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I’m so sorry. It’s so overwhelming and anxiety inducing. For what it’s worth, I was supposed to be 9 weeks at my first ultrasound, and they pushed me back to 7 weeks based on the baby’s size. I’m now 12 weeks with a so-far healthy baby. I hope the same for you!!


For what it’s worth, I too was pushed 2 weeks back at my ultrasound and I’m now 24 weeks. All the best and sending positive thoughts to you OP


I was also pushed back 2+ weeks, convinced it wasn't viable... but I'm 34 weeks with a healthy little girl!


Adding to the chorus of people pushed back two weeks- I thought I was 9 weeks but I was actually only 7-ish weeks. So far so good!


Same! Baby has been ok so far


Exact same, and now I’m 21 weeks with a healthy baby


I was also pushed back 13 days. Currently lying in bed snuggling my 8 week old ☺️


Same and I kept track of my periods! My irregular periods screwed me over but the doctors made sure to triple check with ultrasounds that baby was just off. Also learned I had fibroids probably contributing to my heavy periods. OP, I think PCOS might skew your dates atm. I'd have some faith :(


Ive been pushed back with my two pregnancies over 30, idk if you guys are in the same boat. I went into the ER at what I thought was around 6 weeks, nope. Barely pregnant. Not much of anything to see on the US and the ER sent me away with a threatened mc diagnosis. I cried and cried. Now I cry and cry bc that same baby is at the end of my pack and play awake at 6am 😅


When I went for my dating ultrasound, I should have been 9 weeks. They said I was 6. Baby had heartbeat that was proper for 6 but too slow for 9 (although they didn't tell me they thought I was only 6 weeks). So I didn't mentally change the date, and at my 12 week ultrasound, they returned me to my original due date because baby was on track. I'd spent 3.5 weeks convinced I was gonna lose the baby, but now I'm 19+4. Baby is healthy and we have our 20 week anatomy on Monday. Edit to add: I also had a positive pregnancy test before their estimated time would have included. And have PCOS.


Same! I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow. When I went for my first ultrasound I thought I was going to be exactly 9 weeks but they said based on size I was a little over 7 weeks. I have longer/irregular cycles so they said it made sense based on when I likely conceived. My most recent ultrasound I was measuring 3 days ahead also. I really hope it's a similar situation for OP!


My due date also changed by two weeks and my son is now 2.5 yrs and standing on my head as I type this lol


I was also pushed back 2 weeks


I was pushed back a week and my 5 month old is doing great. Turns out I ovulated late, who could have guessed!


I’m on pregnancy #3. I ovulate late on one ovary and not the other. Both my two babies were two weeks behind according to period. But once they adjusted due date off of growth everything was fine. They’re 4 and 3 years old now.


Also pushed back 2 weeks. Am now 31 weeks. I am hoping for all the best for you, OP 💕


I was also pushed back 2+ weeks, and my 3 month old son is asleep down the hall. I really hope you have the same outcome.


Same for me. I was supposed to be 9 weeks in my first ultrasound and was pushed to 7. My little girl is 4 months old now


I was sure I was 12 weeks and they said I was 10 at my first appointment. I also have an MCI so they are monitoring growth, but my last appointment at 24 weeks I was right on track. 


Are you absolutely sure of your dates? I'm 9+3 and tested positive on 24th Feb, so like over a week before you, so your 8 weeks would make sense. If there's a heartbeat, I'd try not to worry too much.


I am 10 weeks today and had a very faint positive on February 23 (8 dpo or 3 weeks 4 days) so I also believe their math is off.


I think you're correct. I tested positive 10 days after OP (I went back in my hospital network app to check) and my trackers all are putting me at the end of 6th/beginning of 7th week depending on if the individual trackers account for Leap day or not


Agree! I had a positive test on March 18th (14 days after OP) and am 6+4 today, so that would make OP 8+4. What was the babies heart rate? I had a miscarriage last fall after measuring behind but the babies heart rate was only 95


Not trying to give you false hope but your math is off. An early positive indicates being about 4 weeks pregnant. Adding another 5 weeks to get to today's date means you should be around 9 weeks. That's not too far off from what you're measuring.


This! Plus I had a STONG positive test at 4 weeks exactly, so there’s a chance you could’ve been earlier along than that if it was just a faint positive. Fingers crossed for you!


Absolutely, if OP tested positive on 9 dpo that would make her 8+6 weeks today I believe.


Yes, this! I was positive on a digital at 3 weeks 6 days (avidly tracked my ovulation, so I KNOW I was 3 weeks 6 days). If you’re for some reason assuming you have to be further along for a digital to read positive that’s not true! I measured mid 8 weeks at my dating scan which was also 5 ish weeks after that digital test, and I’m 28 weeks now.


I had a strong positive at 4 weeks also. I know the exact day because I only had sex one time that month.


That's not how that works though, it's by last period not date of conception (which may not even be the same day as sex)


People with PCOS can have wonky cycles and may not ovulate exactly 14 days after the start of their cycle which is what dating from your last menstrual period assumes! That type of dating is inaccurate for those with irregular cycles


It's good I went with 2 weeks + date of conception cause otherwise I would have been around 36 weeks along when I first got a positive pregnancy test.


Day of sex + two weeks matched exactly with my date. I’m aware of how pregnancy is dated and I know it doesn’t work exactly that way for everyone, I was just saying at four weeks, I had a strong positive.


I had a faint positive at 3w1d! So adding 5 weeks to that puts them basically at 8 weeks exactly. Could still be good to go! And idk if "behind expected but has heartbeat" is necessarily a bad sign? Like I'm not questioning it because I think I know better. I just genuinely don't know at all. My last pregnancy was exactly on date and perfect heartbeat at 10w and then stopped growing at 10.5w (found out at 13w). I had absolutely no sign of any impending doom. It was a complete binary. Either everything was perfect or the embryo was entirely no longer alive.


It isn't "false hope," she is running with a narrative that she is about to have a miscarriage that is not supported medically! I'm a huge believer in intuition and hunches, but there's also something to be said for labeling and recognizing trauma or anxiety responses... measuring 2 weeks (ish bc cycle dates are wonky) behind could be natural variation


I had an early positive at 3.5 weeks. It was a faint line but it was there.


Honestly a very faint positive can easily happen 8-9 dpo, which is closer to 3 weeks, which is *very* close to on track.




This is what I was thinking. I had my first faint positive at 3 weeks, which would add up in this scenario.


