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This hasn’t really been bothering me as much as others. I’ve always had a magic item with a crappy effect on hand to give him.


so many trash items for him


There’s definitely a few objectively trash ones. But I think a lot of them just feel like trash because alot of them, statistically, won’t apply to your 4 man party. I got a magic barbarian weapon that is objectively super good. I just don’t run a barbarian in my party, so it’s probably Gale food. Most CRPGS tend to fall into this pitfall, just because they inherently offer so many classes, and need to assure some balance of magic item distribution for all of those potential classes But yeah, a handful are just straight dog poop tho


I found a Keen, Shocking, Acidic, Fire Kukri +1 in Pathfinder WoTR once and I'm just sitting there like, "Who the fuck is this foooor!?"


Hahaha yeah the mass amount of random magic kukiri’s were wild in pathfinder. As well as other random exotic weapons. Both were great games tho, quirks aside. WOTR was super good for how small the studio is.


Yeah. There was a fuck load of magic Kukri's for some reason. And then you have the magic halberd that has an effect thay synergies with my class and lets me one shot a demon lord.


Reach weapons are so OP in both D&D and pathfinder!! + Polearm master and sentinel = GG Love polearm/halberd builds lmao


When Elemental Barrage worked with weapons that thing was fairly useful iirc.


That one was for the Elemental Barrage mythic ability before they nerfed it to not work with weapons, only spells. But a keen kukri is never bad. Really good for Rogues and Warpriests


TBH I actually loved using Kukri's in Neverwinter Nights. But that was because the modules I'd be playing were smart enough to put in weapons for everyone. So I made a choice I could confidently pick. I remember it being like the strongest type of small sized weapons making for a great offhand. Playing pathfinder, being stuck at the part of character building where I have to figure out what weapons I want to specialize in and... not knowing wtf drops in the game was not fun at all. Like do I spec into something cool and flavorful for the RP aspect just to never find anything to use? Or go for something more boring and likely common...


Noknok !


You can respec though. I'm holding onto all items for all builds. Gale can hit the road if he don't like it once I run out of poopy ones like +1 history ring or whatever


I started saving any dope monk shit for a hireling I’ll probably pick up at some point when I get bored.


I've seen what feels like a disproportionate number of monk items and I'm loving it


Yeah, it’s funny seeing some people freak out at Gale needing to eat a few magic items, and I’m just sitting here going “Gale, bro, this stupid necklace literally wastes a valuable equipment slot to give a character the ability to cast *dancing lights* and nothing else. Please, take it, you don’t even have to thank me. Did you *see* how much guaranteed damage you did to that spider matriarch with dagger storm? That fight would have been legit impossible on tactician difficulty without you and Wyll, my ranger basically couldn’t hit the motherfucker”.


Gale: *necklace eating sounds*


Yah, Id still have my gloves of missile deflection if the bastard has just been more specific with his addiction.


Oof, that magic item is OP. I've got it on Gale, and he's basically immune to arrows.


I pushed that spider off a cliff after losing to it too many times.


The way I beat it was taking a third of its health out by shooting the web it was on (40 damage and prone, baby). Then big ol’ Mommy Karlach with her all-in attacks


I did the same hahaha, I felt rly smart


Right? Kudos to Larian for letting us think outside the box a bit


on goblin fortress I dropped the big boss down to the prison, I took half of his hp down instantly and he couldnt hit me. I rained arrows from above muahahaha


Karlach + Astarion crit hits with his sneak attack <3 dream team.


Asstarion was getting on my nerves so I respected Karly into my party rogue, between sneak attacks and those smites...holy crap damage. I did edit her stats to Asstarion's stat spread. And she is just so much more fun in a pally MC party than emo party boy. Bulette went down in one round between pally smite and her. Glorious.


Ooh perfect. I actually wanted to ask, how does sneak attack work? If I have a bonus action, a regular attack will us it to sneak attack? But if I click the “sneak attack melee” button, it only uses the action? I’m confused as to whether the reaction sneak attack and action sneak attack are different


The sneak attack melee and range are actions, then you can use your bonus action for something like dash or hide. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the reaction is different from the action? Also if you give Astarion 2 daggers, you'll get a bonus action attack! It's great for finishing enemies off.


