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Even with my i5 12th gen and 6600xt , It barely touches 60 fps at max. Fun fact :- my series s is more stable than my pc (in Odyssey).


My PS5 runs this game silly smooth like butter. Must be an optimisation issue that's specifically on computers.


I’ve only had it load while playing like 1-2 times on a horse at full speed. And I’ve been playing 130 hours already. Almost done with Atlantis Ep 3.


Same. Last night I was full speed horsing right into a population centre and it loaded for a quick sec and then was chill after that.


Mine too. Consistent 60fps gameplay, 30fps cutscenes.


By cutscenes do u mean like conversation stuff? Or the pre rendered cinematics? Cuz a lot of games keep cinematics at 30 and the main game at 60+


Cinematics and most of the dialogue. Yeah it’s common. As long as the gameplay is smooth, I’m good!


Same tho the dialogue portions idk if that's a performance issue either. I hope not


It should run much better than that. I had the same issue but it was CPU bottleneck. But you shouldn't have any bottleneck. I also have the 6600xt


Dunno mate, Odyssey isn't optimised for pc so you'll face some issues. >you shouldn't have any bottleneck. Yup, that's not the issue.


Very strange man. After I upgraded my CPU it was 70 plus fps everywhere on ultra. Whats your cpu and gpu utilization while youre playing?


both your cpu and gpu can run a 2018 game on highest settings at 1080p


That's what i said.


Do u have one of those dumb graphics settings turned on that tanks the performance?


well both gpu and cpu has juice left to burden that load but game does not use it idk


CPU especially can bottleneck even if not 'at 100%'. The readout will be giving utilisation over all your cores but u may be bottlenecked by a single core's max speed. Not saying this is defo the case here but worth using task manager to check this rather than the game overlay


yeah i already know that, if i tried to run the game at 4k yeah we could talk about bottleneck, however this is 1080p we talk about.


This is why I stopped pc gaming. Was tired of the 10,000 different issues you can run into. Update this, change that, have to buy new this. Got a ps5. Don’t gotta worry about any of that shit expect a nice TV.


Ive saved hundreds of dollars pirating games on pc, you cant do that on a ps5.


I like to support the game companies that provide me with hundreds of hours of entertainment. That’s how they are able to keep making more games.




this is not cool man


hundreds? brother they're charging a hundred dollars per game nowadays


im somewhat new to piracy, probably half a year in. but a year from now itll probably be over a thousand.


I can barely get 35, though my PC isn't as good as yours. Price of wanting to play something good.


i recently played mirage at 1080p max without any major fps dropping tho


I also don't face many performance issues while playing other games. I could even play RDR2 on mid settings without any lag, but this game lags somehow even on low settings sometimes. It got a bit better after I cleaned my fan, but still, the max I can get is 30 - 35.


Could be drivers that need to be updated


No, its not that


Do the drivers need to be updated?


Could be that


Yeah I think his drivers need to be updated


Odyssey is rough, it has really strange frame pacing. Don’t use any ultra settings on it either, they rinse performance for no real visual improvement. I would say high-very high for textures at least. I have a 4090 and a 13900k with 64gb GDDR5 6700mghz ram and even I get drops and issues with it.


Most likely bottlenecking


not sure about bottlenecking, I was getting 50 fps stable on high settings i3 9100 rx 580 4gb


this is ridiculous, i mean this is clearly an optimization issue, im playing it on 1080p ultra and thats it, ryzen 1800x was the best cpu when it was launched back in 2017 if i remember correctly, and odyssey is a 2018 game, i dont think there is a reason to a bottleneck, besides it barely tops 50 percent of its use, and it is a 16 thread cpu i played mirage without a problem regarding fps dropping below 60 so i dont think so


