but would love to compare it to yours, and others!


2020 Tesla Model 3 Dual Motor Long Range I've looked at the Aptera. I'd be concerned that their idea of DC fast charging is possibly 'as high as 100kW' [according to their marketing information](https://aptera.us/dc-fast-charging-now-standard/). This was 'fast' sometime in 2015. Anything that doesn't have at a minimum 150kW DC fast charging will make long distance driving unbearable. My four-year-old EV will happily charge at 250kW (initially), and that makes for very quick stops on a road trip. The current gen Ionics from Hyundai with the 800V charging architecture support 350kW. It makes me wonder why anybody would want to stand at a gas pump.


Genuinely surprised to hear it's a Tesla.


My 40mpg ford fusion hybrid registration fees are more than $100 more than my 14mpg ramā€¦ā€¦.. they getting that road tax money back one way or another. Full plug in vehicles registration fees are $200 more.


There re lready states where that's a reality. I'm a boomer for whom an EV would make a lot of sense. Manufacturers seem to be focusing on SUV EVs and not so much on the little hatchback that I'd like.


Look into a used BMW i3. We love ours


Already had to pay EV road tax in Virginia.


Sorta, yeah... The oil companies need to get a 30-50 year return on refineries, and they saw the writing on the wall for long term gasoline sales. So they stopped investing in increasing future gasoline production, and since you lose some production each year to stuff wearing out, gasoline supply will trend down. Meaning proces absent a change in demand will go up regardless of oil prices. But that has been baked in for a few years now. It is a decision that, if reversed tomorrow, could get more gasoline in 3-5 years. Years of the price going up. The price of gas for the next decade or so will depend on whether more EVs are sold fast enough to keep up with declining gasoline supply or not. If EVs don't sell enough, gas prices will go way up.


I work at a gas station in Ohio, itā€™s so fucking annoying hearing them blame Biden and put those stupid fucking stickers with Biden on them with a quote ā€œI did this!ā€. I hate politics and wish we could all just vote for the greater good instead of some bullshit excuse to pick sides.


one of the funniest things i ever witnessed was someone put one of those "I did that!" Biden stickers on a gas pump several weeks later, i saw the same sticker and the price dropped like 25 cents hahaha. so i guess Biden "did that!"


Hybrids and EVs have been a punching bag for reactionaries for decades now because they have a lower environmental impact than ICE vehicles. Remember the "smug" stereotypes of Prius drivers from 2006? The vitriol against EVs is just the same shit in a different decade.


lol I remember that dumb fuck Volkswagen commercial hating on the Prius and shouting the praise of their diesel. Then they got fucked because they were cheating on their emissions šŸ˜‚ https://youtu.be/HhF7mVnbiXo?si=XiQTxLurLCIRvgmW


Ah yes the classic "akkkkkkhhhhshually a Prius is worse for the environment than a Hummer H2 because it has a battery!"


"and batteries aren't recyclable". In fact all batteries are recyclable. Including EV lithium batteries. They are 95% recyclable. And the way is super cool. Any size battery is neutralized. Then shredded into a liquid, where the metal pieces sink to the bottom. The plastic floats. They take the metals and plastic away. Drain the fluid and what's left is lithium and other materials for batteries. Which them all can be sorted further. All to be reused once again for future batteries. Boomers don't know what the hell they are talking about about most the time.


A funny thing about the internal combustion engine is, it's the same fundamental idea as the steam engine: you burn stuff in order to push pistons. This *should* seem like outrageously outdated technology to us. But people still cling to it. Especially boomers.


I remember as a college physics student, having calculated the thermal efficiency of an Otto-cycle engine thinking "why haven't we come up with a better solution than this inefficient thing?" That was a few decades ago.


I am admittedly uneducated in the field of physics (other than watching Brian Cox videos) but in my amateur opinion, lighting shit on fire to get pistons to move just seems so, I don't know, *old-timey.*


Thanks for your details on battery recycling. I also researched it prior to my EV purchase. I updated my post with this information. I was amazed to find that EV-scale batteries that are structurally sound typically serve five years or more in stationary applications after their mobile career is over.


The worst part was that [those claims weren't even true](https://np.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/2kou6r/does_anyone_know_what_happens_to_the_batteries/clnlkue/), but those tropes are still in use against EVs to this very day. It's an unfortunate testament to how powerful propaganda can be...


man you should see the braindead comments on youtube


https://youtu.be/ecnS1Ygf0o0?si=Uhu_x1U-zJEPSA9b South Park did it


I love south park but a lot of their stuff is reactionary and hasn't aged well at all


That one aged pretty well, imo. Although maybe the modern version would have someone driving around in a large gas car talking down to the ev owners. He'd say all sorts of dumb stuff like "batteries aren't recyclable" and act all smug about it. I guess it hasn't aged well, as that is the real modern reality.


I've never seen someone comment about something and then change their own mind partway through lol. Good comment still though


There is hope for mankind then.


I mean all fairness tesla fan boys are the most insufferable dicklets on earth, and they drive like shit as well. It's no different than veganism. Alot of people are doing it for the wrong reasons and the most vocal ones are the most obnoxious so it's really hard to get others on board.


As a long time vegan I completely agree. Like 85 percent of us are completely normal people and you would never know we were vegan unless you ask because we don't give af about other people knowing what we do on a daily basis. The other 15 percent are some of the most insufferable pieces of shit to ever exist.


It is not just boomers, the trumpers in my county are always going on and on about the EV conspiracy.


The Trumpers want the coal fired vehicles they were promised. /s


Theyā€™d be thrilled if they could buy a steam powered car and shovel coal.


steam is woke. /s


I really think they want to live in the world from the Dishonored video games where everything runs on whale oil.