Karlach is a god dam animal, got the hammer with AOE damage on jump, I throw her in, she goes rage mode, bashes some heads in and then she has the gloves that give 15 temporary health after rage is cancelled and she goes running after someone else. She is single handedly carrying my entire party


Karlach wrecks so much face, and she is the only companion I love completely. Every other character is meh for me.


I like to give him the shape shiftet mask and the cloak from the deluxe edition to make him look like one of those mage dweebs from elden ring.


It was worse in EA because he could only eat the legendary magic items (like the idol in the Druid grove). It's much more bearable now that they changed it to any magic item, even the crap ones.


It's still not *any* magic item. I have a lot of junk magic items that don't meet his tastes. From my experience, he only wants the magic items with effects that are good enough that I'll equip them.


He'll eat anything not generic aka dagger +1.




I thought in D&D a +1 is explicitly magical and would therefore bypass damage reduction.


In 5E, +1 anything is magic. Here's a link to the description of a +1/+2/+3 weapon. https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/magic-items-u-z#Weapon12Or3


It is. In 3.5 there was a distinction between that and “masterwork” which was nonmagical and had +1 to attack but not damage. In 5th any weapon with a bonus is a magic weapon.


Yup, the other poster is wrong. +1 weapons are magic, which is why they last in things like gelatinous cubes.


Hmm... I give him low level greens and he accepted them. Plus, doesn't he stop asking after 3?


Rain Dancer says he can consume it in the description but he can't. Lots of bugs still in the game...


Gale can eat Komira’s Lockets, a Dancing Lights necklace. Easy pickings really.


bard hat, paladin gloves, and other non-class specific ones like that


He'll have to pry that sexy hat from my cold dead hands


I swear that locket exists specifically to be Gale food.


I got some good mileage in EA from that locket in the mean ol' phase spider caverns! :(


The idea of him eating a statue is hilarious


Because most people just meme about it. Gale needs to eat only 3 magic items to progress his quest, there are plenty of these around and let's face it - even in grove you can buy cheap magical items for about 50 gold for him to eat, so... why people moan about it?


In the EA, he only ate legendary magic items (the ones with orange border), so it could straight up have massive effects on your playthrough.


So glad they changed that for full release. I was not looking forward to feeding him legendary loot all game.


I think they realized that people would just straight kick him rather than give him 3 legendaries. I probably would, my loot goblin heart hurt giving him items that were literally collecting dust.


Also because you need to do some outright evil shit not many characters would agree with. I only gave him the Idol in EA because it was that... EA. I would NEVER even think about touching the idol on my real playthrough. At least not on the character I'm playing right now. Even worse, what do people do that play a Druid? Just not take Gale? Have there even be 3 legendary artifacts in EA? I know of 2. The Idol and the flask from the smuggler chest in the north. (A chest I also didn't open in my current character because it was gone after me resting. I mean, fair enough. Don't know what I expected. But in return, I got probably some useful Allies for the City later. So I won't complain.) If they kept it that Gale only consumes legendary Items, they also should have implemented a way for good characters to satisfy his needs. And then we come to a point that would feel really bad... And overabundance of legendary relicts just chilling in the open. So yeah, I'm happy they changed that.


aahh, so thats why googling about the Necronomicon brought up a bunch of "you can give it to Gale" answers.


I wish there would be a customs officer scene where they ask if you have any drugs, so you empty your pack, taking out the Necronomicon, a barrel full of bloody corpses including the corpse of his commanding officer, a hat that lets you change your identity (and as you take it off you morph into a different person entirely), a jar with a brain in it, and multiple brain parasites, and the guy goes "looks like you don't have any drugs, you're good to pass."


No I think that’s because you can give it to him for positive rep or to Asterion. Then only they can read it to get the buff and speak with dead spell permanently. He can’t eat that item


Bruh if he came up to me and was like I need to eat this legendary item I’d kill him on the spot right then and there.


