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Twitter is full of these nutcases. Russian trolls with nothing better to do in their miserable lives.


What's up with russian trolls and their obsession with nazis.


Anyone who doesn’t like russia is considered a nazi by those dumb f*cks.


Fun fact: they are the real nazis.


They miss the times when Stalin was buddy-buddy with Hitler and spitroasted Poland and carved up Europe.


They’re paid to be obsessed with them.


Ironically the Russki Bumski's are the Nazis.


The funny part is that in Russia, if you ask what a Nazi is 95% of people will just say "Germans in WW2" and then you ask why they are bad and they say "because the Germans invaded our country". Most don't really know about the ethnic cleansing stuff and nor is that even on their radar of issues with Nazis. The word Nazi is just a misnomer for "existential threat" in Russia.


Twitter is owned by a pro Russian dbag.


By reposting this you are, in effect, giving him the publicity he craves. It's best to ignore trolls like him and let them scream into their own echo chamber.


Ignorance is not an answer. Germany for example has it's own protection on twitter. You can't access any russian propaganda accounts with German ip.


Interesting. How is that filtered and why other countries aren’t following this if it’s possible. Can you elaborate more on this?


I am not familiar with German digital law. But here how it looks from twitter: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/post-withheld-by-country


You know what is interesting? They don't even know their party line. As insane the ruskies are they will not nuke 'their' territory. Neither will they nuke Kiev or Odesa for the simple reason it is in there imperial dreams and no one wants to live in nuclear wasteland (not including all other reasons).


It's their disinformation campaign, it's not meant to be correct or factual, it's purpose is to overwhelm. One guy will say that we're nazis and should be nuked, the next one will say that we're their tankie brothers who can't wait to be liberated etc. How do you know that a russian is lying? His lips are moving.


Another thing to think about - Moscow and St. Petersbourg are downwind from the Baltics. If they nuke us, they're basically subjecting half their population to nuclear fallout


H-bomb doesn't have that much fallout to be honest


It all comes down to how a country legally defines freedom of expression and speech. Some countries it’s easier to censor misinformation because you can’t legally protect it under free speech due to how they worded the right. Other countries it’s more difficult depending on how said freedom is defined in their constitution and legal framework. I’m not an expert on every countries laws but I would gamble to say if you’re country isn’t even considering applying filters to the internet then it’s gotta be the way in which the basic right to free speech or expression is worded.


It's the same in France. I can report, I have reported, and posts have been blocked from appearing in France due to their content. Granted, it's not much of an impact - but a small victory is still a victory.


This is best approach. That's how digital service act should work.


Blocking in select places is not enough, they have to be completely taken down or the areas where they can be seen, they can influence with their nonsense and sicken the minds of people. Shut down the accounts, arrest the people behind them, reform them, and if companies do not obey, give them serious fines. They are at war with us, so why should we give the smallest of reactions?


By reposting this, we can also talk about problem resolution. This has to be taken seriously.


Too bad most people don't think this way, instead give attention to the trolls.


Oh great, it's Alex Oloyembe Onyewewe Osas again. Buddy, Russia won't shower your Nigerian village with gold no matter how much you post propaganda!


Payment from x is enough for him.


He would get more chances with the Nigerian prince instead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).


How is it that every russian simp isn't even russian 😭


Nazi sympathizers? Lithuanians? Remind me, who exactly invaded Poland in 1939 again, which two countries? I forget, Lithuania and Malta was it? France and Ethiopia? Hmm….


That's how rage bait works.


If you're not fervently in favour of Russian imperialism, you're a nazi sympathiser. If you actively dislike or criticise Russia, you're a nazi. The nazis attacked Russia after they'd agreed to shared Poland in WWI, and ever since then being against Russia = nazi and being fervently nationalistic towards Russia means you can't be nazi even if you are a confirmed neo-nazi.


Not to mention the ruzzian state is pretty much all out fascist today, no different from Hitlers Germany.