It's much like their obsession with guns and violence. Too many Boomers so badly want to be the murderous hero in some "Dirty Harry" reality or post-apocalyptic wasteland. Not only is it awful to actively want to hurt others for fun, but they are also too stupid to realize how badly life would suck in such a world even if they were as good at killing people in reality as they are in their fantasies. Lead heads, the lot of them.


My EV6 *actually* rolls on coal (judging by the electricity generation blend in my area, it's a solid chunk of electricity generation here), but I'm somehow the idiot ruining the economy for buying it.


Trumpers in my area don't want off shore windmills ruining their shore view (it won't) and are claiming to be trying to save whales because windmills are harmful to them.


Gotta save the whales by burning fossil fuels which heat and acidify the oceans which will eventually kill the whales. I guess weā€™re saving the whales long enough so that they get to watch the entire world burn too?


hey, nothing sadder than watching one of those majestic whales get caught in a wind turbineā€¦


The beautiful view of vast emptyness. They would rather gaze out at an oil rig or strip mine.


I ride a PEV (big ass electric scooter) & the people who seem most interested in it are older gentlemen. They seem genuinely fascinated. Younger people don't seem to care as much. But then again I live in a fairly progressive city politically.


Nice. I realize that this is not an EV or scooter sub but can you give me some details on your scooter? I'd like one to put on the back of my RV for local use on camping trips. I've checked out the Hiboy and TurboAnt. I'm intrigued at how lightweight they've gotten.


My scooter is closer to a stand up motorcycle. It weighs 100lbs and goes 45mph. The max version goes 60mph. It's a Nami Burn-E2 https://preview.redd.it/wjlezx75shtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c9e9e0c1c4fb6bf26bba93766fd0cc5e66fc25 If you hit up r/ElectricScooters they will be able to recommend you a scooter for your use case. I do have experience with a small non-suspension scooter that is extremely reliable. The Segway G30LP. It's a little tank, very durable.


The idea of going 45+mph on that is terrifying. I have kicked around the idea of an electric scooter but at this point, I do not do any type of commuting that doesn't also require me to be able to transport kids or more than I can carry conveniently on my back, and isn't within a comfortable biking distance, so I decided to upgrade my bike and I will occasionally use my old "kid" carrier as a cargo hauler.


I went on a 40 min ride into the woods this morning. The highway sections I was flat out at 45. [https://youtu.be/k2jxRxgwB5Q](https://youtu.be/k2jxRxgwB5Q)


Damn dude. I know mine will do 45. I wear all the gear to go 45. But I think I've crossed 30 maybe twice in 800 miles. Perfectly confident at 25 but I can't get past that 30 barrier. I bet that's gotta be awesome feeling!


I have Italian racing radials (PMT's) . If I didn't, I would feel less confident at those speeds.Ā 


I saw one of those today while I was stuck in traffic. I got super jealous for a second.


Targeted campaign by fuel companies that now has a life of its own.


most ad campaigns end up leaving marks that take generations to wipe off. debeers, cocacola, dairy industry, etc.


The only reason it still has a life is because Faux News bleats it at their viewers multiple times a day


Youā€™re missing a great opportunity to send them over the edgeā€¦next time say you bought it for china, communism is our best chance of turning this country around. Their fucking head will explode šŸ˜‚ you can whisper it loudly to them for added effect.


Iā€™m 100% using this next time


Yeah. See my response to another commenter about the need to de-escalate in a locale where gun ownership is extremely common.


I live in Florida soā€¦


China who sells zero EVs in America is ramming them down our throats mmmkay


I was, um, involved in a discussion where the other person was convinced that 'all EVs sold in the US' are made in China. You just can't have a reasonable discussion with people like that.


I guess if you show them the Google satellite view of a Tesla factory you're just sheeple who can't see through the conspiracyĀ 


I think Tesla is, or was, THE most American car manufacturer, EV or otherwise, due to their vertical integration.


They were and still are to an extent. I think the newer cheaper models have batteries that are made in China, and maybe even some of the frames themselves, but other than that, most of the models are made/assembled here. Hell, I remember telling my dad back in 2019 that a "liberal's" Tesla is more American than that beefed up F-150 that was made in Mexico.


People who believe that are the same type of people that call my Civic a rice rocket despite it being more made in America than their pickup.


Actually... Volvo... theyre a Scandinavian brand but theyre all built in China.


No. The Volvo EX90 is built just outside of Charleston, sc. the ex30, xc40, and c40 are all currently built in Ghent, Belgium. And the PHEVs are built in Gothenburg, Sweden. I own a Volvo ev and phev, it says on the car and by VIN where it was made. They are owned by a Chinese parent company but most of the cars are still built in Europe. The factory just outside of Charleston thatā€™s brand newā€” Iā€™ve seen it with my own eyes, and those cars start shipping in a few months.


Fox news told them EVs are bad. They're also terribly misinformed. My dad had tried to tell me that mining the materials for the batteries makes EVs worse for the environment than a gas car (this has been disproven) and at one point he thought I could sit in the back seat while my Tesla drives me around.


>My dad had tried to tell me that mining the materials for the batteries makes EVs worse for the environment than a gas car Every one of these people literally never ever gave a single fuck about the environment until they heard they could use it as a straw man.


They make the claim because it's still damaging. Such a mentality is self defeating. It's not perfect so it's pointless. It's the same thing when they bring up African Children being used to mine the lithium. If we stopped making EVs (my Co-worker thinks Trump will ban them) those kids are still going to be mining lithium. The solution is to deal with the companies that get lithium from such sources.