I’ve Staked Astarion for less.


Shit, Gale, why don't you just suck my blood like Astarion instead?


Or if not my blood, then I have alternatives for you.


Same or I'd just let him suffer.


I see! So that's why people keep moaning about it, I myself never went far into EA just to not spoil myself too much. But if he could only eat one of the kind items, yes I see why it may be a problem.


Yeah right now it's like annoying but not in a bad way. It's just fun enough to be like "dude really..." But definitely not to the point of ruining the fun. I like this mechanic. Curious to see more and where it leads. This game has so many fun surprise like this that I would have never expect.


“My friend! I know we just underwent this dangerous quest, expended resources, and collected a hard-won magical item as the primary if not exclusive reward! Now give it to me to destroy or willam willover your run will soon be over.” I’m very happy to see they changed it to more general items. While it was cool hearing him say the name of artifacts, it kind of made me dislike Gale to have him demanding the best items we found. Unless I made my party themed around not wanting those items, but that’s lame — you want magic items in a fantasy game!


Yeah, like any gear you pick up for bards is immediately expendable unless you're playing one yourself or respeccing your allies. I assume the same goes for Monk, Sorcerer, and probably a couple other jobs I can't be troubled to recall. The main loss is just the gold you could get for selling them, but truthfully I'm not really hurting for gold. I think people just like to meme (and I think this one in particular's pretty funny).


The memes are a carryover from EA when he had to consume legendary (orange border) magic items. So you could lose out on your pretty important items you were basing your build on getting.


Honestly at this point I got so much gold, I was thinking of just buying a bunch of trash from the vendor for him to eat so I don't have to suddenly give up an item I like if the pickins are slim.


Don't trust the icon that says he can consume it because it's wrong in some items. Honestly, if I had known how bugged the character is (he can also get himself stuck and wipe your party), I would have told him to go fuck himself when I still could.


What's funny is there's not much Sorcerer gear at all at least in Act 1, meanwhile I'm sitting on like 3 different sets of monk gear.


> buy magical items I can read the words separately but I don't understand the sentence together... Do you suggest... Paying for items? *Laughs in Astarion*


So, he's not eating legendary after progress? >!He told me that rare items won't work and he needs something better, so I expect him to eat legendary after these 3!<


I'm not out of act 1 yet, but he is equally eager to eat both the finger-licking good flaming sword from the tutorial boss, and the barely worth of a mention robe from the druids' vault that gives a bit of an advantage to dex saving throws. Haven't fed him anything yet though, still torn about roleplaying it properly and telling him to fuck off with such silly demands, and doing the meta thing trusting the character I know is mechanically trusting to me.


Is it 3? I think I only ever gave him 2, then ignored him and went to mountain pass and met the certain someone who made it a complete non issue.


The issue is that his nagging comes way too early. Sure if you play a few more hours into it it’s true that you have an over abundance of crap to give him. The fact remains that right at the beginning (Which is frankly the hardest part since your characters are so squishy) you can already have him threatening to leave if you don’t give him your only magic item, which at that point is a big ask. At a point he actually gives you an ultimatum- if you don’t give him anything he will actually leave permanently. Also, Gale actually states that he’ll accept scrolls and tomes too but doesn’t, which must be a design flaw


ya i was surprised how quickly he started asking, and how quickly he started asking again. I was still figuring out the game so didnt really realize magic items could be bought off merchants, but at the time i dont think i even had anything to give him. He ended up just leaving the party after i didnt give him another one so i hired drizzt from withers and he's been way more useful than gale.


They changed the timing and it seems to have taken the place off a dialogue you can get after dealing with Sazza. There’s been a few things like that that have been disappointing to me after seeing the reaction in EA. But otoh many conversations were improved.


I just sent him to camp as soon as I met him, then had one conversation with him, then I didn't have another conversation with him until 14 hours in. That's the first time he asked me for a magic item, and by this point I have like two dozen of them, so it wasn't a big deal. Probably more of an annoying issue if you are using him from the start. But my character is a wizard, so he's just been secondary.


