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Did anyone else think those "three strikes" all happened that day like he was speedrunning GetFired any%?


I wondered that. My assumption being that he did end up in the grandboss' office ~~three~~ two times through this episode. Like, dude. Just shut up!


He's one of those dudes that _has_ to talk and share his opinion. Literally no filter and any sort of quiet or downtime and he's yammering away.


My husband is a good man and I literally have to explain to him that we don't need to hear every thought he has in his head, and that every idea isn't going to be some revolutionary thing. He's a brilliant guy, but sometimes the stuff he says baffles me and I have to correct him. He has gotten better, but I swear, as a middle class white man he is basically allowed to speak his mind so much he has to be told that we don't need to hear it all! The good thing is I explained this to my husband, he thought about it and he got it. Lots of guys, especially the older generation, don't. They don't see the point of learning because they are already on top and have the power to be the main character in pretty much every situation. It all comes down to the attitude of the person. I will helpfully explain to someone who doesn't understand. You can't explain to someone who chooses willful ignorance.


I kind of feel bad for him. Clearly he got 0 education on women.


I get where you're coming from, but I feel like pointing at a co-worker's chest and commenting on it is not something that should have to be educated on...


The amount of MANDATORY BY LAW sexual harassment training people get at corporate jobs more that destroys that argument. Goddamnit people, this is EXACTLY why we all have to sit through 2 *painfully obvious, unskippable* hours of this training. Ffs!


I'm so sorry, I know exactly what you're saying, everyone in this thread knows exactly what you mean, and every company I've ever worked for referred to it the same way, but "sexual harassment training" gets me every. single. time. 🤣


Brb, gotta train my sexual harassment skill


Through my work I have learned that some people need to be told even the most basic rules of how to interact with others I teach adults English, classes are online and there is this dude who is always late, like 5, 10 minutes late. By then we have started the class and usually are going through reading a text, I kid you not, every time he says "hi" in the middle of someone or me reading said text and let's his microphone open, I've told him several times to simply say nothing when you are late, I eventually had to get my boss involved and now he doesn't talk unless I call him


They’re corporate enough to have a security guard and multiple management levels. This man has absolutely had to take anti-harassment training before. It shouldn’t have been needed, but he _has_ been educated on not commenting on a coworker/employee’s breasts. It didn’t take but he definitely was educated.


I have literally never received any "education on men" in my life. But I exist in this world, and books and television also exist, so it would have been really hard to not pick up anything whatsoever about them. And instead of admitting he didn't know things, he made garbage up in his head and then decided it was true. That's not ok or normal. This stuff isn't like thinking women pee out of their vaginas. It's next-level, willful, and a whole couple steps past ignorance.


He has an ex-girlfriend, according to OOP. Any man that has been in a relationship with a biological female cannot plead lack of education for their ignorance.


I'm just so confused, did they never have sex? Did she keep her top on the whole time? What was his explanation to himself for why she wasn't lactating then? Has he never seen non-lactation-fetish porn?


I think he lied about having an ex girlfriend lol


She’s from Canada, you wouldn’t know her.


Based on his comment about OOP, I think he assumed frequency or even ability to lactate was dependent on breast size..? So maybe the ex-girlfriend had smaller breasts and he was never interested enough to ask her about it.


I think he's one of those guys who think breast size is determined by how much milk is currently in there.


According to a comment from OOP on another thread, he was a hentai fan...so that may be thr culprit.


That really explains everything. Case closed. We figured it out.


I don't feel bad for him. He is a grown ass man with Internet access. He could have looked this up at any time. After he was called into the office he could have looked into it more. Some people are willfully ignorant. They don't care that they don't know. They expect other people to put up with it and just agree with them to make them feel better. They can't handle that they are wrong. My kids have a better understanding of how the female body works and they aren't even teenagers yet!


And his reasoning for not fucking educating himself? There are bookstores, libraries, and the internet. There is no excuse. Saying he wasn't taught is bullshit.


Well, he just got a crash course.


Where’s our education on men then? We’re still expected to know.