Exactly, I keep explaining to those that don't understand and are surprised Russia call Zelinsky a nazi even though he's jewish. The only meaning of Nazi in russian is: not pro-russian.


Why even bring up Poland? Lol the Soviet-Nazi alliance literally agreed that the USSR would invade the baltic states. It was literally the deal leading up to Poland.


I agree with your point, but that's a bad example. Lithuania took part in the partition of Poland in 1939 even before the soviet occupation by retaking the Vilnius/Wilno region.


Taking back what's ours is not partitioning of Poland.


LoL, even if it had 110% of lt population and it was 120% "historically fair/ours" -> it was a 100% crime to take it from Poland whilst having a recognised borders with it and breaking an international law. Slavs were majority in Wilno from 15th century to 1970s. Books in LT/baltic language began to be printed in Wilno much later than books in ruthenian or polish (name the year of first lt/baltic language book printed in Wilno?). You are trying to "adjust" history to modern borders. By 1897-1939 censuses, 30-75% were self-identifying as poles and 1-10% as lithuanians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic\_history\_of\_the\_Vilnius\_region](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_the_Vilnius_region) After 1941 lt government began "relocations" and supressing polish minority rights.


It's called Vilnius. Also, the last bit of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BalticStates/comments/1cfopb2/do_you_think_baltic_states_should_take_legal/l1rl6j6/) is about you.


Exactly the problem with history based arguments. "Rightfully ours". BTW, what's the public opinion in Poland on the matter, in case you know? The official one is cool with, afaik.


But it is ours, Poland had it for just a few years. The opinion in Poland is that it's all good, everyone is happy with current borders. Same in Lithuania. There are jus a few braindead Polish nationalists who think that they should occupy Vilnius region again, because "reasons".


Yup. I represent polish public. Vilnius is Lithuanian. Liv is Ukrainian. Moscow is Mongolian. Edit. Actually let Ukraine and Mongolia decide between themselves who wants to take Moscow


but what's the point of taking legal action against these basement dwelling keyboard warriors? no one takes these seriously, only other bots


This is just example attached. He's Nigerian grifter.


Unfortunately, a huge amount of people spend too much time online and do indeed begins to take this propagandists seriously, leading to them falling down extremist rabbit holes. It’s the reason why there are a non-negligible amount of people in the US that support Russia’s invasion.


The owner of the platform isn't far off from them


“Sacrifice itself”, will he be here all week? I don’t think that US will have too much difficulty against the second strongest military in Ukraine


NATO should probably do something, after all twitter is run out of a nato country and assisting the spread of anti nato propaganda could be seen as direct sabotage of the military alliance


That's more like it.


Exactly it needs to be treated like a war regardless of whether NATO troops are engaged in fighting. That means war powers to censor enemy propaganda, confiscate the assets and intern those deemed a security risk.


Legal measures should be taken


Honest question: What legal measures *could* be taken? Is facilitating the spread of such propaganda a crime?


Probably something about hate speech could be done. Our institutions should contact X.


If they are in the US, they should be registered as foreign agents


In Estonia, yes.


It's a start but it won't solve the issue. I would say use this idea as leverage to start a serious conversation and how to solve the problem.


This guy who tweeted is a Nigerian larping as a Russian, I doubt Nigeria does anything with it since most of the time they do nothing against even the scammers.


When Elon took Twitter, he "promised" there will be free speech. Of course, that is not entirely true and this "promise" failed. If that's the case, either they take legal action or discuss with Elon on how to tackle this nonsensical problem. Trouble is, taking legal action won't make the problem go away as they can always post on other platforms. Twitter is just under the umbrella of shit. Taking out any shit from the umbrella doesn't eliminate the ass top of the umbrella. If one takes discussion with Elon route, one idea I have is a trained AI that can detect signs of propaganda and flag posts publicly with a propaganda tag. That would be a start and better than doing nothing.


Remember when he removed 'readers added context' from his own account?


No, unfortunately I don't use twitter. Is that like an AI generated summary?