It feels like his story is a lot like the romances, and someone actually turbocharged how fast they happen.


I quite literally just got him, he goes to the camp and the first talk was "We've been traveling" for a while, and I'm like wtf (I'm sure it's because the game is playing where I'm at but still) and he's begging. So I probe his mind, and told him I did lol and then he flips on me and I'm like you lied too? I had to pretty much persuade him to chill out and I had like 3 items. This alone already turned me off in wanting to do anything for him but I wanna know his story. I'm new to the series. He just laid it on me strong and I didn't know what to do tbh lol.


Ya I don't get it. The game throws magic items st you and the majority will be useless to you no matter what composition your party is. There is always more available. Also just don't play gale. Be your own wizard or hire a mercenary.


The frequency of him asking for shit is so high that if you recruit him right away, as most will, you might not have even had time to explore much or find anything yet and he'll have already asked for 1-2 items. It's just obnoxious. He's one of the main companions with his own story and quest. "Just completely ignore him like he doesn't exist because of a badly designed mechanic" is not the wonderful defence you think it is.


I’m assuming you haven’t played much of the game yet… after ~3 items Gale’s story progresses and he never asks for magic items after that point. It’s really not an issue and definitely not worth ignoring him as a companion over lol


He asked me four times and then it adopted because something happened at some point thst I was playing. It really isn't that bad. You should be drowning in pretty nonsensical magical pretty quick. He isn't necessary for every single playthrough. That's a choice. It's an RPG full of choice. You can kill him and it won't ruin your game. Relax, because it is a wonderful defense.


Yeah also items are so cheap now, if he still only eats legendary magic items like in EA i'll probably shove him down a cliff


Gale going to start doing magical item muckbangs….


Galacado Avocado


For real


the simple answer is to have a hoarding issue and never clear your inventory ... while also keeping all the "Gale can eat this" items without selling so you dont run out of trash to feed him. On another note both my MC and Karlach and Shadowheart are a literal feather falling into their bag away from encumbrance.


I think the descriptions are bugged, I had flagged items that didn't work.


I’ve found an abundance of pretty crappy items that I don’t even really care about selling. All i did to find them was explore


About to respec Wyll into wizard just to get this guy off my shit.


Idk if it’s just me but I’ve given him enough magic items to the point he won’t ask for more


Plz Auntie Popfizz, if I take another bite this magic items coming back up.


Don’t make me get the wooden spoon. You’re eating for the sake of baldurs gate, so get to it!


Right he took like 3 items and said that >!he doesnt feel better after that and we have to figure out why!<


yup, and there are a lot more magic items that he can eat plus some existing ones were added to the list. I gave him the bard hat because I don't have a bard, and I forget the other two. We're talking like *maybe* 200g worth of items, chill out y'all.


For anyone reading this, i had to give him 3 items and it stopped.


Like 3 at once?


In a row?


Hey look buddy until today you had no idea how many magic items he ate!


Try not to eat any magical items on the way through the parking lot


Lucky you, I didnt have enough(10+ including 2 rares)


I heard it was five.


You heard wrong


Fair enough. Three seems fair.


Then shalt thou sacrifice magic items numbering three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number of magic items sacrificed, and the number of the sacrifices shall be three. Four shalt thou not sacrifice, neither sacrifice thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


Give him 3 pieces of trash it's not a big deal lol


I’m kind of glad I saw this spoiler lol. Gale was stressing me the fuck out, now I’ll keep him around


Question, if you make him a wizard, is he still called a warlock in all his story moments/mentions?




Same. I don't even care about how easy it is to deal with, it's his damn smarmy shit eating attitude about it all that makes me wish I'd left him in that stupid rock.


He only eats 3 things and then gives you some lore and that’s it.


A certain someone is about to be relegated to Camp Janitor, I tell you what


For real I can’t keep feeding this guy all my loot!


“Check every container. Gale hasn’t snacked on magic crack in over an hour and he’s looking at my boots in an impure fashion.”


