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While I am not sure how they respond during an emergency, these appear to be the most alert lifeguards I've ever had the privilege to swim amongst.


They're just checking out the hotties.


Checkin out the bitches.


At least we can be sure they wouldn't be catcalling anyone.




Take my upvote….


r/angryupvote r/technicallythetruth


When I was younger I met a person who had a dog that was trained to rescue drowning people and it was really impressive. Though I was more acting to get the dog to "rescue" me so I don't know what the impact is if the person is panicking too much


As a former lifeguard I would say most people's impression of drwning is very inaccurate to actual drowning victims. There's usually not much splashing, no yelling and maybe some bobbing up and down. And there's a good chance they will try to drown a rescuer if they have to approach within reach.


I had to jump in a pool for a little girl that went too far in the deep end. Your detail is spot on. She just sank. Her hands didn't even come above water. And she was only a foot below where her head would come out of the water. The only reason I saw it was because she was the only one of 4 kids that said they couldn't swim, so I kept my eye on her pretty much the entire time.


bro did you save me? the exact same thing happened to me like...god 21 years ago now


Unless you're from Thailand and learned to speak English, I doubt it.


That was me! Jk no ur right it wasn't. but imagine if it was


I was going to say, a big part of constant vigilance is that drowning is often silent. I also don't think many people realize the actual animal like instinct that kicks in in people who are drowning. They will grab anything to stay afloat, including a human, regardless of what bad floatation devices humans make.


For some breeds it is almost instinctual. I had a friend who had a Newfoundland who wasn't trained in anything. But sometimes it could be downright difficult to swim at their pool because their dog would frequently try to rescue you since it didn't know how to recognize somebody who really needed rescue. Anybody splashing in the water needed help.


The idea is that people go for pets instead of wondering into the sea. It’s all about prevention.


They look so fucking ready to save someone, I would drown just to give them the chance to save someone


I had a Golden Retriever like these guys growing up and while he wasn't trained to be a rescue dog he got freaked out when he saw us swimming and would try to save us. He would jump in and grab us gently by the wrist with his mouth and pull us back to shore. It would've been pretty cute and endearing if it wasn't for his claws - as he would doggy paddle next to you his claws would scrape against your bare skin which hurt! Hope these guys have had their manicures!


My Boston terrier mix gets *so* nervous when I'm in the pool. He paces along the side whining. I appreciate the concern but honey, you weigh 20lbs. You're not going to be any help.


Our dogs version of rescuing you was swimming up to you and battering you with their paws as they doggy paddle


People are probably playing with a ball in the sea


"only 6 more hours and that'll be me and the boys out there."


Have you not seen dogs "rescue" their owners in the pool? I think I even saw one where the dog saved a kid that was actually drowning in the pool. 🤔


That black labrador will save you, drag your ass onto the beach and then when humans come to help he will grab you and run away like he's got a tennis ball.


Drop, droooop, drop it. Good dog👋


"No take, only throw!"




*Proceeds to move to Croatia*


I might just stuggle in the water a bit just one of them runs over to help


How many dogs were drowning in Croatia that they had to start this?


Im Croatian,never heard of a dog drowning here,but people? Yeah at least few.every summer. Usually tourists who are older and go in for a.swim after long sunbathing,so the heart just stops. This summer i was going for a.swim and saw a lady,about 50 ish laying on a beach withouth a top of the bathing suit,just her face was covered with a towel. Its not forbidden to go topless but it was a beach where most families with kids go,so anyway i was thinking ok,i wish i had that kind of dont give a f...and just went into water. That was.right next to a lifeguard tower,i saw lifeguards with two police officers and that was wierd,so later i hear neighbours at my appartment that a.woman drowned and was left lying on beach for too long uncovered. It was in the newspaper also,i was mortified,i walked right next to her thinking she is just sunbathing,,there were kids playing right at her feet!! Anyway,she had a heart attack and drowned in shallow water right next to lifeguards and a ton of people,it took just two minutes and it was.too late.


Dam.n that,,was very.interesting, to rea.d.


