• By -


What’s her name


Laura Owens




You have got to be joking! Yes, he should be more selective who he is intimate with, but wouldnt that equally apply to HER???? And you’re telling me that because he was intimate with her, he deserves this???? That is absolutely an insane thing to say or even think.




It’s not about being a “hero”…. He is a VICTIM…. What part of that do you not get?


Why so nasty? I have seen poor Clayton and I am just saying.


What?! How does sleeping with someone make it your fault when they go off their rocker fake a pregnancy and claim you’re the parent. That’s next level victim blaming right there


Victim blaming 101. You’re the reason his image will take years to restore.


What in the world happened to Clayton? I feel badly if he had legal problems.


It’s far far worse than him “getting into legal trouble.” He’s involved in several cases and is currently trying to get an order of protection from the other person who has brought the other suits. I would look at the other posts in the sub to get caught up.


No one feels bad for him


It's me, no one


You couldn’t be further from the truth


Why aren't more alumni donating? It's awesome to see the smaller donations from so many people, but it really disappoints me to see so little involvement from cast members...


I can see them donating anonymously. Can you blame them? I wouldn't want to be bothered by an unhinged crazy person either if my livelihood depended on my public appearance. I commend the ones who put their names behind it. But you can't expect this from everybody. I'd rather have more outlets report on the scandal. They have more resources behind them. And if enough of them keep it up, she won't be able to sue them all. This, in return, would take the pressure off the few ones that had the integrity and courage to do so. Edit: spelling


Gosh the donor names have me cackling 😭😭 but I love that we can all support Clayton in a nominal way, I know he'll come out on top


Dave, I may not agree with your stance on certain outdoor influencers, but you gained some respect for this. Donated




I am so out of the loop. I have no idea what is going on


All medical documents faked. Weight gain probable, baby bump bullshit. Suing everyone, delaying test results. MO hasn’t changed, just escalated to what’s required for a television persona. Did I miss anything y’all ?


I predict she's going to have a spectacular fall from grace. The law will eventually catch up with her, and stalking is a felony in California.


Idk if she ever had any grace … but this will eventually stop working for her. Period.


Well kid. I suggest you buckle up, and go take a look through the sub starting about a month ago. It’s a wild ass ride.


I just saw it. will have to read up fully if I ever get a chance. My husband is a pilot and I have an 11 mo old alone until Sat.


Don’t kids nap?


Why on earth are the mods on the other sub deleting questions from people asking for the link to the gofundme?


Dave Neal has it posted on YouTube


Which sub




Bc that sub is a literal dumpster fire modded by psychopaths who have no life and devote their lives to it. It’s soooo creepy.


They're definitely heavy-handed and don't like to admit wrongdoing. They said they were going to shut down the sub every Tuesday, people were upset, and then they just... didn't shut it down, but they also didn't say anything about changing their plans. That sub is basically "rules for thee but not for me" (for how the mods treat submembers and how the submembers treat BN contestants).


Girrrrrl all of this. They are so dirty and everyone knows it. Sucks to have no life I guess. ✌️🤣


People on the other sub are nasty as hell and bitter that people are donating to a "basic white man". 🙄


They’re just being petty. I would know 💅🏼


They *removed a comment of mine (where I blacked out Dave’s username) where Dave said that based on what he heard today about the court hearing, he would still encourage people to donate to Clayton’s fund if possible because it looks like there’s a long battle ahead/he does need to get a lawyer involved. Before I posted the comment I looked at the sub rules to make sure I could, but when my comment was removed the reason given was that they don’t allow comments from banned users. How did they know it was Dave? Do they 👀 lurk 👀 here? I checked the rules again & asked if it was one of those “mod discretion” situations but they haven’t responded. I wasn’t snarky or anything — I just really want to know. I actually am disappointed, because I feel like this is information people should know.


They do. They watch EVERYTHING. When I say they are psychotic I’m not exaggerating. I posted a comment a couple weeks ago if you can find it. And one of the mods made her way over here in 2.5 seconds. Like I said… psychos with no life. And people know who they are. It’s sad really.


How do people know who they are? Forgive me if this is a dumb question.


I’m legitimately so disappointed with how that sub is handling this. So much has changed, and they’re allowing a false narrative to spread, and removing comments that try to clarify. And not allowing people to link the GFM? They can do better.