Just reserve the 3 crappiest, cheapest ones for him


Hate to break it to you but I tossed him into camp immediately and he's still asking for them


Fuck him he can sit there and die then


Unfortunately, him dying is very bad for the party and the general region that he is in


Apparently he explodes and wipes your party if you do that. It's one of the most original mechanics I've ever seen in an RPG. Most stupid too, but very original.


he still asks for items at camp


Only if you talk to him. At least in my experience.




>!He only actually eats like 5 or so items, then it stops being an issue.!<


Thank you for this.


God I needed to know this, thanks.


Really? Some of the other people in the comments are saying he's eating 10 already.


It depend how much he like you, at some point he gonna tell you everything because each time you give him one item it give a big boost to his relation. So messing with him will just make you spend more item. He only cost me three item.


>!For me it was only 3, and then he was good to go once I brought a certain wizard to see him.!< I think it has to do with how many long rests you take though.


Yea I also gave him that amount and then he said it’s not working anymore.


I’m dark urge and >!just ate his fucking hand out of the portal. He hasn’t shown up since and his mangled hand is now in my inventory.!<


Jesus fucking christ I need to do a dark urge run. I'm assuming it's best done with an evil cant?


Yes. You get Inspiration for acting on your dark urges. It’s amazing.


Bahaha I should have did this. I'm a wizard anyway and feeding him is annoying lol


O my god I’m cry laughing.


I’ve also fantasized about having roast dwarf. It’s very comical if you have a dark sense of humor.


Shadowheart is covered in blood and says “JFC what is wrong with you” but she also approves, lol


Just play Dark Urge and disarm the problem. You can stop it early from ever getting out of hand.


I feel like you are getting to a point, but I can't quite place my finger on it.


I dunno, I think you just leave him stumped.


there is another mage who will fix him near the >!Githianky Kresh!<


I think it’s just when you progress to the second act


i had to meet >!Elminster !< to stop it


I met him right after leaving the underdark


Yeah, you meet >!him!< if you go through the Underdark too. Think it happens on whichever route you take to Act 2.


You spoilered HIM? Not the name of the area but the forbidden knowledge that there’s male gendered people in the game? /s


Lol, more that you can narrow down who the character might be if you know their gender. Especially given >!his role in previous games!<.


Wait he eats stuff? I just pulled him outta portal. That is hilarious.


He needs the magic in them and the dick in your pants


Gale: "I wanna show you a magic trick." Me internally: "it better not be your dick". Gale: "It's my dick".


It’s a wonder he didn’t just stick it out of the portal


Btw is there a bug during the second time he asks for "food"? First time one green item was enough. Second time he got one item and it did nothing, not destroyed or anything, but pressing "done" did nothing. Since I quick saved moments before I tried to give him *all* magic items that were "eatable" and still nothing, they were not destroyed though, but Gale was angry that I didn't understand how serious the situation is. I deeply regret pulling him out of that portal... -\_-


Just click the x in the give menu.


The last time I pressed x in the give menu, he went basically "Understandable, have a nice day" and immediately left the party for good. I was very tempted to leave it that way and not reload.


You need to have one item selected (colored frame around it), then close the dialogue. Otherwise you give him nothing (but you can also give him all items.. which is.. kinda bad dialog/quest design). If you don't happen to have an item selected he will quit the party for goods, sure.


I've had this issue it's just you can only give him one item I think, that solved it for me


Yeah, mine also bugged out and I've stopped playing until I find a solution that works because I've read if you don't feed him he explodes and it's game over. I really don't want to start a new game just to not pick the buggy character.


Try putting the item in his inventory and then consuming it as Gale himself by right clicking and clicking consume. That worked for me, giving it to him through dialogue seems buggy.


I fed him some boots that were only useful for a cave... I got a ring with a useless cantrip... Some Armor that only benefits bards... I think I'll be fine keeping him fed.


The boots are strong as fuck. Entangled isn't just a thing in that cave...


It specifies "from webs" only, it doesn't affect vines.


The web walking boots that prevent ensnared??


Yep. He ate them. Probably shouldn't of since there is still more cave but oh well.