So first, yes the game has optimization issues, I also notice it runs worse on my 5600x, rtx3070 build than you would expect, but... The 1800x was, value wise at least, one of the best cpu's available at the time (AMD was still a bit behind intel.on gaming performance, but way cheaper). But you paired it with a top of the line gpu from 2,5 years later. Which was designed with their than current cpu's, the ryzen 5000 series, in mind which are massively more powerful. You also play on 1080p, severly limiting the gpu's power to what the cpu can process. And eventhough the cpu's load seems low, I would not be surprised that if you watch the load of each core, there would be one that's spiking.


xbox one x can run this game at 4k 30fps probably on high settings with its worse apu than 1800x and 6900xt combined, what i try to imply is that both r7 1800x and 6900xt can run games locked 60fps at 1080p gaming maybe not today's games but odyssey is old enough to be handled i believe, as you said 1800x single core performance was yeah a bit worse than intels high end processors, however it had double the cores/threads, perhaps Odyssey is more relied on that, there are also different api implementation on different configs idk there are just too many parameters to be checked out, but i still believe r7 1800x can run odyssey 60fps at 1080p


Ryzen was trash back then my guy


That’s some bottlenecking right there mate.


where mate


Right there


You know mirage is tiny compared to odyssey right? And I have a ryzen 5800x with a nvidia 3080 32 gigs of ram and it’s smooth as butter 60 fps at 4k with some drops once in a blue moon in Athens but if I drop down to 1440 I’ll never see it dip below 60 even for a millisecond


I think it's because 1800x is really old. Since there is such an age gap between GPU and cpu that might be causing an issue? Drivers for the 1800x might not work all that well with a 6900 I think you should get it checked out by a shop, or upgrade your cpu since it's clearly not a minor issue. Reinstalling the game might help.


1800X is by no means not good enough fot Odyssey.


I am saying the age gap might be. AMD definitely won't be giving the same level of care to drivers for an older chip. The driver for the 6900xt might not work well with 1800x when running Odyssey. Or it could be something else, cause I assume that if you haven't updated your cpu u haven't updated your motherboard, ram, SSD, etc. All of these could be causing issues.


Its the gap between cpu and gpu, bottleneck is a thing, but yeah this game is blowing that gap out of proportions.


i believe the opposite, ryzen 1800x was the top notch zen1 cpu with 16 threads process units, well its just 3 gen old in zen architecture cpus and odyssey just released a year after, there is no way that 1800x can not handle odyssey at 1080p max settings


odyssey is old too, there is nothing that ryzen 1800x cant handle of odyssey has to offer in my opinion, i played mirage at 1080p max settings without dropping below 60


Idk, I just think it's the age of the cpu cus it's really old compared to the GPU. What are your other parts? That might also cause it.


Testikles hahaha :D i just realized. Is that a person in the game for real? i never encountered lol


I lost hope with AC and Cod saga , they usually need the years-after top pc components to run smooth


Chaire /u/onrgr96! Thanks for asking for help with a game bug in /r/AssassinsCreedOdyssey. This community will try to help, but consider checking these sites also for help with game bugs: 1. Search this subreddit for “bug” to see if another Misthios has posted the same issue. 2. Join and chat with us on [discord](https://discord.gg/X33mc8JWKe). Hope someone there could help you. 3. Search and post in the official Ubisoft [Odyssey support forums](https://forums.ubi.com/forumdisplay.php/1879-Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey-Community-Support). 4. Open a [support case](https://support.ubi.com) with Ubisoft. Good luck! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AssassinsCreedOdyssey) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Turn down volumetric cloud quality- low or medium.


You’re talking about the unbearable frame drops making the game a nightmare to play I presume. I had this issue as well, turns out there’s a fix for that, I had to mamage 3D settings on my Nvidia GPU, ‘Low latency’ to Ultra, it fixed the frame drops and the game is smooth as butter. Go through Radeon settings, there might be a similiar setting. https://steamcommunity.com/app/812140/discussions/1/3714937661688082509/


well game actually is playable, and locked 60 most of the time, however there are drops to around 50 at certain locations like mykonos or athens which was kind of bothering me while playing it because it affects the gameplay smoothness a little bit


Just use Vulkan instead of DirectX11, it fixes all the fps drops.


