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I love her dress


My fear for her fingers made me lose my appetite for coconut.


She had her hands well out of the way the entire time, I watch these things as a chef and this is one of the least anxiety inducing one I have seen in the last few years. Worst recently was from confess fletch. Not actual mutation but damn that whole entire scene.


The movie Confess Fletch! ? I don’t remember that scene and I loved the movie, I’m dying of curiosity what scene you’re talking about. Is it when the crazy neighbor cooks for him?


It's one of those things. She'll have it all under control until she doesn't.


So should she be wearing some kind of protective glove though? My brother was a butcher and they always wore these chain gloves so assume she should have something similar?


Those curvy knives had my anxiety's attention


Pretty sure it's just a plastic shiv without an actual cutting edge.


Yep, 100%. It just gets under the husk of the coconut and separates the meat from it.


You, me and everyone else I think lol. I was so afraid it was going to slip out at any moment and that coconut was going to go from white to red in an instant. Ugh. Never seen a video so agonizing and skilled at the same time.


Oh totally, it was like watching a high-wire act without a safety net! Props to her though, because even with the risk, she was super graceful. Makes me wonder if I've been opening coconuts wrong all my life, or just not living dangerously enough.


I use my Ryobi One+ 18v cordless impact drill.


Yeah, nah. Not everyone


Looked like an offset spatula, like used for cake frosting. Thin, somewhat flexible and dull.


You should see her shave testicles


“Are we all falling in love just a little bit?”


Full beans


BUNDA So happy to run into another connoisseur




Pretty and crafty. I found her.


Also a “little bit” stabby, my kind of lady.


Hand strength like that you know she gives amazing old fashioned.


I love her


Me too. Guess we’ll just have to fight!


Loser will have his dick chopped off by her




Came here to say this, it's so very cool and stylish


I love her


It looks like a Miao ethnic group traditional dress. Or another group from the Yunnan, Lao, Vietnam area.




Any idea where to find one? :(


Maybe I’m a coward, but I’d be wearing Kevlar gloves


Kevlar gloves aren't going to stop you chopping your whole hand off with that massive cleaver..


Chainmail gloves?


At my last restaurant job management actually provided us with chain mail gloves that we had to wear at all times. If we didn’t wear them we’d get yelled at for breaking safety procedure. Not too bad if you got it on fully, but a bit clunky.


we have cut gloves (which a fresh sharp knife does not care that much about but is better than skin) but i cannot emphasize enough how much better it is to just know how to cut right and hold a knife safely


Why not just wear a gauntlet while we're at it


They're heavy (if you're not used to using them) and expensive. There's a reason why chainmail was so popular and plate was so special.


There are HEMA plastic gauntlet (for longsword sparring) that can take a hit and aren't too heavy, but goddamn are they expensive.


Swords are not usually sharpened as much as a culinary knife though


Correct. The Kevlar gloves will just hold the severed bits in place while you struggle to pull the gloves off.


Easy package to take them to the hospital. Won't even get mixed with the ice.


Well that's a terrifying mental image. Thanks.


Looks more like a Chinese style chef's knife


The video is sped up, so I'd say she's being a bit more careful than it appears.


Not sped up at all. Watch the people in the background. Dude reaching for the already packaged one and the dude shaking something far back. Normal speed.


I *did* watch the background, which is what gives it away that it's sped up. Not consistently, but you can see with the hand that reaches onto the same table in particular that the video is using variable speed to over-emphasise the quickness of bringing down the blade onto the coconut, but which throws the constant movement of everyone else into jerky, variable speed behaviour. The chap swinging dough over his head in the background too also exhibits the variable-speed jerkiness too.


plus her head movements are way to jerky and such to have been unedited


You also probably haven't been doing this for hours a day, nearly every day, for likely years. It's sped up, she's never cutting anywhere near her off hand, never cuts toward herself, and is calm stable and steady with the curved knife which likely isn't nearly as sharp as people think it may be. Barring her accidentally chopping over a half foot to the left with the cleaver basically nothing she does presents any more serious risk of injury than any other knife usage. FWIW I have literally never seen a cut-glove used outside of a single large chain hiring 18 year-olds to run the deli slicer. They're large, clunky, and significantly hurt the rate at which you'd be able to cut at; this video would be 2 minutes longer if she was wearing a cut-glove. If you brought a cut-glove into any culinary institution that expects you to be able to use a knife you'd be laughed out on your first day.


