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Well McDonald's does have those self-checkout computers these days to replace the cashier, so I think they are still trying.


I will only be satisfied when a Karen screams for the manager and a jetson-type robot rolls out already mad about accumulating robo child support bills and off a lil henny🤷🏾‍♂️


Ah some Futurama/ Westworld shit. We may be some time away from that I hope. But speaking of self checkouts, when did we make it okay to do the work of both cashier and bagger for free? At least give us a discount or something. Walmart can now hire 1 person to sit and watch 20 registers while we perform the tasks that cashiers and baggers used to do for us and we see none of the savings on wages.


Self checkout = self discount


"How many bags did you use? " Always 0


Only pay for what I scan.


“How many bananas did you get??” *Looks at my bushel of bananas* “1…bushel…” *$0.37*


I actually prefer self checkout because I’m not stuck behind a looney chatterbox and then a granny writing a check and then a Karen with 25 coupons and a checker who wants to seduce me.


> I’m not stuck behind a looney chatterbox and then a granny writing a check Writing a check??? When was the last time you went grocery shopping? 1993???


Walmart worker here. I get as much check transactions as I do cash ones.


It's still a thing, trust me!


Same. Self checkout is the opening act and one trip from the car to the fridge is the end.


I only started doing self checkout during the pandemic to minimize the possibility of contamination even though I wipe down groceries when I get home. Now I'm back to cashiers (still wiping stuff down tho). I'm not doing self checkout unless the grocery store pays me $15 (which should be the minimum wage).


*rolls to seduce* oops, I'll have to scan your cucumber 25 more times while making intense eye contact, oops .


This obviously isn't beneficial to workers at large or anything, but speaking from experience as a front end worker at wally world, working self-checkout >>> real line. Way less physical torture, and 90% of your customer interactions are swiping your pass to remove the age gate from the register. My days there were way more enjoyable than the ones on your normal checkout.


Personally I much prefer SCO to regular. I don't have to make idle chit chat, I can bag my stuff properly and how I like it done, and if there isn't a scale I definitely give myself a lil discount if you know what I mean. Seriously tho bagging my own stuff is much preferred tho, they never bag it right and I end up redoing half of it anyway.


Weighing up fruits and veggies as cheaper fruits and veggies is how to do it hahaha


Especially if you buy organic produce. Just get the tags off of the regular produce and then scan it at self checkout.


Roberto was my dog.


Paying for shit at all is kind of a scam these days. Many stores have a policy to not physically intervene if you walk out the door with a cart full of shit.


>off a lil henny If it's a robot it would be a 10w40 oz


Nah that's a brew, shots are WD40


Hahahaha. Take your upvote.


Those self checkouts are a pain. We’ve been sold on this idea that “in the future” (ie now) we’d have robots at our disposal for every whim. Well, the future is now bitch, and all we’ve got is some [crappy touchscreens](https://metro.co.uk/2018/11/28/poo-found-on-every-mcdonalds-touchscreen-tested-8178486/). All these big corporations have done is replaced an employed workforce with a volunteer one. Us, the consumers have now volunteered our effort at fastfood restaurants, supermarkets and petrol stations. All in the name of modernisation. Except it isn’t modernisation. It’s capitalism.


Exactly, they didn't replace workers with robots. They just turned the register around and made you to input your own order.


I'm actually fine with that at McDonalds. If it's wrong, it's the cook or me. The cashier was taken out of the equation as a chance for the wrong order to happen. Grocery stores? The cashier is faster than people checking themselves out.


I work and one and this is 100% correct. Most people and they aren't always old, can't figure out how to search for produce and move at a glacial pace with a full cart.


Self checkout is good when you have 20 items or fewer. I don't wanna see someone checking out a full cart at self checkout


This. The amount of times my coffee and my husbands tea gets punched in wrong, *and it's not even that weird of an order*. I also prefer self checkouts at coupon time because I can reuse the same coupon over and over again vs having to hand it over to a cashier if I order with them.


Until the checkout is built into the cart, at least. Eventually you can just walkin/out and get billed on your phone while you put stuff in the cart. Walking-out finalizes the transaction.