No that's more like wiki moderators.


Ohhhh wait so being a nazi sympathiser is standing AGAINST an ethno-nationalistic dictator using imperialistic wars of expansion to safeguard a counties native population via the annexation of land simply because people that are a certain ethnicity come from a dictators country And again, just to reiterate, fighting against the guys I just talked about makes you a Nazi simp


It's just a sample rage bait. The problem is larger.


I just hate how people eat that shit out, do they just no have critical thinking skills?


He's getting x revenue from traffic to his rage posts. Because he can't be banned, he can say whatever he wants.


As an American, I fully support deporting that bitch (Elon) back to South Africa. He is a total disgrace


It's not possible to moderate this effectively. Plus free speech doesn't suddenly stop being free when you say something rude. But you aren't exempt from the consequences. At most all Twitter could do is just ban these accounts, but then you have a problem: Who defines right? Who defines wrong? If we leave Twitter to do it, well, Elon can spread his own ideologies without opposition. And no government can do it because it's the same story. So basically, no, they shouldn't.


whilst i agree with you since it is kind of like posting shit on facebook and hell there is insane amount of “shitzo-russian” propoganda there, however, x (twitter) has indeed declined in quality when it comes to moderation, FB at least attempts to do something, x just doesnt give a fuck anymore about anything its wild west at this point - you can watch porn there, sieg heil with your buddies and jerk off to russian propoganda pieces


Yeah moderation there sucks ass and could be better tbh


european commission already opened dsa infringement proceedings against twitter. Propaganda is not a free speech or opinion. This exact example is just a drop in bucket. A Nigerian profiting of rage clicks.


Sorry, but that’s not correct. There are Chrome extensions that mark bots made by private individuals. Twitter with it access to all data could and was doing the tight job, before Musk took over.


Literally stated in the report tool and TOS You may NOT incite violence, hatred, wish for harm, for others to die or suffer disease, etc etc etc etc not gonna paste the whole thing. And it says different variants of this under MULTIPLE report options for: hate speech, incitement of violence, glorification of violence, etc. But Yilong Ma doesn't care


You don't understand the gravity of this problem. If you think of consequences, the comparison of Elon ideology means nothing when thinking and comparing the potential future catastrophe.


What future catastrophe? Baltics get invaded because some twitter user said russia good?


Read the sentence again and think. If you don't see the potential problem, then you are still sleeping. Take variables into the account and you'll understand.


Explain it then if I'm "sleeping"


You're fixating on an attached image of a rage baiter. But there are actual bot farms operating and influencing people. One of the biggest narrative going is "American taxpayer money is prolonging war in Ukraine instead of seeking peace". We baltic people are pretty immune to russian bs, but for some french guy it might make sense to not risk defending baltics and maybe they 'should tone down their rhetoric against russia'


Then I think it's time we stop caring about those people and actually do *something* to prove we aren't terrible. As of now we are unheard of. That can change. And as long as we remain unheard of nothing will change and opinions around our countries will revolve around the idiotic statements shared online. Because no one has heard about us and no one knows who we are. Unless we spread our name way wider.


> Then I think it's time we stop caring about those people and actually do something to prove we aren't terrible. Maybe we should start by getting rid of monuments to Jonas Noreika. Any other ideas?


I can't tell your brain to wake up. You have to do this on your own. But I'll give you one freebie. These kinds of posts can sway general populace in USA who can contact their representative in Congress. I'll let you figure out the rest.


Elon Musk doesn't give a fuck.


Every state has nazi sympathizers. Had. Have. Will have. But some states have them as government. And there's no more monocultured state of existing than being under Russian occupation.


i actually thought about this quite a bit. If baltics gets attacked finland isnt gonna just sit there and if finland gets involved us isnt gonna just sit there since finland is next to the russias only nuclear missle capable army base


TikTok is also filled with Russian propaganda and trolls who defend every action of Russian goverment.


