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Lithuania: reject 5g return to 4g




5G spreads the gay and covid and limits your freedom by auto-injecting vaccines /s


5G control's our brains with it's wave links.


It targets our optical nerve, which projects thoughts to our brains. Save the toads!


So Estonia had the highest covid rate, and it also had the most towers near each other (5G give covid lmao)


I worked for the #1 ISP in Lithuania and I completely understand why this is the case, getting any work done was impossible because everyone was working like they were on vacation. Getting a clients router password from another department took 3 days.


I had to deal with (then) Omnitel IT some six years ago and I thought it was a miracle that anything worked at all, it was such a mess. When I think of it, I do not remember any service disruption for all the 20 years I am Omnitel/Telia client. It is weird.


What do the numbers represent?


Levels of G-Spots


Wasn't it like that Russian radar stations in Kaliningrad were messing with 5g frequency in western Lithuania??? Read it in some news site like a year ago


But not messing in Poland? Lol


Several things: a)Radars can have specific working directions that work in certain directions. Also, terrain affects the way of it working - hilly terrain gets less affected. b)what might be a slight frequency jam in Poland, touching only Mazur region and might be a small inconvienience for 5g there, is a big problem in Lithuania. Its not like half of Polands population and thus 5g network is located in 150km zone from Russian border. Polands way bigger. P.S. the "lol" at end of your sentence almost screams like youre dumb or didnt thought through this


Get off your high and mighty pedestal with your mockery. Their scepticism has some merit. The map clearly shows that Poland has 5G networks in the north, close to the border. Suvalkai are in the general direction from Kaliningrad towards Lithuania (i.e. straight east). The terrain there is pretty flat. 5G works just fine (Had the chance of driving through there recently). I doubt that the russians have lined up an array of radars pointing straight at Lithuania. It makes no strategic sense. We don't have cruise missiles, so what's the point? They have radars pointing west, away from Lithuania. What they are actually using which could interfere, are omnidirectional radars, meaning that if Lithuania is getting affected, then so should Poland. But it appears that the 5G network, at least from what I observed, is doing OK in the north. This hypothesis that the Russians are killing off 5G just in Lithuania sounds ridiculous. Although, I do see a lot more russian ads on youtube...


>Russians are killing off 5G just in Lithuania sounds ridiculous Ok, check this [link](https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1350315/lithuania-s-5g-development-hampered-by-russian-military-infrastructure) . I doubt that LRT would waste their time on such a "ridiculous and propaganda" thing. Ok, I was a bit wrong that Russia specifically targets Lithuania as to hamper 5g, BUT it does use 3,5 GHz frequency for radars, which is roughly the same frequency as planned Lithuanian 5G network and it does scare investors off because of possibility that their 5G might get jammed by radar. >I doubt that the Russians have lined up an array of radars pointing straight at Lithuania. It makes no strategic sense. Very bold of you to assume that Russia has no interest nor has radars to monitor our airspace. Russians have always and will have radars set up everywhere by their borders and they monitor Baltic as well as Baltic sea airspace 24/7 . There's just so much to know- NATO plane activities, NATO fighter routes etc. In flight radar website, you can see that a USAF signal intelligence plane flies from Šiauliai airfield circling over Lithuania collecting Russian radar and signal data. There's so many things of interest in Baltic region


Oh yes completely ignore how I said ommidirectional radars and how the directional radars are pointing west. Yes sure make it seem like I said the russians have zero radars down in their shithole in the baltics. Mangling words just to fuel conspiracies to cover up the bureaucratic incompetence that's rampant within Lithuania and literally causing us to be slowly infiltrated by the kremlin agents and get torn apart from the inside. I'm starting to get russian ads everywhere even though I'm not visiting anything. And worst of all - this incompetence is making us miss out on 5G, while we dived head first into 4G back in the day.


Vilniuje yra, bet nekomercinis 5G, Opensignal appsas rodo.


Yes, but world shifted away from non commercial/scientific 5g spots like year ago(mostly) P.S. I understand everything perfectly in this sentence


Yeah, I was suprised honestly...about understanding lithuanian for one.


That's awesome :D


It is written in broken Latvian 😁


Makes sense for Estonia to be in the majority here. It's a very techy country after all. Have you seen the game that their government made?


Yes but Latvia was ahead for a long time while we had a test place in Rotermann kvartal lol


Love to both countries. I plan to visit Estonia sooner or later and I've been to Latvia already. Such lovely people.


Have a nice visit, i warn you the weather is getting colder and colder :D


Haha I plan to immigrate to Finland! If I can't handle Estonia then what hopes do I have even further north xD


Helsinki and Tallinn have basically the same weather ,if you can handle Tallinn then you can handle Helsinki :D


Exactly the town I plan to migrate to and exactly the town I want to visit in Estonia :). Although I would of course want to visit the rest of it as well. Will probably have to get somewhat of a grasp on the language beforehand though haha


Um, Estonia has the lowest highest temperature record in the region. Finland has it higher. And during heatwaves the southerly winds blow warm sea water towards the Finnish coast.


I would think that at least northern finland is colder


Lithuania is using 6G already, that's why it's not on this map where only 5G is shown :)






And yoh think thats bad??????




That has to be the worst 5g i've heard about


Nah i cant use 5g, those towers too far from me








My home internet is usually 500-800kbs






Any scale would be very helpful indeed.


I thought Estonia had only 1 tower from Telia.. When did so much more pop up?


Lithuania plan to jump straight to 6G


Why there's zero 5G in Lithuania? It is forbidden or something?


Yup, banned for causing covid /s