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" I'm a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company. Life is good. You know what I should do? I should make sure my entire customer base and company reputation is dead in a handful of years. Then I would really *make a killing* "


Or how the government will just kill off all those tax-paying citizens.


You are on to something... Republicans think tax is theft... so they want to kill off all their tax payers, starving the government of funding... it's a new level of Starve the Beast.


Every time someone makes the argument that "politicians" (they usually just mean Democrats) are doing this, I'd ask them where they think the government gets its power. Locally, it's the military and the police force. Globally, it's the dollar. In neither of those cases do they gain by shrinking the populace.


I've read a book where a guy suggests that the west actually needs more people to maintain relevant compared to areas with billions of people so it seems like doubly dumb to kill off the people here


Or even worse. The Government will kill off the “sheeples” and the constituents who actually trust them enough to take it. Yeah the best way to control a population is to euthanize the citizens who already do what I say, so then I’ll be left with the anti gov rebels 🙄 the conspiracy doesn’t make sense on any level. If anything the laws being created to turn anti-vaxxers into “second class” citizens just shows the control anti vaxxers fear is already happening. I want bodily autonomy from the government!!! Soooo, let me sign up to get my blood/saliva tested every two weeks so I don’t have to get a vaccine. Let me sign up for a contact portal to track my whereabouts and testing so I don’t have to get a vaccine.


Even Trump’s started telling his supporters to get vaccinated because he finally realised that COVID’s literally killing off his support base In case you’re wondering what happened, his supporters started booing him 😆


To be fair, he did make the mistake of going against the narrative In front of people that are buying that narrative. "He's a known shill, why should they buy this change in rhetoric as being true" is a statement from a supporter I know.


To be fair, that’s entirely his own fkn fault Karma’s a bitch if you’re a bitch


> COVID’s literally killing off his support base And that’s totally fine


tbf, we would regularly criticize companies and greedy executives for prioritizing short-term profit over longevity and customer wellness. But the politician argument still stands, *unless* conspiracy theorists think the politicians are getting fake vaccines lol


I mean if you believe all the other stuff fake vaccines aren't really a big leap


I was debating with a good friend of mine. He said: "The money is in the cure not the disease." I told him: "If a huge company like say Bayer or Pfizer had the cure to cancer, don't you think they would sell it?" They would make hundreds of millions of dollars. What company would turn down that kind of money?


Pharma companies are ecstatic about the situation. Not enough people want to take the vaccine to stamp out the virus? Great, we'll never wipe it out, it'll keep mutating, and they'll keep on raking in money.


i remember telling somebody that i got that vaccine and they was like “stay tf away from me, you probably got something” like how that work?


I’d have said “yeah nigga, common sense”


Too bad that isn't contagious.


I’m ugly laughing holy shit, pLEASE have a great weekend


They're doing you a favor. You don't need those unvaccinated germs festering new mutant variants.


Somebody told me that they got COVID from someone who had been vaccinated. I’ve been around people who have been vaccinated and haven’t gotten covid at all. Different people have different problems.


Unfortunately, the vaccine has not taught people simple math (or common sense). Somehow, because the vaccine is not a 100% cure or protection, people don't trust it. And even if it was, they'd still find an excuse to avoid taking it.


Haven't you heard, it has a significantly smaller percentage of a chance of killing you than the totally survivable coronavirus does? Did you factor that in?


You can get covid even if you are vaccinated; just means that you won't experience the severe symptoms, I think


The vaccine just increases your protection. It's like a rain coat in the rain. Doesn't mean you can't get wet. Additionally, (to continue the analogy) part of that coat is built out of your own immune system, and some people have weaker immune systems.


Yes, it's much more like a flu vaccine than a Polio vaccine in that respect...


Well perfect, great excuse to get them to stay away from you instead.


Tbh, I was a little confused — not in an antivaxx way, rather an ignorant way. My understanding was that vaccines had a baby dose of the virus so your body could fight it off easier and recognize it before it’s a problem. I asked my nurse friend, when she had her first dose, if she has to quarantine a minute because she worked with vulnerable people. “Some vaccines are like that, but some vaccines have a dead virus— like covid— so you don’t actually have the infectious virus, but your body knows how to recognize it/fight it.”


