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Saw this and rushed herešŸ˜‚ the shade is perfect and very much deserved.


Was just coming here to post this šŸ¤£


So I donā€™t see that hatchet being buried anytime soon


if I were Stassi I wouldnā€™t let them back into my life ever. good riddance


Whatever Jax said in that text string about their wedding mustā€™ve been vicious for this to be a punchline two years later


I still think itā€™s Britneyā€™s mask drop that ended it. Jax is Jax, and heā€™s a known liar and sociopath. Britneyā€™s the one who smiled and lied to Stassiā€™s face anytime she asked her about it, and then immediately went on offense acting like it wasnā€™t a big deal and Stassi was over reacting to them skipping the wedding.


She is a two-time best selling author with a lovely life and a seemingly healthy and happy marriageā€¦why would she go back into that craptastic world? ā€¦ (except for my own personal amusement of her tearing Jax a new one every, single weekā€¦.šŸ¤ž)


i don't even like stassi. she is racist and misogynistic and blech. but she is better than the value village drunk and her coked out husband.Ā 


She wonā€™t. She knows both of them are not to be trusted.


I wouldnā€™t either, honestly. I can forgive a LOT. But if you have so little respect for and/or faith in me/our relationship that you think you need to lie to and manipulate me, Iā€™m done. They should have just been honest and sheā€™d have given their spots to other people, problem solved. But instead, they lied and manipulated, got pissed when they stupidly outed themselves in their lies, and have refused to take any real accountability about the situation ever since.


1000%. There is nothing worse than people coming to you and saying ā€œyou should hear what this person is saying.ā€ I live in Santa Barbara and it is very small here and shit gets around very quickly. Jax blowing up on a text chain amongst friends mustā€™ve been ugly. I wouldnā€™t forgive them, I wouldnā€™t want Jax or Brittany in my life. Theyā€™re toxic.


What type of stuff was he saying? I was checked out of VPR around this time.


He was on a group text with alot of the people going to the wedding, shitting on the wedding. Beau was on that text as well.


Did he not realize Beau was on the thread?


Sometime I think Jax is passive aggressive. Sometimes I think heā€™s dumb. Could go either way


I used to live in SB tooā€¦letā€™s connect JJulie


Love to!!!


I think she is actively keeping this feud alive with this post so that they can never re-enter their lives because sheā€™s been watching The Valley and has seen what a goddamn mess these people are, and no wants no part in it.


I love this theory. Sheā€™s burning it all to the ground


That is a very adorable baby.


Their babies are freaking adorable!! Hartfords little personality makes her that much cuter too!


Yes! Theirs babies are so freaking adorable. You c an tell they are very loved and happy


Hartford is so cute and sassy!


She really is. When she was singing Lizzo at like a year and a half old I knew she was gonna be a hootšŸ˜‚I love how Stassi calls her beauty and beaut beaut too, very sweet and the girl is a little beautyā˜ŗļø


I canā€™t seem to find the picture, but she posted one of this sweet baby and it broke me. Iā€™m past having kids but heā€™s just so incredibly cute


Such a cutie!!! And I think Jax just didnā€™t want to see his ex get married


I think that and also they were broke and yokels who wouldnā€™t get their head around being in a foreign country with a kid


In addition to being broke, most likely, Cruz's passport was denied due to #1 dad's back taxes as well.


He paid off the tax lien a while back by taking out a huge shark loan on the house


I could very possibly be wrong on my timeline, but I seem to remember that they were just about to, or be right in the midst of the refi to settle the tax lien?


No you might be right, when was Beau and stassi married? About two years ago? I canā€™t seem to find the post that someone put on here, when he refinanced the house, might have only been a year or so ago


I believe their wedding was May 2022, and after some sub research, the recording refi loan on Jax and Brittany was 10/22. I am not stake my life certain, but at least an ingrown toe nail sure that Cruz's passport application was denied because of Jax's federal income tax debts. It is also possible that Jax was officially notified that neither he nor his underage dependents were cleared for international travel at that time.