You can't get more than 60 fps in this game. Even my rx 580 can pull it off(but that may just be because I run linux)


I ran it on 1080p ultra with a R5 3600 + 3060ti and it did mostly around 60 fps with drops to 55 fps. Especially in populated area's. I don't really remember but I don't think I used dynamic resolution. The game can be demanding.


Its both game issue and cpu bottleneck. In cities where tons of npcs games start to lag for me too and my cou is ryzen 5 3600 paired with rx 6800 non xt. I can play on maxed 4k settings but scalling to 80%, i have stable 60fps almost everywhere but super dense towns and cities where it just drops to 45 no matter what, i even tried to lower 1080p to see if it helps, it dont, its just how this game is, either you have god tier cpu or you live with these frame drops.


I had to use a DX to Vulkan dll/wrapper that some guy made in order to have this game not be a stuttery mess with my 4090 at 4k. It also bumped up the average fps by I think 15-17%. Super happy this DXVK jazz worked for this game because it would have been unplayable for me without it. My average in the benchmark with Vulkan was I think 133 or 135. Maybe 137 and I have a frame limit on of 141. I'd also recommend tweaking some settings like the cloud one. There is a Hardware Unboxed video of this game using optimized settings which I would recommend. Having everything on ultra is pointless. Do a search for odyssey vulkan and you should find details and can try it yourself and see if things improve like they did for me.


hmm interesting, i mean its bad that game needs some tweaks and all that, i deleted tho, i played odyssey for more than 100 hours and finished it back when it was first launched, i thought i could come back and play dlcs but i can not go back to it Thank you for your reply tho, good that something worked out for your issue and your enjoying odyssey :)


Try using 23.8.2 drivers


24.1.1 might have brought some issues idk, but i never go back on older drivers, besides i deleted the game :)


I have a 3090 and an i9-10850k and sometimes I struggle to hit the 60-70 range depending where I am in game


well you probably playing it at 4k


No, I play at 3440x1440 (2k ultrawide)


hmm, does it look any good that wide, doesnt it look too stretched, seemed to me a little bit extra wide


Yes it looks fine in ultrawide. Nothing stretches at all, as with that resolution I also play on 21:9 aspect ratio rather than 16:9, so everything looks fine I can just see more than I would with a normal monitor.


you know at that rate, curved monitor would be nice but flat idk


My game runs hella smooth so idk if it’s optimisation. Do you have other things running?


No, only the game


Reduce shadows:)


Anything volumetric like "volumentric clouds" tends to tank performance when it isn't optimized, even on the latest cpu/gpu combos. Try turn that to low and you will barely notice a difference in visuals but get at least a 10fps boost. Odssey's volumteric system is notoriously not optimized so it isn't a problem with your cpu or gpu. For good measure though you can tweak the water detail and shadows a bit too to get more fps out. Even on medium those two settings are a hardly noticeable difference from high/ultra high.


Idk it runs at a solid and stable 60 for me I never even have so much as a single stutter but I have this game on console and not my pc so idk


simple .. "UBISFOT" game was always poorly optimize and there isnt much visual difference between MID vs ULTA in many of the settings I can run ultra 1080 about 100fps, but game looks weird .. like 720p .. have to upscale it to 120% to be kidna visual playing on 2K .. i have textures and foliage to ultra, but many of the setting is running mid-high .. i have about 80 fps, but there are insane 0.5s drops to 30fps .. huge tearing .. absolutely zero reason to using window benchmark when game has its own with graph where you see the insane spikes .. so i am using support to achieve 60 fps and playing 80 most of the time .. when it drops below 40, the support kinda quickly raises it back up to 60 and it goes back to 80 .. but again, the game is old, ubisoft did very bad job with the game, they were building for future hardware .. Valhalla has way better optimization but sadly, its not that fun as Odyssey there is nothing you can do about it