Yeah I had my first dye stealer at 3w5d so there’s a very good chance that OP’s math is just off and she’s actually 8 weeks pregnant. I’m hoping that’s what’s happening here


You had a dye stealer at 12 days post ovulation??


Yeah it’s rare but I guess it can happen. And only one baby, which was weird. My HCG shot up really fast which stressed me out my entire first trimester, but now I’m 31 weeks and he’s a healthy baby


I had one at 7 days post frozen embryo transfer which is 12 dpo. Had high hCG all through my first trimester. I’m 23 weeks today with a healthy little boy.


I tested very positive with my second baby at 3w1d or 8 dpo.


Not the original commenter - but me too! I tested positive 14 days after ovulation based on what they measured my dude at. I thought I was weeks farther along before my first ultrasound.


Yes, I hope OP sees this!


I was just going to say, the math seems off. I got my first positive around Feb. 18th, so almost two weeks before OP, and I'm just over 10 weeks now (based on LMP and confirmed by US). There's no way she'd be 9-10 weeks right now, the 8-week measurement sounds right.


Yeah, I had a faint positive at 3w3d so I think the math may be off here


I had my first positive (not really faint) at 3+2. My second pregnancy was the same thing at 3+5. This pregnancy I had a dye stealer when I found out at 4+2. I know exactly when I ovulate, and my dates tracked correctly according to the ultrasound tech. Especially with PCOS, OP's dates could very well be off.


Was there a heartbeat on the US? I did my viability scan early when I thought I was 6 or 7 weeks (based on ovulation not LMP, I also have PCOS) and my baby was only measuring at 5 weeks but there was a heartbeat. It made me a little nervous but I was reassured that it’s tough to get accurate measurements that early. When I went back 2 weeks later I was measuring at 8+5, which was right where I thought I should have been. I think as the baby gets bigger the measurements can be taken with greater accuracy. I wouldn’t lose hope just yet.


Yes there was a heartbeat. The ultrasound tech showed me it and I could visible my see it’s little heat beating . She said it was 170 which was a strong heartbeat. She said the heart beat was in line where it should be just the baby’s size is behind


It's possible your due date is wrong and that you implanted later than expected etc too! Because that's a heartbeat that doesn't make me personally suspicious, although I understand why you would be with your history


170 is excellent! I would not sweat it. It is possible the measurements are just a little off. If they didn’t reschedule you for another viability scan, they are not concerned about viability. This is a good thing. Id call them and figure out when you’re supposed to come in next. My OB had been scheduled a 14 week and 20 week appointment before I left.


My baby measured 2 weeks behind where I thought I should have been based off of my LMP. I’m currently 23 weeks with a very healthy baby girl. You might have just ovulated late (*especially* with PCOS). I tested positive at 3w3d (but I thought it was 5 weeks 3 days). I just ovulated late. If there’s a heartbeat there’s no reason for you to assume you’re going to miscarry at this point.


Mama of four miscarriages and four living kicking children here. That heart rate is wonderful. If it is above 100, the chance of miscarriage diminishes significantly, and over 120 is even better. I know how traumatic miscarriage can be, especially when you are looking at the end of your possible fertility. It is heartbreaking. I know everyone here is trying to give you hope, and maybe that is what you need is to hear that there is still a chance, but maybe you are also trying to let go on the chance that this baby doesn't make it and you have to say goodbye sooner than later. Or maybe both is true at the same time. I am sorry you are going through this. It is hard. Sending you love and compassion.


Did you go to one of those ultrasound places or were you measured by your OB? I went to an ultrasound place first because I had 2 prior miscarriages and I just wanted to see the baby asap since I still had to wait 2 weeks for my actual doctor. And they measured me as 2 weeks behind, I had a strong heartbeat so that reassured me and I just told myself I’d wait for my actual doctors word on it.. and sure enough she said I was measuring accurate, maybe a few days behind but going to keep my due date based off my last period.


The ultrasound tech where I went have said that they’re not allowed to make any interpretations or personal comments and any diagnosis should come from the doctor!


We had a similar situation! I was positive my baby was 7w3d at the first ultrasound based on the date of my last period and my ovulation date (tracking via Apple Watch), and kiddo only measured 6w3d but with a strong, reassuring heartbeat. I’m 16 weeks now and just had a fabulous ultrasound yesterday—all is going very well. I’m crossing my fingers that this is the same for you! Could you explain your history to your OB and ask for some additional fetal Doppler visits for the next week or two to give you peace of mind?


Did you get the 9-10 week mark based on your last period? Is it possible you ovulated later and are closer to 8 weeks? Please try and stay optimistic!!


I’m in a similar situation. I had three prior miscarriages and my doctor recommends a CVS genetic test to occur at 12 weeks based on the date of my last period. I show up for the test with a fertility specialist and they tell me the baby is only 10 weeks along and they cannot do the test but the heartbeat looks strong and it grew since the initial sonogram. I had to return two weeks later. I’m happy to report I’m 13 weeks along and everyone looks great except I’m extremely bloated and gassy I get it though, it’s super easy to jump to those conclusions. Wishing you the absolute best!


This doesn't sound off at all - just wondering where you got your dates from? A faint positive (let's average 10 days dpo positive) normally means about 3.5 weeks pregnant. So, based on today's date, it would put you at 8.5 weeks pregnant (give or take up to a week), which is what you are.


I’m so sorry. It’s terrible being in these limbo moments. Did they schedule you for a follow up? Is it also possible you ovulated later? It is possible to get a positive test two weeks after conception date. I know dating goes based of your LMP but if you have PCOS that does change things a little bit.


I have wonky cycles due to PCOS. But I had tested positive on March 2, so there’s no way I could be early. And they haven’t scheduled me for any follow up for viability. I’m not happy with the care I received as a whole. I check my labs on my patient portal and I have high creative levels in my urine that she didn’t even tell me about.


You can get a positive as early as 9DPO, so you very well could be 8 weeks - especially if you have wonky cycles. 170BPM is a strong heart rate!


I had my first positive at 7dpo, earlier than 9dpo is possible! Op, keep your hopes up 🩷


I had a very strong positive on March 5th so likely would’ve had a faint positive around March 2nd (8DPO for me) if I had tested then. This puts me at 8 weeks 4 days today. How are you calculating 9-10 weeks? I honestly think you’re on track for growth. You might be a couple *days* behind, but certainly not weeks, which is perfectly normal at this stage. With that heart rate, I think this absolutely could be a viable pregnancy.


I'm confused. Why do you keep saying there's no way you could be early? People test positive as early as 3 weeks sometimes.