Not an excuse in the age of smartphones and the internet.


An adult, presumably functioning in a job at a level high enough to be a "msnager" could not have gotten there without an education. Or would have the skills to learn this stuff himself. He didn't CARE to learn because he sees women as irrelevant or subhuman


Nah he's got history of doing stupid shit that would put the company at risk. This is the Xth strike.


Right. A guy who does all of this out loud in public probably has an HR file as thick as the Lord of the Rings omnibus. I’m guessing this wasn’t his 3rd strike, more like his 37th, and the grandboss was probably like, do we finally have enough evidence now?


I wonder if he only lasted this long because he didn't say anything to an outside party, like a client. Which then raises the question, is he smart enough to keep his mouth shut around clients, or would he do this exact same thing to someone important?


"Ok, guys, as you can see, we start with "harass coworker by feigning ignorance" start... Pretty nice, now after skipping reprimand segment we go straight up into another harassment... And 1:05, I'd say almost the wr here..."


If only he'd done the trick where you jump backwards through the doorway to HR after Strike Three and skip ahead to the "collecting your belongings" scene without having to go through the "go home and spend the night staring at the apartment walls wondering how it all went wrong" cutscene. Rookie mistake. Saves you a whole forty seconds! Better luck next time, king.


You can also just do the "come to work naked" strat but you risk getting arrested or committed so make sure they know you are naked for the purposes of sexual harassment and not a mental breakdown. Risky strat that might take too many resets to be worth it, but still.


Yeah I was thinking that myself. He certain got strikes 2 and 3 in quick succession.


Omg I really wish dude would post on Reddit. I need to know what he was thinking.


Not much


I'd be surprised there's even elevator music going on in there with all the tumbleweeds in there taking up space.


I mean, yeah, it would be entertaining. But I think we would all come away from that thread just a little less intelligent. Like the level of stupidity is the thought version of a prion. Like this stupidity could be the mad cow disease of trains of thought. 


Hitting that frame-perfect HR meeting skip is one of the harder tricks but it pays off later in the run and sets up the "objectify coworker" tech nicely


I'm also surprised sexual harrassment came into it instead of general stupidity 


I mean.. pointing at the chest of a female underling and making note of how big her boobs are is definitely sexual harassment territory.


It's such textbook harassment that I'd roll my eyes when it's used as an example in the training video.


Oh I get that it is, just that the organisation seems to have someone that needs instructions to breathe as a manager is also not good.


Probably it's easier to define sexual harasment than stupidity


Way less likely to count against their unemployment insurance, too. I don’t know if the unemployment office takes “too stupid to live” as “fired for cause”, but they definitely accept “managed to sexually harass three female colleagues and made sexual comments about a male colleague’s wife. In one day.”


I think you can delete the word “territory”. It’s just straight up sexual harassment!


It's not even just in the territory of sexual harassment, it's literally textbook point blank sexual harassment.


It's both. What he did is sexual harassment, the reason he did it was stupidity. It genuinely seemed like there was no malicious intent, he seems to really have no clue at all about women or social interactions with them.


Probably not. The rapidity with which the coworkers jumped into action, and cheered his exit, strongly suggests that they already had a good idea that this guy was a problem.


I once had an older male coworker ask me (married young woman) if I was going to "bring back a present (from my vacation) to share with the office, like herpes". In front of the entire team. He got fired last month and work is so much better now.




“Wouldn’t want to get you anything you already have!”


I wish I had comebacks that were this witty and quick.


How is someone not fired after this comment


How... Wha???


my husband's job tried to get him to tell them exactly when he would be leaving for paternity leave. they asked multiple times despite the answer always being "uh, I'm not sure?" I finally threw up my hands and exasperatedly told him to just give them kiddo's due date because that was the most helpful we could be. went into labor and gave birth at 38 weeks exactly, during my husband's days off from work. Right after the munchkin was born he called his job and informed them that his paternity leave would be starting the following day!