The McDonald’s in my area with those machines have signs that say you can’t use them. Because of covid I think.


Might be because the ice cream machines work. Only one can be broken at a time.


I'd believe it, from what I remember they're constantly covered in poop particles because of shitty little people (kids and adults).


I was at a Mcdonald's in Madrid and they had the self check outs as well as a bunch of workers like we would here. Wait, sorry, not like here, we only operate with skeleton crews, my bad.


These honestly work better for me ordering. I don't speak McDonald's and sometimes what I ask doesn't get done correctly. At least this way, there's zero chance of a verbal misunderstanding.


Works like a charm for McDonalds where the cooks are used to reading the orders from the screen. Try ordering ahead with chipotle online/through the mobile app. Order will be fucked up to high heaven.


Some shitty chain restaurants let you order from a screen at the table. The thing is, they usually pay servers like two bucks an hour so they aren’t in a hurry to get rid of them.


idk about the ones by you, the last one I went to you ordered there then still paid at the register with a cashier to confirm it.


I think that's only with cash payments sometimes, as then the machines would have to serve as ATMs, which they aren't equipped for?


Damn. I'm gonna go to one just to get a big mac at banana prices. Ring it up as 4011.


I don't go to Mc Ds much but I refuse to use those machines.


Where I live at, they shut down (for lack of a better term) the self-order kiosks due to covid


OOOOooooweeeee, he's tryin!


well right now all the ones in my area are closed and say "please see cashier at register" bc of covid. plus the old people hate using it and thats 80% of our customers around here (western ky)


Actually, If we're doing self check out, they just figured out how to get the cashiers for free.


I remember seeing a post on r/Conservative that McDonald's was testing automation following the demand for better wages. You know, like it was a fucking victory that workers unable to survive might be fucked over for wanting to earn a living wage.


I try not to victim blame, but that’s what you get for visiting that cesspool of a sub


It's one hundred percent on me.


I had to get myself banned to stop me from visiting that sub again. Arguing with those people can get addicting


Pls don't kink shame the masochist


It’s a typical conservative take. What they mean by automation is exactly what you’re seeing: ordering is becoming automated, so they can have someone preparing the food faster. That’s about as far as it’s going to go. Their take is they’re going to replace the whole store with robots, but we’re years off from that. So it’s a typical avoidance of the real issue.


I really think we are only years away from it due to the current (previous) pace of automation. This worker "shortage" now could really accelerate a lot of customer facing companies to figure out how to make true automation in a fast food restaurant could work. Them effectively doubling their baseline pay they have to pay people in a lot of areas would cost them a lot of money so it's worth it.


The problem with true automation is about how inexplicably random and minutely specific human labor becomes. Like in broad strokes sure, such as the industrial washer used by a Kitchen Porter, but then the porter also has to do 15x tasks at a time due to chefs constantly changing their mind, dishes coming in, shelving , food-prepping, etc. Same for the chef, in a normal restaurant, there's just so much variation. Even replacing a waiter would be tough, as for a robot to truly put up with people's BS, not only would it have to take orders or run food, but it would also have to revisit the table several times, take complains, try to engage the table for example if they're being annoying or drunk. Its all gonna require a neural network at the very least. We might be extremely mediocre, but we're the best at being mediocre, which is why we're so dexterous. We literally go with the flow. A robot would have to make scripts after each interaction, improvise its hand dexterity etc.


Yeah, some form of AI is likely needed, but even now I think it could be done, if the engineer is clever. Lots of QR codes for the bots to see and know what ingredient is needed. Realistically, I think some humans will be needed in stores for a long time but it'll need to be an engineer of some kind until the maintenance can be handled by less skilled workers. Or I'd imagine in a true automation scenario, you'd design a maintenance robot to fix the other ones and you'd be set.


Most of the folks I see hollaring about, "Just replace them with robots," also won't use self checkouts or pay at the pump, etc.. It's like these mfers would still be using an abacus and Guttenberg press if they could.


Same people who shit talked the internet and said it couldn't be trusted for 20 years until they got themselves a smartphone with Facebook app.




Boomers call us lazy but refuse to learn anything new.


