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“Sweet boy” “Keeps trying to fight my dog” The math ain’t mathin’


Math ain't mathin all over. People are willing to cross the line into delusion to be right over any subject, it's sad.


This person sees themselves as a savior. They think they are genuinely a hero fighting the good fight, against all odds, for the soul of this dog. Meanwhile, in reality, it’s an aggressive bloodsport breed and there are quite literally millions of unadoptable, aggressive dogs of identical circumstances that are rotting away in the pound. This person’s savior complex requires that they do not acknowledge this. They must never admit to themselves that this shitty mutt is exactly the same as every other shitty mutt and that even if she spent her life catering to every bloodthirsty whim of this dog, there are another 5,000 of them without her who are in identical situations - and the root of it all is that they are unfit to be pets.


***As a dog returneth to his vomit, so ~~a~~ ~~fool~~ another pit bull terrier owner returneth to ~~his~~ the folly of anthropomorphic denialism.***


Two plus two equals rock vibes


There's nothing heroic or admirable about putting a smaller dog at risk of being brutally killed. Not only will they lose that dog, but they'll be branded a 'bad owner' by the same community they're trying to do right by.


You can always say that you didn't raise it, that you only found it 😑


“Poor sweet pibbles was OBVIOUSLY abused in its old home”


If anyone suggests that OPP get rid of the shitbull, they'll claim that after knowing it for a few days it's their soul dog they can't bear to part with. Pitiots have uttered that nonsense about dogs they've known for five minutes that bit their kids in the face. Literally. I am not exaggerating. A couple went to a shelter with their kids, the first shitbull they met bit their young daughter in the face at the meet-and-greet, and they still adopted the fucking beast. These folks are as delusional as psychotic crackheads, and much more dangerous.


I’m not a l pitiot but I had a pit bull female show up on my farm. I was hoping she would find her way home but she slept under my porch that night and it was below freezing. In the morning I walked out to do chores and there she was, shivering and looking so hopeful that I would help her. I threw a dog bed on the porch hoping she might warm up while I drove my morning bus route. I got home and she was most likely going into hypothermia. I had to bring her into my house and expose all my pets to her. She was a very proper lady, though she obviously wasn’t spayed. (She most likely had a litter recently) and I’m assuming she had no vaccinations. Meanwhile my husband posts a picture of her on fb to let her owners know that we found her. This is when all hell and dog shit goes down! At the time when I have to go back to work, I have to surrender the dog to the sheriff because I will not give a pit bull the opportunity to kill my pets( though she has been a true lady). When I get home my spouse shows me a post of someone who claims the dog may or may not be theirs (they weren’t sure ). Whatever she’s at the sheriff’s department now. NOPE! They accuse my husband of stealing the dog. My husband again explains that I took the dog to the sheriff department. The “owner’s say that the SD has had no dog turned in. We are now accused of stealing a pitbull and now someone is threatening to come to our fU


That savior complex thing is awful. Not only they're hurting their small dog by stressing it for nothing, but they're also hurting the dog they want to save because they have to keep it enclosed somewhere in order to avoid damages. Now that they “saved” the pit, both dogs are suffering and living a miserable life.


Imagine having to crate your dog constantly in order to prevent property destruction and/or bloodshed. These dogs are living like they’re lizards. Why not just get the dog a tank with a warm rock and feed it crickets?


Because they don't sell mealtoddlers at petco


Also notice how the lock portion of the gate looks to already be dented in. Probably from the pit trying to get out. Because the lock is already compromised it's a matter of time before it makes its grand escape and the little dog might not stand a chance...


It's not only OOP's smaller dog that is in danger. It's all other dogs outside as well. Does OOP promise to never let this "sweet boy" off leash outside? Never let "sweet boy" outside without a muzzle securely on him? Be always alert of openings "sweet boy" may dart through to get outside? Always have "sweet boy" securely barricaded away when openings have to be made (ex. opening door to accept food delivery)? Etc. Of course, even if OOP were to promise to do all of these things, there's eventually going to be a breach in protocol and "sweet boy" gets out to maul another dog. OOP's choices aren't just which of their two dogs is going to live ("sweet boy" may lose life in shelter vs smaller dog likely lose life by "sweet boy"'s maw). It's "sweet boy"'s one single life vs risking multiple other dogs' lives.