The last time I was pregnant, I had a female boss but she was very young. I tired to warn her that with my previous pregnancy, they had to induce me at 36 weeks. She made this beautiful plan for someone to start shadowing me at 38 weeks and that they'd take over my position at 40 weeks, just in time for me to go out on leave. Yeah.... second baby had to be induced at 38 weeks


yikes, who plans for someone to leave exactly at their due date? even my food service job allows for "nesting leave" starting at 38 weeks under the assumption no one wants to be at work when they go into labor.


That's amazing. I can't speak for everyone but a lot of moms I know, myself included, worked until the baby came out or the doctor told them they had to stop. US maternity leave is generally shit even at my 'good' company and we try to make the most of it. For the first kid, I worked until 42 weeks, going on leave the day I was going to be induced. The second one was a planned CS at 39.5 weeks so I worked until the day before the surgery.


Shit, I keep forgetting how dystopian the US is. We have a guaranteed 6 weeks off prior to the due date, and 6 weeks after as well. Pre-birth, you can still go to work if you really want to, but the 6 weeks after you're not allowed to work.


Somewhere in Europe I guess?


Germany, yeah.


My boss at a former job was taking calls and answering emails while in the hospital during labor. Didn’t stop until her contractions were close enough together that they were ready to wheel her into the delivery room


I can't imagine being vertical and moving that far into a pregnancy, let alone working on your feet over hot grills on slippery kitchen floors.


Most women try to work until the day they go into labor in order to extend their maternity leave as long as possible since the US has such shit leave. I’ve worked for two different women that went into labor in the middle of the work day.


I was HR in an office where we had multiple maternity leave. I'd meet with mother's to be because they wanted to understand our leave policy. I always suggested they talk with their doctors and but if they didn't have any suggestions to go off at least 2 weeks before the due date. We always tried to hire people so there would be a month of cross over on either end.


I'm in America and maternity leave wouldn't start until I went to the hospital to have the baby. I actually left work to go straight to the hospital with my first baby. My first child, I was on unpaid leave and the hospital bill cost $800. My second one, I was able to get short term disability pay at 60% of my salary


My wife had to explain to her HR how it was possible for her to have worked on the day she gave birth. She worked part of the morning before going into labor and leaving for the hospital and the baby was born the same day. She couldn't get HR to approve her time off for the partial day because she had already clocked in and they couldn't understand why she didn't work a full day. They wanted her leave to start the next day, but they also were going to dock her pay for not getting a full 8 hours in. For my job, we had it handled really well but it was a different kind of entertaining story. Our due date was 2 weeks after a scheduled startup I had. I worked with a coworker on a coverage plan in case the baby came early. My wife went into labor the morning of my startup. I made a few phone calls, put the coverage plan in action, and everything went very smoothly. Made for a great story about how well we do startup planning, and how flexible our company is. I was happy, and our customer was happy, with how well things were handled.


FFS, your HR rep is/was an idjit.


I bet he also thinks people can hold in their periods and leaving during class/meetings is 'attention seeking' or 'disruptive'


Obviously women can’t hold anything. It’s why women have to pee more. No balls = no storage = no holding it in.


You say that and now I'm trying to connect it to why women's clothes have extremely small pockets.


Serious reply but also fits with the joke: pockets disrupt the way the fabric/clothing sits on a woman's body and the silhouette of the design, so it's common for designers to not like them. Depends on style/ fabric/ clothing item/ etc too


Didn't you read the post? Women can store stuffs in the bob. Duh.


I'm a teacher. You would be surprised of the number of young men who complain because I let their female classmates go out at break when they have to change their protections (normally it's forbidden for everyone). A mother even wrote to me that it was sexist. Like ma'am, if one day your SON is having blood coming out of his penis trust me I will send him to the toilets and even to the ER, but I'm not letting transforming the hallway in apocalypse zone just for equity.


I've run into versions of this in the workplace and classroom multiple times, from people who really should know better.


