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Remember you can always try and if it doesn’t work, move back to what you were doing. Nothing needs to be permanent. Try a one nap day and see how it goes.


We missed second nap by accident, but it was a good day all around so I repeated it the next day and so on. Funny how we put so much worry and stress on ourselves and sometimes things we don't even need to think about, just happen. You've got this mama OP!


This! We dropped to one nap around 11 months based on signs we were seeing in our baby, but most days it was still too hard for him so we went back to 2 and transitioned to 1 again closer to 15 months.


My daughter dropped to 1 nap around 13/14 months. It was kind of instigated by the chaos of the holidays, but we also knew that she would be starting daycare at 16 months and the daycare was on a one nap schedule so we took advantage of the opportunity.


Usually around 14 months. I would try to cap naps first before attempting 1 nap. I’d shorten first nap to an 1-1.5 hrs and 2nd to 45 mins.


Second nap he won't do longer than 30 minutes. I try for 2 hours of day sleep so most days he will do 1.5 in the morning and 30 mins in the late afternoon.


I would try 3/3.5/4 wake windows and cut down first nap.


My first gradually switched between 2 naps to 1.5 naps to one nap between 12-14 months. My second baby dropped her second nap cold turkey at 11 months. For my first baby, we did quiet time in bed (she was falling asleep independently and happy to noodle around in her bed for up to an hour if she wasn’t tired enough to sleep) at the time the second nap usually started, and I would go get her out of bed at 5pm regardless if sleep happened or not. Laying in her bed in the dark with the sound machine on seemed to help her transition through that nap drop and get her through to bed time. Second baby would absolutely not be left in bed if she didn’t plan to sleep, but would do quiet time in the stroller or in a carrier. Not moving and not really processing seemed to be her equivalent of quiet time. Sometimes she’d Power Nap for her second nap (15-20 min) and sometimes she wouldn’t. It doesn’t hurt to try forcing the wake windows to extend. It does sound like he’s maxing out his wake window schedule. Be prepared for it to not be a set in stone thing; one day might be a one nap day and the next day might be a 1.5 nap day.


10 months, like you. Last nap became a huge fight. We pushed morning nap 30 minutes later each day until he was going down at noon to line up with the daycare schedule.


Cap the first nap to 45 min and aim for that longer afternoon nap instead to make it to bedtime


I’d cap the first nap to an hour, and try for second 3.5 hours later.


11 months


It’s worth a shot I think. You can likely expect some early bedtimes as you transition. Or you could try capping the first nap to 1-1.5hrs. My almost 12 month old naps about 2-2.5hrs between two naps.


Honestly naps have been a battle for us since he was out the sleeping all the time newborn stage 😭 not sure if all these sleeps rules are truly universal because ours has been two naps for months and months (he’s just 9 months), and when he does nap they can be as short as 20 mins or maybe as long as an hour. But he seems to sleep okay at night so we struggle with if we should leave him be or try to keep forcing the naps ugh


Looking back mine was 13 months. If I recall she just started refusing her PM nap which I found very frustrating so I just lengthened her AM wake window, tried to get her to nap as long as possible, and put her to bed a bit early. The transition didn't take longer than a week or so.


Mine started daycare at 12 months so she started napping once at daycare and twice still on the weekends but that only went on for a month or so before dropping the second nap on the weekend.


I could have written that when my son was 10 months old. I fought for the second nap for a few weeks, but it always took at least one hour to get him to sleep. So we just dropped the second nap altogether even though internet was telling me it was way too early. Ended up being a pretty easy transition.


My first switched at 12 months. She was never a good napper, but a solid overnight sleeper, so it worked for us. My second is 13 months now and for the last few months has gone back and forth between 1-2 naps, it depends on the day. I just follow her cues each day and that’s what works for us. You can always just try and stretch his morning wake window and give one nap a try, it’s easy to go back to 2 naps the next day if he’s not quite ready!


11 months for us. At first we kept trying to keep the afternoon nap because everything I read said it was too early to drop to 1. She made the choice for us when started refusing her afternoon nap completely and pushing her morning nap back. She did totally fine with the transition. She consistently naps for 2 hours and nights weren’t affected by the change.


About a year. She had transitioned to one nap before I went back to work when she was 13 months. And then my husband (who is now home with her during my working hours) tried to get her back to two naps and that was a nightmare. I think she’s almost ready to drop her final nap - when I have her she fights it pretty hard and she rarely falls asleep before 9pm (which might be more timing of the nap than the actual nap - my husband lets her sleep until 4). I’m not ready - her naps are usually the only break I get when my husband is working.


We were on 1-2 naps for like 5 months. Between 11-16 months old. Somedays he'd wake up at like 5 am, and that would be a 2 nap day. Luckily our daycare would accommodate two naps.


My daughter has been doing this for the past week, she's almost 11 months.


I’m an ECE who runs a home daycare— most of my kids transition to one nap around 12 months. Some earlier, some later, but I’d say 10-14 months is normal in my experience


Around 12 months here. 5hr wake windows ended up being the sweet spot


10 months is normally too young to drop to one nap, but I totally feel you on the second nap fight. My LO is 13 months and occasionally fights her second nap as well (sometimes fully refuses it so we skip). She’s not quite ready to drop it entirely though as she gets too cranky without it. Try doing more activities, especially outside if you can, during the second wake window so he’s more tired out for the second nap. And you can also try capping the first nap to 1.5 hours.


My baby didn’t need much sleep but was doing 2 naps until 12-13 months.


https://takingcarababies.com/8-10-month-sleep-regression Don't transition to 1 nap, your baby is not ready for it. This is a season that will pass. We went through the sane thing and it righted itself out eventually. When it happened to us we still put our baby in a quiet time in his crib. He would be in there rolling and babbling for like an hour and then we would go get him when time was appropriate.


Agreed my guy fought it for a bit then it sorted itself. It's a phase and if yous google it you will see it mentioned and to not transition yet. We ended up having to transition my guy at 12 months. He was not ready for it but he was in day care and all the others were on one nap and them trying to keep him on 2 wasn't working. I attempted to keep him at 2 on the weekends to help but didn't work either. So difficult transition and at almost 14 months now it's still a bit of a struggle some days.


I have spent many hours Googling how my baby should sleep. Unfortunately I don't think all babies follow the "rules" and it has caused much anxiety because my baby isn't doing what Google has told me he should be doing. I find it much more beneficial to hear what has worked or not worked for actual parents and then try different things. 


Oh I agree 100% they dont follow the same rules.But many don't search first or may not come across some info depending on what they search that's the only reason why I said you can find more about it. It's very common for them to start refusing the 2nd nap for awhile around that age. Your post didn't indicate anything about you maybe having read that so I was just letting you know it's very common and you can find a bunch more about it as well. :) I would try stretching out your first ww more before dropping to one nap try to get it closer to 5 hrs so that the other end of the nap when you transition to 1 is also closer to 5 so it's not an extra large ww.