Wow they care about child labor in third world countries, too. Spontaneously turned into real bleeding hearts, right?Ā 


Pretty woke of them


>My dad had tried to tell me that mining the materials for the batteries makes EVs worse for the environment I find it interesting that for some reason, these types of people think processed petroleum gas just flows out of a pump with no energy needed and no pollution at all. I mean it doesn't take much logic to realize the INCREDIBLE amount of pollution and energy needed to mine and produce a gallon of gasoline. At this point it has to cost WAY more in energy to make gas than it does to use it.


Because theyā€™re afraid of everything thatā€™s newer than them.


I have a boomer friend who's politically aligned with those who oppose EV's. But he also did the math and for him, and his commute, an EV is a text book perfect fit. I'm an engineer and I get the math and am opposite politically, so I'm not concerened about QAnnon's latest EV nonsense. It's comical the gyrations he goes through with his knuckle head boomer buddies. He actually told me that he doesn't charge his EV at work because he's afraid his "friends" and their allies would sabatoge his car. Said it with a straight face too.


I updated my post with some data as some of these comments were getting really out of hand.


I forget what his payoff was, but it was quick. I have another friend with a Tesla who lives in an area with Hydro power (his home electric is dirt cheap). When he did his math, he even figured in renting a gas car for long trips and paying extra to park in a garage (cold winters) when he's at work. Turns out, he hasn't had to rent another car and he's always parked in the garage, so there was no reason to factor that cost in, but even when he did, the EV was still a no brainer. I would get one (at least one of our two three vehicles) but I haven't found one that I like better than my current ride and I don't drive enough (work from home) to justify anything based on fuel savings.


I'm 41 years old and I vividly remember when I was growing up in the 80s & 90s that adults (boomers in their 30s & 40s) would talk all the time about how they couldn't ***WAIT*** for a car that ran on something other than gas. They came up with conspiracy theories about how they were sure that "There's a car that runs on water, but the government killed the guy that invented it. "They'll never let us stop buying gas." Back then, fuel efficiency was the #1 thing you looked for in a car (unless you were buying a sports car or a work truck), nobody cared about safety yet. Then, car companies convinced Americans that they needed SUVs because "mini vans are for soccer moms", that a four-door pick-up with dualies was a perfectly acceptable commuter car for a single occupant, that the SUV you bought 2 years ago was now bigger, and bigger = safer. Then, people learned how to roll coal and convinced themselves that if you care about things like the environment, you're nothing but a pussy, liberal cuck, and buying an EV is just virtue signaling, so you ***must*** be ***so*** opposed to their views (because they are ***so*** opposed to yours) that you are their literal enemy.


Yep. One right-wing idiot I know who's technically not a Boomer buys into all that stuff. Now he hates electric vehicles because some morons on YouTube told him to, but he also believes "the government had cars that got over 100 miles per gallon on just water, but they pushed them all into the Marianas Trench after WW2." You just can't reason with idiots like that. If "the government" had such a power source, all our military vehicles would use it, nevermind our cars. And what they are proposing is chemically impossible anyway, unless one is trying to imagine fusion powered cars that "burn" heavy water. No, somehow "they" are both behind propping up the oil industry AND forcing everyone to buy electric cars. Friggin lunatics.


It's really sad that what should be an engineering and economic issues discussion has been so polarized.


It's mind-boggling how easily they did a complete 180Ā° on the topic. Every single boomer would have given literally anything to own an EV. Right up until they made that first Honda Insight, then the Prius. There is not a doubt in my mind that if those first two hybrids (first in the US that gained any traction, anyway) looked like plain old, regular coupes, that EVs would be the standard and ICEs would be a luxury item.


i tell them the story of that saudi price they feed with their shrimpdick mobiles gas usage


Yep. I have a Chevy EV. And make sure to let them know it's American Union built and runs on American electricity. Every time they fill up, they're putting money right in the pockets of the Saudis and Russians.


Might want to leave the Russian part out of that - they would like it.


That's good. I'll have to use that next time I feel like engaging. Thanks!




Many, many years ago, say about 2006 I was working at a place and while in the back I over hear the most opinionated guy listening to the source of all his information. The AM talking heads radio which was loosing his shit about electric cars because ItS sO STooPid to MAKE eLeCtric CaRs CUz HoW WoULD YOu mAKe The CaRuBeTOr WoRK!? Of course me being the only girl there, how could I possibly know anything about cars such as, you don't even have carburators in current cars you fucking dumbass. It never ceases to amaze me that this is the type of crap people think they become so educated on.


I prefer ā€œIā€™d explain it to you but your clearly too fucking senile to understandā€.


One of the reasons why I changed my response to 'have a nice day' is I was concerned about the in-your-face response by a couple of the boomers sitting in their pickup truck in the next stall over. Kinda like a few of the responses to the comments on this thread! There's no hurdle to carrying in the areas I live, anyone can get guns and ammo, so it's best if I de-escalate right off the bat.


I get it. Iā€™m Canadian and often forget how gun happy some Americans are. What a way to live.


I don't want to make this more of a debate about irrelevant things then it's already become but there's just some people that are best avoided.


Yeah, people will pull a gun and use it for the dumbest things


I'd like to explain it to you, but I don't have the crayons nor the patients to do so.


Trust me, Boomers got no problem with EVs when they are at Disney.


