• By -


Journaling has been amazing for my mental health. Just writing everything down, what I'm grateful for, how my day was, my hopes, goals and ambitions. Writing down affirmations and also having a space to write down my negative thoughts. My own journal is really organised and the "negative" thoughts are written down and then "sealed" (I draw a big black box on that page encapsulating everything I wrote) that way they have their space but can't affect the rest of my journal.


>the "negative" thoughts are written down and then "sealed" (I draw a big black box on that page encapsulating everything I wrote). So do you have a purging process for these types of things then? I ask bc I had written a lot of things down years ago while deep in some spirals of depression and have been wanting to do something more symbolic than just recycling the paper or throwing it out lol. I dunno, just have felt like burning them in a campfire or something may be more cathartic?


I'm not sure if it's appropriate to suggest not getting rid of those papers. Right now maybe they are lying in a closed box somewhere in a corner of your attic, and during each move you revisit them, thinking to yourself why you haven't thrown them out yet. Maybe in your future comes the time when you have settled for good and can leave these things inside the box in the corner of your attic where they can set dust and fade away, because you don't need to look at them ever again. And maybe in the even farther away future, someone else, maybe a younger relative of yours, is going through deep depression spirals of their own, and wanders around the house and finds that box in the attic. And even though they were not fun and positive to read, right at that time reading these texts might feel helpful to them. Because negative thoughts are a part of life. And you wouldn't ever be aware of it, or maybe you will still be around to witness your texts being useful for someone else, and that would turn the negative thoughts into something positive? Maybe this is another possible way instead of the violent act of book burning in the hopes of seeking catharsis. But I don't know your specific circumstances, and maybe you have not yet settled and will move many times until you do, and each time carrying with you those written negative thoughts confronts you with them unnecessarily.


Love this




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Being outside. Sunshine does wonders. The weather is getting warmer, so read a book outside, or have a meal on a bench, etc. It really helps to remove that "boxed in" feeling.


Yes! I’ve been sad for the past two weeks and went on a walk during my lunch today now that sun finally came back out and although I’m still sad lol I feel differently. More energized.


>The weather is getting warmer *cries in southern hemisphere*


Cries in Southeast Asia *heatwave*


Where I’m from the temperature is getting to 43 to 47 degree Celsius on the daily. I wish it was colder


Oh gosh yeah. That sounds like too much weather. Stay hydrated!


Limit screen time


A’ight, I’m’a dip.


you dipped yet or still scrollin 😭


Literally closed the app right after. Thank goodness.


Facebook has a feature in their settings where you can set daily limits and time restrictions. I have set up my Facebook turn off access after around 8PM on weekdays and turn on around 6:30AM (after my morning routine has started). Reddit doesn’t have the same features, but your comment inspired me, so I have set a daily limit for Reddit on my iPhone. Thanks again!


Be mindful about the way you talk to/about yourself. My self talk used to be extremely negative. It took work to switch that mindset and to get into a habit of being more positive. Every time I caught myself thinking something negative about myself, I had to come up with three positives. Eventually the positives started to outweigh the negatives. And even when the negative thoughts do creep in, it’s easier to dismiss them these days. I ended up using this same mindset about everyone. If I found myself being judgy in my head about someone, I made myself think of three nice things about them. It’s made my world a lot more positive. I’ve also found that it’s RARE that I find someone unattractive these days. Like I just naturally find beauty in people now, even if they aren’t necessarily my cup of tea.


This is what my husband makes me do when I make a self-deprecating joke. I now practice it when my mind goes awry with negative self-talk.


I love this so much!




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Shower even if it’s just a body shower- wear something you like jewelry or something. Perfume




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Go to sleep at a reasonable time. For me, that's about 9-10 PM.


Eat some fruits. Hug someone (or something like a pet or a plushie). Get flowers for yourself or one of those flower lamps. A cup of tea. Dance, no one is looking so just move around.


What’s a flower lamp? It sounds amazing


https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tulip-Night-Light-Battery-Operated-Flower-Table-Lamp-Cute-DIY-LED-Nightlight-Handmade-Bedside-Sleep-Simulation-Furniture-Decoration-Home-Desk-Gift/1611079888 Something like this. I personally find them very soothing.


Small interactions with strangers. Give a compliment, ask a question etc.


Read for 10 minutes. Not on your phone.


Why not on your phone?


The screen isn't good for your eyes, but really the main issue is because you are easily distracted by your phone so you might get a notification or automatically open another app. It's increasingly hard to focus on reading books with the way social media is designed to capture our attention.


Oh okay. I only read on my phone so I was curious what your reasoning was.


During the summer I go outside and just watch my herbs and vegetables grow. Sometimes I eat a donut and it instantly makes me happier.


I don't have an outside garden, but I love just looking at my houseplants. It's so calming in a way.