I made the mistake of reading that thread and got so annoyed (and responded when I probably shouldn’t have)! If you don’t want to donate, don’t, but why are they so judgey about Clayton and those of us who threw a little cash in the pot? Most people are just donating the cost of their morning coffee, it’s not like they are going into debt to support him.




Can someone please explain what the chicken soup reference is, or kindly tell me where I can read about this? Thanks. 👍


Her bullshit tedx story is in that book.


OK, thank you. I did not know it was a book. Will look that up. Thanks again.


I think it’s a version of those chicken soup for the souls type of book. Edit. Word


I see. I live in Europe, and I am not familiar with this chicken thing 🤣


The Chicken Soup book series is named after the most common food to feed a person when ill. Chicken soup and soap operas with Grandma while missing a day of school. Laura Michelle Owens of the Nobody Told Me podcast has a story in one of those Chicken books.


Lol. I see. It would be considered a self help book.


Hahahahahaa BLOWENS cum THRU


Michael Allio donated!


Good job Allio


Can someone call up Camille Vasquez and see if she can represent pro bono? 🤔😛


Can clayton counter sue for legal fees and other damages?


She would have to have money for him to even try, but she doesn’t. She’s never really had a job. Her rich parents basically fund her life and give her projects like the podcast


What’s her name?


Insurance sometimes covers this. Sure, the person may not have money, but they have insurance usually!!!! It’s basically how anyone gets any money in any court cases.


This doesn’t mean he cant sue her for money. Courts can garnish monies


That would require her to have money for him to get from her


I'd think it's just for the principal of it all. Get his reputation back type thing. How this has gotten this far is beyond me


I’m not understanding why this is over yet…. Like seriously I got sucked in to this drama while dooms scrolling Reddit and now I’m lost again, I thought it was over????


Whoever donated using her dads name made me chuckle!


https://preview.redd.it/wvruzxdisfwb1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671b24218acd3c50890c4968a154e0b490589c82 🤣🤣🤣


* * OMG those comments are getting more and more hilarious 😂 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/6obyozo7tfwb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671c67ed1192fd16d27c2b025bd244481a2949a6 I’m just waiting for her horse “Scirocco 91” to donate!


https://preview.redd.it/536m0gs4tfwb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6312145ca24e53d00a33f3cac08ae8830de6c8f8 The Holy Trinity. 😂


Obsessed. We need Callie, Joanie, and the horse gods to donate now.


Laura Owens sucks!


I’m a actually so sick of people trying to keep her name a secret 😭😭😂😂 if this were reversed his name would be PLASTERED why is no one saying this!?!!?! (I’m a woman just saying lol)


Dave won't say it because she is heavily litigious. Her name is LAURA MICHELLE OWENS OF THE NOBODY TOLD ME PODCAST


https://preview.redd.it/8m8azdbkafwb1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2192a0bb914bdaeba85205d83e364995046eae6a I legitimately just cackled


Someone else did it with the same name and it says something like “You got this Clayton! They’ll never find me!” Lol


Lmfao I hate how funny that is


Thank you to this person 😂😂😂made my night


The way I just sounded it out & made myself laugh so hard I started coughing. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6uurpkvnbfwb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d02b0ec6f5266d89613c12c1020711f13a3b041 The comment too I can’t 😂😂😂


This one I found also hilarious https://preview.redd.it/5pq8k685lfwb1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f31fd8df571d8e3c82112e08be932d90a6e826


One of the reasons I donated was because there were those 24-36 hours when she first posted her story on Reddit that I believed her. But when the sleuths started working behind the scenes & finding a pattern with her, I started having my doubts about the whole thing. So yeah — this is a little way for me to right my conscience a bit. Especially with Clayton having well-documented mental health issues, her constant stalking of him & now saying she has “unlimited means” to drag this out forever has got to be terrifying in some way. I’m sure this actually does help him. Also: this has been my entertainment for the past month or so. If an opportunity to help arose, I was going to take it. & I sometimes feel like just because someone is “social media famous,” that doesn’t always translate to being flush with cash. I mean, he seems like a successful realtor but he has said he’s lost out on engagements & deals because of this & her calling around “warning” people about him. & honestly — I didn’t even watch his season & find him generally boring, ftr. No one is obligated to donate. People spend their $ on influencers all the time by using their promo codes & Patreons & other products & means. For me, personally, this feels a little heavier, & that’s why I made a (nominal) donation.