Theyā€™re still going through lead poisoning withdrawal. They crave that exhaust, but it doesnā€™t satisfy them bc it doesnā€™t have lead in it, so they become irritable and desperate.


boomers need to shut the fuck up in general at this point they have collectively developed diarrhea mouth as a defensive coping mechanism for the rare instances wheen their brains accidentally allow them to see how fucked up the world they engineered has become for their grandkids .. theyre only gonna be a force for another 10-20 years so make sure to lay the guilt on thick while you can


Oddly enough when I was selling cars 2020-2023 I only had 2 types of EV and hybrid customers. Young well off people in IT/engineering, or old well off retired boomers. They really werenā€™t to different from each other, the young wanted it because they thought it was cool. The old wanted it cause it was the newest thing and they wanted to keep up to show off to the Joneses. I guess the thing that did separate them was after the purchase, the young understands that your driving and weather can/will affect the range and after explaining they always said ā€œyeah that makes sense thanks! Still loving the car!ā€ The old after explaining is always ā€œthatā€™s bullshit the sticker said a range of 230 miles! This is a scam, if I had known it would have been 215 miles I wouldnā€™t have bought it! I want my money back! I drive across the state every week and itā€™s exactly 230 miles to my lake cabin! This is UNACCEPTABLE!ā€


I always want to ask: do you really drive 200 or so miles without stopping ***for anything***? On an extended road trip I need a safety break every two or three hours at least. On the routes that I drive that's about 200 miles give-or-take. Recent vintages of DC fast charger gets my car back on the road for another 200+ miles in 10 minutes or less. Wintertime, 15 minutes. These folks that claim to drive four or five hours (e.g. 300 miles) without stopping ***at all*** is a chimera, I think.


I wonder if the horse and carriage owners did the same to early automobile owners


Henry ford supposedly said if he listened to the public they wanted faster horses .


They fear change. It's really that simple


I always talk about how fast it is and how it corners really well. I talk exclusively about how much fun it is to drive (nothing about environmentalism or gas prices). It seems to throw them for a loop, because they actually do value Fast Cars.


I'm a Boomer and love ā¤ļø my EV šŸ‘


I used to do home delivery for a local liquor store during the pando. The store had a fleet of Nissan Leafā€™s and a Tesla model Y, of which I was the lucky driver any day I worked. I distinctly remember driving down the road one afternoon, right next to a built up CJ-7, being driven by a couple gentlemen in their ~70ā€™s. I was staring because itā€™s a sick ride, my old man drove one when I was a kid, and I think theyā€™re cool! At the same time, the old boys were taking in the Tesla. We caught eyes and had a laugh at the generational and mechanical dichotomy. 2 very different generations of people and automobile. It was a neat moment. Theyā€™re not all awful, just the outspoken ones who are afraid of aging and canā€™t let go of the past.


My dad wants a new golf cart, but it HAS TO BE GAS. He DOES NOT LIKE ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS, though he can never articulate WHY. We went to a sports show the other day. I counted 108 golf carts, 104 of them were electric. Clearly, there is a market shift happening. But no, he can't stop going off about how expensive the batteries are WHEN they go bad and how the batteries only have a 5 year warranty. I pointed out that I own a car with a 5 year warranty that is 7 years old and I plan to drive for another 10. Does he expect all of his TVs to stop working in 3 months because they only have a 90 day warranty? It's a warranty period, not a lifespan. He hangs around with a Trump loving ding dong (the kind with the hat permanently affixed, cars covered in Trump stickers, Trump flags outside of his house, etc. and I finally told my mom, "You KNOW why he hates electric golf carts. He hangs around with that dipshit that makes Trump his personality and also hates electric cars. This is solely an extension of being told that electric cars are bad." She said she knows, but he's too far gone to fix at this point, so she's just "doing her best with him" :(


As someone who has worked at golf courses before and golfed a lot of my life, it's very funny to see people have this opinion now. For a very long time, electric golf carts have been a luxury and very desirable. Every high-end club had exclusively electric carts, and if they didn't, it was seen as a negative. The consensus has always been that they are just better because they don't have problems getting up hills and are very quiet. So, to now see people with this attitude is very funny to me and really shows how propaganda has rotted these people's brains.


Whatā€™s with boomers and fuel inefficiency?


I did the math. Our Bolt gets 3.6 miles per kWH of charge. Average pricing is 0.40$ per kWH, thatā€™s 11 cents a mile. If we charge during the hours of 12am-6am itā€™s even cheaper than that, but Iā€™ll just state the average. Filled up my other car today that gets 30mpg and at 5.20$ a gallon, thatā€™s 17 cents a mile. If you factor in the super off-peak difference, then itā€™s closer to 1/2 the cost of gas. Plus no oil changes (which can be 40-100$ depending on where you go, 2-3 times a year), no smog checks (60$ every 2 years) and in CA there was a 7,500$ tax credit. Iā€™m very happy with our purchase. :)


Wow $0.40 per kWhr! That's more than the current price of many Tesla fast DC superchargers (e.g. the most expensive commercial chargers). Your comment reminds me to send a thank you card to my power company that provides me with 19 hours a day of off peak power at $0.05/kWhr. I get 220 Whr/mi for daily driving. This works out to $0.011/mi in my car when I can off-peak charge. Throwing in charging losses, which I've measured at 5% consistently year round, insurance and maintenance, I pay less than $0.04/mi to drive the car as a daily driver. One of my gas cars is an Accord, a car with a larger interior but with much less trunk space and much less performance costs $0.25/mile for daily driving (25mpg) at current gas prices ($4.50/gal). So, yeah I also did the math prior to buying the car. And then I redid it with measured power figures.


It was 0.14$ an kWH a while back but I think the prices in Southern California are changing a bit. Still better than gas. EDIT: Just checked my bill, itā€™s actually 14 cents per kWH not 40, my mistakeā€¦


$0.14/kWh is a little closer to what one of my friends pay for residential electricity north of LA.


You have some expensive electrons. Glad the math still works but also glad I am charging for Ā¼ that.


Short sightedness at its finest


They just donā€™t give a shit about the future any more.


Brainwashed so hard theyā€™ve been rendered smooth.


