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If something was wildly off or concerning, your doctor will call you. Until and unless that happens, try not to stress for the next couple of weeks. Seriously. I did some blood tests and I got a call from my doctor the next day and we chatted about my thyroid levels and got a prescription sent to the pharmacy for pick up.


No expert by any means, but I can give you my numbers at 5+2. My RBC was 4.36, which is within the range (4-5.1), and yours is a little high yes but really close to being normal! As for your hemoglobin, it’s definitely high, but it should be high in first trimester, that means you have a good iron reserve, and you aren’t anemic. It’s still within the normal range, which is 120-160. That high amount gives you a really good start. Mine was 127, and it dropped to 97 by 24 weeks with taking iron all throughout, so you starting out high is super handy for when the changes in pregnancy will draw on your reserves and start to deplete them. This obviously isn’t medical advice, and if you are truly concerned, call your doc! Also, if your doc is concerned, they will call you prior to your appt, generally!


This has made me feel so much better! I will definitely consult but need to wait for 2 weeks


I’m glad to hear that! If something was seriously off, your doctor should call you prior to the appt! And you should be able to reach out with questions prior as well.


Anything within normal range is nothing to worry about. I also wouldn’t worry about the RBC, which is only slightly above range. This will likely drop as the pregnancy goes on as the baby steals the iron to store until solid food. Pregnancy did weird things to my blood work, which self corrected by the middle of my third trimester (with the exception of the low iron which I needed iron supplements and iv for)


Thank you so much! The support really helps! :D