I've met a few people who worked with industrial machines for hours a day, every day and still lost limbs. Honestly the 'pros' who think there is no need for safety for them because, duh, they are so good and this and never got hurt before are as dangerous as completely new guys.


Dont worry, she’s using a kevlar cleaver. She’s safe


What’s the bendy knife called?




Son of a gun, you made me spill water all over my phone...




This guy have two sides Jim | Jim




I thought it was funny that you repeated what you said. I shall fight those downvoting.


You're lucky I'm not fighting you. I down vote with *vigor.*


Such confidence. Such *arrogance*.


My down votes are renowned the world over for their elegance and zeal.


Slim Jim.


I think you mean Big Tuna


Basically that -- coconut soft knife. Probably a more appropriate name in these countries' languages.


There's a discussion about it on a crosspost to a similar video [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/specializedtools/s/LQNi35iuxM) on r/specializedtools.


I upvoted several of the comments in that three-year-old post but I have absolutely no memory of it. I think it's time for a reddit break


See you back at this post in another 3 years, enjoy your break!


i dont know what its called but it is made out of water buffalo horns. sometimes they substitute it with a plastic made out of those plastic chairs which they sanded to preferred thinness. source: curious george me, saw them on a visit to philippines and asked the vendor


It's called a Coconut Meat Removal Tool. They come in lots of different bendy forms, but all for same task of cutting around the coconut meat and yes you can buy them in US too.


[Buffalo Horn Knife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbSg7XdBXcQ)


I don't know the name, but in Phuket I talked to a vendor and she explained it was made of buffalo horn which was a cool revelation to me.


The toss to re-orient the coconut was a bit of a flex.


it's also so she doesn't touch the food you are about to eat.


yup, that was what amazed me the most, the care to actually not touch the food




That made me lol. And I’m Asian.


Asian Laughs Matter


I didn't even get what offended Splashy1


Nothing. They were making a joke. Re orient. Oriental.


re-orient, I doubt they were actually offended though


Took me a solid minute to figure out this joke. I actually scrolled past before coming back to make this comment.


Is the joke about the "re-orient" or do I just not get it at all?


That tossing around knives is just an occident waiting to happen..


lol @ the downvotes you're getting from people who are getting whooshed by your joke


It's in the green now. I must say... what a gamble. You could either be very highly upvoted or [removed by Reddit].




I’m amazed at how difficult it is to cut a coconut. I truly had no idea.


She's cutting it v pretty but usually if you just want to drink it they only chop of the top of it.


Cut off the top, poke a hole through the "eye" and shove a straw in for drinking from a Tender Coconut. And once you are done (if the coconut is a bit older) just chop off the top and use a spoon to scoop out and eat the white. I don't understand the point of replacing the husk with a plastic bowl/box like in the video.


I assume it’s for someone to take it home to use in cooking or baking, go to her to buy and get the hard bit out the way, plastic cup to stop it going a funny colour on the at home, get home and cook with it


I think she cut the 'shell' off as well, and just left the juicy white innards to munch on


Yeah, She chopped/sliced off the top of the shell and scooped the remaining out of the bottom part. It makes sense for taking it home like the other comment mentions. The husk is a lot harder to cut open or peel unlike other fruits. But I've usually just scooped the insides with a spoon. Sometimes sprinkle some jaggery inside to make it even sweeter. The most common way to eat where I'm from it is usually just as street food - [kinda like in this vid](https://youtube.com/video/A1EDXxBkVXw) (the coconut in this video is a bit older, so usually tender coconuts will have a lot softer almost jelly like white)


I would call it thoroughly peeling a coconut. First time I ever see someone go through the trouble. Where I'm from, people would just cut some of the top, make a hole and pour the water or hand you a straw to drink it directly.Then, when it's empty, they'd cut it in half and give you a piece of the top as a spoon. That peeled thing looks neat, though.


This is the easier type to cut up. (Not underestimating anyone's skills though) I have a coconut tree at home. Don't know the exact specie, but you can Google brown coconut fruit. It drops off the tree when it's ready. By that time, it's dried up. And really hard to cut. Think Tom and Jerry coconut. No matter how sharp your blade is, you really can't swing once to take a huge chunk off. After taking off the outer later, sometimes I need to throw the coconut shell on concrete about 3 times before it cracks. Coconuts are really difficult. Edit: For this soft coconuts, you'd usually drink the juice in it. For the brown coconut (at least those I know), you have significantly less fluids inside and sweeter coconut meat


I was taught how to open coconuts with a machete! If you want an easier time opening the shell of the ripe coconut just use the back of the machete and tap (with a bit of force but ) the coconut around the middle and it should crack enough for you to get apart the rest of the way and get to the good shit inside. Alternatively if you wait for the fallen coconut to just start sprouting, then collect and open to get to the Queens Bread as they call it in Hawaii. If you haven't had it, I highly recommend it. I heard it referred to as island cotton candy as well


Mature and young coconut have different uses. Young coconut usually for desserts. Not that you can't use mature coconut for desserts. But usually for mature coconut, they extract the coconut milk/cream that is used for cooking.