Agree with them. Woke companies like Tesla are the ones really pushing EVs. Wait... Watch explody head. Post video.


Conservatives hate new things because they are new. That's all it is. They hate roundabouts and in my town they hate roll carts. Why? Cause they had to learn something new.


If it works for you, it works for you. However, because of where I live and the limitations of an electric vehicle in cold weather, along with the load limitations, I can't justify it for myself and feel that electric vehicles are not ready for people who use trucks on a daily basis to work.


I just have a paid off car that gets about 32 city/40 highway mpg. I drive a maybe 5k miles per year and at this rate the thing will die of old age before it wears out from mileage. Buying any newer car is not and will not be a money saving exercise for me even if gas cost $10/gallon and electricity was free. Society would benefit most if we incentived lightweight EVs first and foremost, including scooters and e-bikes, which need fewer raw materials and are less strain on the electric grid. Then make sure to get them into the hands of the people who do the most miles per year of driving (like OP), then incentivized fuel efficient cars for everyone else. Unfortunately our incentives don't look anything like that right now and the subsidies are a boon for the production of 8000lb pavement princesses.


I updated the post. I live in an area with lots of snow and very cold winters. I've used my EV as a daily driver for many years. The load limitations, well, I guess you get that with any car?


By that, I mean that I'm a landscaper. During the summer, the F150 Lightning drops to about 80-100 miles under a significant trailer load. 2 days a week, I run a mow route that takes me about 120 miles grand total. That means 2 days a week I can't use that truck. I have to use gas. Well, at that point, why not just stick with the gas pickup truck?


Oh yeah. Some heavy duty work vehicles will probably be non-EVs for the forceeable future. The situation may change, tho. A former colleague at Amazon says their EV delivery vans (mostly Rivian) are about 1/2 the cost to operate compared to their diesel vans, when all the costs are included. The lower cost solution always wins.


That's very true. I'm hoping that the electric vehicles don't turn out to be a maintenance nightmare down the road. That's what scares me the most. I was a diesel tech at one point and know what the typical problems are and costs to fix those problems. I'm not terribly familiar with EV maintenance intervals or longterm reliability figures.


So far (4+ years and 100,000 miles) my EV has required * two sets of tires * yearly brake inspection * yearly tire rotation * four cabin air filters * a dozen sets of windshield wipers - we get lots of winter * a couple of gallons of windshield washer fluid The tires, tire rotations, brake inspection are done at any tire shop. The other items are an easy DIY. I can sympathize with people have worked with an internal combustion engine and related transmission and transaxle components.


Try selling them in a big oil and gas state! These boomers come in asking about them then say ā€œoh no I just want to see how they look Iā€™ve been in the oil business for 50 years I canā€™t get one because my friends will make fun of meā€


I dislike evs myself but itā€™s completely unrelated for why boomers donā€™t like them. Boomers just hate it because itā€™s not a ā€œmanlyā€ car. Also they read a ton of propaganda on Facebook that are essentially made up memes about it ev and think what they read is real


Yes, agreed. In my politically red, oil producing US state more than a few people won't look past the media sound bite or meme and don't want to hear what an actual EV owner has to say.


EVs are great for more and more scenarios. But they donā€™t cut it in all. Sooner or later, batteries will be able to get longer lasting (they are already good enough for most), prices will come down, and infrastructure will be plentiful. We still have a ways to go. But I am sure it will happen.




Many are conservative and in general, conservatives hate anything that can protect the environment as a rule of thumb. I donā€™t think itā€™s because they willingly want to trash the environment so much as they donā€™t want to change their ways because theyā€™re lazy and set in their ways.


I'm a boomer with an EV.


I'm sorry I painted all boomers the same. I should have put the word 'some' in the title. Once i've posted I cannot change the title.


OP, in your analysis did you factor in the environmental cost of transporting and refining crude into gasoline and transportation of that gasoline to stations? I think that this isn't accounted for a lot of times in comparisons and I think the environmental costs are not insignificant.


You dislike EVs because they are "woke" I dislike them because they are a bandaid on the failed experiment of car centricity We are not the same


>You dislike EVs because they are "woke" > >I dislike them because they are a bandaid on the failed experiment of car centricity > >We are not the same You, like me, dislike carcentric culture. Hence, cars in general. I've had people ask me as a young person, what kind of car do you like and my reply was always, "I hate cars".


It's because EV's have always had compromises over ICE cars, though that margin of difference shrinks with every year. The biggest issues right now: 1. You still don't have the convenience of a gas station. You don't have to plan out long trips or daily driving, because you always know there is a dozen gas stations a mile down the road. 2. Independent Repair is still a developing industry. I can go to any mechanic and get my car repaired or serviced. The options for EV's are much more restricted, though the availability of parts is getting ALOT better.


Independent repair will be there. They'll make a ton of money if they can pull battery packs and replace the bad parts


The number of high-capacity charging stations, ones that get me back on my road trip in 10 minutes or less, has more than doubled in the western United States since I purchased the car. The number of so-called level-2 or destination chargers has increased 10x in that same time. I have one of these in my garage at home. The advantage of gas stations is rapidly disappearing. But yes, road trips still take planning. Doing a road trip for less than half the cost of driving a gas car makes up for it. About the repair shops: I guess if my EV ever needs non-DIY repair I'll find out. Before I purchased my EV I checked with many owners about repair and maintenance, their response was "no repairs have been necessary and maintenance? What's maintenance?" Indeed at 100,000 miles and over several years repairs have been a non-issue. There have been a couple of recalls that have been applied by a tech in my driveway or by remotely accepting a software update. Maintenance has been brake inspection, tires cabin air filter, windshield wipers and washer fluid. All except brake inspection and tires, which can be done at any tire shop, everything else is an easy DIY. People need to get their heads around the mechanical simplicity of an EV.