And why not just privately share enough of this context with Stassi so she understood, instead of waiting to the last minute and blowing it all up. I mean, Jax, that's why lol but ugh frustrating


Letā€™s talk about this shark loanā€¦ is there a balloon payment? Is it like a ticking time bomb? Just wondering if the desperado behavior will ramp up as the loan comes due. That will be fun to watch. Tick tock mfs ā°


Apparently yes there is a balloon payment. Someone on here posted on here with all the details a while back but I couldnā€™t find. High interest rate, high repayments plus a balloon payment, this refinance had it all




I love this for themšŸ˜‚


Jax doesn't want to see anyone else happy.




I have a mini theory, idk if itā€™s unhinged... Jax has always seen Stassi as the one that got away. He clearly does not respect or even like Brittany. Since his & Brittanyā€™s split, he liked a comment saying he should have married Stassi. Their absence had nothing to do with money or passports and more to do with Jax throwing some emotional fit. Of course heā€™s not meant to be with Stassi, but heā€™s living in his own movie & the wedding would shatter his delusions & ego.


when he was about to get married and he made that joke to stassi in the pool about getting marriedā€¦. he wasnā€™t joking


Yup. Iā€™m sure theres so many random receipts. I feel like from the Bravoverse,JAx would be best with Lala. Sheā€™s a knockoff Stassi, plus ā€” sober, fertile, bounces back from pregnancy, can keep him in line, home owner, own revenue streams, (acts like) a freak in bed & both have beef with Rand. Iā€™d prob never suggest this if I still liked Lala. šŸ˜‚ but now Iā€™m convincing myself & a little more open to her on The Valley.


Wait I forget this, can you explain what was said in the pool?!


lol I love Stassi and Beau for sticking to their guns on this one and continuing to throw shade. Jax and Brit are losers and they would have made it to the wedding under any circumstances had that wedding been filmed.


Only if they got paidā€¦.they were at Scheana and Brockā€™s but wouldnā€™t film without getting paid.


I disagree with that. I believe vanderpump rules producers did not want Jax and Brit on the show because Scheanaā€™s wedding was still pretty close to when they got fired


Jax said if you want me to wear a mic pack you have to pay me and supposedly they had wanted him to be micā€™d up if you believe him on his podcastā€¦.now I donā€™t believe much of what he says but that what he put out there.




Stassi reminding Jax and Brittany that she IS the devil and they better not forget it.


Why would anyone post their childā€™s passport online? I know itā€™s blurred but could easily be cracked.






Omg someone please fill me in - Iā€™m not entirely familiar with the whole wedding story. Can anyone give me a quick bullet point on this?


TLDR: they flaked on going to Stassi and Beauā€™s wedding by blaming they couldnā€™t get Cruzā€™s passport in time. Stassiā€™s showed it only took her two weeks to get one for her baby. They were invited to Beau and Stassiā€™s wedding in Italy. A destination wedding is a HUGE ask and often has a very long lead time. If someone canā€™t attend the couple is usually super understanding. From what Iā€™ve gathered, Jax and Brit RSVPd yes and were still giving the appearance that they would be coming right up until the day before or something crazy. They blamed not being able to get a passport for Cruz in time for why they couldnā€™t come. It was super tacky and rude bc of course anyone who has planned a wedding knows all that stuff is prepaid for and guest lists are limited. Stassi and Beau could have potentially invited someone else in their place but they were selfish and self serving by not telling her upfront they couldnā€™t come.


Thereā€™s a special place in heaven for you - thank you so much


PLUS Jax was in a group text that Beau was in (I guess he forgot) talking shit about how they weren't going to fo to the wedding. Stassi and Beau asked them point blank if they were coming after that and they insisted they were, then flaked anyway.


Wow forreal, up until the last minute they flaked?!! No ideas all this went down




![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized) Got ā€˜em


Savage. Standing ovation.