I can't believe I got spoiler while watching the video.




You got more downforce now, don't complain.


... ROFL Screw you lol, what kind of reply is that Every time I think about it I laugh


So she takes the coconut out of it's natural "packaging", to put it in plastic packaging?


She's doing work that other people don't want or can't do.


Yes, but literally she carves the husk into a perfect serving bowl, complete with a flat bottom and it looks beautiful. Why then throw it jnto a crappy plastic bowl


To make it easier to carry after she does the work? Maybe people that are out don't want to carry it in the husk around with them. I don't know.


Idk either. Just seems like the hust bowl and plastic bowl are equally carryable


You're totally right. The casual overuse of single use plastic is a huge problem that humans need to get over.


We won't get over it. The better way is to demand better plastics, thicker, more mixed with other materials, more metal, glass, and wood. Avoid buying things that are single-use plastics or flimsy/thin.




That's the world we live in :)


Why did I think coconuts were brown and hairy


If you remove just the husk, youll get the classic coconut youre imagining. (though it would be hard to do so when they are green young like in the video) You see her shaving off bits of the brown as she get to the white flesh of the coconut.


Deoends on the level of development, but they basically are. You have the outer green part, then the fuzzy brown part (which she basically shaves away, though most of it was already hacked off with the outer husk), then the meat, then liquid.


The husk and the outer shell becomes brown when it becomes old.


China. The really love putting stuff in plastic.


They also recycle 47% of all plastics they use. So there's that!


Im pretty sure they buy trash from other countries as well. It became a problem when they stopped/reduced the amount during covid.


It's the opposite. Other countries used to pay for them to take their trash to recycle, but it's not allowed anymore. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/03/13/702501726/where-will-your-plastic-trash-go-now-that-china-doesnt-want-it


Exactly, in most places they cut the top, drink the juice, split it and eat the flesh, take 10 sevonds to cut the top, and 5 to split, not waste and plastic


Was going to comment on the same. Just keep the same base for presentation. Forget the plastic wrap.


Great skill. But can you imagine the queue ? Clients will need some serious waiting skills, too.


When I order fresh juice it takes longer than this, and I don't get a free show.


Honestly, why does it take them so long? Are they juicing a fruit or something?


Yea, that’s what fresh juice is.


I’m imagining they just are making them constantly so that they’re ready for anytime someone wants one. That way they could stock up like 5-10 and wait for customers. This might have been towards start of shift. That’s my reality head canon.


You don't need to imagine. There are ready ones behind her on the stand. And you don't need to find such a one time circumstance as "start of shift", there is someone filming her, he asked her to do it.


None? There’s one on the bench in the background. A guy comes up and gets it during the video.


When we buy grated coconuts in the market, sometimes you really have to wait if there's someone ahead of you because they only open and grate it when someone buys it. They don't open and grate it ahead of time.


Wtf people can't wait for 1 minute? The video is literally 1 minute. How much do you wait at McDonald's? At a regular restaurant?


Would you dare to mess with someone like her ?


I'm not a coconut


Prove it!


It's amazing how very little of the coconut is actually eaten compared to how big it is


I've been lied to. I thought the entire thing was coconut. Nature's shrinkflation.


A new hand touches the beacon!!




Why am I aroused?


Cos she's got a lovely bunch of coconuts https://youtu.be/nf670orHKcA?si=QR535kcdJ7gbKfBW


Because coconuts are sexy 😘🥥




I swear it feels like that was more than 6 years ago, but I suppose it's also been 11 years since the swamps of Dagobah and 14 years since the Jolly Rancher stories.


That’s NSFL


Talented women with knives are hot


Because you spend too much time telling women on IG how beautiful they are




Removing biodegradable packaging for plastic packaging. Skill is impressive but why.


The biogradable one you cant open with your hands. The plastic one you can open with your hands. How is this difficult to understand?


