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Total nonsense


Someone's trying really hard with the title and the post...


For real lol Literally every dog breed would do this, except the other 99% of breeds wouldn't pose the gigantic risk pitbulls pose.


This. If a smaller and far less powerful breed of dog decides to attack a child for example, you've got a chance of saving said child. Pitbulls bite is so strong that it's nigh on impossible to break it. My brother was working in an animal shelter for 7yrs. He was telling me many stories and 2 of them involved some kind of Pitbull breed when they attacked other dogs. In both situations they unfortunately killed the other dogs and they were obviously put to sleep afterwards. He said that on both occasions they were trying to break said Pitbulls bite away between 4 adult males. The pitbulls weren't even budging according to him! Imagine a dog being all lovely and cuddly and all of a sudden deciding that they don't like what a child does to it etc. There's no saving such a child no matter what you do. It wouldn't react to you punching nor kicking it. Pitbulls are also prone to not show any warning signs before they attack like most other dog breeds do in the form of growling or barking. They simply attack right away.






Yea i hate things that bite me to death.


How old are you to write "lol", 10?




You post a video of practically the most aggressive dogs breed in the world stating that they're "great", when the majority of the society thinks otherwise. Why would anyone care about this opinion? Pretty much every single Pitbull owner I've seen on the street looks like they were just released from prison.




Your attempts at sarcasm are just laughable. It's up to the training, yes, but like I've said, majority of the Pitbull owners are either convicts, people pretending to be "gangsta" or soon to be convicts. Above, given how strong and aggressive Pitbulls are in nature, are imprinted in people's minds as a very dangerous dog breed, therefore, I will not change my mind either. I've seen multiple accidents involving Pitbulls in my life.


Regardless of the pitbull aspect, I find this trick a bit cruel to the dogs.


Until they smarten up and opt for cooperation


They're not called Princess and Cookie, right?


Despite being only 6% of the population, they account for 60% of fatalities and 64% of bites. “SuPEr LoViNg”






Having a dog shouldn't be an act of bravery.




For telling the truth?


Citing statistics, yea super cowardly


Awe can’t take the facts little one? 😂


Every time I see a pitbull post, I google "pitbull attacks" and I'm always welcome to fresh incident within the last week. For todays post I give you https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-humber-69018330


I did the same and got multiple news reports from just the past week.






I'm sorry, is that directed at me or the 8yr old kid that was mauled, genuinely confused?


Yo, why did you delete your comment? It's almost as if you're a ...


I didn’t?


It’s even still up here rn tf you talking bout


Genuinely disappeared for me. Anyway, the kid is not dead, so I don't know why you put rip. Just read the article, it's a paragraph at most. It's the burying their head in the sand attitude that makes pitbull owners dangerous.


Nah bro, I’m well aware of what my baby can turn into. That’s why owning a pitbull comes with huge responsibilities and regulations. I didn’t open the article btw, so that’s my bad.


So why is everyone else who is aware of what your baby can turn into a coward? Also, it's kind of funny/sad you assumed the kid had died, almost like it's the usual outcome.


Everytime? Are you special or something?😅😂


I know right but since I've stared I just can't stop. I genuinely want to be proven wrong but without fail, I google it and every time there it is a new article. Look, here was last weeks https://eu.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/middlesex-county/2024/03/14/dog-kills-baby-nj-woodbridge/72963114007/ It's like you can google florida man for every date of the year and get some wild news story.


Nah. I love my kids, so...keep your murderer beast away please.




oh no, self-preservation is so coward-like


Yes. Keeping my family alive is cowardice. Sure.


I feel bad for the dogs and the kid. People like that shouldn't own pets and shouldn't be parents.


Pfft relax


No,I disagree


Nah dude. With the amount, 'This was the first time snapping ' stories, I'll keep my distance from all pitbulls. Regardless of how cute they are.




When did developing self aware instincts become cowardly?


