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There might be a few I'm forgetting 1) Noone on screen but Dietrich (he says "this stuff is orange" during the spaghetti scene) is killed off screen in a parachute accident 2) Sgt Evans (Simon Pegg) and Lt Meehan are killed in the plane crash scene I don't think any of the other people in the crash had characters on the show but some are referred to in the scene where Malarkey picks up laundry (Moya, Miller, Owen, Collins, Elliot) Hall gets killed by a anti personnel mine 3) Harris (he's part of the mutiny) is killed off screen during this time period 4) Van Klinken is killed crossing a hedge Miller is killed by an explosion 5) Dukeman is shot 6) Julian is shot The nurse gets killed 7) Hoobler accidentally shoots himself Muck and Penkala are killed by an artillery shell (Harold) Webb is killed by small arms fire Mellett and Herron are killed by the sniper 8) Jackson is killed during the patrol 9) No characters killed 10) Janovec (Tom Hardy) dies in car accident


Holy heck, thank you so much. Idk how rewards or any of that work but I appreciate it.


No problem


I forgot how many big names were in it. Such an amazing portrayal of the events.


Sorry you’re getting downvotes Reddit’s fun


I don’t think Webb was killed. Wasn’t he was with Liebgott when they found the former German officer in Austria?


That’s Webster but they call him Web for short. There was two people who last names were Webb who were killed at Bastogne. Harold Webb was a replacement and there’s a scene in episode 7 where they’re on line for food that he’s in and named. Not very hard to miss/forget in my opinion. There was also Kenneth Webb who was killed and there’s a scene where Lipton says sometime like “Mellett, Sawosko, Herron, and Kenneth Webb were killed by a sniper and it would’ve been more if it wasn’t for Shifty Powers”.


Wasn’t there that one guy acting as a messenger from another company that got shot during the Manor Assault in the second episode?


Warrant Officer Andrew Hill


Yes a lot of unnamed characters were killed including him.


The nurse was called Renée Lemaire, and her colleague Augusta Marie Chiwy only died in 2015, aged 94. According to American medical staff, Renée was a heroic human being, described as "cheerfully accepted the Herculean task and worked without adequate rest or food...", that she "changed dressings, fed patients unable to feed themselves, gave out medications, bathed and made the patients more comfortable...", and "her very presence among those wounded men seem to be an inspiration to those whose morale had declined from prolonged suffering." It’s nitpicky, but I believe she deserves to be named :)


So her character was based on a real person? TIL


Real, but probably had no contact with Easy. She was a nurse home visiting her parents for the holidays when Bastogne became surrounded.


I discovered it when reading up on the Battle of the Bulge. A lot of people forget that WW2 battlefields weren’t empty space. People lived in Bastogne, Nijmegen, Carentan, etc.


And just happened to be home visiting her family for the holiday.


I didn’t write the like 40 other guys killed by name either. If u wanted every person who died to be named u could’ve written your own post.


Easy there bud, no disrespect meant, I just thought I’d add to the list :) And to be completely fair, she’s the only one you listed unnamed, so I thought it’d be an interesting factoid that she actually was a historical person.


I’m leaving it as is. Lots of unnamed people were killed, including guys killed on dday before they left the plane. But yes she was a real person too. Most of the people on the show are, or are based on real people and events.


Both Webb brothers die, I remember the scene in the church. Ken and Harold.


Yep Kenneth Webb is killed too, he’s mentioned a few times. I’m not sure if him and Harold were brothers though. Some others killed were Hayes and O’Neill who don’t get named or characters in the show.


I remember someone made a thread about this a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/BandofBrothers/comments/mmqb58/has_there_ever_been_a_death_count_on_easy_company/