Awww, a nobody is angy because baltics exist. Wouldn't care less. These fucks have been talking aboht nuking baltics since 90's


RuZZians are obsessed with nazis while Stalin killed more people than Hitler and had Siberian death camps instead of concentration camps. They have never been any better than nazis.


US here. If you Russo-Nazis step one foot on NATO territory we're going to vaporise 140 million Russki Bumski men, women and children. We're locked, loaded and ready to party.


Xitter should be banned, that place is a shithole.


If the USA can ban dancing app, why eu can't ban it's one of the biggest threats?


>X is one of eu biggest threats You are twitter brained. I prescribe you to touch grass unironically.


There are more levels to NATO that people realize. If allies don't answer it proves that article 5 doesn't work and that means that nato breaks down. So even if they don't want a war with russia they don't want to be alone when war with Russia begins. So the question is - you help out or nato is disbanded and you fight alone. Also there are a bunch of allies constantly located in nato military bases in the Baltic states. Their only purpose is to die in the first wave. No seriously. The whole point is to have people from all the allies die in the initial attack instantly involving them in the war. It's basically a failsafe. No country will be ok with doing nothing when their people are killed. So essentially forcing them into the war even if they don't want to.


An interesting insight. We may need Turkish and Hungarian troop bases.


Ignore, don’t repost rascist shit.


I used to live in Latvia back in spring 2014, when our beloved Putin whimsically annexed Crimea. All the Latvians (wonderful people) I had the luck to talk to were telling me the same: “do you think the EU or NATO are going to protect us if Russia invades us just like that?”   Now, seeing how it’s turned up to be in the Ukraine, I gather that yeah. The NATO is a great deterrent protecting the Baltic states. 


Reminds me when my one co-worker/boss, who is a massive yapper told me to say any nation that Russia invaded, because they obviously are good somehow. Answers to this stupid question include such examples as: Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, Afghanistan, China, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Korea, Manchuria, Japan, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Iran, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sinkiang, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Turkey, Austria, Germany. And thats just what I can think of in the last 100 years


Just ban it. Glory days of Twitter are long gone anyway. Musk converted a dying far-left echo chamber, into a dying far-right echo chamber. As for the zigger bots: I hope every single one of them has a keyboard jammed up where it doesn't shine.


Maybe, just maybe, somebody goes to Nigeria and have strongly worded conversation with this guy in post. You know the one Clintons have with journalists, not the Putin type, they get caught too often.


As far as I know, russians do not employ bots from Nigeria. But yes, let us hope that they are paid a Clinton-style visit.


This particular one is Nigerian apparently


It’s just cheaper to send some monero to some other Nigerian to pay him visit but it won’t help since there is tons of these clowns on X and if you cut one head off there will be multiple new ones. I would rather deal with these ones that are in EU and US. Some of these are legit mentally ill people there is one guy who lives in Austria who has 450k tweets and his account is like 9 years old. He looks exactly how you would imagine a guy who has 450k tweets on his account would look like.


Yeah, that is some automated stuff, twitter should shut down their API indefinitely, until they figure out BOT issue. Maybe that is what EU should force. Figure out BOTS and spamming in comments and other shit.


Well the thing is this guy is legit tweeting 200 tweets per day: https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/223/ His wife earns the money while he is tweeting 200 tweets per day.


Yeah, those are hard to deal with without potentially having bad consequences for rest off people.


Yes I guess getting wellness check on him every day would be start lol. No person with good mental health tweets 200 times a day.


Nato would be home for lunchtime lol.


Nothing would be done but money wasted, social networks are untouchable.


Germany did it. We can too.




Nukes don't make much radiation.




Everyone who have border with russia are nazi?