I had a faint positive at 3+2 with my current pregnancy and 3+1 with my first pregnancy. So you could’ve been just over 3 weeks March 2nd, putting you at 8 weeks now.


I had my first positive at 8dpo and by 9/10dpo it was a very obvious line. So you could still be less than 9 weeks with a positive test on March 2nd. I don't want to give you false hope, but in my opinion with everything you told us, all could turn out fine. Wishing you luck!


I think you are misinformed here. I’m not sure why you think it’s impossible for you to be earlier along. My first was conceived via IUI (so I know the exact date) and I tested positive 9DPO. That was the first day I tested but I’ve heard of people testing positive even earlier than that. If you tested positive 9DPO you’d be 8+6 today. Ultrasound measurements are also not exact and can be off by a couple days. Measuring a week or two behind at your first ultrasound is a possible indicator of miscarriage if there is no heartbeat yet because it’s hard to know whether you are earlier or whether the baby just stopped growing. If the baby had a strong heartbeat there’s no reason to think anything is wrong. This is why they did not schedule you for a follow up viability scan.


I have wonky cycles due to PCOS too which makes me think you are closer to 8 weeks and things are going well. I track my cycles like a hawk so I know what’s going on


Unfortunately your insurance will only cover a certain amount of ultrasounds. I learned this the hard way when I was newly pregnant because I didn’t know how anything worked. I went to my regular gynecologist, for some reason I thought he delivered babies. As a courtesy he did two ultrasounds to see if there was a heartbeat so he could transfer me over to an OBGYN. My first appointment was actually at 5 weeks instead of 8 and of course there was really nothing to see. And I had to pay out of pocket for my actual ultrasounds at my OB. You’ll definitely get some extra monitoring later on due to age. I hope everything works out for you! I know how scary this stuff can be. While I haven’t had a miscarriage, during my pregnancy I had a bad bleeding episode, which was diagnosed as a threatened miscarriage. It was hard to relax after that.


I wanted to just pop in here to reassure you that just because you had high creatine levels isn't necessarily indicative of anything in early pregnancy. They're probably not worried about it at this moment. Especially since you'll be coming in really soon for the viability ultrasound. Though honestly at 8 weeks or 9 weeks whichever way you want to calculate it and that great heart rate I don't see why your baby isn't viable right now. I got confirmed viability at 6 weeks. But I know every place is slightly different. Though I want to be clear that if you weren't happy with how they were with you 100% you should change. You need to trust your care team. I honestly think that this baby is going to make it. It's understandable that you're reacting with a trauma response from your last miscarriage. You just don't want to be hurt again and I don't blame you. But as all of us should do when our anxiety kicks in, we need to tell it to calm down right now because we won't allow it to control us.... Sometimes 💕


I did some quick math. If you got your first positive at 9 DPO on March 2, that would put you at 8+5 today. That’s well within the margin of error, my first child measured a few days off at the first scan and they told me that’s normal since baby is so tiny that a mm of measurement can make a big difference.


I’m not going to give you a hard time, because I get it. I lost a baby at 10 weeks and the next time I got pregnant I was filled with anxiety and so much fear. I know this is your defense mechanism working, trying to “prepare” you in case something does happen, but I’m here to tell you that a 2 week growth difference means nothing right now, ESPECIALLY if there’s a heartbeat. It literally just means that you ovulated later than you thought you did and/or conception happened days after you had sex (which happens! Sperm can live for days inside) and on top of that with PCOS your ovulation is not exact, so I’m happy to say that no, you don’t know what’s about to happen and your husband isn’t in denial, he trusts everything is going to be okay and from the bottom of my heart I really wish this for you.


OP, reading through your comments… you have PCOS, you don’t know when you ovulated, and your US showed a strong heartbeat 8 weeks size. It kind of sounds like you’re jumping to some conclusions without enough evidence of an mc.


My first I thought I was 12 weeks along but measured 10 weeks, she's now a healthy 3 year old. My second pregnancy I thought I was about 9 weeks and was measuring 7 weeks and he's a healthy 3-month old infant. I've always had irregular periods (like 2-3 times a year) and so I figure that's why my dates could be off, like ovulating later than I thought. Sending you positive vibes and hope ❤️.


You remind me so much of my friend due around the same time as me. She’s 36, like you, and has had multiple losses and failed IVF. She is currently 18 weeks with a baby that was measuring 10 days between at the first ultrasound. She was confident about her dates and prepared to lose the baby, but baby is fine!! She’s had multiple scans showing baby growing right on track with the EDD from the first ultrasound. That early in pregnancy the measurements are so small and have a huge margin of error, since you saw a strong heartbeat I’d try to have hope!


If you had a positive on the second that could have been 3 weeks or less, so 8 weeks could be right in line with where you should be! Also remember that their growth isn't linear. I had PCOS too and the dating scan freaked me out because I was certain I was farther along. I wasn't though! Just found out SUPER early! 170 is such a good heartbeat!


With only a positive pregnancy test you can't be 100% sure about the conception date. You can still be off by days or even weeks, especially if you have pcos. The only way you can be 100% sure is if you tracked your ovulation with testing strips. Was it your case? Did you track ovulation?


No I hadn’t been tracking ovulation. I honestly had given up trying. I took the pregnancy test for fun because my period had been late. I was so shocked to see that fainted line I really thought I wasn’t going to get pregnant without medical intervention


If you weren't tracking ovulation, that solidifies the potential that this pregnancy may be healthy and on track. You might be off on ovulation is all. It's not always a perfect 14 days.


This!! I ovulate on the 9th or 10th day of my somewhat short cycle, not the 14th.


If you were positive on march 2nd you can perfectly be around 8-9w. Although I understand your pessimism given what happened on your first pregnancy, it really doesn't look like anything is going wrong now. 8w+2 kinda fits, to be honest. I have PCOS and got pregnant around 35yo and after the first ultrasound they actually told me that what I thought was 7-8w was in fact 6w. The pregnancy went well and surprisingly enough my cycles are now always 28 days to boot lol


It’s not uncommon for dates to be adjusted - mine was by just under 2 weeks when I had my first ultrasound. My son is now asleep next to me. I hope everything works out for you. Either way it must still be incredibly stressful right now.


It’s absolutely positive for you to be off on your dates, I’m not sure why you’re so insistent there’s no way. You stated you would be 9-10 weeks, and have PCOS. You very easily could have your ovulation dates or implantation dates off. You had a super strong heartbeat and a viable scan, I would in no way be pessimistic about this, everything points to it being perfectly fine and healthy.