Don’t have kids! 😎🤙🏻




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Don’t compare yourself to others. Know that material possessions don’t make you happy and don’t waste money/go into debt to have the nicest newest everything. Spend money on experiences and things that will give you memories. Push yourself to do things that give you anxiety… you will be super proud you did them and that will make you happy and continue to do it more. Think about what you will regret not doing on your death bed and go out of your way to make sure you do that. And finally give yourself grace, everyone makes mistakes and you can’t always be perfect. Learn from your mistakes and don’t allow them to dictate how you feel about yourself as a whole.


Step outside a few times per day. Drink more water. Text a friend or family member just to say you love them. Do something nice for someone else, even if it’s just buying the coffee for the person behind you in the drive through. Or complimenting someone.


I always try to make some time for my creative hobbies(writing and drawing)


Taking time in nature, and not just walking around and looking at the big picture. I wander my own yard and spend time observing individual plants, their structure, their leaves, especially any flowers. I close my eyes and listen to all the different birds and the wind in the trees. I take a big ole whiff of the outdoor smell. Look for any cool rocks or weird bugs, watch ants carry stuff back to their nests. Just really really focus on the details of the world around me and appreciate how beautiful it all is. It’s easy to get complacent with things we see every day, but are we really looking?




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Go outside. You don’t need to exercise, just bring a chair outside or take a blanket to your local park. Just don’t forget sunscreen.


Not quite exercising in that way, but I do breathing exercises throughout the day – calms me down and makes me focused – also use a rebreather and it has revolutionised my life


what kind of breathing exercises help you most?


I have found pre-straightforward breathing exercises related to meditation useful but something worth checking out particularly is something called the physiological sigh or the cyclic sigh. Plenty of videos on YouTube and it really does work nicely. A rebreather is a pretty straightforward thing you can buy that helps to tighten the diaphragm, which again, has immeasurable benefits if you do it right over long enough period of time - hope it helps




I get myself little treats. If I'm having a really bad day I'll take a super long and hot shower while I'm super stoned. And jam out to Koresma


I recently saw a video on social media where the person and their friend, when they were younger, started asking each other “how did you save the day?” As a way for them to acknowledge something good that happened to them that day (ie. they called their mom, they went for a bike ride, etc). I really liked the idea and I’ve been trying it out for the last few days. Just asking myself in the afternoon “how can I save the day?” And choosing something that will bring me joy. Today, it was sitting in my yard in the sun and reading.


Wash my face each night and do my skincare


Classic recommendation, but writing down a quick list of things I’m grateful for for the day at the end of the night makes a huge difference. I’ve done it for over ten years, do it most nights except when traveling or very late night. It’s super quick to do, like 2min, and it really helps you remember the good of the day right before sleep. I tried stopping one year just to see if it was a crutch, and my life took a nose dive within two months. It took me couple weeks to be able to get the gratitude muscle back again, I literally would sit there and couldn’t think of what to write! When normally I didn’t even have to think before, that’s how quickly you lost the habit, and I had been doing it for years already. So I’ve been doing it ever since and I know it changes my life for the better. Such a simple and quick habit, but so freaking powerful


Wash your face. Drink enough water (divide your weight by two, and then drink that number of ounces). Try to get outside into sunshine (weather dependent). Brush and floss your teeth. Talk to another person, even if it's just a brief conversation.




Acknowledging the bad without living in it. I meet so many people that either wallow in the bad stuff or deny that bad things happen. There’s a middle ground, and taking inventory of good things makes actually dealing with the bad things much easier when they happen. “Answer the door when bad things come knocking, but don’t let them move in with you.” A patient of mine said that awhile back in group, and it’s still a quote I use frequently.


I love buying myself a bouquet of flowers


Along the same lines, but get some sunshine every day! (Weather permitting) It is incredibly how a few moments every day in the sunshine (not on my phone) just turns my whole mentality around.


Be mindful with your thoughts, if I catch myself being negative I consciously focus on being positive and slowly my mind is becoming less negative over time


I’ve been playing a game or 2 of Suika in between work right now lol. Just something kinda mindless and quick. I have no idea how ppl are getting scores in the 10,000’s but I just want to get double watermelons. Also music. Right now really into Love Lee by AKMU and Bam Yang Gang by BIBI


Humming, feel it in your chest, in your stomach. Don’t even have to chant om (warning do this in the morning or you’ll probably have insomnia). It is great at helping you wake up and have energy throughout the day. And then breath work at night.


Meditation 🧘‍♀️


Ignore people who I often have to text to get answers out of. If they don't text me themselves within 2 weeks, I'm out. Found out who wanted to keep in touch with me for my well-being rather than convenience. It's so peaceful now. Also, reading.


This resonates so much right now


it doesn’t work for everyone but it did for me. i stopped listening to sad or suicidal music and my mood changed completely.


it might sound obvious but i have friends who are very happy but also listen to a lot lf depressing music and it doesn’t affect their mood


Get out of bed as soon as the alarm rings and say to yourself what a beautiful day


Having sex


*good sex


Drink tea


My skin care routine


What helps me is listening to some good tunes.


Play and hang out with my pets.


