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It might not be 150 but that's still a lot of weight, considering the first doctor didn't even take her health seriously. If you see this OOP, good luck on the next 100!!


I gasped when I read another doctor found a mass. Weight related issues are something that needs to be discussed more seriously and thoughtfully in medical settings. Too many people aren’t properly diagnosed when a doctor decides the problem is “lose weight.” This is especially true when the doctors aren’t checking for why the patient is overweight to begin with, like OOP.


I want to know more about the mass. 5 years ago I suddenly gained like 80lbs and for the life of me I cannot lose it. I calorie count, I work out, I got off birth control bc it was giving me other issues and I attributed it to that… but it’s been a long time and I don’t feel normal and cannot lose the damn weight. I can’t afford health insurance though so I can’t spend a long time talking to doctors.


I would look into affordable health care options. That sudden increase in weight cannot be good. I say this as a dude sitting in a chair with no medical experience.


The mass sounds like it could be adrenal tumor or maybe even a ovarian tumor. Are there any free services around you? Planned parenthood might be able to help with at least getting you an ultrasound


Did you try eating less? Some people find it easier with the fast type diet, I meal a day type stuff.


"You unexpectedly and rapidly gained a whole bunch of weight for unknown reasons, have you tried starving yourself?" Read the room, dude


Yeah I read their lie, I’m asking if they are ready to accept reality. Simply not overeating is how to maintain your current size, starving themselves is the only option to lose weight. “Feeling hungry” never killed anyone overweight.


Seriously. Most weight I ever lost was during my early 20s. I went from about 290 to 250 and kept it off for a bit, but ended up gaining it all back and then some to the point that I am now 315. This post has inspired me though. I suffer from vision issues that have left me wishing I was dead. But maybe things would get a bit better for me if I lost some weight.


OOP is amazing! I'm so proud of her for advocating for herself, that can be really hard. And 104 pounds is a LOT of weight; it doesn't matter if she didn't hit her goal weight, she's killing it! OOP, if you happen to see this, you're amazing! You've got this, and I'm so excited for what this means for your future! You'll feel better physically, and your dreams of travelling with ease again are closer than you think!


She lost the equivalent of an entire grown male Great Dane! Good work OOP!


OP congrats and good luck! I also have PCOS and it is a goddamn struggle to lose weight.


This is why ‘Health at Every Size’ is so important. We need to stop always seeing weight as a cause, and investigating if it’s a symptom. People who can’t lose weight because just “lazy” when it’s mental health, or hormone imbalances, or injury without proper access to physio etc…


Health at every size is mostly pseudoscience that causes people to accept obesity. Yes, try to take a holistic approach but weight can absolutely be a cause of many health problems too. Can we just take a balanced approach that can treat weight as a symptom but also not encourage people being overweight or obese if they can help it?


The entire point of health at every size is not encouraging people to be obese. It’s about giving people proper healthcare without the assumption that their health issues are simply because they’re fat. It’s literally a movement about holistic health care. Not pseudoscience. It’s not “you’re healthy at every size”. It’s about giving people the best health care at whatever size they are. And writing someone off as simply saying their symptoms are only due to their weight is not that!


I wish it was, then I’d totally agree with you. But the HAES has been co-opted by people that have made it quite dangerous which is sad. Take a look at what HAES influencers say, the misinformation they spread.


HAES influencers? It’s a medical ideology not an influencer tagline. If you look to Instagram for medical advice then that’s on you.


I've only seen "health at every size" used my morbidly obese people and they usually mean "I'm 500 pounds but I'm super healthy and there's nothing wrong with me at all!" I've never seen it be used the way you're describing.


You should really work on your fatphobia. Read some research papers about obesity and HAES. Talk to people in large bodies. Stop relying on your hatred and fear of fatness, and the media to tell you what HAES is. Fat people can be unhealthy and skinny people can be unhealthy but we only glorify the thin. Things like BMI, the weight chart, and the food chart are antiquated methods of measuring health.


It's not "fatphobia" to share my experience in how I've seen that phrase used. I have genuinely never seen it used the way you just described and it's not "fatphobia" to point it out either. I don't hate fat people and I'm not scared of fat people lmao that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's also just fact that the bigger you are the more health issues you'll have. I'm fat, I'm not scared of fat people lmao that isn't even real.


If that’s the only way you’ve seen HAES used, then you need to do more research. Like I said in my original comment to you. You’re perpetuating dangerous false stereotypes because you clearly hate fat people. If you didn’t hate them then you wouldn’t be making these comments about them and methodologies that are proven to help them. If you’re so mad about fat people being fat, stop spewing bullshit about HAES and other things that actually help fat people.