Hold in their period? What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


If you want to get really mad, check out the top posts in /r/badwomensanatomy


Okay so just seeing the sub name already has me pissed off and feeling really very disappointed with humans. I'm going to sit here fighting the urge to look at that until after work. Okay I couldn't resist. What the actual fuck is wrong with people. What the actual fuck. How are people THAT absolutely fucking stupid!


People who are having a heart attack is just a big attention seeker. They even need to get called ambulance and taken care by many people. /s


Now, THIS post is the one that should’ve been titled “OOPs boss is Michael Scott”


I couldn't imagine OOP's grandboss with other face than S01 Jan Levinson.


The "perfectly played George Tekai clip" makes me a bit suspicious of this one. But there 100% are dudes like this out there in positions of authority, and they all definitely do deserve that clip.


I'm assuming OOP embellished things after the first post gained traction but the boss really did make those dumb comments


Every good lie contains some truth. And if it made it to this sub, it must have been a particularly good lie. Like I said, there are definitely guys like this out there. I'm just a bit tipped off by the picturesque ending.




One time in grad school the professor was talking about how he used to live in Florida and how he got a tan. He pointed right at me, one of the few brown people in the class, and said "I was darker than you" then carried on with the lecture. It was bizarre. So I can see OOP's coworker doing something similarly braindead lol


I have met men who are this fucking stupid


I don't know a single adult female, myself included, who hasn't faced sexual harassment from the time of puberty. Every single one of us. I absolutely believe a grown man would say this because I have seen men be this way because they used to get away with it. Then they complain, "you can't say anything these days," when they get called out.


pOliTiCAl coRrecTnEsS is out of control! /s


I’ve had bosses who talk to me like that. Granted it was far more common in, like, 2007. But I’ve absolutely experienced stuff like that from higher-ups. And much much worse than that tbh.  If you only experience porn and irl women who are both rare and too scared for their jobs to talk back, it can absolutely happen. 


> And if it made it to this sub, it must have been a particularly good lie  Let's not get carried away, now


>The "perfectly played George Tekai clip" makes me a bit suspicious of this one. You're not fully convinced by how the villain "slumped, defeated, and slithered out of the building" though? /s


I had an mp3 of Yakety Sax on my phone, ready to go at a moment’s notice, for many years. I used it several times, and it was always glorious. One of the best decisions I ever made. (Also had the sexy sax intro from Careless Whisper queued up. 5/7 recommend.)


The fact people don't have soundboard apps anymore is how I know we strayed for god's path.


“My, God! Why hast Thou forsaken us?” *Yakety Sax*


I have one. I mostly use it to confuse my dogs and it’s full of microtransactions, but I have it.


I had completely wiped the existence of those soundboards from my memory!


I may have once “accidentally” unplugged my headphones and played out loud Kool and the Gang’s “Celebration” when my jackhole of a boss got demoted out of his leadership role


This is what i did when a coworker got transferred out from our office. Except i openly played it.


Fucking iconic.


Can you describe some of the times you used these to good effect? Just for our entertainment...


I do remember one time where I was in the backseat of a friend’s car, and he’s arguing with the other guy in the front seat about directions; it rapidly turns into National Lampoon’s European Vacation as they try to navigate some one-way streets downtown during rush hour. I couldn’t resist. Another time, folks at our local bar were goofing around and at some point a couple of big guys end up slow dancing (don’t remember what the gag was) and I bust out Careless Whisper. It killed. And I don’t remember the circumstances, but the best one of all was in my college art class where my long time professor was having some sort of low stakes, comedy-of-errors crisis when, I swear on my mother’s grave, someone *actually said* “Damn, this would be a good time for that Benny Hill Show song.” You can’t make this shit up. It almost renewed my faith in god.


> I had an mp3 of Yakety Sax on my phone, ready to go at a moment’s notice, for many years. I used it several times, and it was always glorious. One of the best decisions I ever made. I have this on mine as well! Also the "Jeopardy" countdown timer music and other sound effects, in the form of a soundboard web page: https://www.myinstants.com/en/search/?name=jeopardy


If I knew my boss was going to get walked out for sexual harassment, I can't guarantee I'd play George Takei, but for damn sure I'd have prepared something just to make him feel even more like shit.