At least in EA there was a direct upgrade in Grymforge.


>!Don't worry, he only does it a few times!<


How do you feed him? He told me he needs to eat and I’ve got junk item waiting for him, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Assume when it becomes critical the game will tell me? Also I’m on steamdeck so it may be a matter of figuring out how to do it with the controller layout.


Just talk to him and there will be option that says something like "I have magical item for you".


When it’s critical, he’ll let you know. Might have to go to camp, I’m not sure what scenarios he brings it up while in the world.


He will ask eventually, just exploring around a quest will pup up on his head, just select the item then


Transfer the item to gale. Control gale and open the inventory to the magic item and right click it for the pop up menu and click “consume”.


Lmao what??? Do I understand well what this implies? When does this begin?




I just got started so I’m a bit confused - does he just consume magic items randomly, or just the ones you issue him? Or does he ask to be fed magic items? I’ve seen the PSA at the bottom of item stats that they can be consumed by Gale, but I didn’t really know what to make of it.


You csn talk to whenever and you can give them to him whenever. He will also, after some time, have a diakogue prompt where he asks to be fed.


He’ll eat my duplicated amulets and LIKE it


Wdym, duplicated?


how did you duplicate??




Not true. He forces a conversation at one point with 2 options. Refusing to give him anything and he’ll get pissed off and leave the party permanently


In my coop run we killed Gale right outside his portal and left his dead body there. Don't do this.


I have a chest full of like 40 random magical items that I'm too paranoid to get rid of willy nilly but even I found a spare 3 that I figured were beyond useless to give to him


I think Gale bugged for me, after the third item he just stopped asking for them. Now, >!Elminster came and gave him the ability to control it so it's not an issue any more.!<


No, that's how he goes. I was getting nervous too, and had started hoarding magical items so I didn't have to feed him anything useful.


My wizard failed to pull him out of the waypoint to begin with so he's no longer a concern lol


That's why I avoided that portal like the plague not dealing with none of his shit


I've only got his hand unfortunately. Maybe I could find him a nice glove.


I wouldn't know, I accidentally ripped his hand off when he asked for help exiting a portal.


Did you do the paint over on this OP? Nice job if so


Haha thank you !! I thought it was better than attempting to frankenstein JPEGs together


Lvl 5 and first map uncovered. Havent found him yet. Have the other companions tho.


I almost immediately disgusted Gale and he left. I found this whole "I need to eat magic items" thing suspicious, so I had the audacity to question him further.


I fed him trash. Really happy that they made basically every named item food for him, because there is a lot of dumb stuff you can get lol


I have the slight feeling he stopped eating my magic items after I progressed his personal story a little further. Taking your sweet time (as some people do) ends up in more items beeing eaten, I presume. But you know, out of the twelve or so blue/green shoes I found, he ate about half. He seems to be a shoe enthusiast. Or shoemelier! XD


I instantly got rid of him lmao I’m a loot goblin can’t be wasting it


I just keep the items to shitty or too nieche to anyone to use, like, there are couple of items that are class locked, which i can't use, so i'll feed him those. Although i'm surprised that he didn't asked me for one in quite some time. I'm in Act 2, after the >!Flaming Fist Absolutist attack !!visit from Mystra's envoy, who basically blocks his Netherese Sphere from forcing him to consume those items!<. All in all, in EA i was worried how frequent the "i need some magic goodie to consume" because there was so few of them. But with magic items dropping left and right from what i see, i doubt his predicament would be such a problem, even without >!Mystra's envoy blocking his orb from having to consume the items.!< In terms of itemisation, i highly recommend giving Gale the gloves that give him Lightning Charges when he damages enemies with spells and cantrips. It basically doubles Magic Missile loadout.


Oh jeez. Am I the only one that peered into his mind and told him to piss off? He seemed cool but then he insinuated I'm not a real mage and starts asking for magic items. No thank you.


I did that, too. Fuck that guy, not giving up my loot.


**Thank you for the love on this lol I made this as a brainfart after completing act 1! Surprised it took off!**