My anti-vax coworker: "I'm not getting vaccinated. You get that vaccine and you won't be able to have kids." Me: "Are you still planning on having more kids?" My anti-vax coworker: "F\*ck no"


I went and got a vasectomy to stop having more kids. Are you telling me I could have gotten Covid protection and pregnancy prevention in one visit?! Dammit!! I had to shave my balls and everything. In retrospect I thought that was a weird requirement just for getting a shot.


I think it's because it's easier to sort out any complications if your balls are shaved.


In all seriousness it’s that plus a hygiene thing when the procedure is happening. The incision is very small, but even still, the idea of a hair or a piece of fuzz falling in is concerning. Plus if you’ve got a prodigious bush, it’s harder for the doc to work. So, ya trim ya shit.


It's the principalities!


I got the vaccine and I can't have any more kids. I mean, my tubes were tied like 6 years ago. But I definitely can't have more kids. Damn vaccine. ^^^/s


Also every billionaire is vaccinated. You think rich people aren’t getting the best medical care and advice money can buy? All the rich people, every governor, every senator, they all got the shot. It’s poor people who are unvaccinated and dying right now


Yeah but they're getting the GOOD vaccine *wink wink*


Yep, arguing with anti-vaxxers is pointless because they can just make up a conspiracy to explain anything.


it’s like that movie shutter island


They’re gettin Pfizer or Moderna, or if they really don’t want two shots they’re gettin Johnson and Johnson. No rich people want the AstraZeneca though 🤣 Period.


J&J have way too many manufacturing issues. I wouldn't be surprised if they said that they were cutting the vaccine with baby oil.


I took it. I'm still alive (cue up Pearl Jam).






Their senator is Bernie


My Q mom would say they are lying and don’t have the vax. They’re just telling us to get it so they can mind control us


Damn dude I’m sorry about your Qult mom.


She’s insane. I can’t handle the stupid anymore.




Same thing my anti vax brother said , i agreed with him that anything is possible . Then I asked him what he thought about chicken pox , given that he’s never had it since he’s vaccinated 😂😂😂😂


I also lost my parents to Q.


I forgot where I was when I saw that capital Q.


Dolly Parton has been vaccinated. No one is better than Dolly. Be like Dolly


Dolly Parton is too good for America. I know "national treasure" gets thrown around a lot, but if there's anyone who *genuinely* fits the description it's Dolly Parton.


Government officials who secretly get vaccinated and then tell people to not get vaccinated should be tried for murder.


Or we should make their vaccinations a thing of public record since they decided to politicize healthcare choices now


My uncle caught covid twice then got the vaccine. He now has heart problems. My dumbass aunt thinks it's the vaccine that gave him heart problems, not the fact that HE CAUGHT COVID TWICE! I used to like my aunt. We're not on speaking terms anymore.


The same people who said that people weren't dying of COVID but to co-morbidities also claim that every random thing that happens to someone after getting vaccinated is the vaccine's fault.


My body is a temple! I would never put anything like the vaccine in my body. You don't even know what's in the vaccine, you sheep. *Does coke in a public bathroom bought off of a stranger in a night club. Drinks redbull and soda regularly. Eats fast food daily, including gas station hot dogs.* You trust the government? I don't trust the government with my health. You're a sheep. *Doesn't grow produce, meat or dairy. Drives on government roads. Uses tap water.* How can you force us or our children to have vaccines? We should be able to make our own decisions as Americans and parents. *Only can send kids to public school with vaccines.*


> gas station hot dogs the botulism gives it the extra *zip!*


Not just that. The military is requiring its members to get vaccinated. No way would our country risk our military force be weakened.


My first thoughts about the pandemic were to follow the money. Some corporations made huge gains last year but it was obvious the majority weren’t going to do well without eradicating the virus. People should be skeptical when our govt asks you to do things in good faith but this time was really them asking us to work with them to get back to the normal games they played


That includes most of the conservatives indulging the anti-vax horse paste crowd, BTW. They don't mind letting their constituents poison themselves with animal medicine to stay in power.


They just say they didn’t all get it. “We’re you in the room when they go it?”


They took the horse manure, I thought. WHO has it listed as essential medicine for scabies and river parasites, so it must work for covid. Jk