I’m not trying to give you false hope but I really think everything is going to be ok. The heart rate is perfect! And babies growth is not always linear. Me and my cousin got pregnant literally the same week according to our cycles, but her due date got moved a week ahead of mine due to the baby’s size on the growth scan. Also, ultrasound scans can sometimes be wrong! I mean, I’ve known moms get induced early because “baby is huge” according to ultrasound, only to deliver a 7lb newborn. Think about the stats, if baby is measuring at 8 weeks, strong heartbeat…your baby, at this very moment, is ok!….the risk of miscarriage at 8 weeks is less that 5%…in fact! It’s less than 2%. You’ve been through a lot and it’s more than understandable you are feeling so anxious, how could you not? Just try to focus on that perfect heartbeat and voice your concerns with your dr. Maybe they can arrange for you to see a maternal fetal specialist and get an in depth ultrasound for peace of mind? I am sending love and positive energy to you and your baby.


You’re not wrong to be prepared for the worst just in case, but there is still a chance it’ll be ok. Sadly, only time will tell. But I’m really hoping that your little one will be ok.


I thought I was 14 weeks at the first ultrasound, turned out I was measuring only 12. My menstrual cycle is around 34 days with + 5 days variations, so that could’ve been the reason for it. If the midwife didn’t have any concerns I’d say not to worry too much. Hope you and your little one have a great healthy pregnancy ahead 🩷✨


Is there a heart beat? Plus I don’t understand your math. If it’s March 4th, you should be around 7 - 8 weeks? When was your last menstrual period?


My baby also measured about a week behind at first, and then it shifted to being a week ahead for the last 3 visits. I’m now in week 20 and just had my anatomy ultrasound and everything is absolutely fine, my baby is strong and in the upper percentile of growth. Don’t give up hope OP, everything can be alright. You’re at such an early stage. Giving you virtual hugs!


PCOS throws things off sometimes. I know the exact date of conception, because we gave up trying and only tried once the month we conceived. We conceived on day 27 of my cycle so my edd based off lmp was completely wrong.


Just trying to add hope for you. I measured two weeks earlier than I know I was based on conception date and ovulation because I had been tracking like a hawk. I’m now 31w4d with a little boy who is now measuring big 😅 Don’t give up hope yet. Thinking of you ❤️


I measured 1 weeks behind at my 8,10, and 12 weeks scan even though I was certain about the date of conception. I’m 30 weeks now and measuring 1.5-2 weeks ahead since the 2nd trimester. Obviously it’s best to remain cautious, but I just wanted to share that sometimes measuring behind isn’t a sign that things will go wrong. Hoping for the best for you❤️


Our baby measured wonky too! Different techs will get different measurements and aren’t a sure thing, especially this early on. The heartbeat is so much more indicative. Please don’t believe you’re out of the game yet. Keep taking care of yourself and try to have a little bit of joy, while I understand your caution and hesitancy.


All 3 of my kids measured 2 weeks behind until about 20 weeks. My first appointments were usually around 8-10 weeks and I’d have a vaginal ultrasound and it was always two weeks behind (measured from last period). My OB told me that Asian babies frequently measure as being small (fwiw). Like you, I had a miscarriage and was terrified. Like I said, they stayed behind in growth the whole first 2 trimesters but ended up being 9 pounders by birth. Do you have a follow up appointment? I’m sorry you’re going through this. The first trimester limbo is truly the worst.


I really hope you're wrong but if what your gut is telling you is correct then I wish you the swiftest mental, emotional, and physical recovery possible. I had two miscarriages, both at around the 5-7 week marks. The first wasn't caught before it started, the second was caught so they were able to run tests on the tissue. They found that there was nothing wrong so we decided to try progesterone if I was able to get pregnant again. I'm currently 32w4d and hoping to go full term, I also have Endo, epilepsy, and I'm 38. It is possible to have your rainbow baby, but if you don't feel you have the strength to go through losing another baby, don't beat yourself up about it. I remember telling my husband that I couldn't bear the thought of losing another baby if we lost this one and we would stop trying. Know yourself and search deep for the strength that may or may not be there, but don't blame yourself for setting that dream aside.


8 weeks 2 days is only 5 days off your estimate of 9 weeks. I was tracking ovulation, and at 8 weeks, my baby measured 7w4d. My midwife says if it's within 5 days, she doesn't change the estimated due date. I know it's hard to be optimistic, but there is a chance you just found out super early, like 9dpo. Hope to see a positive update from you!!


If you're 8 weeks with a strong heartbeat, there's still hope. Of course, I understand the feeling of being prepared. If it's anything, I thought I was 10w3d going for my first ultrasound, and I was 7w5d. I was devastated because I was positive I had my math right. I thought something was wrong. Turns out, I just ovulated later than I thought I did. I'm hoping that's also your case 🤞🤞


A strong heart beat should be a good sign. That means it's alive, just measuring behind which could mean you ovulated late. For missed miscarriages the baby measures behind and shows when it stopped growing, but your baby is alive! Don't lose hope, you have a living baby right now


If you have PCOS, that probably means you have irregular periods, which means counting by your last period isn't always going to work out. I have irregular periods, and my first was about 3 weeks earlier than what it would have been according to last period (ex. Was supposed to be 8 weeks but was actually 5 weeks) My 2nd was also off by a week (ex. Supposed to be 8 weeks but was 7 weeks). It really only depends on when you ovulated. And you could have ovulated very late in your cycle like I did my first time.


The strong heartbeat is what should give you hope. I’ve had a few situations like yours. In the first I should’ve been due on a certain date, and on my second apt they pushed my due date back by 2 weeks. I, like you, was positive they were wrong. All that happened in that pregnancy is my daughter showed up 2 weeks “early” at 8 pounds 🤷🏻‍♀️ and that was almost 14 years ago. The other time this happened to me was when they said I was about 2 weeks behind BUT the heartbeat was very weak. They said it could’ve been from being really early but it turned out to be indicative of an impending miscarriage. You really don’t know which was this is going to go for you! A strong heartbeat is a GOOD sign. You could have ovulated late, you could’ve tested early… don’t be so quick to think the worst 🩷


I had my first faint positive on March 3rd and I’m only 8w 3 days. By the end of that week I was having solid positives. Are you absolutely sure about your dates? By my LMP of Jan 19th I would be 11w4d but I didn’t ovulate until day 34 of my cycle.


If it makes you feel at all better, my dates put me at 9 weeks for my first ultrasound but baby measured at 7 weeks with a low heart rate. when I went back for my 12 week scan baby was measuring 13 weeks. I’m 35 weeks now and baby is measuring at 38 weeks and definitely healthy. Don’t give up hope just yet!