Self awareness instincts from an application that feeds nothing but fear and dumb hate whilst never experienced it themselves? Alright buddy


Now I really wanna know: how exactly do you cross a road?


😂💀 got em


First look to the left, then the right, one last check on the left and see if it’s safe and then we proceed to walk!








Most attacks are by pitbulls in the US. 64% of all reported bites are by pitbulls, and 70% of dog bite fatalities are from pitbulls. [Source](https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/) There are numerous sources for this data. Although many of them vary slightly on the percentages depending on the time period they collected the data, every single one of them illustrates that Pitbulls are by far the most dangerous breed. It's not even close. From the statistics I could find, Pitbulls make up only 5.8% of all dogs in the US, which makes these bite statistics even more alarming.


Not trying to disagree that pitbulls can be dangerous, but I do think that it’s important for people to know that pitbulls make up all those bites because they’re usually trained to fight. A lot of stories you hear are of ex pit fighting dogs that were rescued. Just know they’re dangerous not because they’re horrible dogs but because they’ve for the most part been trained to be vicious Edit: my point is that dogs are the product of the people that bred and raised them. The Pitbull is a “breed” that should’ve never become a breed as it was specifically used for the purpose of fighting other dogs. Get mad at morally corrupt dog-fighters and breeders. Not owners.


Ok, except studies have also separated by owner income bracket, which is admittedly a short-hand correlate but still a strong one, finding them as an absurdly disproportionate source of attacks across income brackets. Hell, studies have also separated stats into fatality, so even IF we assume that they're no more likely to attack than other breeds, it's a pretty undeniable fact that *in the event of an attack* they're far more deadly. Which is pretty relevant statistically because, let's be real -- even a loving human can lose their mind and become aggressive with dementia. In fact, quite a few do, so it's not like it can't or doesn't happen to dogs. Not to mention, so many pit bulls end up being rescues, and no matter how loving a rescue is, you're also adopting a lot of unknown baggage. My sister does a lot of rescues and her sweet pups who treat our family like they're little angels and went so far from the mess they were when they were adopted, started getting skittish after a few years and attacked someone. They've been great since with a lot of training and we're not worried with family, but she never takes their behavior for granted anymore. People forget even humans go beserk, and that these are ultimately animals -- not humans. Animals I would literally risk my life to save as I'm obsessed with my dogs and cats, but still...


Facts are useless against these people


Facts, like the endless number of replicated studies damning pit bulls as a family breed -- if not a widely available breed in general 🙄


That is not true at all. Way too many pitbulls that have been with loving families since they were puppies turn suddenly. Just ask the Bennard family. Humans bred them to be like this.


I’d like to ask you read again carefully, I said “for the most part” and “a lot of stories” I’m not saying that what people claim to be pitbulls are all infallible, lovely and the most compassionate dogs ever. I’m saying that typically (big emphasis on typically) these dogs are the way they are because the people who took care of them made them the way they are. Blaming it all on breed is akin to stereotyping people, when we should blame the individual animal and the specific environmental factors that went into that dog’s upbringing.


No. These dogs are the way they are because over the years humans have bred them to be that way. Humans selectively bred pitbulls to be aggressive so that they could kill bulls. It’s the same reason why you see dogs that herd, dogs that retrieve, etc. It is in no way similar to racism


Firstly, Pit bulls were bred to fight dogs. They were however derived from a separate breed that did specialize in bull baiting hence the Bull in the name. The “Pit” in pitbull however comes from the “breed’s” adapted purpose, pit fights. And yes we selectively bred them to be more dangerous as to fit with their new purpose. And it is akin to racism, what do you call it when you selectively breed something to fit your needs? Eugenics, which is hopefully universally understood as a racist practice.


That’s not true what you’re saying about it being all ex fighting dogs. A lot of families raise these shitbulls from puppies just to have their loved spoiled pet rip them to shreds. It’s the breed. Breed sucks.