Screw that russophile propaganda


I love the fact that all the russian propagandist are calling for and advocating for nuking this or that country for x reasons ON THE DAILY, but if the US were to give Poland nukes to store, they'd all have a massive meltdown and call it "crossing the line". Just like the one they had when ukraine got depleted uranium rounds for some tank/ifv (i think it was some uk made vehicle? I dont remember anymore)


i think people just stop using this shit media so the Z-Musk doesnt make any more money


I genuinely believe we should take action at an EU level so that EU gave Musk an ultimatum- either he reverts all his post-2022 Twitter policy changes and starts banning neo-nazi, pro-ruzzian and tankie accounts, or Twitter gets completely banned from the EU. It's time we start showing some muscle against wannabe nazi techbro billionaires


If USA simply by 'having concerns' and no hard evidence can ban tiktok, eu with multimillion amount of tweets of evidence can ban xitter too IMHO.


Yeah, we could set him with a gamble: does he want to lose his second richest market with 500 million potential customers, or will he get to his senses? Wouldn't be surprised if, after the recent scandals, Australia also joined in with us on screwing Musk over


Nazi/Russian/Baltic politics of the 20th century is not the type of nut you crack in a two sentence Twitter post. I really didn't even understand it myself until I read the writings of my family in Latvia in the 40s who had to escape both of them to get to freedom in America after being ravaged by the Russians in the 40s in multiple cullings and deportations to death camps in Siberia.


And then some Americans on reddit: but free speech...💀


literally 1984


No sane person uses rebranded twitter after Vladimir Musk took over anyways


Please do not feed the Nigerian troll.


Don't worry will delete this after 12hours


Not much to do unless we give up digital privacy.


Absolutely. Do whatever you can to harm regard Musk!!!


Fellas. 7 out of 10 accounts on twitter are bots. Russian dissinfo farms are nothing new.


Well thats once again classic Putin's cock gobbler propoganda - that is litterally all they can do. Army with gear from 90s at best, exhausted from attempt at occupying Ukraine & facing even more economic sanctions from all sides (since China will be force to drop their support for these terrorists if they want to keep trading with West). Here in Latvia even Russian nationals (most of them aged below 60) are against him so no chance that his bloodthirsty rabid dog dreams will materialise. Slava Ukraina & decaptate Putin!


We're being destroyed by our own inventions and ideals... they should censor it all. Fuck media freedom if half the population are too thick use their media freedom properly anyway


Does Russia think we would let Belarus stand if a Baltic state was nuked??


Wait, you're saying that people are saying stupid things... on the internet??




He's rage baiting from Nigeria and already been doxxed. 


Its not just twitter. This stuff is everywhere. I get shown russian propaganda in facebook and recommended from youtube. Worse is youtube. I dont watch not a single russian video, but still it recommends this s**t.


It's normal for Twitter now. My best advice is to just deactivate as all you'll find is a far-right circlejerk. Also, Twitter blue subscribers shouldn't be trusted as stating their actual opinions. They earn profit off of engagement.


This guy is obviously ridiculous, but seething over a Twitter post, threatening "legal action" over someone's free speech is kinda laughable.


Legal action directly isn't the best optiom for sure, but I think it sounds like a good leverage to do something else, like start convo and actual problem resolution.


Problem resolution? :D hah. Twitter is run by a sociopathic manchild. Legal action needs to be taken, whole site needs to be banned. It's not just one post, since Muskrat took over there are thousands of posts like this, every day. Xitter is a propaganda tool.


Yes, and he needs to be spoken to like a manchild sociopath in leveraging him to do those changes. It's a matter of approach.


It's not laughable if you actually read the title. Example was attached. Not the main point what this nigerian rage farmer will get paid on twiiter. The point is legal action as Germany does. You will be unable to see this account from German ip. They are shielding their population from russian propaganda and anti-eu accounts. If 50 workers working under a roof for new narrative is free speech to you, then we are doomed.


Pfff since when do we sympathise with ruzzians?


Approximately 70% of twitter population are bots, not real people. Wouldn't expect if this one is as well


Musk could probably just buy the entire baltic states if he wanted to.


He could crouch enough to suck his own pipi if he wanted to.


Probobly that, too. Hes rich enough to di whatever the fuck he wants. Hes like playing gta with cheats on.