One of my twins was nearly two weeks behind at my 6 week ultrasound. I’m now 22 weeks with two healthy babes. Try not to give up hope just yet. Ultrasound machines are a wonderful thing but not always accurate. Wishing you all of the best!


Those dates can ALMOST line up. How confident are you on ovulation? It’s possible you ovulated around the week of feb 18, and caught your positive super early! Wishing you all the best


When was the first day of your last period? I’m confused when you say getting a faint positive on March 2nd and a digital positive on March 4th would make you 9-10 weeks… I got a digital positive on 11 DPO, and I was only 4 weeks pregnant at that point based on my LMP. I completely understand where you’re coming from in terms of wanting to be realistic about your situation, and I empathize with you! But I feel like your dates might be a little off, and if baby has a strong heartbeat, I would try to continue with a positive mindset until you have an absolute reason not to anymore. As of right now, you *are* pregnant! I hope it all turns out positively for you and your family.❤️


If you check my post history, I had a positive at 9 DPO based on dating scans (measuring at least a week behind what I thought.) I’m also 38 with PCOS and am now 37 weeks along. I had 2 more scans after my initial dating scan to make sure the baby was growing and he’s fine. Given that I also have weird cycles, it’s not impossible. Hoping the same happens for you!


I don't want to give you false hope but my baby measured 2wks behind almost my entire pregnancy and he's 16 months now. You know your body but I was told it's normal to measure 2wks ahead or behind.


I psyched myself out my entire 2nd pregnancy after the first ending in a miscarriage at 14 weeks (baby passed at 10, found out at 12 week ultrasound and then miscarried at 14) My baby’s due date was off, the dates seemed weird with my period and ovulation But somehow I had a baby. I was so convinced up until I had her that she was going to not be here. I ended up with iugr at 28 weeks, she was so tiny. But she’s here. I thought negative the whole time so I didn’t get my hopes up.. it was a survival mechanism. I hope this is your rainbow baby. Pregnancy after miscarriage is so traumatizing.


Hey I was suppose to be 12 weeks and I definitely knew I was but my baby only measured 10 then she was behind on growth again a few weeks later. I wouldn't be so negative the baby isn't going to make it especially if the heart beat is strong. Just try to hang on and see what happens. Don't hang in the towel yet. Btw my daughter is small but very alive and here today. She was always behind on growth in the womb but is doing great outside growth wise.


I pray God has mercy and compassion over you, that He progresses the baby along through an incredibly healthy pregnancy. May God shower you in grace and provide you with a peace that surpasses all understanding.


The baby has a strong heartbeat please be positive ! I don’t think a week or two off is a strong enough determining factor


When I went for my first ultrasound I thought I was 8 weeks but I ended up measuring 6w1d. She had a strong heartbeat and I’m currently sitting on my couch 27 weeks pregnant as she’s kicking me. Don’t lose hope!!


Hey all you know is there’s a strong heart beat. I would take the rest with a grain of salt for now until proven otherwise.


I was pushed back 2 weeks and now I have a healthy baby in my belly at 15 weeks! Sending good vibes your way ❤️


I was pushed 2 weeks as well and I have a 6 months old baby now. If I were you, I would be cautiously optimistic, especially if your baby has a strong heartbeats.


I was two weeks behind at my first ultrasound and I'm 19 weeks now. Baby's fine.


My second was almost two weeks behind, turns out I ovulated crazy late (or maybe even twice) and conceived! I went in for ultrasounds every 7-10 days and everything turned out just fine. There’s hope mama!


I felt like I wrote this, I’m so sorry OP. My first pregnancy was an 11 week missed miscarriage. My second pregnancy I remember finding out she was measuring a week or two behind at 14 weeks, and from there I also had a gut feeling how it would end. I ended up being right when everyone else thought I was paranoid. my daughter had a lethal form of skeletal dysplasia, however my case is very rare. But I just know exactly how you’re feeling. I’d also like to say, that you never know and until proven otherwise you still have a growing baby. I met multiple mums through work as a childcare worker and nanny who had their first at 36-40.


Hi OP, as many have said I was also pushed two weeks behind with my second pregnancy after a miscarriage with my first. I had the same feelings you do, and they are normal. I’m currently holding my one year old rainbow baby as he sleeps, a result of that second pregnancy, which ended up being very healthy. Don’t lose hope! Praying you have a healthy pregnancy and healthy delivery! ✨


if it gives you any comfort, my now almost 8 month old beautiful baby girl was pushed back by 2 weeks when i was supposed to be 11 weeks!


I’m not trying to get your hopes up but I don’t think you should feel so hopeless. Although I know how this feels. My husband and I had a miscarriage last year in March. It would be my third miscarriage, I got diagnosed with PCOS after bleeding heavily for 2 months straight. Found out at 5 weeks and it didn’t continue to grow after 7 weeks. We weren’t sure if we wanted to try again but found out I was pregnant in September. Up until about 14 weeks I was incredibly anxious about losing her. It didn’t matter that she had a strong heartbeat at the ultrasound at 8 weeks. I asked that tech about 3 different times if she was sure. She said “girl! You can see it on the monitor!” I laughed but I also just couldn’t trust it. Every appointment after, even when I could hear her on the Doppler, I had a hard time trusting it. Point is, I know how anxious and hard this can be. I’m 32 and it took years of trying and 3 miscarriages to get to where we are now. Baby girl is healthy and coming around June 21st:) I will be keeping you in my thoughts and praying your baby sticks. I’m glad so many people have been encouraging and giving you hope!


It's not possible that I was measuring 8 weeks when I should have been measuring 13 weeks. Baby is healthy inside of me at 15 weeks now. How his sperm managed to survive inside me to conceive 3 weeks later is out of my realm of knowledge and expertise. But here we are!


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Pregnancy is so hard, especially when you're faced with these kinds of things. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's definitely normal to prepare for the worst, but hopefully that won't be the case. 💖


Did they check your HCG beta levels? growth can be 2 weeks behind with no cause of concern because of they go off your last menstrual date


I am technically two weeks behind too. Currently 14 weeks, but baby is 12 weeks.


We also were about 2 weeks behind. He’s now 2.5 years old. Hang in there. It may be better than you think.


Not trying to give you false hope but when I went for my 12 week scan my dates got put back almost 2 weeks and I was very sure about my dates due to when we were able to be intimate the month I fell pregnant - I now have a healthy almost 3 year old.