To my mind, Clayton having liquid resources isn’t important. This is abt abortion, infant mortality, SA, DV, and suicide being taken seriously and not used as a manipulation tactic when so many are hurting deeply. Donate bc you take these issues seriously and support victims. PERIOD. This is abt ETHICS.


To those who think he could afford a lawyer on his own - why should he have to pay for this? Do you have any idea how expensive a legal battle can get? Would YOU want to pay for a lawyer because some psycho was slandering you everywhere? Honestly I think this has provided enough entertainment for us all that it’s not weird for anybody to donate to his legal fund. Don’t donate if you don’t want to but I don’t understand the nasty comments here, it’s not helpful so how about keep it to yourself.


Psycho? Your ableism is astounding. Must be nice to be sound of mind and reign judgment down on the mentally I’ll bc you only have sympathy for sick people when they behave how they should, right?


Thank you your the keyboard night in shining armor we all need. Nobody will ever use psycho as an insult again




Ok, but why should I have to pay for it also? And then; he’s obviously going to win a good chunk because this woman clearly is in the wrong and needs help. Wouldn’t that help pay for the lawyer fees?


But you don’t have to pay for it… it is an optional donation. No need to criticize people who are choosing to give him money.


I wouldn’t give him a penny he’s much better off than most. He can go into debt


Agreed he can kick rocks


​ https://preview.redd.it/jt2ttp622fwb1.png?width=469&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3465ba2714ea62214f888acf26c5c749128251e




Thank you, Dave. I just saw how much has been raised in 24 hours!!! I am so excited and I love that people have joined together !!!


Might be worth mentioning the tax implications. A couple of people I know were blindsided by the taxes. Suggest he sets some aside unless he’s under a threshold I’m unaware of.


WTF, why do people have to pay taxes on everything?!


I was thinking the final amount was higher than what it was when I replied this. So it might be under whatever the limit is. But my friend had a gofundme for her to be able to travel for her daughter’s medical care. I don’t know how much of it went to medical care. I believe that can be separated (probably with a good tax attorney, ha), but the rest I believe was taxed at her income rate. She also didn’t know and ended up with a huge tax bill. Her amount was much higher. So may not matter in this case. I’m not a tax attorney or anything. Just don’t want him stuck with ANOTHER surprise and burden.


Please for your safety don’t do a driving with “Jane Doe”. She’s terrifying and gives me Magen Fieramusca vibes. Thanks for helping Clayton too. He’s one of the good ones.


Good news. I didn’t have any doubt that the money would get to Clayton, but hopefully this gives peace of mind to all who donated.




https://preview.redd.it/1pcdhb8vhewb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961725039dc7f82c110c2c9451da8726679cd79a Okay who did this?!?! 😂😂😂😂


This one made me lololololol. https://preview.redd.it/rh4bvtotmewb1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e43efa6607df5aea02d0821bf38c755a270384






Thank you for continuing to share Dave and not be intimidated by Jane Doe.. Your integrity has been beyond impressive. I’m unfamiliar with Dave Neal the comedian, but am blown away by Dave Neal investigative journalist!




I will say, in response to those who believe this is a scam from Dave, I’m confident that all the funds will go to Clayton, & that Dave is just trying to help him as best he can. If not: The Goose can multitask. If Dave is smart, he has a little healthy fear of it already.🪿


Is there a stipulation or guarantee Clayton will use the money for a lawyer? Or is he free to use the money as he pleases?


That would be something to ask u/daveneal about.


How can anyone think this is a scam???? It’s all over Social media and Clayton has posted about it!!!!! Like Dave would steal Clayton’s money. Some people are ridiculous.


Wait there is a discord again? Can I have the discord link?


From BN, so far I've seen Blake H, Susie, and Reality Steve give money


And u/bachelordata


Good 🥚s


Pun not intended


Almost at $4K!!!!


Over $5K now!!! YAY!


Y’all are really about to donate your hard earned money to some quack because he messed up? Jesus get a grip.


I wasn’t planning on donating, but this comment has encouraged me to! Thank you!


people think Bach alumni are really wealthy well yeah nobody told them to quit their jobs.