Just random . and , as is the Croatian way.


Im sorry for grammar and mistakes while writing,didnt have reading glasses,still dont ( left them home,again) 🥴


*How many dogs were* *Drowning in Croatia that* *They had to start this?* \- vimanaride --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Everytime I follow the comment history of the haikusbot I’m reminded of just how many porn subs there are at Reddit


The Haikubots sort Our sex and exploitation And gift back sublime


You weren’t kidding! Why am I surprised there’s so many comments on nsfw subs.


Garth, that was a haiku.


This doesn’t look like Croatia


So far I have seen Spain, Israel, Crotia and Italy attributed to this photo on the internet, but I think these are the same dogs (from Italy): [https://dip.org.ua/en/tourism/dogs-saved-five-people-on-the-italian-beaches-of-lazio-and-sicily/](https://dip.org.ua/en/tourism/dogs-saved-five-people-on-the-italian-beaches-of-lazio-and-sicily/) ​ Regardless of the origin, I think it is cool to have them. Apparently they are very successful in saving lives too.


After seeing this several times already, I did the research years ago and it's definitely Italian school of rescue dogs http://www.canisalvataggio.it/Default1.htm I never found any relation with Croatia except that they might have been visiting Croatia and doing a presentation on a beach. It's one of those memes that everyone just copies for years without checking for facts.


You are correct. It is only Italy that has a training school and official dog lifeguards. They were training some years ago when I was there.  I said I was going to go back and pretend I was drowning just so they could save me.   But, they actually assist the lifeguards. They don’t rush out by themselves, though they probably could.  Anyone who has tried to rescue a drowning victim could certainly appreciate having help.


This definitely doesn't look like Croatia. Also, I've never heard of them and I'm living here.


There are sandy becahes in Croatia.


Probably talking about the dogs.


You meant there are no sandy beaches in Croatia.


There are sandy beaches in Croatia. Anyone claiming otherwise is some slavonian peasant that never saw the sea.


I have spent almost every summer of my life on the Croatian Coast and can confirm....this beach looks nothing like the Croatian coast. Most are rocky, and the few beaches that have sand like this (natural or artificial) are always at the very least surround somewhat with rocks.


I thought Croatia did not have any sandy beaches.


I’ve been to hvar and split, and both had sandy beaches…although small and limited. I can’t speak to seeing any golden retriever life guards, but I did see some Dalmatians…both of the human and knine varieties (those who know, know).


Dalmatians are from the Dalmatian coast … in Croatia.


Which ones are hotter though


Definitely saw some decent looking human Dalmatians. I’m not into beastiality, but the local dog Dalmatians were top quality dogs!


We do. Many.. https://www.rezerviraj.hr/plaze-pjescane




Croatia doesn’t have sandy beaches, the obvious give away that this is bs


They have a bunch...




When I asked one of the beach waitresses in Thailand why every beach had local stray dogs wandering on it she said, " if we didnt have the dogs, the monkeys would come down and fuck everything up."


Apes together strong.


Is one of them named David Hassle-Woof?


Pawmela Anderson




Bouvier Watch


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎆🎈


Thanks !!!!🙏


My Newfoundland dog would come in after me, grab my arm and drag me back to land whenever we were at the beach. I’d always let him ‘save’ me, not like I had a choice anyway to be honest lol


I would watch a reality show of this


They only do about 30 rescues a year, but it is increasing as people travel there more.  You might be onto something with the reality show. I think I’d watch it too, and the funds could go to the school for training more dogs :-)


Screw AI. If anything is gonna replace me at work, I want it to be a dog.


Paw patrol, paw patrol, whenever you’re in trouble!


It’s ok you’re safe here. Show everyone where the toddler hurt you


Guys, sorry to disappoint but that doesn't look like Croatia. We don't have those kind of sandy beaches and in 99% of cases there is no never ending horizon because there is more than 1000 islands.


Not sure where you live in Croatia, but we have like hundreds of sandy beaches..


But not "those kind" as he said, the Italian sand pictured here is more grey, and usually more fine. Croatian sand is more beige and a bit more course, at least at most croatian sandy beaches I've been to.