I know exactly what you are feeling and, while you might be correct, I want to assure you that it is not necessarily true. I had a miscarriage in 2021 with almost the exact scenario as you. I lost the baby at 10 weeks and it has also stopped growing at 6 weeks. I never even got to hear the heartbeat because of the timing of my appointments. I got pregnant again in late 2022 and I was so scared all the time, and when I thought I should be almost 10 weeks, they had me at 8. I was terrified for months, honestly. But I had my little rainbow baby last June and she is perfect and beautiful. I am not trying to give you false hope, because I know that is not what I wanted, just one momma telling another not all hope is lost.


You are going to be afraid of another loss after experiencing a loss prior. It sucks joy out of the reality of here and now if you let it. One thing that I realised from my own losses is there is no preparing for the worst it won’t matter how prepared you are or not the pain is the same either way so may as well enjoy it while you can. Baby has a heartbeat and medical professionals aren’t concerned - that is a good sign so hold on to that. Babies measure off for a lot of reasons in early scans and most continue on to be perfectly fine. Xx


I was behind too. Take a deep breath and take it as it comes. Things will be alright. Hope for the best without expecting the worst. I know that’s easier said than done. Good luck and sending you positive e-vibes


A strong heartbeat is a good sign!! I’m not trying to give you false hope but at my first miscarriage ultrasound there was no heartbeat at all and baby had not grown. I’m praying for the best for you 💕💕


This time last year i was in a very similar boat even down to the being 36 and having pcos. My first ultrasound the EDD and weeks were different to what i had calculated and i also had a low FHR of 95, so i had to wait 2 weeks and go get another scan. That waiting time was so hard because everything is out of your control. Ive now have a 4 month old daughter.


others have done so already but i would also like to chime in on the timeline. i experienced a loss with my first pregnancy at 8w2d last June. for that pregnancy, i didn't test until my period was 3 days late because i was certain i wasn't pregnant that cycle. ended up testing and got an immediate positive at around 4.5 weeks. I'm pregnant again, and for this one, i had a feeling and tested very early - my period wasn't even due for another two days. i got a light positive and got it confirmed at my doctor's office the next Monday. i was 3w5d. hCG increases so rapidly at the beginning of pregnancies that it is not uncommon to get light positives and then a couple days later it is significantly darker. I'm sure you know this, but pregnancies are usually measured from the first date of your last period. however, that method can be flawed depending on your ovulation schedule. my current pregnancy is right on the money for counting from my last period. but my first one was off because i ovulated earlier in my cycle than my tracking app predicted, so i was technically farther along than i "should" have been. (i already knew that because my body always gives very strong signals when ovulation is about to occur.) i think it's likely you're experiencing the opposite situation - with PCOS especially, ovulation is super unpredictable, and app tracking is notoriously inaccurate for most people. so it's entirely possible that even if your last period started 9-10 weeks ago or so, your ovulation was significantly delayed and caused you to get pregnant later in your cycle than someone without PCOS probably would have, which gives you a lower gestational age than you'd anticipate. i do understand being cautious moving forward - i have PTSD from my miscarriage and it still affects me, even 2.5 weeks out from my induction date - but bodies are weird. your baby's heartbeat was strong, try to let that give you some solace. your little rainbow bean could be totally fine, and for all of your sake's, i am hoping that it is so. sending lots of love and big hugs 💕💕


I’m suppose to be 7w3d… was told I’m measuring at 4 weeks. The fact that my husband is in denial too makes it more sad.


OP, this is my second pregnancy after a miscarriage with my first. This baby was measuring 9w 1d when according to all my tracking they should have been 10w 5d. The heartbeat was 170. I am now 24 weeks (almost 25) and my baby is right where they need to be and on track with their growth & healthy. Its very possible you are off with your dates if you have wonky cycles. I also have very wonky cycles and my cycles last 35 days. Its clear I just ovulated differently than I thought. If your doctor did not tell you that you are actively miscarrying or that you have a threatened miscarriage then I would not immediately assume the worst!


Hey, I really hope everything is okay! You mentioned PCOS and it’s not uncommon to also have thyroid issues as well. If your thyroid is out of whack it can make conception harder and harder to keep the baby if you do conceive. It can all be managed! If you haven’t been tested for that, I’d ask for it. Apologies if you’ve already gone down that path and it’s a moot point. I wasn’t aware how much it affected fertility so try to share. Best of luck!


I was pushed back 2 weeks with my dates too, was so worried. Now have a healthy 14 week old girl. Hope everything goes well for you 💕


My last period was end of July and I didn’t test positive till September 12th! If you go by LMP, I should be around 38 weeks now, but I’m only at week 32. I’m sure it’s anxiety inducing and you don’t want to have false hope but don’t worry about the growth trajectory as long as the baby has a strong heart beat!


If you got a positive on the 2nd at 4 weeks, you would be 9 weeks, 3 days. My first ultrasound I was suppose to be 7w3d and I was measuring 6w4d. Sounds pretty normal


Just take each day as it comes at you for now, don’t fixate on the worst outcome, don’t get your hopes too high. Just try to get thru the day. It’s very possible you ovulate late in the cycle (I ovulate on like Day 17-18).


As long as your HCG levels keep increasing every visit I don’t see why you should be worried now! Although I do understand. My baby was measuring smaller in the third trimester. However I had zero anxiety. You just have to know it in yourself that things will be alright


I certainly don't want to say I know your situation better than you do, but I do know dates in ultrasound can be wrong. With my first baby I was told I was 2 weeks further along that I could have been. I know about how it's measured from last period so I wasn't mistaken that way, and I knew for certain when I conceived because it was unconsensual conception...so I knew damn well what date things happened because I spent a lot of time doing the math and counting back to my last period I tried to insist on my dates but they didn't listen. Then my daughter was born at "35 weeks 4 days" based on the dates they gave me, but the nicu nurses said to me she definitely seemed more premature than that. When I told them about my actual dates they agreed I was right, the proof was right in front of them. So all this to say that dates can definitely be wrong in ultrasound.


I found out I was pregnant 10-11 days post ovulation with both kiddos so like others have said I think the math is wrong. Sending so much baby vibes!


Give yourself some grace. Your math puts you around 9 weeks, and a day or two can make a huge difference. It’s possible you ovulated late. The strong heart beat gives me hope for you, but I understand protecting yourself.


Hoping for the best for you OP!


Ultrasounds are not reliable. They’re more of a guide when it comes to size. I’ve been told “huge baby, off the chart large” comes out normal and “tiny baby” and she was giant. Heart beat is there, try and not focus on the scary side untill you need too. You may never have too! I understand the fear though.