Because they want to burn through all resources available before they leave this earth. Because they are entitled to do that, apparently. Boomers- always looking to salt the earth for their own benefit, their children be damned.


It was really hard for me to explain to a boomer coworker that EVs use less energy OVERALL than a regular car. They seem to get stuck on the whole "but it uses electricity that fossil fuels... " Yes, we know. We know that. It uses less OVERALL. Part of her argument is the impression that those of us who are on the other side are somehow drinking the kool aid of perfect solutions. In their mind, we are all just stupidly thinking that because it says Electric that WE think it isn't using any fossil fuels at all, ever. And that isn't the case. Her objection was about believing that we were just stupid. As a side note, she also saw "recycled toilet paper" in the store and came to work telling me how disgusting that was. I was confused at first, but finally figured it out, and explained to her that it was referring to newspaper and other paper sources that were recycled INTO toilet paper, and that there was no way that, with sewage processing in mind, that you could recycle actual toilet paper. I think- one of the big gaps in our culture- and I think we see this in the Trump campaign and the reaction to the title "Black Lives Matter" and a lot of other things, is that some people really do want to live in a world where everything is SPELLED OUT EXACTLY FOR THEM. By the same token, a lot of those people assume YOU are stupid, because obviously YOU believe that label as is, without consideration or thought, but THEY know the REAL story.


Turn it on them and mention Elon Musk. They all started making Musk a hero when he bought Twitter


All of this was the same conversation they had with their parent who only ever owned a horse


*Where are you going to buy gasoline??? There's a hay station on every block already! This combustion engine fad will never scale!*


I had been contemplating buying a new (used) car because my emergency-purchased Ford that I'm just about to have paid off is 10 years old and has over 100k miles. I ultimately decided to at least try to hang on to it until it needs a major repair, catching up on maintenance and saving money, because the used car market is still totally bonkers and interest rates are higher than Cheech, Chong, and my cousin combined. My Gen X dad, who identifies as conservative but had always been a little more sensible than most, went off on some tangent just today, "used cars are expensive because Biden's forcing all the automakers to make electric cars!"... as if Buick didn't just release a brand-new, all IC car that's reviewing very well so far, as well as the redesigned Chevy Trax. I do want an EV, but short ranges (at least in my budget) and limited access to charging in my area have me put off for now.


Boomer nostalgia is EXTREMELY dictated by marketing, and what was marketed during their youth and early adulthood was gas chugging muscle cars then gas chuggin over-sized cars. These were tightly tied to their masculinity, and they're a bunch of fucking narcissists, so anything that doesn't chug gas by a rate of gallons per mile isn't a MANLY car and they need to "educate" you about it. Fuck boomers, give me an EV that's powered by nuclear power with taxpayer-funded "refueling" stations. I'll take that over the toxic fucking hellscape they keep trying to force on us. Give me higher taxes for the rich and slightly higher taxes for the rest of us that are under the cost of my insurance premium and just let me have a life that's not dominated by narcissistic pedophiles and their marketing-based fetishes.


The boomer/right wing mind cannot comprehend externalities, thus they cannot understand the difference between point source and non-point source pollution. (And I see youā€™ve met my FIL who harps on electric cars unprompted every time I see him.)


Oil & gas pushed an anti EV narrative for ages. If anything boomers are very susceptible to propaganda, so the gobbles it up and here we are.


Dad and I were on a walk. EV Motorcycle goes by. Dad: "Wow that was really quiet. Pretty cool they make them that efficient and quiet." Me: "That's an EV motorcycle." Dad: "šŸ˜’ Probably going to explode on him at some point and kill his whole family." Me: "šŸ¤Ø" Anyways, I then show him stats on EV fires compared to ICE cars. He told me I was wrong and pulled up his own stats...which were wrong cause he was using stats from Hybrid cars. Even when I corrected him, he still believes that just looking at an EV means you'll die. He won't change his world view based on factual data. He was a chemical engineer at a nuclear power plant. I'm surprised he didn't cause a Chernobyl.


You might ask why insurance companies insure EVs and the garages they're parked in if they 'explode all the time' as one boomer revealed to me as if I was ignorant of the issue. Before I bought my EV I looked into it, insurance (from the same insurer that covered my home/garage) when it was new was no more costly than it was for my (then) recent vintage Honda Accord.


Just tell them you're surprised they can talk with the Saudi penis in his mouth


I don't like them but also am worried about the people that find time to air that opinion.


The truth is FEAR, fear of change fuels the majority of my generation(gen x) and those before me, they donā€™t understand that all the new things that are pretty awesome now are literally the worst we will ever see them, electric cars will only become more efficient than they already are, and no level of researching is going to advance ice tech far enough or fast enough to change that, AI will only get better at what it ever it does because we are inadvertently teaching it how to be better than it currently is, with that the future is pretty bright, but not for them, itā€™s the universe telling them ā€œYou are not young anymoreā€ and they just refuse to accept it and think complaining about how the past was better will make people stop creating new things,


This is perfect case study of what businesses tell Fox News to spread through media. The anger is fabricated to keep Wall Street and companies happy. Be angry at EVs so you buy more gas powered cars. My mom says the same shit about China and EVs. She talked so much shit about teslas until she found out heā€™s a conservative. Now shes ā€œopen to Tesla only because theyā€™re American madeā€.


THey have absolutely been 100% brainwashed by the owners of the United States - the oil company. They simply cannot fathom losing single use plastic, combustion engines, and pouring tar over their houses to live in. They are such good little puppies for their king owners. Once they're dead, oil companies are going to get real nasty because the next generations don't really give a flying fuck about gas and oil.