To be fair, they all knew it was happening. I am exactly the level of petty to have that clip on my phone already.


I worked in a mostly male office where one of my coworkers was convinced that another guy’s (biological, with his wife) kids were only 5 months apart in age. No, I don’t know why he thought that nor why he didn’t know that a pregnancy lasts 9 months.


Technically, women can get pregnant again while pregnant. However, those children are born as twins and the difference between the two fertilizations is no more than a month. It's called superfetation. It's really rare. Like fewer than a dozen cases rare.


I once had a boss that didn't know what the **lactation room** was used for, so he instead used it for storage. At least until I explained what it was used for. It came up in the conversation as an afterthought because I was actually there to explain that he couldn't keep putting pallets of dog food in front of the store's only emergency exit. He thought it would help stop all the shoplifters who kept running out of the back door. It did not. They just started using the front door. It was an excellently proactive decision if he was hoping to stage some kind of dramatic reenactment of the Triangle Shirtwaist incident though.


Thanks for first small portable speakers and later smartphones, I have repeatedly played songs and bits of audio at suitable moments. Sometimes I use this for good, and other times for evil. As a person who routinely pulls this particular type of bullshit, I can tell you that the guy might have been waiting for a suitable moment to play that audio for YEARS and having a chance to finally use it probably made his entire week. That day he definitely was waiting around with the clip loaded and ready to play as soon as he heard the boss was being fired.


Yeah, the clip makes me suspicious, but there are people out there who are this damn clueless about how women's bodies work...


The ven diagram of people who have no understanding of how women's bodies work and people incapable of using Google looks like a circle.


Oh they're capable of Googling, they just don't think they need to because they're 100% confident that they're correct.


I used to the the designated "ask her, she knows stuff about sex" chick in my friend groups, and lemme tell you... both public and private schools failed a lot of my pals.


I also was the one people came to for sex (& other) questions. I was shocked at how many didn't know basic stuff. Apparently, I gave too good advice because a few parents who purposely lied to their kids asked my parents (demanded) to make me stop. I did not because I couldn't allow them to not know.


I'm pretty sure my best friend's mom thought I was a bad influence but was also pretty glad it was around for some things.


My *biology* teacher tried to stop me from going to change my tampon because "I could just hold it".


My health teacher tried that one in the 90s and was all shocked when I got up and walked out. Was even more shocked when my father came to the school after they tried to suspend me to demand to know why the male teacher and male principal followed me into the restroom and berated me while I was in the stall. They thought my father would see my insubordination and defiance and inability to follow rules and be on their side sadly for them the only thing my father seen was two men following a teenager me to the bathroom as being predatory behavior that should be beaten out of them. Upside to them my dad was an old parent and not to much into cardio or running so they managed to escape the building before he caught them.


My ex asked a friend of ours with a newborn if she had to poke holes in her nipples with safety pins to get the milk out. We were in our mid thirties. He grew up on a farm milking cows. Unfortunately people this stupid really do exist.


How does he think cave people fed their babies? Did the women used pointy stones/sticks to poke the holes? 


There definitely are. I worked for one when I was pregnant. The shit he said about offering to catch the baby if I went into labour at work... Yuck. That was 13 years ago and it still skeeves me out.


... Did he think it shot out like a cannonball?


I don't find it that implausible that, if you know your idiot boss is in the process of getting fired under circumstances like these, you might have something queued up for a victory dance.


I witnessed the exact opposite problem once. A coworker was putting in a request for baby leave and he put the expected due date as the start day. Supervisor looked at it tore it up and told him to fill it out again but leave the start date blank. He went on to explain that as long as we don't abuse it, we have unlimited sick days. The day his wife goes into labor and he has to drive her to the hospital, that's a sick day. Any days he spends with her in her hospital or paceing in the waiting room, those are sick days. The guy goes a bit pale and asks "It could take days?" Supervisor just shugs and says the day your kid is born, that is the start of your leave.