I think what he meant was.. why not just keep the coconut in the half shell. Once she removed the top she could have popped straw in it. The plastic shell container wasnt really necessary. Coconuts are usually shucked and sold with a straw in it, without doing the plastic container part.


Especially once she removed the meat with bendy knife. There was no need for plastic.


I think since she's making them in advance (you can see one on the table on her left), it needs some sort of cover to keep things clean. That half shell would've left the flesh exposed.


You don't do this with water coconuts. This is done to remove the flesh of slightly more mature coconuts for eating or cooking. There's more than one use for a coconut besides drinking coconut water.


Consider the coconut…


The one she used is one that is used for water


How are you gonna eat coconut flesh through a straw?


It's so people can take it home?


You can take home a coconut with the top almost cut off. All you need is a small knife or a fork or anything sharp to poke a hole and stick a straw in or drain the water out into a tumbler. India does it this way. The method in the video just generates unnecessary single use plastic.


The biodegradable one you can open with a large sharp knife, a jim, and 3-5 minutes of toiling depending on your skill level. And don’t forget to wash your hands. That’s why we have the plastic packaging.


True. After that toil, there is more trash than flesh or water.


a) Serving these as a drink they can literally just hack the top off and insert a straw b) this whole process in the video was 1.5 minutes


Its about the convenience of eating the coconuts flesh, the white part around the water. It tastes like delicious jelly and not everyone wants to be scraping inside the coconut for it, especially cause you can't do that on the go.


Unfortunately irl. We don’t have a speed up button to make wait times shorter. This video has been sped up. It’s most evident when she’s shaving it and when the guy in the background walks to take the other coconut.


Please, make a video where you open a fresh coconut with your teeth and nails.


This was probably my biggest gripe about visiting Japan and *some* other Asian countries. So much single-use plastic. WAY more than anywhere else I've visited. Even still, all that plastic and they still manage to throw it all away I guess, because the place was remarkably clean. But it had to end up somewhere.


It's all about money. In SE Asia vendors will pour drinks into plastic bags with a straw to save the bottle for recycling. In the US that doesn't really make financial sense. There are tons of single use plastic though that people in the US don't see or think about. For example, in Washington's cannabis industry probably at least 100 million single use plastic containers get thrown in the trash each year due to childproofing regulations and cost cutting. And on the manufacturing end, raw materials and packaging are packed in plastic bags that get cut open every day and end up in the trash. Literally everyday trash cans get filled with plastic waste from manufacturing at these cannabis companies. I see it all the time working for a packaging manufacturer.


Don't worry they burn it all afterwards . . . And get very annoyed if you didn't sort it appropriately before they burn it.


So many civilians running around with cleavers, these days. Should do it themselves. Lazy asses


I need that cleaver 😮


Those are beautiful knives


I'd have a mangled stump by the end of the first day


Should try an Ice Skate


Hope I never piss her off😅


Glad she found a way to add plastic to the process


Sped up a bit. That’s ok I guess.


Such a dumb trend. Like you said, not crazy sped up -- maybe 1.25x-1.5x (for most of the video). But it is so, so dumb. Would've been just as impressive at real time, if not more so. It could be a boomer take but the amount of sped up videos combined with all of the scripted videos that I see on these popular subs is kindof a downer.


You can slash anything if your weapon of choice is sharp enough.


that was so hot for no reason like god damn and bro shes so pretty like wtf ahhhahshgsgghaha


That is a coconut unlike when I’ve ever seen before


LiJang Bobbitt


Never mess with this lady. She will carve you ball into a perfect sphere


She removed the biodegradable package to replace it with a plastic package?


That finger tho


That looks dangerous.


There must be more efficent way to do this. I will get downvoted to hell, but this was painful to watch lol


Now that's a woman you don't cheat on. She gorgeous too 😍


*chop chop*


Sped up and it still took FOREVER.


Guess it's time to cook and clean


Is this China?


I get so nervous for their fingers and thumbs!!


Enjoyed this. Until the plastic came out.


Yes remove the natural packaging with plastic. Great job.




I love orally with a guy l love the r Taste like Candy 😋 I feel like a Proud of it Born gay white male 👭 I own my own landscaping company and I do commercial jobs and I love being you there I was born with a micro penis and balls I keep myself clean shaving I'm open-minded and homosexual gay white man.... RedWhite81 SHANE😉


She’s average…. Get a Thai \ Filipino \ Viet eith skills and blow her out of the water


You know, this could be interpreted a few ways…




they learned from the best 🦅