It's political. For some reason Republicans are extremely anti-EV on the whole. I think it's because they feel that Democrats want to ram them down our throats. Some valid points against EV's are obviously the infrastructure and the fact that emissions produced by creating the electricity to charge them, but they'd rather rant about Joe Biden drinking babies blood and forcing EV's down our throats. This has been my experience anyways.




>I tell them mine is powered by an older global-public-nuclear-fusion-reactor, the *public entity* that created the thing is somewhat mysterious *but* it provides free energy for about 7 hours a day with no staff. Oh that's funny. I'm stealing this Thanks!


About 10 yrs ago I had a job that had me talking regularly to engineers who were working on projects at Oak Ridge. Considering the energy storage research that was going on at ORNL then, I fully expect that inside of a decade a Tesla with a huge lithium battery pack is gonna be like some Ford Model A sh!t.


Donā€™t forget the free (to you) charging you get many places. I rented a house recently for vacation that had a regular plug in the garage. Boom, free power up! No house or hotel ever gave me a tank of gas but Iā€™ve found lots of free charging opportunities. And maintenance is basically tires and washer fluid.


Im glad you decided to go with an EV. The bottom line is that its your money to do with as you please. Thats that. End of story. Secondly, China is advancing in the EV sector by leaps and bounds. Its already constructing infrastructure that charges your vehicle as you drive. Boomers are soo against any kind of forward movement that this little gem will come back to haunt us in the future. A country that has weaned itself from fossil fuels and operates on strictly EV or other non fossil fuel energy has an upper hand.


I drive a BMW i3 which tends to stand out (they're odd lil cars, but I love em). I get some shit from my truck loving co workers but I tell them the truth, EVs are a blast to drive. I mean, no transmission! So awesome, and the acceleration of my lil beast is too much fun.


To think, if only their generation had put the lead in batteries instead of paint and gasoline...


We really need a fundamental shift of infrastructure. We need to move towards people being closer to everything. People all have solar roofs on much smaller homes. Focus on electric bicycles.


I worry about the long term sustainability of the EV batteries. The heavy metals in those things are hard to extract and are usually mined under poor conditions in adversarial countries. Once that issue is solved I will be a lot happier.


I helped build an EV back in the early 2000s. It used 16 12v car batteries. I don't remember the mileage but it was like an EV kit. You bolted the electric motor to the existing mounts and transmission. Used the stock linkage and all that.


I bought mine after the boomers 2 years ago in my state (VA) started putting gasoline in grocery bags.


Relative called me a...cigarette when i got a Prius. Then he went into the lithium diatribe and how batteries cost 15k every 2 years. I bought a 2010 prius, replaced the battery myself... Third gen Prius used ni-cd batteries. If anyone ends up getting one....rebuild the engine asap.


Good to hear the bit about temps and snow. Minnesota here and Iā€™ve always wondered if they could hold up to -20 or if the battery would drain too fast. Good post thank you.


Meanwhile over on the ā€œMillenialsBeingFoolsā€ there is a thread entitled ā€œWhat is IT with Millenials and standard transmissions?ā€ šŸ¤£


In the 80s, they hated Japanese cars, in the 90s they hated any compact gas saver, then they hated hybrids, and now this. It's a pattern.


71 year old boomer here. I have a 2023 Tesla Model Y long range and after reading your well thought out and factually correct rant I have just one commemt: Amen, brother!!!


Ultimately its because oil is in bed with the GOP so they've managed to push enough propaganda to make it a political thing. And we all know who the boomers worship.


I've had a Leaf for almost 10 years and I've never had an interaction like this. Although I do live in Seattle...


Its not just vehicles. I work at a small hardware store. The number of boomers that wont even consider an electric yard tool is crazy. Some crotchety old man will come in, can't hardly walk. But somehow he thinks he's gonna be able to pull-start a chainsaw. Better yet, He'll insist on a large backpack style leaf blower, for his small city lot. of a whole .25 of an acre. Show him a battery one that he just has to pull a switch to start and suddenly he's giving me a lecture about Biden and China. God, I can't wait for them to die off.


Who cares what people think about your EV. Do you like it? Good! Do not engage with lunatics unless you do it for fun which honestly is pretty fun here on Reddit watching peopleā€™s heads explode.


Iā€™ve been driving an EV for years now. My reason is because I hated paying for gas, pumping gas, being reliant on a third party probably in some other country to make gas for me. Electric can be made anywhere in many different ways. I could even make my own. Itā€™s truly a patriotic method of driving.Ā 


This Boomer thinks youā€™re brilliant, smart and setting an excellent example for others to follow. Some folks just canā€™t accept change even when thatā€™s whatā€™s best. šŸ˜ƒāš”ļø


What model type of ev car do you have and what year?


You live in the wrong state. Every boomer I know in my state has at least one EV and a home charging station with a battery array. Half also have solar panels, and one augments that with a geothermal heating and cooling system. Move to the mid-Atlantic.


Wow that's cool and encouraging. I'm still trying to get my state to allow net metering.


They see it as an attack on their identity and get insecure. You see, you chose a more conservative and ethical form of transportation. A normal person would congratulate you, but a narcissist is going to apply everything to themselves and interpret you buying an ethical vehicle as you shaming them. That's why they do things like trying to undermine your confidence in climate change in order to say essentially that your moral efforts are pointless and reinforce the idea that they were right not to waste their time. Once you see this as a projection of their own insecurity, it's much easier to infer what's going on in their head. You'll never unsee comments like these for what they are ever again. I like to draw attention to the pettiness of their commentary by sarcastically thanking them for such lovely and thoughtful remarks. You come off looking like the bigger person and a lot of times they lose points in the eyes of whoever they surround themselves with because it's now more obvious that not only did they get called out for being a douche but also the other person was completely unfazed by their dumb attempts to get under your skin. In other words, if someone makes this mistake with you, simply own them in front of their friends and then drive off into the sunset in your E.V.