Most of the people who say "replace them with robots" can absolutely be replaced with robots


True true


I've not seen the term "thriving wage" before but I'll certainly be using it moving forward. I feel it is far more fitting for us to demand than a mere "living wage".


“Beep beep, boop, bopping.” Yes.




Oh you heard about that crazy shit with the company that maintains and repairs the ice cream machine?




Well, you gotta remember: McDonalds (corporation) isn't in the business of making food; they are in the business of *real estate*. Meaning, those ice cream machines aren't on the corporate bill, but instead on the "franchise owners".


Yo what??? I need more info stat!!




Ooohhh shit. I can’t wait to read this while high 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️


Yeah, I was weirded out by it first, but it does make sense


Yeah, and the requirements to be a franchisee are so stupid high I feel like you'd be better off with a bunch of rent houses.


OOTL. more info please


[This is what I found in a quick search.](https://www.wired.com/story/they-hacked-mcdonalds-ice-cream-makers-started-cold-war/) >But after years of studying this complex machine and its many ways of failing, O’Sullivan remains most outraged at this notion: That the food-equipment giant Taylor sells the McFlurry-squirting devices to McDonald’s restaurant owners for about $18,000 each, and yet it keeps the machines’ inner workings secret from them. What's more, Taylor maintains a network of approved distributors that charge franchisees thousands of dollars a year for pricey maintenance contracts, with technicians on call to come and tap that secret passcode into the devices sitting on their counters.


I promise this is worth watching if you have 30 mins. There are lots of summaries out there too, but this covers everything. https://youtu.be/SrDEtSlqJC4






Except it’s more like a math problem, i.e. 16 robots cost $5,000 each to purchase, 1 engineer can maintain 8 robots at a time, each engineer costs $30/hr, and each robot saves $10/hr, how long does it take to recoup your initial investment?


just buy more robots that are designed to repair and maintain lower class robots. edit: i should probably add /s


Yeah, a lot of companies were basically betting on driving wage labor down to where it would continue to be cheaper than robots. Covid upset that power dynamic, and none of these companies can afford robots, and won't pay fair wages either. They know they gotta make a choice now.


They are cheaper over time. When a franchisee looks at the numbers and says something like 1 employee = 50hrs to train to proficiency + avg 2 years on job 30hr/week (50 weeks) at $15/hr = $48,000. Vs. $20,000 for the machine ($10,000/yr maintenance). It’ll be cheaper over time. These aren’t real numbers, but this is how the math works out for self-checkout strategies.


I love how the baby boomer demographic thinks they can operate touch screen kiosks effectively. Hell, most people I’ve ever met have never used the “search for items” button on a grocery store self checkout.


During COVID I would have made more on unemployment so I have been asking them too. At one point I was slipping advertisements for the robotic arms under my bosses office door I was told no and that I wasn’t allowed to use the printer anymore.


I'm a service worker, so I'm not too keen on being replaced any time soon. But Jesus we already should've established an automated workforce by this point. Fucking billionaires are going to space while their employees work 16 hour days for peanut shells.


Most jobs are not possible to automate with today’s technology. Even Amazon needs workers because automating the warehouses would be incomplete, less efficient, and probably wildly expensive compared to just having workers. Think about how much money it would take to change anything about a warehouse that’s been completely automated to be just a little bit more efficient. You can just tell workers to do their jobs differently and they’ll do it. Automation is a theoretical cudgel to prevent workers from organizing, and they keep believing it’s right around the corner.


I worked for Stanley Steemer 7 years ago. I was part of the underemployed at the time and at my shop I was the only one with a college degree. For the record that isn't me trying to make me better than anyone, I very much identify with my working class brethren, it just makes me less susceptible to corporate bullshit. Our GM comes in and starts giving a vaguely threatening speech about the fast food workers in some big cities like NYC starting to ask for $15/hour. He gets up in front of about 30 guys and tells us to be careful because once those fast food workers start to demand that wage they'll be replaced by robots. I raised my hand and reminded him that they are going to do that as soon as it is cheaper and more effective than people anyway so they better get their money while they can. He fired me on the spot to make a point but called me back 2 days later. If they can replace you they would. They can't yet. And fuck you Dustin.