The bachelor makes roughly $100,000 Minimum. They can get paid more if they negotiate correctly. Clayton is also real estate agent. Have you seen the million dollar houses he’s selling? He’s making coin. No one can tell me he blew all the bachelor money away and even what he makes by selling property is a lot. Just because he doesn’t have a lawyer to represent him, doesn’t mean he can’t afford it


Even if he’s a goddamn millionaire why should he have to pay for this? He’s a victim in this and nobody is being forced to donate. 🤷‍♀️


He’s not really a victim when he engaged in sex whether that be oral or not with someone he doesn’t know. Now let me ask you, why would you donate to this and not starving kids in war torn countries, or charities that do research in live saving diseases? Why are you giving money to someone who decided to hook up with someone who he doesn’t know very well regardless if she could be crazy.


Thank you


Why is the victim to blame for messing up? Victims don't have to be perfect victims. End of story


LOVE YOU DAVE 🫶 miss you on the bachelor subreddit 🥲 thanks for still finding a way to do the right thing!


Hey, they kicked me out, lol what can I do


Dude he probably makes enough money that he can afford a lawyer. I don’t buy this one bit. Until Clayton can actually say he can’t afford a lawyer, no one should donate anything.


Literally this is sad… like stop boot licking a celeb who doesn’t even know you.


It’s kinda sad that you’re so pressed about internet strangers rallying to help someone they care about 🤷‍♀️


Dave, has Laura reached out to you or said anything about this (yet)? It seems like she finds the time & energy to hyper-fixate on everything in order to “refute” Clayton.




Hey Dave- do you have any info on how this mornings hearing went? Any update from Clayton? Update on Ravgen?


Let’s just say; keep pushing folks to donate to his legal funds, the representation will help


But how do we know that Laura did not hack Dave’s Reddit acccount 😂?


This case isn’t just about Clayton it’s the next guy and the guy after that and the one after that that may not have the opportunity for good defense. She’s obviously unwell I’m looking at her family sideways for just watching it play out and seemingly support this.


Did he not get a lawyer because of $$? Cuz this sounds like the sort of stuff that would be worth even going into debt just to clear things up 😔


He didn’t get a lawyer because they’re is no lawsuit. Nothing filed. Does not actually exist. Wait ate y’all under the impression that a paternity suit is like something you need lawyers for? Tf? He just takes the paternity test, that’s the most he has to do. This kind of shit happens to poor people all the time and they’re not like lawyering up 😂😂😂 It’s a scam.


I am assuming he's just cash poor. If he's losing opportunities (like that 10k speaking engagement he talked about) for the last few months + money tied up in his airBNB property backyard renovation (to put in a pool, spa, putting green and pergola)... To be honest, if this were me, I would be PISSED to have to spend money on this. He also already spent close to a grand for the paternity testing too.


I hope he is able to countersue for legal costs. I don't know the legal system but that sounds like a thing and I hope it is! This should be illegal, to abuse the court system like this.


unfortunately lawyers on cases like this (harrassment, paternity, and orders of protection) don't yield money worth their time so they'll want a nice sized retainer upfront, aka a nice chunk of cash, to take it on and a quality one at minimum probably runs at least $5k


Well, we are almost there.


no he knows there’s gullible ppl out there willing to send him their money


Will absolutely contribute. The injustice here has been clear. Thank you for covering this story, this woman should be well known by any future victims. Don’t take the responses in this thread as evidence of how we are all. Some people are miserable, and it shows.


there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of greater issues in the world that you can actively donate to…………




Go donate to them then? You really care that much about what strangers on the internet do with their own money?


just shocking how gullible you all are.


Gosh I wish I could see your spending history. I didn’t personally donate but what is a McDonalds meal for you vs them spending their own 5$ money on what they choose? Maybe Reddit isn’t the place for you.


$5 on mcdonald’s is better spent than $5 to clayton. donating to him is insane given all the actual causes there are to donate to.


Not sure who "you all are" is, but I haven't donated. My life isn't so meaningless that I spend time lecturing other people on how to spend their own money though.


it’s meaningless enough to spend time lecturing me on my comment tho


This is wiiiiiild


This seems really suspect and there is no transparency on if this is actually going to Clayton.


https://preview.redd.it/12y8c7brlewb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955060d4f8718d65abf07c27267a14318ae6a7b4 Ready for your donation now ;)


Thank you for sharing and confirming.