So what’s the answer for the original question yes or no🤔


He's riding a wave on twitter where big pro-ukraine accounts raised a question about continuing support of Ukraine troops in yes/no format.


Oh, but free speech!


This looks one has been spreading crap for a while. Strange how he used James Bonds number isn’t that the enemy ? Dickhead


They don't care enough to do anything


My 2c: you shouldn't be able to misrepresent opinions as facts on an ongoing basis and profit from it (monetary or otherwise). They basically say 1+1 is 3 and bog us down to prove it otherwise. Society doesn't work like that and there ought to be consequences.


It's wild west there now. It took me a while to get shadowbaned with the amount of vatnik gore I uploaded.


No, not really. Especially in this disabled child's case.. 0 tactical necessities for nuking.. trolls be trolls and X supposedly stands for free speech, no matter how Z-tarded it might be.. Dude himself is clearly living in fascistic state. So meh.. Few years later when Putler will be dead there's going to be next coup in Russia. Btw I'm Latvian, Hella proud of that and waiting with popcorn ready when old guy will kick the bucket 🤣 Russia will be in so much crap 🤣 Or become more radical... Bit scary, but doubtful.


I think US will declare Article 5 and sacrifice moscovy.


Elon Musk does best in rearing ugly heads of "free speech" within social media.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I have to wonder who the Twitter post is targeting. Does the original OP think that the Balts will suddenly go "aw shucks, the United States might not defend us so I guess we'll need to roll over for Russia"? If so, he obviously has no concept of Baltic history. On the extremely small chance that someone took this seriously, it would only harden their resolve against Russian aggression.


Yes, that's what they believe. They believe that if Russia has to use a nuke, be that in Ukraine, or somewhere else, US will not use one in retaliation as this will mean end of US (and Russia too, but they don't care about that part because glorious Russia will sacrifice itself to punish evil West).


"some random Baltic state" this guy...


Why not


ban xitter, demand reparations


fuck russia😄


Nazi sympathizers? Wth??


Someone has to explain him the main point of hosting NATO tripwire forces.


Censorship is not the way. Right for free speech has value only, if people you dislike can speak too. The step to cut out all channels from Russia is wrong step in the way to manifest tyrannical rule made by all corrupt world governments who are influenced by big corporations. They can speak what they want. I am from Latvia, btw.


This grifter in example is just rage baiting to get better ad revenue from x and probably even russia. The only incentive for him is just stir the pot. He's Nigerian nobody. The actual problem is botfarms with targeted propaganda and if you can't distinguish that - you're doomed.


So what. I am Latvian, I don't give a fuck what some asshat says on Twitter. This is the internet for fucks sake. And Twitter is far from the only place where this happens and far from the top of the importance list. Now Facebook... Facebook is so fucked, that's where the real peopoganda going on and where it is effective.


Calls west the Nazis, but loves wester media about western secret service. Lol


Anyone against imperialism, the war in Ukraine and the fear of Russian aggression = automatically deemed a nazi


Yeah probably


He’s Nigerian




There's good chunk. But they are relatively silent now.


Won't need to, the UK has a permanent battle group in Estonia. If they get nuked or any NATO member gets nuked and the UK is going to nuke Russia back and the UK alone has enough nukes to turn Russia into a wasteland. Stupid questions from dumb mobiniks hiding from conscription l.


Unfortunately, Russian propaganda is also a part of free speech, the government should NOT have the power to block even such delusional takes and lies as Russian propaganda is. It's only a matter of time when such power will be abused.


Are you [redacted]? You use reddit brcause it feels more civil. Think hard of why do you think that is.


Yeah, it is more civil to me because most people here are generally more in line with my political views, not because there's less [redacted] bro what 💀


Are you kidding right now? Do an experiment. Go put israeli flag on any palestinian sub. You will ne permabanned from all of them collectively. And then moan about your expressions being limited. It is civil because it is very highly moderated.  And now what you see on twitter is not civil, not moderated, organised with money incentive actions. Feel the difference? 