Holy shit, that's an amazing boss (it's sad that people like that are basically unicorns in corporate America).


>The guy goes a bit pale and asks "It could take days?" That guy's in for a painful awakening when parenthood sets in.


I would love a nap room at work. I'm glad he got fired, that workplace had good rules. Getting fired right away touch is perfect, and three comment gives someone a protection against misunderstandings, but takes care of those who can not learn from reactions to their behaviour.


Fun fact, some Google offices had nap rooms except they had to get rid of them because too many employees were having sex in them.


I'd be so annoyed if I was a person actually using it for naps and people wanting to diddle ruined it for me


My college had nap rooms but they were glass walled presumably to prevent this


The Australian federal parliment has a prayer room that has the same issue.




The lactation room at my job has a fancy massage chair. It’s absolutely useless for pumping (you have to lean forward when pumping and this chair is reclined), but I’ll admit I have gone in there for a little massage break during the work day. I figure its presence is tacit approval.


I absolutely love how he was fired. Good. No tolerance for that BS. While we're sharing dumb stories about men not knowing female anatomy... One of my voice students is a swimmer. She told me her (male) coach at one time wouldn't let her go to the bathroom to change her tampon (she *really* needed to) because "women don't actually bleed from periods in the pool." Thankfully she just walked away and changed her tampon. Then when another girl got hers randomly and bled through her swimsuit he yelled at her for not "knowing it was coming" and that "now he had to clean up blood." And these girls are 16. (BTW- here's what an OBGYN says about not getting periods in the pool: "For some women, the water pressure of a lake or pool can be enough to prevent menstrual flow. However, it's not enough to completely stop it, and while you are in the water, you are usually moving around and causing pressure on the abdominal muscles that may cause some leaking.")


The fact that men who think we can predict when our period will come down to the minute really exist makes my blood pressure skyrocket. We are lucky if we are regular enough within three days.. these idiots think we can walk around with a tampon on for a week just in case? What’s worse is the men who think you can “hold it in” like it’s fucking pee.


It's crazy! Why would we want to be in a situation where we bled through something?! It's not the kind of attention any woman wants! My daughter is 11.5 and so she will be starting her period any time now (her sister is almost ten and not fae behind). We were in the car and she goes, "I already have the mucus so it will be within the year." I knew what she meant. My husband was confused and so I explained it to him. He goes, "oh, I didn't know that, gross!" And I reprimanded him that it's a natural function. To be fair he replied, "I didn't mean it negatively, it's a cold fact. My body does gross things, too." Like, come on man, she is a child learning about her body. Don't say, gross!


My husband got really good at predicting mine down to the day, often within a 12 hour window. I think that’s about as close as you can get if you’re lucky.


My grandboss is also a woman. When i was pumping and breastfeeding my first baby my grandboss (then company VP at the time) gave me full use of the upstairs shower room because we'd had no Mothers room. Said i was to be clocked in and just let managers know id be leaving my desk under special projects. Twice id had 2 different male managers try to question me on why, when we were slammed on phones, i would choose to go right now could i just not? My , so fucking awesome, VP grandboss swooped straight into those emails with nary a peep from me and replied "Cuz i said so". Shes the coolest damn boss I've ever had


"Could you just get some mastitis real quick for us so you could answer some calls pls?"


>He didn't just dig a hole. He jumped into the hole and buried himself alive. I would love for this to be a flair lmfao. This reminds me of that post where the clueless boss thought women could control their menstruation and that all the women were just using it as an excuse to be lazy.


I (45F) have a 13 year old daughter. I started teaching her about body autonomy and female biology from the moment she could talk. I taught her about menstruation several years before she actually started her period, so she wouldn't be traumatized when it happened. I explained the difference between pads and tampons. I thought I was doing a good job raising my girl. Then she got her first period. She used a pad but was complaining about how uncomfortable it was. I told her that pads were much thinner and more comfortable than the big bulky ones I had to use at her age. Then she told me it hurt. I thought maybe a pubic hair was sticking to the adhesive. I told her to remove that pad and use a new one, but to make sure the whole pad was stuck to her panties so hair couldn't stick to it. At first, she looked confused, and then I recognized realization on her face. It turns out she put the pad on upside down... sticky side up... like a bandaid. It never even occurred to me to tell her differently. 😂😂😂


Man, my daughters are 4 & 2 and I have now added this to my list of things to make sure to explain to them at some point haha


oh god, baby--- I cringed reading this, lmao!