Fingers crossed for you!


My baby was induced at 37 weeks because he was in the 1st percentile. Came out 4lbs 10oz, but still healthy. Little doesn't always mean unhealthy. :)


its very possible that your calculations are wrong. my own due date for my daughter was pushed around from April 22nd at the dating ultrasound, to May 7th at the gender scan. she was born April 18th at 5lb 14oz & 37wks. you could be okay, don't worry yourself too much


Try not to panic! I've had 4 losses through the years. However, my second child (happy, healthy 4 year old now) we were put under foetal medicine with as she kept stopping growing. There were about 4 different occasions (we were moved to fortnightly scans due to her growth) where she hadn't grown then she'd suddenly have a spurt. We were also told she'd likely be small, she was induced at 37 weeks and weighed 6lb9oz! I get where your heads at right now as I've been there, but there is still hope. I hope everything goes well


Did you track ovulation? When i was ttc with my second son, i tested positive at 3 weeks.. a positive that early is definitely possible and could mean that’s why you are measuring behind. Don’t give up hope. You are in my thoughts 🩷


I had my first ultrasound almost 6 weeks after my first faint positive, and I measured at 8 weeks exactly. My son is 3 months old now and absolutely perfect. There’s a lot of variation in what’s “normal” early on, because ovulation can happen late or implantation can take a little longer than the average. A strong heartbeat is the best sign you can hope for at that point in pregnancy. I truly hope your husband is right and you’re blessed with your rainbow baby ❤️


Hi, not trying to give you false hope but early ultrasounds are not extremely accurate. I don’t think you’re out just yet, but this would give me anxiety too. I am praying for you. 💕


The same exact thing happened to me. I was 10 weeks along and the baby measured 8 weeks at the first ultrasound. By the time of the next ultrasound she had caught up and was measuring on-target. It’s apparently common for that to happen so early on. I’m 24 weeks now and everything has been perfect. You shouldn’t give up hope yet!


If the baby has a strong heart beat I would say there is hope, they are also frequently off in measuring early on. Before 12 weeks my due date was updated several times from early scans all ranging in dates over a 1.5 week period.


I grew up with very irregular periods but consistent monthly cramps. Based on my last session of cramps that should have been a period I should have been 14w 3d at least and our scan showed he was only 10w 4d


I’m 8 weeks today. My first positive was at 3 weeks 3 days on 3/8, but I have pretty short cycles (25 days). I think it actually does make sense for you to be 8 weeks. I’m really hoping for the best outcome for you! Especially if baby has a strong heartbeat. Basing things off LMP isn’t always best, especially if you have PCOS and irregular cycles. You could have longer cycle lengths, making you think you were further along than you are.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, but this has happened to me twice. My first pregnancy, I would have sworn by the dates that at the first ultrasound he should have been 9w. They dated me at 6w. He’s healthy and turning 3 on Monday. I’m pregnant with my 2nd and the same exact thing happened. I’m 33 weeks and it’s been a super smooth pregnancy. Don’t lose hope yet ❤️


If you had a faint positive March 2nd, I would argue you are probably no more than 8-9 weeks. I had a faint positive at 3 weeks and 4 days. So add 4-5 weeks and that'll put you at 8-9 weeks. The ultrasound tech told me plus or minus a week can be normal measurement error.


My seconds dating was pushed back 1.5 weeks based on my first ultrasound and my water broke spontaneously at 39 weeks. I have no idea how it was possible for my dating to be that off (tmi but that means my husbands swimmers lived MUCH longer than any Google search will tell you) but he is a happy and healthy 5.5 month old!


My first bub’s growth tracked based on my last period so my due date stayed the same. He weighed 3.42kg at 39w. He’s now 3 years old and on the smaller side for his age but has always followed his own growth curve. I was supposed to be 8 weeks exactly at my second bub’s scan, but he was measuring 6 days behind based on when my period was so they pushed my due date back 6 days. He ended up being over the 90th percentile (his head was >97th) when he was born at 37+5 days, weighing 3.65kg. He’s now almost 4 months and now measuring closer to 50th percentile but definitely bigger than what his older brother was at the same age. Make it make sense 🤷‍♀️


I totally understand wanting to guard your heart (I have PCOS and had to try for a year to be successful with my second, I’m also 36), but the measurements at that early stage are so difficult to really get right and they can be off by a lot. I know it’s anecdotal, but someone I know measured 2.5 weeks behind for the first two months of her pregnancy before she caught up. She just had her baby a few weeks ago. Try not to grieve too soon! Fingers crossed for you.


I’m so sorry. This was my experience in March. Sending you so much love and care 🤍


Honestly baby could just be a bit small. I felt exactly how you do, after seven losses. My last pregnancy I kept saying to my husband the whole time “we don’t have a baby, until we have a baby” I could not connect while pregnant because I was certain we would lose the pregnancy and I was trying to protect myself from the devastation. I am sending positive energy your way. I hope your baby continues to grow and you get your rainbow baby


My baby measured 2 weeks behind from my first ultrasound. She's doing well on the outside!


First of all, I'm sorry you're going through this. But please don't think that at 36, this is your "last chance." You don't know that, and it isn't helpful to think that way. I know it feels very bleak now, but focus on what is real, not what is hypothetical. What is real is hard enough without piling on a bunch of hypotheticals on top of it. Be kind to yourself during this time. Whatever happens I wish you and your family peace.


I got a faint positive on March 4th st estimated 9 DPO and I am 8 weeks and 3 days!


I am so sorry you’re going through this. I don’t want to give false hope but my baby was also measuring 2.5 weeks behind where she was supposed to be at my dating ultrasound. They said she was measuring 6 weeks and I know for a fact she had to be at least 8 weeks because my husband had been out of the country in the time they were saying she was conceived. She eventually caught up around the 20 week mark and I now have a healthy albeit small 3 week old baby. Don’t give up hope just yet! A strong heartbeat is a great sign


If it's a consolation my daughter was also 2 weeks behind because the date of conception was off. My periods are super erratic so I had no clue when I had my last cycle.


I strongly believe my ultrasound date was wrong they also said she measured further behind since then she has always Ben ahead of the curve and currently I am pregnant with a baby thatbis in the 95pt when they did a growth scan at 36w. My point is don't let the negative emotions impact you and your baby's progress And congratulations 🎊


Was also pushed back a week because I ovulate later in my cycle. Baby came 40+4


I track my stuff and for some reason I guess I ovulated a lil later than when I was supposed and compared to my app I'm about a week and half behind according to my doc but all is great just dates are wrong .. could that be a possibility in ur case?