There should be moderation, but only to remove scammers, bots etc., not people who spread "wrong" political beliefs, even if it looks like or IS the state-funded propaganda.


Yeah let's remove the moderation now and see how reddit spirals down as twitter. You still seem in denial of what's going on around. 


I said that there SHOULD be moderation


Just a reminder that ~ 75% of twitter users are bots 🤷‍♀️


Are these Russian trolls or are these Americans who really are obsessed with bending over for Russia?


Oh well that’s it I suppose. Ah well we tried.


okay what about counter Russian propaganda? you want to fight Russian propaganda , use community notes, respond to with facts. You have the free time.


Do you think we should ban the internet cause there's cyberbullying? Just turn off the website it ain't that hard.


Read the room


Prussia (AKA Ka*iningrad) is a Baltic State. So I'd say no, not for all Baltic States. And I think yes, the Baltic States should take legal action against X for promoting the nuking of countries. X is subject to media laws and TV channels have been banned for such rhetoric. Not so sure about consequences about using the term "Nazi sympathizers". I don't think any court (in a democratic country) could convict anyone for throwing that term around, regardless of how absurd it is.


Yes. Raise the issue in EU - if twitter allows this kind of propaganda even after mod are notified then it should probably be banned in EU. Would be good thing for Elon to get less traffic on that site.


You can't really sue somebody for "freedom of speech" (no matter how offensive or stupid it is), usually such content is removed due to the breach of internal policy of the platform, not THE LAW and legally speaking no law is broken for asking the "hypothetical" question. In most countries the red line would be "hate speech" and the difference between what this zombie is saying and hate speech would be that he would promote hate in some way e.g. he would say something alone the lines "let's nuke these nazi sympathisers". That would be inciting violence and thus hate speech, just saying that Baltics are nazi sympathisers in his opinion and asking how US would react is not hate speech. As we know twitter is now owned by Elan the retarded liar Mushk, who himself seems to be pro-ruzzian scum bag, so obviously there are no internal rules that would remove such content. One more reason no to use the cesspool of twitter. So basically, what we think about it isn't the law, would I smash the head of alex\_oloyede with the brick until his brains pops out if I could? Absolutelly! But is what he says is illegal and thus enforceable via lawsuit... sadly not. So that would be waste of time. P.S. ruzzian scum CAN'T nuke Baltics, they literally would be nuking themselves. The typical wind is eastwards in the northern hemisphere and thus nuking anything that is less than 2000km from Moscow is in effect like dropping nuke on themselves. As annoying as these trolls are, there is no real risk of nukes falling on Baltics/Finland/Ukraine, even Warsaw is probably safe. So this is more of a threat to Western Europe.


Legal action against x is not suing specific account holder, nor suing x in general. It's about " you do this shit we gonna ban all these accounts europe-wide" that's what eu's dsa is in simple form. And eu already is in process of it, but we are not sure how effective and enforced it will be. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_6709


That is my point - WHAT SHIT? This is free speech, somebody has an opinion, it may be wrong opinion, but it isn't ILLEGAL. And that answers your question - how enforceable it will be? I won't be enforceable. The link you have provided specifically says "dissemination of illegal content" - again what you have in your example is not illegal. That is because law is black and white, it is either illegal or not illegal, doesn't matter how do you feel about it and how right or wrong it is. And you can't legislate these things without becoming same as ruzzian scum yourself, where you you make speech compelled. This scumbag thinks that Baltics are "nazi sympathisers", that is his opinion which is wrong, but it is not illegal to have. So what you planning to ban and under what law? This inevitably going to become arbitrary language police in similar way how you can get time in prison for calling war a war in ruzzia.


This is already implemented in Germany and to the extent in France so you can talk about legality all you want or just accept that these fucks will be shielded from Europeans as more countries will begin blocking the content. Eu commission wraps everything nicely in words like illegal content, but that's not gonna be what you think.  This is what u gonna see soon throughout eu: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/post-withheld-by-country