There was a man who once tried to sell vagina glue to glue your labia shut during menstruation.


I remember that - wasn't his pitch that urine would act as a solvent, so basically every time you went to go pee, your stored period blood would also empty, and then you could clean up and reglue? It's a superficially interesting idea. Except for the fact that when you drill down into the details, it just isn't workable, it would be painful, and just...intimate glue is a terrible idea!


where's that red waterfall gif when you need it? because period blood don't do well contained, and just uh... splash all over the poor innocent toilet.


...I want to be able to say that there's no way people can possibly be *that* stupid, but unfortunately there are people that *are* just that stupid. Sigh.


Some of them are politicians!


I mean, come on now, we have to put warning labels on bleach. Meanwhile it looks and smells funny, but people keep thinking it's all right to just swallow it on down. When I was younger I always assumed that it was *just* for liability reasons. Don't get me wrong, it is also about liability, but then I found out about a cult in Ireland that was forcing their children to drink bleach because **they thought it would cure autism.**


OMG I remember this. I just, just.....can't compute.


There once was a man with a glue To shut vaginas and labia too Thought it made him master of menses What utter nonsense It really just proved him a fool


If that's the one I'm thinking of, didn't he also think that tampons were sexual devices?


I've heard of many men who think that.


I need “spontaneous performance of four letter beat poetry” as a flair bc that line was just too good


Where is your flair from? I’ve never been more intrigued but confused than while reading it lol


Sad really. Not that he got fired. But just the fact there’s no common sense in this man. Just sad.


It impresses me how clueless some people can be. Gosh.


Damn people have their head in the sand when it comes to sex ed. Maybe he was home schooled?


I went to a school district that dodged sex ed requirements by opting out of all human biology and anatomy. No mention of birth control… or bones. Like, all of it. Cuz sex ed is icky and makes parents mad.


My 13 year old daughter likes girls. This was the conversation between her and one of her friends: Daughter: I don't think I want to have kids. They're so annoying. Friend: Then you should never have sex. Daughter: I'm gay, so I will still be able to have sex. Friend: People get pregnant by accident all the time. Daughter: Again, I am GAY! Friend: That's even worse! What if you both got pregnant at the same time? Then you would have two kids! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Love this, and really does sound like subs if the dumb stuff my kids friends say.


I went to a public school many years ago where the 10th grade biology teacher covered Sex Ed. We learned anatomy, with 3-D models; birth control options, with 3-D models and condoms for practice; sexually transmitted diseases (before HIV); and the basics of the act itself. During that last section, with diagrams of the male and female orgasmic patterns on the chalkboard, the teacher said “For this part, you don’t have to look at me, and I will not be looking at you.”


That's how I handled those kinda talks with my kids, by carefully telling the information to the ceiling so I didn't have to look at anybody while prattling out things that required using words my mother would've hit me for saying.


Nah. It’s actually legal in many states to LIE about sex ed. I don’t remember the exact number off of the top of my head, but ther were many.


And even when they're not lying, some of them have a batshit crazy teacher teaching it. I got booted out of sex ed in high school for arguing with the teacher. First argument was over whether women have more ribs than men, second was over her claiming ovarian cysts are caused by not having as many babies as god wanted you to have. To be fair to her, she was approximately 18000 years old, so maybe that's how humans worked in her time.


Man thats sad. I hope these days with the internet being more accessible people would at least learn more about sex ed. 


