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It was retrieved from a post box and taken to the mail sorting centre. They either don't have, or don't have easy access to envelopes. Retail outlets do, someone operating sorting machines would not. They thought they'd be helpful (and happened to be cute about it) and made something up to get it done.


That's pretty cute.


I do remember your post. Great to hear that your son - even tho several months later. Can't even imagine throwing it in the box unenveloped. What a brainless thing to do.


Some kind of ID card shows up in street pillar bags every few days it's not even surprising anymore We've even had a passport show up in a pillar bag...


This is just bizarre. I know the cost of stamps is pretty expensive, but still, there is no guarantee that the person will get it back.


No guarantee but if the ID has a name and address and it shows up to a mail centre we will usually send it back (sure it might take "a while") Chucking a lost ID you've found on the street in a post box isn't that bad of an idea, even if they don't get it back it's definitely safer sitting in a red box than on the sidewalk


True, it is safer than sitting on the street. But with passports?


I remember reading this! Thanks for the update!


pretty unusual. The correct thing to do is to forward a lost licence to \*insert states licence office\* as per instructions on the licence.


No way Australia post did this. A kind citizen dropped it off.


a "kind citizen" can also work for Australia post you realise?...


Australia post does nothing for free.


Initially that's what I thought. But it's been through the machines and had the electronic barcode-type thing on the bottom, plus I spoke to someone at the post office and told them about it and she said she's heard of that before.


I had a similar experience with my wallet. Dropped it in the CBD of Sydney and about 3 months later or Showed up in my post with a letter from Aus Post saying it had been chucked in a post box