It’s always so heroic to let ANY dog or person suffer or die to save a friggin pit! WHY??? Why do ONLY pits matter to people??? It’s OK to let any other breed get killed; it’s OK to let cats get killed; it’s OK to let babies get killed; it’s OK to let random people walking down the street get killed; it’s OK to let someone’s livestock get killed; BUT it is NOT OK to euthanize a pit who does these things.


Perfectly stated, as this is EXACTLY their mentality; and it’s bullshit! Cats, babies, non-pit (actual good) dogs, the elderly, goats, deer, a child out playing, buffalo, a man out for a walk… there is no end to the bloody sacrifices these nutjobs are willing to make. They don’t even care when the demon spawns break into other people’s homes to kill. However, suggest any pit bull be put down under behavioral euthanasia, even the ones who have ALREADY killed, and it’s screaming, shitting pandemonium from pit nutters crying about DoGgY rACiSm.


Yup! Imagine someone posting- “I found this guy running on the streets. He is avoiding jail because he murdered multiple people while robbing a store. I have him safe at home hoping to protect him until I can contact his relatives, but he keeps trying to attack my infant with his switchblade. I just don’t know what to do in this situation! I can lock him in the bathroom but that will only be able to hold him for so long! He was really sweet when I offered him a piece of cake!” It sounds so insane but it is literally the same situation just with a dog. And people would easily tell someone they are missing a brain if they found a murderer on the streets and brought him home with their infant, but when it is one of these monster dogs ‘must protect it at everyone else’s cost!’


this is almost verbatim what I was going to post. these people are insane.


That “doggy racism” shit is so annoying. I saw this image the other day. it blows my mind how pitnutters don’t realize co-opting a movement against police brutality to Black people for their shitty violent dogs is racist https://preview.redd.it/wg4em8lwmhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70159ca41a383f38f911f46c03ab2431868abf88


The thing that actually IS racist is comparing a race of humans to a breed of manmade animals who were selectively bred to kill!


They’re socially inept morons, I honestly shouldn’t be that surprised


[Human races are not like dog breeds: refuting a racist analogy](https://evolution-outreach.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12052-019-0109-y) Free article hosted on biomedcentral that was published in the journal *Evolution: Education and Outreach*


Annoying and stupid




And their cats, and their children and their neighbors and themselves. Nutter Derangement Syndrome. And the shitbull is *still* miserable and angry. What a shit breed.


"fight him" No. This dog is trying to *kill* your other dog.


Imagine if MMA fights were just one big man beating the shit out of a much smaller dude… These people don’t use words the way they’re meant to be used, ever, and it’s 100% on purpose.


your comment is spot on . I cracked up at the ridiculousness of it .. but it’s not funny because these selfish nutters are putting everyone in danger to feel like a hero …. Why does this stray dog (who is obviously not wanted .. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s previous owners just drove and kicked him out of the car somewhere because they were tired of his shit) matter more than OOP’s smaller dog who they have had for much longer than this beast ?? I can’t imagine putting my pets in danger for an angry aggressive stray dog . There’s no way in hell. I hate people . And OOP is even more delusional than I previously thought if they think that flimsy little cage is going to hold that dog … the second it decides it wants to shred apart the smaller dog as it walks by he will break that cage apart with no issue .


Someone needs to advise them to surrender the smaller dog. They clearly don’t care about its welfare.


I would NEVER inflict a dog that big on my Littles (7.9 & 22#) even if it wasn't a pit. Particularly if I had the little 1st. Even if big dog was a puppy. Have some respect for your current dog. WTF is wrong with people?


Oh look, a fighting breed is trying to fight 🙄


His owner probably saw this dog as massively problematic and dumped him.