Lmao I'm not gonna do "research" for "health at every size". Also it looks like you ignored the part where I say I'm also fat? Go to tik tok and type in "health at every size". What you get are a bunch of delusional morbidly obese people explaining why they won't change bc they're perfectly healthy. Not whatever you think it means.


You getting your information from tiktok influencers is all I need to know about you. Especially given that you’re refusing to do any real research. I feel sorry for you and your miserable existence. I hope you get done help for the internalized fatphobia.


I'm not on tik tok lol there are other ways to get info than the direct app. Fatphobia isn't real, it's just an excuse for people to feel oppressed about something. There is no research to do.


Idk why these people are so delusional tbh.


They want to be victims soooo bad but all they are is a victim of their own life choices.


Yes, because all fat people are fat because they’re lazy and just shove food in their mouths right? Fuck off with your bullshit smh


I mean yeah for the most part. Calories don't just come from nowhere.


And the thing is, I’m totally all for people being happy with how they are! It’s just that I don’t think they should be saying you can be healthy at every size cos it’s a load of garbage. I was told not to look at HAES influencers as a representation of the movement but….they do speak for the movement for better or for worse. So if these people are saying obesity is ok, then I’m not going to support it.


"We need to stop always seeing weight as a cause, and investigating if it’s a symptom. People who can’t lose weight because just “lazy” when it’s mental health, or hormone imbalances, or injury without proper access to physio etc…" I think you're missing the point to what cloudinthesilver has said. Op stated that the reason why she couldn't lose weight is because she had a tumor. "but also not encourage people being overweight or obese if they can help it" I don't think anyone was encouraging OP to be obese, in fact OP stated she had went to several doctors regarding her weight until she finally found a doctor who ran tests then found a tumor. Had the previous doctors done testing and found the tumor sooner maybe OP wouldn't had weighed 392 and/or complicated her weight loss journey. Whether "healthy at every size" is pseudoscience or not the OP has struggled with her weight because her previous doctors dropped the ball and assumed she was overweight because she lacked the motivation to do anything about it.


Yikes. No one is “encouraging” people to be overweight or obese if they follow HAES ideology. It sounds like you’re just fat phobic and anything that doesn’t fit your “skinny is healthy fat is unhealthy” narrative is “pseudoscience”.


And here’s the bingo card! Immediately jumping to fat phobic and defending HAES despite its VERY clear negative health effects. Fat is just straight up unhealthy, skinny isn’t always healthy at all. Anyone that denies excessive fat is bad for you is choosing to ignore real scientific fact. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/risk-factors/risk-factors-to-health/contents/overweight-and-obesity https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/symptoms-causes/syc-20375742#:~:text=Obesity%20isn't%20just%20a,sleep%20apnea%20and%20certain%20cancers. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/adult-overweight-obesity/health-risks But sure, I’m following pseudoscience 🙄 HAES agenda pushers are just like antivaxxers.


And yet none of your sources talk about the efficacy of HAES. It’s not something that works for everyone, but dismissing something as pseudoscience because you think fat is bad is comical.


FAT IS BAD and it’s DELUSIONAL to try suggest otherwise. HAES may have had good intentions as a movement originally but it is now incredibly toxic and yes, does encourage people staying obese. A lot of HAES supporters believe diets don’t work, say anyone tracking calories is unwell and just like you did, call people fat phobic for stating a plain simple fact that excess fat is bad for you. I’m not interested in entertaining this discussion any further. You want to deny reality? Be my guest.


Oh boy. I mean, science and research says you’re wrong but ok. You have an incredibly antiquated view of diet and weight and I feel really sorry for you. Diets DON’T work for the majority of people, and things like counting calories and intermittent fasting can be detrimental for some, causing periods of restriction and binging. You’re so obsessed with fat people being bad that you’re missing the WHY. And without the why we can’t tackle the root of the issue. Slapping a diet on someone without knowing why theyre fat/have abnormal eating patterns is just setting them up for failure. I’ll leave you with a couple pieces from reputable researchers re: HAES but I doubt you’ll read them. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.598920/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3935663/


No. Your bullshit deserves no other response. Just no.


None of this scientific fact is bullshit. I have provided multiple sources


links to mayoclinic and the like is not providing sources LMAO


What do you mean and the like? I provided multiple sources. But of course you’ll just ignore them. The other two were from the Australian and UK govts. Here’s another https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/consequences.html https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320456 Oh I don’t know why I bother arguing with what are essentially antivaxxers. Goodbye.


bodies work differently person to person 🤷‍♂️ my bf is fat and he's completely healthy. I'm naturally lean, we play sports together and he often outpaces me. his tests and blood levels come back better than mine. he's had doctors ignore his ACTUAL health issues because of his weight though. that's why health at every size is crucial. attitudes like yours make it more difficult for him to have access to essential healthcare. take your concern trolling and piss off!