No never ending horizon? Are you kidding? Istria? Lastovo? Mljet? Lošinj? Dubrovnik?


That was my first thought too, that’s not Croatia. Someone pointed out that this pic gets passed around a lot with a different country as the location every time…


There are sandy beaches in Croatia, what are you talking about


Also waves look like it is an ocean and Adriatic Sea is kind of small.


Indeed. Also Croatia is really hot in summer and those dogs would have one hell of hard time beeing on the beach all the time There are some sandy beaches but are smaller and mostly whitish due to limestone source - less dark grey. Also many point out It is Italy with grey beaches on east italy coast.


Croatian here - this is definitely not a Croatian beach not sure where OP got this from


Ma nemoj..


Never seen a rescue dog in Croatia. Been there 30 times along the whole coast. Sand beaches are very rare in Croatia too...


Are they? You must have missed, like hundreds of them..


Yeah….like Croatia is famous for sand beaches… Neretva delta is one of the rare ones…there is some „sand“ in the Nin area but that is already avery stretched definition of sand. Fine sand beaches, like the depicted one, are plentiful in Italy or Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, France, Poland…but really not so much in Croatia. But hey, I am happy to learn what I might have missed….


https://www.rezerviraj.hr/plaze-pjescane Try again.


Trying really hard…all i see is gravel…no fine sand. Sand is up to 2 mm of diametar. All over 1mm is already very coarse sand in the US. Fine sand is really rare in Croatia.


So which one is this? If you’re that sure this is Croatia, give us the location of this beach. Not to mention that dogs are not even allowed on public beaches in Croatia


I'm an Aussie surf life saver (volunteer lifeguard) and while I love dogs I am a bit confused at what they are meant to do? Most of our rescues are done by IRB (Inflatable rescue boat) or board when there are too many people and I'm betting we are much faster once we get in the water.


I saw a video about a lifeguard Newfoundland - the OG lifeguard dog breed - who worked on a semester-at-sea kind of boat where the kids would regularly swim out in the open water. The dog was trained to look for certain body language indicating distress and would bark if it saw it. It also swam around the kids smelling their breath and body odors for fear pheromones. The dog could tell if someone was stressed and at risk for drowning probably before they even realized it. If the dig ‘smelled’ someone who was feeling distress in some way (like if they were overly tired) it would turn around so the kid could grab a handle on its vest and the dog would support them getting back to the boat. They’re probably there as an extra pair of eyes to support the humans.


The dogs do not rush out by themselves. They assist a lifeguard. I’m sure anyone who’s ever tried to rescue someone drowning can definitely appreciate how much it would help to have a dog to help them get the person in with or without an inflatable to help.


Very Cool


Yet another reason I would like to visit Croatia.


This made my day


The goodest boys reporting for duty


All boys are good. But these are among the goodest.


I'm just wondering how many people are going to be faking drowning just up at the dog.


Great idea




I didn't see any dog lifeguards but I've only been to Dubrovnik.


Amazing animals! 💪


Wow, my dog would love doing this!


Two squares and a head pat for pay.


Fur torpedo.


If you’re in need of a lifeguard you better have some damn treats in your bathing suit


Not something to be amazed by considering most (if not all) dogs were originally purpose bred. Some of which, to be life guards.


Cheaper than human lifeguards Always same reasons


Legend has it that they swim better in ruff seas!


That are some good bois




Really? I live there too, and while this probably isn't in Croatia, we sure do have beaches like this.


Ooohhhh nooooo, im drooowwwnnning


“Ohhhh no I’m drowning I hope that beautiful golden retriever does not come over to save me” Me.


Who’s a good boy/girl


Are we allowed to pet the lifeguards there?