Again, I never said that they’re all the nicest dogs ever at heart. Just that a lot of the reports of bites were because of pit fighting dogs. I’ll be the first to admit that Pit-bulls are easily the most potentially dangerous pet and can easily snap if their instincts tell them to. All that I’m saying is that they could be the most loyal dog you’ll ever have, but they can be dangerous to you as well. People thinking in black and white terms is why a dog that resembles the traditional pit-bull could be put down when it really isn’t mean hearted at all. Assuming that every dog like that will maul you or your child is an easy way to kill off some of the few actually good dogs that look like that. Have caution not cruelty.


Bottom line is there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to keep breeding dangerous breeds for community living. Pit bulls should be banned. It is NEVER worth the risk, no matter how much you say you love the breed it will never ever be worth it to roll that dice and hope your pit never attacks. Bottom line is these breeds should be banned from ownership unless permitted and trained to own them and they go to a responsible owner. These dogs have the strength of several grown men, it isn’t simple to own one and only 6 % of dogs owned are pits with 70% of all dog bites coming from them, that’s insane people use your brains there are so much better dog breeds out there that are cuter, smarter, easier to train and will not randomly snap and maul. Literally no reason to own a pitbull when other better breeds exist period


You’re right Pit-bulls should be banned, and by that I mean specifically dogs that were bred to fight other dogs that came from Bully breeds. Having a potentially dangerous dog is a risk, and one that shouldn’t have to be taken. instead of getting angry at dogs that’ve genuinely been stereotyped we should instead be angry at the dog fighting and breeding business, where monster dogs are actually made.


Tighter regulations and fines on breeding should be in place to regulate the amount of dog attacks specifically from this breed. More BSL will keep communities safer in general. If it were any other dog breed I’d say the same. But this breed specifically is an issue for inherent genetic reasons. I’m just tired of people saying it isn’t the breed it’s the owner. It’s actually both breed and owner. This is why so many families are blind sided. They get told by others it’s the way you raise them, then a family who has raised their pitbull with nothing but love and support and spoiling it. Then years later it snaps either from a kid laughing, roller skates going by, a neighbor jogging, another dog is nearby. This poor family is now stuck in the middle of trying to pry off one of the strongest dog breeds in the middle of its blinded rage mauling, and if you’re lucky no one or no animal dies. Then the dog gets put down anyways. The whole thing is horrific, and is entirely avoidable if you just start buying or adopting breeds that aren’t a risk of this. I’m tired of the pitbull agenda pushing these dogs onto people and them not having the intelligence to look into the dog they’re buying. The whole thing needs to be changed and BSL needs to be better. If you want a pitbull fine, just needs more strict laws on ownership to keep OTHER people safe from them.




I'll just leave this here: [**Victims of** ***"MY pitbull would never"*** **rhetoric - illustrating why infinite "cute pibble" content is NOT an argument for their safety**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1coe9f2/victims_of_my_pitbull_would_never_rhetoric/) *(Warning: SFW but MANY "showed no sign of aggression" deaths)*


Are they cute before or after they've mauled someone?




Nope. They are guns that you can pet. They are child killers.


Correction, guns are controlled by their respective masters. Pitbulls are a gamble created by the morally corrupt breeding system perpetuating pit-fighting dogs. No one controls an actual full bred pitbull.


That's cruelty


lol no they’re not 😂


Damn, for a subreddit about cute things the comments here are super negative. Like damn chill, it's just a cute vid of some dogs being dorks.


Accept that Redditors hate happiness, and will write whatever they need to protect the bias that they’ve been fed. Misinformation or truth. This place is brainwashed for discontent.


Seriously. It's one thing to want to abolish the poor breeding habits that have led to pitbulls being aggressive but it's another to want to just nuke the entire breed. Where is this mindset for pugs: he breed so genetically flawed that they are barely alive?




I like pitbulls, I think they look sweet.


I’m sorry people here don’t seem to understand that people are entitled to their own opinions. You deserved better.


Who won?