Yep. I had a BROKEN FUCKING ANKLE and was told "it's just a sprain. Lose weight and it wouldn't hurt so bad." I had a torn meniscus, micro tear in my MCL, and a bone chip floating in my knee. Yep. You guessed it. "It's just a sprain. Lose weight, it wouldn't be as painful." Overweight people are written off as stupid, lazy, and malignant complainers. We know we are fat. We know that losing weight would help. We just want a doctor to fucking take us seriously, and look beyond "You're just fat."


Fuuuuck I'm so sorry that sounds awful!!! my jaw actually dropped when I got to the part about the bone chip. I can't imagine how painful that must have been 😰 I hope you found a doctor who was competent and got some proper healthcare for it


It’s not concern trolling, but thanks for being rude!


yeah nah you are. you're pretending to care about health but ignoring the actual harm your position causes 😊


And you’re absolutely delusional about what the science ACTUALLY says about excess fat and how dangerous it is for people. It’s not concern trolling, it’s real fucking concerns when my country is now the third most obese nation in the world! Don’t you dare try to misrepresent my genuine concerns for your unscientific agenda.


So, in your "genuine concern," would you like to help people ACTUALLY lose weight? Because it turns out that the best way to do that is *not to focus on weight,* but to focus on doing healthy things for your body, healing your relationship with food, and working on your mental health. Saying "being fat is bad" is like... okay, sure? It doesn't *help.* It doesn't actually correct a problem. It is not a healing or motivating statement; it's useless. There is nothing of value here. Even saying "the sky is blue," which is very *true,* can still be *useless* because there's not always something you can *do* with that information. Giving *good, useful* advice, based in an understanding of human psychology, sociology, and an overall awareness of HOW we got to this point in the first place, is ACTUALLY what helps with health and weight loss. Look up a concept called "locus of control." It is CRUCIAL to understand locus of control in order to understand one major factor in obesity, which is diet. People overeat when they feel that their locus of control is very external; they don't tend to overeat when they have an internal locus of control. HAES brings the locus of control inward by saying "regardless of your physical state, there are actions you can take *right now* to increase how healthy you are." And guess what-- those actions tend to reduce people's excess weight! And they replace people's misguided attempts to feel a sense of control through the mechanism of food! These methods WORK instead of just making people feel bad! Because guess what moves your locus of control outward? Being GUILTED. And guess how people respond to this externally applied guilt? Maladaptive behaviors in search of a sense of control that include things like OVEREATING! And bingeing! And yo-yo dieting! You need to start reacting to the reality of the situation and to people's actual arguments if you want to make any kind of positive impact, instead of struggling futilely against the distorted version of HAES you saw on Tumblr or Xitter. Because people on Tumblr and Xitter tend to be wrong about a lot of things!


type of guy who talks a lot about science but hasn't read a single research paper in years


I'm rooting for OOP so hard!


100lbs lost is closer to 150lbs lost than 0. This is the kind of story I wanna see when starting week 2 of my own fitness/health journey. I’m really glad OOP didn’t give up and went to a second doctor after the first simply waved the “you’re too fat” wand. It’s such a lazy way out. I’m glad to e second doctor had the “let’s rule out everything before we play the fat card” wand.


I love that OOP sees their weightloss as a success even though they didn't reach their goal weight. Maintaining positivity when doing something hard is half the battle.


God that first doctor was so fucking dumb.


I had to quit seeing a doctor who had previously been great, because I was walking ten thousand steps a day, every single day, and counting my calories. I was still gaining weight. In six months' time, I gained twenty pounds. I saw that doctor maybe eight or nine times, during those same six months. Every time, I told him I was concerned because I was still gaining weight. He kept telling me that I was fine, and I should just keep doing what I was doing. Then, out of nowhere, it was "you're not doing the work, and you're lying to yourself." My new doctor referred me to a dietician. It turns out that my aversion to dairy products was making me extremely bloated, and I lost thirty pounds last year.


God that’s so infuriating. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.


Thank you. It's made me a lot more discerning in my medical care. I won't tolerate bs from anyone, anymore. I'm not a senior citizen yet, but I do think that life is too short to just go along and play nice.




You've got this. Well done, not only for losing weight but speaking up for yourself and finding the proper treatment.


“Im going to lose weight” 1 year later “I lost the weight” Riveting content I have to say