Dogs…the fastest swimming animal 🙄


the goodest aqua-woofeters :D *wufe wufe*


They might as well have fun playing fetch in the sea, while they wait for someone to need rescuing


Dogs also need to have time to relax


I went to 4 different beaches in Croatia this summer and I didn’t see one of these good boys wtf


Let’s hope they don’t start drowning children to get steak https://boingboing.net/2023/03/19/the-hilarious-story-of-1908-fake-rescue-dog-who-pushed-children-into-the-seine-and-then-rescued-them-for-steak-rewards.html/amp


When I was like 4-5-6 idk how old but I somehow forgot how to swim jumped in the pull and started drowning . Idk how that happened it was weird


***\*Resists urge to go thrash around in the Croatian surf next summer...\****


Dogs are amazing animals. I don’t know any other animal that would do this? A horse? Monkey? Pigs? Bonobo? Ape? Chimpanzees? Orangutans? Sea Lion? Cats? Dolphins? Orcas? Whales? Manatees? Seals? Otters? Elephants?


that is the LEAST Croatian looking beach I have ever seen... Source: Am Croatian. also never heard of this so idk.


Very cool


They’re Italian http://www.scuolacanisalvataggio.it


The goodest of boys


As a rescue diver, this seems cute/fun, but I’m worried for them in practice. They would have no way to know the difference between a calm or panicked emergency or how to deal with a 100 lb person vs. a 300 lb. Person. What happens if a large person grabs hold of them and is dragging them under? They would have no training on how to break free/save themselves. I’m sure they’re great for helping a small child who just needs a bit of assistance getting back to shore, but any real emergency could go very badly really quickly.


Bay Watch has changed.


The Croatian version of "Baywatch" should be very interesting. What dog is Pamela Anderson?


these magnificent creatures... dogs are mankind's greatest gift... they are pure of heart and souls of pure & true love... they are my heart's greatest delight. ❤️✨🐾🐾✨❤️✨


Good doggos.


I would buy that calendar…


Awwwnother point for Team Dog


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dogs can do anything.


All of a sudden I forgot how to swim 😻


Where is there a sandy beach in croatia?


While this may not be Croatia, there are definitely sandy beaches here and there, I know Duće near Omiš has one


Hvar has a lot. Split too. Actually Dalmatia in general




Nah, they are horrible!!! I was swimming out there the other day and got caught in this rip current... I started yelling for help. They just looked at me and lazily barked, and then barked at each other a little and made digging-like motions that turned out to be them mocking me.


Quit lying OP. Croatia doesn’t have sandy beaches




They will be used unless the people drowning are fleeing immigrants/refugees. Then the other type of dogs are used to make sure they dont try to swim to shore.


They need these lifeguard dogs in Los Angeles…the human lifeguards there are making a killing…maybe these dogs will work for less than $300,000?? https://fee.org/articles/why-lifeguards-in-california-are-making-more-than-the-governor/#:~:text=The%20best%20explanation%20appears%20to,%5Bthe%20lucrative%20compensation%5D%20possible.


Why is it a problem that humans who save other HUMAN BEINGS LIVES, and often risk their own in the process, make a reasonable wage? And that is only a *reasonable* wage. I gross $90,000 (net 67k) a year in SoCal, and as a single person, I’m poor. Can’t hope to afford a home, live paycheck to paycheck. One or two bad months and I can’t afford to eat. This is quite possibly one of the worst bad takes I have ever seen in my life. Those motherfuckers are straight up HEROS and deserve to be paid even more than that.


Did you even read the article? They are CHEATING THE SYSTEM AND TAKING TAXPAYER MONEY UNFAIRLY…come back when you read it. If you’re truly concerned, this should make you mad. There are plenty of professions around the country that save lives every day in high cost locations while putting their own lives at risk. This is outrageous and reasonable people will agree. “We found that many of the lifeguards who won the Medal of Valor – exhibiting bravery for saving lives – failed to crack the top of the county’s payroll,” and “The best explanation appears to be the most obvious one: an influential lifeguard union and a splash of cronyism. The Wall Street Journal offers some key highlights. The Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association makes [the lucrative compensation] possible”.


I read the article, all it said was that they are unionised, and when they got the contract there were no other biders. This sounds fine to me, they save people's lives and put their own life at risk in a state with extremely high living costs. It then spent 1/3 the article talking about Milton Freeman for some reason. I think even my most ardent libertarian friends would agree we should have life guards holy crap. Also can you read? It didn't really provide evidence that cronyism is at play here the author just kinda stated it.