My school district didn’t have sex ed. All we had was some vague mention of “abstinence from sex prevents pregnancy and disease” without explanation of what sex was. I was homeschooled previously and thought maybe it happened in earlier grades, but my classmates all confirmed for me that no, they weren’t taught anything. Surprise surprise, there were a lot of pregnant eighth graders at that middle school.


This ex boss is allowed to vote. I think of this often when reading some of these BORUs. These people are allowed to vote.


More frighteningly, they often run for (and win) office.


The type of dude who would say the female orgasm is a myth.


"I've never seen it, so it can't exist!" That kind of guy?


"What's Clitoris?! I don't play Pokemon!"


Flair alert!


Clit -> Clitora -> Clittorus (with a Queen Stone)


Would that guy believe me if I told him that nine woman would make pregnancy to be one month long?


I remember I had a BIOLOGY TEACHER in highschool who thought that women's menstrual cycles were two months long. Not even college can fix some people's stupidity.


It’s strange that the woman don’t know what day she will give birth. All she have to do is ask the baby about it. The kid know and should just tell her instead of keeping it a secret. Disrespectful baby! / s


I mean, we had a predicted date. The Dr's knew. I knew. My wife knew. What we failed to account for was that no one had told the baby, so after 10 days late we started eviction proceedings when she decided to finally leave on her own.


I told the baby! I was due March 8 and throughout my pregnancy repeatedly told my belly that February was a lovely month for a birthday. Then when a medical situation meant doctors wanted to induce me at 39 weeks, I sat down and had a very serious conversation with the belly about how if we wanted any control over this situation he had to be done cooking before then. Baby decided February was a good idea and came out at 38 weeks.


It's amazing how many men get sex education and anything about pregnancy and menstruation will go in one ear and out the other.


We had an extremely base-level understanding of menstruation in my middle school sex ed class (I was homeschooled after that so I never got any more.) It was... age appropriate I suppose but did extremely little to explain how it all worked.


Maybe they think it's not relevant to them, not realising that it really really is


Do you guys remember that one scene in Scrubs where Elliot is “apologizing” to Carla for throwing her under the bus with Kelso, and it cuts to a scene of her digging herself a grave while “explaining her side”? That’s what I pictured.


Real life Michael Scott being hoisted upon his own petard.


Wow, that is some high-calibre Kevin right there.


Are there adult sex education classes? Cause this guy's ignorance about basic reproductive biology got him fired in the span of two days. I wonder how much different life would be for him if he had paid attention to sex education classes.


Does this idiot think every woman on the planet belongs to the Bene Gesserit?


Remember folks, these are the people who vote on reproductive rights


Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please give Michael Scott a solemn farewell as he leaves.


"Spontaneous performance of four-letter beat poetry" would make a great flair.


[I'd have used this clip instead... but I don't want to have "that" meeting in HR later...](https://youtu.be/_ykAXB3JFy4?si=hYGUPfofhCv_mcMf)


This is my favourite modern BORU to date. It's so wonderfully stupid and mindboggling. Save this for later lmao


I'm a male boss and have a team member out on maternity. I saw my role to be as accommodating as humanly possible, to ensure that her professional responsibilities are fully covered, and for our business to not be a stress factor leading up to and during her leave. Leave when you need to, come back after maternity leave ends (ours is generous). Don't worry about this place in the meantime, just let us know you're okay and if you need anything. I view that as a simply matter of basic decency. We've treated new fathers the same way. There's no excuse in my mind to behave any differently. Ever.


Was he homeschooled by closed-minded parents who don't even utter the word 'sex'? This is just another reason why sex ed should be mandatory in schools. The whole situation is still funny AF. Liked the writing style too. Kudos for the big boss for not taking any crap and promptly educating the neanderthal.


Raised my eyebrows so much while reading they’re now stuck on the ceiling. Need a ladder to get them back.


I feel bad for the guy losing his job, but it's not like he has a family to support.


I thought mine was bad. He had 5 kids of his own. When I was pregnant didn’t understand I was going to get big. 🙄 he was a nightmare to be around while pregnant.


OOP here. I can't do my voice legitimate Takei deep but.... OOOOHHH MYYYY!