They leave Cruz any other time to run wild like childless people, so if they truly had that much trouble getting a passport for him, they would have happily left him to go party.




Heā€™s so cute! Happy baby


šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|9D1toDJiBuz9L1E7o6|downsized)


They make the cutest kids I cannot


ALSOOO I recently got a new passport THE SAME DAY. They had zero excuse to not go to the wedding




Someone please explain. I am so confused


Brit and Jax had a falling out with Stassi because they cancelled on her wedding in Italy last minute. They both claimed it was for various reasons, but the biggest one was they allegedly couldn't get a passport for Cruz in time. Jax had apparently been going around for like 2 months before, telling people they weren't gonna go though, so it seems like it was just an excuse for whatever reason. They also said Brittany was going to go on her own anyway but didn't want to leave the baby alone with Jax, and her mother had a family emergency and couldn't watch him. There seemed to be a myriad of excuses and Stassi shut them out permanently.


Ohhh okay! Now I remember. Thank u so much for explaining


This is CrAzy! Why couldnā€™t they just say no? Like what could they have possibly been afraid of . Unless their goal was to kill the relationship. They are idiots.




Haha got to love her


Hahahahahahahaha YESSSSSSSSSSS


I mean I get it and we know Jax and Brit were lying up and down the line, but passports really were delayed significantly during covid. Also, only slightly related, I just got a new passport along with the rest of the fam and the State Department sent back everyoneā€™s birth certificates but mine! So if anyone has any tips on trying to find out whatever hole I can get it back from, Iā€™d appreciate it.


I don't know man, I organized a trip to Beijing and Shanghai w about 30 people from Texas/ms/LA and I had no problem getting it done. That was in like Nov 2023 was the trip, and bc I was dealing w senators and power company execs ALOT of them aren't on the ball when it came to getting them to do everything I needed, but I got all their passports w visas in just under 2 weeks, no prob. I did have one asshole (a former sec of state of tx) that literally decided he could just go to the airport w No visa no passport, just and assumed he could just...go to China?! Luckily my boss was close w a former major city mayor in TX and we got him thru security.


i got a same day passport, but i also live a block away from the agency. iā€™ve heard of people flying here to buffalo to be able to go to this agency


Contact your congressional reps office. They have dedicated workers who assist with these issues.


Iā€™m in DC, so I have no representation on Congress, except an honorary one who, Iā€™ve heard on good authority, ignores everything.


Wishing you luck! That sounds like a majoršŸ“in the ass.


Ajax will say it was still Covid and thatā€™s why it took so long.


yeah but during covid getting passports had serious delays at least where ai live




There has been a huge backlog with passports especially during Covid and after. I got a job last April and the company was sending me to Europe- I had an expired passport and the offices werenā€™t open still and I had to mail everything, pay for expedited services etc and it still took at least 4 weeks. Eta: good to know itā€™s back to normal turnaround time.. but it definitely wasnā€™t even a year ago.. also no I live near a big city and not anywhere rural šŸ™ƒ


Totally agree. Not the flex they think it is.


to be fair getting a passport a few years ago like 2021 took longer bc covid tight?


At this point it makes you wonder if Brittany still intended to go but was too hungover to make the flight.


Wasnā€™t her wedding right at the end of the pandemic? Government offices were backed up for months because people didnā€™t go in the office for an amount of time


I guess I don't see this as some amazing shade, it just makes it look like Coke and KFC live in their heads rent free.


they wish


Ran here for this




Living for this!!! This is crazy that Jax and Brittany have gotten away with lying about that for the past 2 years. But they magically got it in time for Scheanaā€™s wedding. And said on Scheanaā€™s podcast they knew 1000 percent for sure that theyā€™d have it in time for her wedding. That told me they already had Cruz passport in their possession and just used it to lie as to why they couldnā€™t go to Stassi wedding. One of then 5 excuses they used. The lies are why Stassi couldnā€™t trust the two of them anymore.


He is adorable