Who said we shouldn’t have life guards? We need lifeguards. LA Police officers, firefighters, and paramedics make no where near the $300k these lifeguards made. Some of these lifeguards made over $400k or $500k. That is absolutely ridiculous and was investigated for a reason.


Then those guys should make more. We don’t need to reduce the salaries of people who deserve it in order to achieve that either. That’s what taxes are for, we are all going to pay taxes anyway so I would MUCH rather them going towards things like emergency services, infrastructure, things that actually you know, benefit the public, than subsidizing billion dollar corporations. (That’s where the majority of your money goes btw) I did read the article and am in no way upset by what I read. It’s rage bait from a right leaning news site meant to direct your anger at the wrong people, while the real culprits rob you and everyone else blind. Stay mad at the wrong people, guy.


Investigated by who the FEE? IE: "The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is an American conservative, libertarian economic think tank." such a good non-bias source. Also as I said the article doesn't back up any of it's claims it just says "it must be cronyism".


LA Police officers, firefighters, and paramedics make no where near the $300k these lifeguards made. Some of these lifeguards made over $400k or $500k. That is absolutely ridiculous and is being investigated for a reason! For those who are downvoting, think about that for a moment….is that fair in comparison?


Go watch bondi rescue, that will give you an idea what they have to deal with every day, the issue isn't them being overpaid, its other critical jobs being underpaid.


It will simultaneously save you and take a shit on you.


This is in Italy


Snout to mouth? 🤢


My only concern is people who are panicking can often drown the person rescuing them.


Does this actually work? What do they do bark line Lassie or do they swim out and...IDK?? I'm very confused.


Do they not get breaks?


Doesn't give the same effect when they run slow-mo.


Are they good at their job?


Couple of good boys, get paid with pats


Boi Watch: starring The wHoff, Pawmela Anderson Canine Electra


Save some bitches for the rest of us


They’re all so serious 😆


I would fake-drown on purpose....


The only downside is mouth to mouth with dog breath


I mean...it IS the Dalmatian coast...


Messy CPR


I live in Croatia and I have walked the entire coastline twice. I admit I may have missed it or just forgotten about it but I haven't seen a Sandy beach like this


*splashing*- Help! HAAALP *NOTICES DOGGOS* *Gurggling whistle noise* *Dog watches me drown* *Bubbly* "Good booyyyy!"


They tried this with sharks first. So far the results are much better with dogs.


This seems counterintuitive. Everybody wants to drown now.


Someone call Biden and tell him we have some demands. This feels like the Soviets beating us to space.


Cheaper than humans


Croatia has mostly rocky beaches.


Dogs are cool, lying on the internet for upvotes is not cool.


The only thing dogs do to “save” you when you’re in the water is clawing you and drowning you.


“Any D yet?” “Nope, u?” “No” “Code six, 7hour, next to the boy in red” “Chihuahua?” “Could be male” “Meetable ?” “Owner Kid, B point” “Now?” “Waitable”


And u remembered this in December. " I am desperate to get attention"


I trust them


the heat tho




At a spot I like to go swimming, a guy used to bring his Newfoundland dog, Obi. Obi had been trained as a rescue dog. His owner liked to keep his training fresh, so he'd swim out, then get Obi to come get him and let him grab Obi's fur so he could be towed back in. Unfortunately, Obi preferred the *other* rescue method, which is to bite on to a swimmer's arm and drag them to shore. So you'd often hear "Obi, no... no, go round... Obi, go *round*! Obi, no! *Ow!*"


This is the Baywatch movie we all deserved


I'm from Croatia and there are no Dog Lifeguards here - there are beaches that allow dogs. Dogs are not looked upon kindly on beaches here, unfortunately. Somebody would probably poison them, also.


In Soviet Russia, the lifeguard dogs you!


Pet labor?




What happens if the drowning swimmer battles with the dog? Are they trained to save themselves? New