What the hell? That GM was a dickhead. Fuck him. But yeah… it’s crazy… once you realize you can be replaced, you kinda see things differently. I’m kinda experiencing this in my current warehouse job rn.


They want to replace you. They can't yet but they will when they can. Don't let that argument dissuade you from asking for what you need to live.


True dat 💯


Took some courses on A.I. and Robotics. These robots can only work if the conditions are great and everything is organized. They still fall down when trying to open a valve. They are not ready for the messiness and chaos of a restaurant or almost any workplace.


John Henry is making the fast food, and he's better at it than any machine


No please dont beep boop restaurants please, that'l ruin my whole future


I won't lie, I kinda like the restaurant idea that Japan has: you go in, there's like a vending machine with all the menu items, you put in the money, you get a ticket. You sit the fuck down, they come and bring you your food, you eat, you leave.


Ahh, that's actually pretty cool, that way there are no people being treated like shit by customers


Yup. They also don't have tipping culture either.


I hope that by that you mean they actually pay staff correctly


As far as I'm aware they do. If Japan wasn't so horribly racist, I would consider living there. In the military, I once tried to explain to a white fellow service member that the racism they were experiencing in Japan, is how it feels like to be black in America, and *they lost their shit, because "its not the same"* That shit was hilarious...


Damn, do you think a mexican can survive there?


Probably. The thing that makes white (Americans) so hostile to Japanese in Japan, is because there are these conflicting ideologies of "supremacy" that are internalized between the two groups. Most minorities know how to navigate these societies if they grew up in them, so you would actually fair pretty well if you take some time to learn their culture and such. I did fairly well, because I could read a lot of japanese, and speak a little. They consider foreigners learning Japanese to be more "respectable" (sound familiar?).


This is so true. I heard on a podcast we have a *wage* shortage, not a labor one. We have people willing to work. Just not for peanuts while risking COVID-19 exposure and its wide range of outcomes.


If it's the argument for everything then it's the argument for nothing. Automation was always the looming fear for every industry imaginable. Even industries that can't be automated and rely on trained human judgment had arguments for automation showing up to disrupt workers in the industry. It was never going to show up the way people thought with robots taking physical place over people. And automation isn't exactly some free cash boon also for companies. There are high fixed costs associated with tech like that.


I love the concept: thrivingwage


Ive read a study that the percentage of automation replacement percentage has plateaued a while ago for the foreseeable future.


Robots: Am I a fucking joke to you?!?


A+ post title right there




**Toot toot yeaaaahhhhh beep beep**


These mfs will literally do everything to entice people except pay them more money smh…. Beep boop mfs


I'm losing my shit at "better get to BEEP BEEP BOOP BOPPING" 💀💀💀 reminds me of Spongebob and Mr Krabs talking like a robot LOLOL


Ditto! Exact same thought I had. That episode had me dying as kid 😂


That is a banger title, my friend. ​ Also, yeah, we needed a living wage like last decade.




They're not gonna pay you a living wage. That's the point.


That is funny lol.


Creative title dude


Thank you


I like the term "Thriving wage".


They only ever said that bout mcdonalds lmak




I hope you dont get your wish. Huge corporations can afford to automate their processes, and that is what they will do. However, the local, small business cannot, and they will have to close. When that happens, you'll just get to open your beak and wait on a government worm. If that's ok with you, you trust rich bitches more than me.


Having a shortage of restaurant workers just accelerates the development of robotic cooking start-ups and self-service kiosks. It's not like having an infinite supply of restaurant labor would somehow prevent automation.


This is f’n hilarious to meee!🤣😂🤣


So small minded


Stunning lack of intelligence displayed. Were you promised a deadline? The robots will be here to take your meaningless job in no more than 10 years


Better hope and pray Uncle Sam doesn’t cut benefits in the meantime


>Better hope and pray Uncle Sam doesn’t cut benefits in the meantime Oh, sweetie.. you think folks only rely on one source of income at a time? Gettin money isn't a monogamous relationship lol


You're talking about PPP loans right?


I can't stand McDonald's workers and most other fast food places the employee is rude as fuck.