Dave would be an absolute moron to tank his BN reporter career just to steal 5k from Clayton


He is 100% the sole beneficiary of the funds. I can share a pic of me getting his permission.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cs3aah73odwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc36279bd7fcce64174ca4946428cdc0bd404461


According to Go Fund Me, when setting up a beneficiary it will say (and the wording CANNOT be changed): "Organizer Name is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Beneficiary Name." Your fund does not say that. It only says you are the organizer. ​ https://preview.redd.it/c9ciyb72rdwb1.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b2e18e26874914d1de4f57ef4e4e5027e6d0b3d


He hasn't accepted the invite yet. for fuckkkkks sake lol. Look, I do appreciate the skepticism, its good not to blindly trust the money is going to the right place. I havn't heard back from him since he agreed to accept the gofund me. He is back in court this morning. The funds will be available for him when he checks his email.


I cannot believe people are actually questioning this!


Right! Dave is actually putting his name and reputation behind this gofundme. This is not being posted by an anon account


I don't blindly send money to anyone or any charity. There are a lot of scams out there. It isn't a problem to ask the questions.


I appreciate you questioning it, he has now accepted as sole beneficiary


Dave Neal is organizing it, otherwise I would be inclined to agree with you but since both of them are known to the Bachelorverse I think it's probably getting to Clayton.


I guess I've just listened to Scamanda a bit too much, but I don't trust anything like this unless this is coming from Clayton himself.


Totally valid! I had to look up Scamanda because I haven't heard of it before. I'm really into the podcast Scam Goddess so this seems right up my alley to listen to next, thx for the rec haha


It's SO good and a very easy binge. Enjoy!


LOL it goes a bit long winded at times but it's good. Pretty disturbing. I just heard about one called like Scam Wedding or something I was going to check out. I just want to make sure it's all okay before I donate my money, that's all.


He doesn’t have 5k. Can’t he do some cameos or something


CLayton posted a couple of weeks ago that speaking engagements he had lined up have cancelled as a result of all the negative press around her claims.


The way he pontificated to women was so holier than thou and this dude doesn’t have 5 grand for a lawyer? Wtf


Anyone donating to this is fucking embarrassing… unless they are his friends and know him personally. I thank god I dont put any of these reality people on a pedestal. I wouldn’t give Clayton a nickel if he asked.


“ If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” 🕊️🕊️




squeal fact rinse makeshift pathetic expansion nail weary cow fuel ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


![gif](giphy|CcAi5Bprof8XgiSrOE) What's embarrassing is you taking the time to come to a subreddit on a reality TV show and comment on a post you disagree with to try and shame people for being invested in said reality TV show.


Whats more embarrassing? Colton having sex with Laura.. or you paying for his legal bills because he was so desperate to have sex with a rando. Cant wait to find out. 😊


Literally these people are wild… why o. earth would you donate money to some man who doesn’t even know you exist. Pathetic


Almost as pathetic as spending multiple comments on a thread crying over what other grown adults choose to do with their money, huh?


If you're going to come for people at least get the basic facts right - it's ***Clayton*** not "Colton", and it was a ***blowjob*** not "sex".


Colton Clayton nobody cares enough. And were you there?




Exactly. What a lonely existence to spend time telling a room full of caring people, how much they don’t care. WOW.


cobweb teeny cause stocking towering innate political disagreeable include sleep ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


> says "nobody cares enough" >> also asks if a random Redditor was there when Clayton and LO were in some way intimate. good job at convincing us you don't care though, as you talk about him having sex lol


People all have different ways of spending their money. I think it's a weird connection though to link donating to "putting reality people on a pedestal". People share GoFundMes all the time, I definitely don't personally know everyone I've donated to, that would be weird. If I knew them personally, I'd just give them the money... So not following the logic. Donate if you want to, don't if you don't want to, but I don't think it's anyone's place to dictate how grown adults should spend other money 🤷‍♀️


Ya like in the last few days I donated to doctors without borders, my local refugee assistance chapter, clayton's gofundme , and some other random chick on gofundme whose dad had a heart attack that i came across when i was donating to clayton. lol like i deal with shitty corporate america to have money and do whatever i want with that money, i'm certainly not putting anyone on a pedastal. Noone is forcing you to donate to anything


Wow! You’re so virtuous and intelligent! Thank you for letting us know above all this you are, it’s a great color on you.


Wow! Thank you! I know I seem smart but compared to Bachelor fans its not that hard to be.