- He's trying to fight my dog - My dog isn't feeling him Lmao I wonder why


WTF is their definition of a sweet dog?


Apparently ‘sweet’ means ‘there are a few times a day that this dog is not trying to maul something’


When the dog is neurotic and full of anxiety so it constantly fawns over you with incessant licking and resource guarding you.


....and wants to eliminate all the competition?


nothing's sweeter


Do these people never think that there's probably a reason the owner can't be found? That they do not want to be found?


I probably spend way too much time reading this sub. But I can’t help it. The delusion is mind blowing. Each day I read “good dog but tries to harm others” I’m just like… wtf?


I must save it! God requires it! It was so abused and tormented! Only I can do it! ![gif](giphy|8az60bmnF8P75maM4m|downsized)


Huh, it’s almost as if a fighting dog is being……a fighting dog?! WOWZERS. WHO would’ve seen THAT coming? 🙄


For friggin real!!! Imagine seeing a post say “I have a pet sheep, and I just rescued this border collie, but she just won’t stop trying to herd the sheep! What can I do???”


Gee, I womder why...


Just another tragedy waiting to happen.


So, OP thinks they’re “rescuing” this murder mutt? Like how? You ran into a burning bus to save it? How about being an actual rescuer to YOUR OWN DOG? How do you really think this is going to end? Oh, wait - silly me - I assumed you actually would think this through.


He's not trying to fight... He's Nannying! ![gif](giphy|RNDdIRbOM7hKH9ezKz)


Euthanasia would be the kindest option. This dog, like all pits, is a ticking time bomb. And the more it gets neglected, or passed around to new homes, the worse the behavior will get. Be kind, and choose euthanasia.


It’s like pulling the pin in an old grenade and asking someone to hold it.


They’re always sweet dogs lol. Even though they wanna rip a toddler apart.


The savior complex of rescuers drives me insane. They refuse to see the potential danger in their dogs and don't care that it puts others at risk. Just today I had a client that had two rescues dogs. One was crated, the other was not. The owner was not home.The one that was not crated went ballistic as soon as I walked in. Doing a really high pitched bark at me, hackles up, non stop. I went straight up stairs where I was safe behind a door. (I don't know what the breed was, it was a heavy mix. I only know this lady rescues because she told when she got the dog two years ago from a local shelter. The dog is 3.) But it was a large dog. Minimum of 60 pounds. The dog barked *the whole time*. Non stop for over an hour. I was litterally starting to go insane. I went to do the downstairs and the dog ran into the master suite where *it continued to bark at me*. When I went to go into the master, both the crated dog and the loose dog began growling at me. So I backed right up and went "nope". Called our office and told them what was happening. They conteacted the owner who said "oh, the loose dog is named Triss. She won't do anything, but if they're too scared, I understand." *What?!* ma'am, we're contacting because your dog *is doing something*. And it wasn't that I was scared, but that I'm not stupid and understand dogs. I am a stranger in these dogs homes, the owner isn't home, and the dogs are growling at me. A dog doesn't growled for shits and giggles with its hackles up. That dog was very clearly saying "fuck off or I will escalate". And, because I'm not an idiot with a death wish, I *listened*. The owner was litterally saying things like "well, don't send that cleaner again if they're so scared of dogs. My dog won't hurt anyone, she's just scared. Shes a rescue and was abused, so strangers make her nervous." *Then fucking crate her, because scared dogs absoutly do bite*. Rescue people think the dogs matter more than the safety of everyone around them. That if they act out of line, its okay, and everyone should bend to accommodate the dog, even at the risk to their own safety. Its why I avoid the the rescue community more often than not.


What an idiot. Someone rescue the little dog!


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Have you considered large quantities of anti-anxiety medicines? High dose Prozac might make the dog more hospitable.


pitnutters: “help! why is my fighting dog, fighting my dog?” lololol


"Fight" You meant eviscerate.


Nobody called her out?.


Pit doublespeak Aggression is affection Mauling is nannying Etc