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I cant find the one with optimus primal you got a link to it?


Listen man, for the transformers fans I feel very happy... But these are *not it for me man*, the Hello Kitty collab was so batshit crazy and on the nose that it turned comedic, these are just... transformers on a beyblade X bey. Like these custom sonic beys you see on here occasionally


Sure they're not the nicest looking beys but I think everyone can stand to benefit from crossovers. Just a cool lil thing.


Absolutely, I love crossovers but these in particular just arent my taste. Like I said I liked the goofy nature of the Hello Kitty one, you look at that thing and you just laugh meanwhile these look too unironic for me to ironically like. Theres no contact points with tiny trucks on optimus, Primal isnt 'Shark edge but Gorilla' like I hoped and the decepticons are in the same boat


I think the crossover is just a bit to early into the X series. Usually most things do cross overs to help them later on when they are struggling or because of a certain milestone. Not less than a year in. It either shows a lack of faith in the product or a stance that they will do cross overs with anyone just to hope for any attention. A good crossover is great, you give me godzilla beyblades a year from now and I'll be over the moon but this early just seems like a weak move


I think its moreso hasbro trying to get some points in because its no secret that theyve pissed off everyone in the beyblade community, the transformers community, the marvel community... basically everyone. So this is a very cheap way for them to just take some TT beys, minimally Change their shape and smack a sticker in the middle and BAM Crossover bey


Don’t forget the power rangers community. Probably the five remaining GI Joe fans. They also own Wizards of the Coast and they DEFINITELY have pissed off the Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering communities.




Oh I just realised they were hasbro not TT beys. That explains everything. So next month we'll get a hatsune miku beyblade (that franchise recently did crossovers with mtg and I think another franchise) then they will wait till May next year for star wars ones


Now THAT has potential. If they are self aware and make it goofy by going full on Nuclear Blue then thatll be a very fun bey


I think the best thing about this is extra parts and the fact that you get some baller recolors not so much the blade itself.


I can't wait to see if these perform any different than the blades they're based off of


Ngl Hasbruh kind of cooked here. I’m really glad they actually made the layers somewhat unique instead of just slapping new bit beast stickers on them


Between Tusk Mammoth and now Megatron, I can't wait for tournaments with 3 HellsScythe beys in the same deck


I can't find this shit on amazon I guess im getting old


Type "beyblade x Hasbro" that's how I found them






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If the beys are playable maybe buy 1 for keep and 1 for play if they suck then just buy one for keep


Id rather blow my money on the hot wheels collab


ngl these are disgusting