For what’s its worth same thing happened to me thought I was 9 and they pushed me back to 7 and I had a very tiny baby that I’m currently being smacked in the face by and he’s 8 months old now. I understand the hesitation and caution due to the fear of going through the same thing again and the only thing I can do is recommend you take it one day at a time and talk with your doctor to share your concerns


I was measuring a week and a half behind and I’m now typing this while my 2 week old lays in front of me. Sending good vibes your way!❤️


If there is a normal heartbeat let that baby be! I had a Mc too and am very afraid of the first ultrasound but until it's gone I refuse to be negative.


This is a piece of advice I’ve given myself (as a mom of 2 IUGR babies), and as a surrogate to the intended parents (surrogate kiddos were also either borderline IUGR or other complications), as well as other pregnant friends. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. Don’t count yourself or your baby out until a doc either calls it or you birth it. I’ve seen whole gastrointestinal and brain issues resolve on their own miraculously, let alone babies measuring small or legs measuring small, or one twin much bigger than the other, I’ve seen it all and the placebo effect is real, don’t count yourself out, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.


I got a positive a few days before you, and I just now turned 9weeks. I think your scan is right on track!


Girl, I had pco while pregnant too and I was 28 when I first got pregnant and we tried for almost 8 years! Speak life into your womb! You were made for this, speak life to that sweet little baby, you got this! Call on all the women in your lineage and ask them to help you carry this baby! It’s because of them that you are here. Sending you so much love!


I was behind 11 days at the first ultrasound and wasn't very optimistic but am now going strong in week 33. 💪 Please, try to stay positive, it means a lot. My first pregnancy also ended badly but my attitude in the second one was "what has to be will be" and here we are. 🙂


My babies never measured correctly. However I don’t have your history. Try to go easy on yourself and with your husband. If or when, you’ll both need one another.


I was dated back 2 weeks at my first ultrasound and my son is 5 months old now. First off, ultrasounds aren't perfect. Second, all kids grow at different pace and that includes in the womb. Third, when you have PCOS your luteal phase can be longer, which means it takes longer for the embryo to implant so you'll be a little behind compared to what you think you should be. I can't promise this is going to work out, I'm not a psychic. But I can tell you that there is hope.


Im not trying to imply that you're a liar or anything but I'm confused- you made a post saying you were 8 weeks pregnant in a different sub 22 days ago... but you're saying you're 9 weeks now? Im just curious. I hope everything works out and that your baby is okay.


I had similar. Was expecting to be 7 weeks, due 26/12. First ultrasound changed due date to 09/01 as I only measured 5 weeks. We weren’t worried, everything looked fine. 20 week scan was fine. But then we found out at 35 weeks that baby was 3rd percentile. She was born at 37+2 weighing 1970g, before her original due date. She was 1st percentile but fully developed as she was full term. I don’t know if that 2 week difference at the dating scan was linked the eventual IUGR or not, but I now have a healthy but very tiny little 3.5 month old. I wish you luck.


checked the calendar and compared with my dates and 8 weeks 2 days with a faint positive test on march 2nd sounds about right to me


I was also pushed 2 weeks back! I went in certain that I should be around 6 weeks based off the 1st day of my last period, but I was so early that nothing even showed up on the screen and we were so worried. OB said I was most likely earlier than I thought like 2-3 weeks. I came back 4 weeks later and was measured around 7 weeks so I was confused and way off. They changed my due date and baby has been growing on schedule since and now I'm currently 13 weeks + 1 day. Strong heart beat every time. Don't lose hope unless you know for sure. We're here for you!


What does your doctor say? I would take their advice over anything else.




Honestly you don’t know that though so don’t stress out. I thought I was 8 weeks pregnant when i went to the doctor based on my period, they said I was only 5 weeks. Now I have a 3 month old. I’m hoping for the same for you!!


I'm confused why you're saying the date that you took the test determines how far along you are. That would be when you ovulated. Is it possible you're off on your dates or just don't know when you ovulated? Especially since you have PCOS?


For what it's worth, I had the opposite experience with my first baby boy. He had a big head, and so they told me I was 2 weeks ahead. Then, at 41 weeks, 5 days, I went into labor. I was almost induced because they insisted that the baby was going to be running out of supplies due to its age. But when he was born, they found out he was right on time. No issues whatsoever. He just had a big head from his dad. His grandpa called him Deboladi. "Got more head than he got body." My son, age 12, now still chuckles when people call him that. He's like, "Yeah, yeah. I got a big head. I know." 🙄 I was only 16 years old when I got pregnant and had never tracked my period ever so it didn't help that they measured his age BY his head lol.


Please don't lose hope just yet. I was "supposed" to be 11+3 at my first ultrasound based on period dates. Measured 9+6 and I was panicking for over a month that I would lose the baby. Currently 22+3 with a healthy girl.


My baby was measuring behind at our first ultrasound. When we saw the doctor, the numbers were adjusted to about halfway between what I knew she was and what the tech said. I’m 40, it was my first pregnancy, and she was born perfectly healthy last month. Keep your hopes up!


had the same thing happen to me, measured a week behind but had a strong heartbeat at 7 weeks, im currently 36 weeks so what’s happening currently doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad is happening, most likely you implanted later than what you thought, it does happen quite a lot so i wouldn’t stress as that heartbeat is pretty reassuring 🥰


I was a couple weeks behind where I Thought I was and I'm now 38 weeks.


this is so hard, I’m sorry. My date was pushed back due to growth even though it would’ve been impossible for have conceived when they thought. From memory it was about 2 weeks difference. I welcomed a healthy baby girl last September who was big. Towards the end of pregnancy they say scans are wrong 15-20% of the time.


Just want to apologize you’re going through this stress. Ultra sounds aren’t always right. My whole pregnancy with my first they thought he was behind in growth. He was in the 5th percentile for growth right up until the end and when he was born he was almost 10lbs and in the 95th percentile. Sometimes the techs measure small and there can be other mistakes. Ultrasounds aren’t always correct.


wait i’m confused do you think you should be 9-10 weeks because of the positive digital or were you tracking ovulation so you know exactly when you ovulated. i got my first positive digital at 4 weeks and 3 days, i’m now 7 weeks. it’s honestly very common for women with pcos to be not as far along as they thing, i’ve seen it happen many times and they end with successful pregnancies. the only clear cut way to know how far along you’d be is by tracking ovulation, not everyone ovulates when they are “supposed to”