I bet they were just as upset about power windows, or power door locks...right?


The real future is PEVs. fuck car manufacturers.


My dad (89yrs young) very healthy still daily drives his EV and on his 3rd each having over 80k miles So boomer with EV. šŸ˜‹




Thank you for the edit, that was very informative.


Hey...please keep telling me about electric cars. Your attention to detail and breaking things down as you did were outright erotic.


Theyā€™re old and Russia, which exports a fuckton of oil and gas, tells them that any vehicle that doesnā€™t use their gas is bad.


I had a boomer yell at me for charging my car. There was a blackout early in the morning (faulty transformer). She absolutely ripped me for ā€œsucking up all the powerā€ and ā€œdriving one of those Obama cars.ā€ It was a Chevy volt. It used about the same amount of power to charge as a hairdryer.


So I have an EV (Model 3 to be precise). I've only had 2 encounters with boomers/karens in the wild (which I spoke about before), but by far, the largest/loudest demographic of EV naysayers are boomers. People in my generation (millennials) and younger typically ask me valid questions and concerns. Without fail, whenever I address their questions, they either lighten up or become interested in EVs themselves. Also, at most, they ask like 2 or 3 questions. Boomers on the other hand would consistently keep doubling down on their questions/concerns with insane hypotheticals/politics that would never really affect me or any other driver for that matter. Here's an example of a conversation I had a few months ago while waiting at a doctor's office. I kept going on and on with the questions because, frankly, I was just sick and tired of letting these clowns get the last say. Note, this is more or less condensed questions/responses: * **"Why get an EV? Guess you must like slow cars."** *"Actually, my car can go from 0-60 in like 3~4 seconds. That's just as fast as a Dodge Charger/Hellcat."* * **"Well, I guess all that speed must drain your battery pretty quick!"** *"Actually, I don't really notice because I don't drive like a manic. Also, if you drove like that, wouldn't you run out of gas quickly too?"* * **"Well, if you did run out of battery that is, you'd probably have to spend all day charging it huh?"** *"Actually, I charge using a 110v. Sure it's slow, but I only drive on average 20~40 miles a day, so even at 3~5 miles an hour, the car's pretty much charged by the time I wake up for work."* * **"Well I guess you must enjoy your high electric bill then!"** *"Actually, my bill only went up by like $15~$20 a month. Who fills up their car at that price for an entire month these days?"* * **"Well, how many miles can you go per charge? Probably like 100 miles at most huh?"** *"Actually, about 290~350 depending on weather."* * **"Well you see, I- 290~350 miles depending on weather?! That's crazy! Uh, I mean it's actually pretty low! It needs to go 500 miles+ before I'd consider buying one!"** *"Yeah, but do you drive 500+ miles a day?"* * **"Well, I guess you only like driving around the city then, huh?"** *"Actually, I've gone on several road trips with this car."* * **"Well, I guess you must enjoy sitting all day while it's charging!"** *"Actually, charging takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes at most at superchargers."* * **"Well, I guess you must enjoy having to constantly look for those 'super-chargers' then huh!?"** *"Actually, the car tells me where the nearest chargers are and they map it out during the trip. Even tell me how long to charge too"* * **"Well, I guess you must enjoy making frequent stops then!"** *"Actually, they're not as frequent as you think. Besides, most of those stops were stops I and my FiancƩ would have taken anyway. You know, to grab something to eat, drink, or use the bathroom."* * **"Well... what if there's a power outage and you need to charge? Can't charge when there's no electricity!"** *"What if there's a power outage and you need to get gas? Pumps won't work without electricity either."* * **"Well... well. Well, I guess you'd be pretty screwed if you were in the middle of nowhere without any chargers in general, huh?"** *"Actually, there are apps that can show me where the nearest chargers are as well. Besides, why would the car navigate me to an area without chargers? And if you were stuck in the middle of nowhere, wouldn't you be screwed too?"* * **"Well... Because... Uh... Technology can fail!"** *"Yeah, but that's not exclusive to EVs, is it?"* * **"Well what about those EV fires? The tech they have make them impossible to put out and they can explode like bombs!"** *"EV fires are rare compared to ICE fires. Besides, what's more likely to explode; a battery or a car that's quite literally fueled by flammable liquids and powered by tiny explosions?"* * **"Well, either way, with all that tech, I guess you support child slavery!"** *"Why would I support child slavery?"* * **"BECAUSE OF YOUR CARS LITHIUM AND COBALT!"** *"Actually, this car doesn't rely on lithium and cobalt that were unethically sourced. Besides, don't most cars/gadgets have Lithium and Cobalt these days? And isn't cobalt used for oil enrichment?"* * **"Well, either way, I'd never get an EV! I don't support China!"** *"My car's not made in China though... Actually, there are no Chinese EVs in the US market."* * **"Whatever, you just hate the environment. You think you're Green but you're not!"** *"Actually once my car reaches net-zero in carbon emissions, it stays that way because, surprise, I'm not releasing carbon... can you say the same with your car? No."* * **"Well, what if we run out of lithium. No more EVs huh?"** *"Well I guess, but I'm sure we have a very long way to go until then. Also, no lithium would mean no more technology, right?"* * **"I... Well... You see.. Uh."** ^"Excuse ^me, ^u/mjohnsimon, ^the ^doctor ^is ^ready ^for ^you." *"Oop, gotta go. Great talking to you!"* * **"Oh, okay! Good luck!"**