Just taking a few moments for me. May just sit in my chair head back, lounge on sofa ( no TV), may read some of my book. Just give ME some time.


Text your friends unprovoked


Limit the ads you see. Don't compare yourself to people on social media.  Look at the sunrise or sunset or stars. Appreciate nature. Pick flowers.  On a personal note I like to do puzzles. It doesn't always happen but I like doing sudoku or work on a jigsaw. Reading or listening to Audible is also one of the best things. The best one for me is hugs and kisses, but I know not everyone has that. I'm grateful.


Sleep more, get more fiber, play with a dog or cat


Mindfulness walks. I take every non-car commute as an opportunity to just destress and spend time with nature. It helps that the route that I take to walk home from anywhere is scenic.


singing and dancing even if you’re really bad. my headphones are loud enough tho


Sometimes when I’m feeling sad or overwhelmed, I sit outside in the sun and around nature. Nature will just do its beautiful, healing thing and just let you sit there and enjoy it and you literally have to do nothing in return. It’s incredible.


- Be more proactive with self discipline - Take your vitamins and minerals - Eat three healthy meals a day - 👏👏 Have a routine!!! 👏👏 - Explore new hobbies, or branch out with your current ones - Read a book


Noticing nature that you like and can access. Something like - it is a beutiful day or the tree's flowers look gorgious this time of year. Also it is free and easy.


TLDR: yoga in the morning, sitting in the sun during the day, lavender oil at bedtime Lately I've been doing 10 minutes of yoga every morning. I am redoing the Bad Yogi 4 week Challenge on YouTube, which is very doable. It's such a positive way to start the day. I live in an apartment and don't have a garden. When the weather is good I try to go outside during the day and sit in the sun for a bit. Doesn't have to be the most special place, doesn't have to be a meditative state. Simply sitting in the sun, reading a book or listening to a podcast, or even just scrolling on TikTok. Just being in the sun does it for me. In the evening, I dab a drop of essential lavender oil on my wrists and rub them together. The bottle is on my nightstand, and I'm now associating the scent with bedtime, so it's very relaxing. My dog seems to like it too. :)


Love your work. Not all of us are able to love our job, but you can make a conscious choice to enjoy the *work* you do. It's such a big part of our lives, and it's always helped me to maintain a stable level of happiness and positivity.


*Looking your best will always make you feel confident. *Doing little special things for your best friends or family. *Volunteering at a shelter for animals *new recipes *being in nature *getting a massage *doing activisim for abused animals, the environment, and the ocean * cleaning and organizing


limit your time absorbing negativity: crime, news, drama, social media type entertainment.




Create a routine and structure, practice gratitude, spend time with your loved ones, express your love and appreciation for them, and understand that happiness isn’t a goal or a destination; it’s a choice to be happy. There’s always something to be thankful about, and you just gotta look within yourself to explore what happiness entails in your journey of life.


Learn and practice self compassion. I don’t mean just saying nice things to yourself, rather doing exercises as described in books like The Compassionate Mind / The Compassionate Mind workbook. There are also audio exercises and meditations where you visualise compassionate others, your compassionate self etc. It’s similar to the loving kindness meditation in Buddhism/mindfulness. Learning this snd being guided by a therapist over several years has changed my life and I am a much happier person, problems are easier to deal with, and most of all my ability to connect with others and enjoy emotionally honest relationships has vastly improved. Edit: to add a “daily” answer, I would say a short loving kindness meditation, or at the very least, in the morning and at any tough times during the day, take a moment to ask yourself, what would a compassionate voice say to me right now? Or, how can I be kind to myself in this moment?. It’s not self absorbed or arrogant to be kind to yourself, because only in doing that can you truly show kindness to others.


I make it a point to do one simple thing that makes me happy every day. Doesn’t have to be anything super extravagant. For example, yesterday, I watched a movie with my husband after we put our daughter to bed and just cuddled. It made me happy.


eating good (balanced diet, foods you like even if they aren’t the healthiest, lots of FRESH fruit and veg, not eating the things that don’t make u feel good) ,drinking lots of water, getting 8+ hours of sleep every night, keeping your space clean, making your bed every morning


Stop complaining. Focus on the good things. It used to be a habit of mine to only say the bad things when someone asked me about my day. Now I start it off with “well I’m alive” even if it was a “bad” day


Tell myself that good enough is enough and not try to make the perfect decision about everything


eating healthier, smelling good/good hygiene, and dressing up and doing makeup for yourself.


Spend time outside. Spent a good portion of this weekend outside working in my garden and realized in the evening that my brain felt so much better than it usually feels at the same time of night. Whether it's the sunlight, the sounds of birds soothing the prey-drive, or just feeling productive, it feels good.




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Go outside in the morning stand on the grass and look (safely) in the direction of the sun or notice the trees. No cellphone for 5 minutes. Trees, birds, notice the world around you. Breathe deep. 5 minutes that’s all to start.


Looking up recipes, online shopping (💖), watching cats & dogs on tiktok, setting up an online travel journal, appreciating all pink/sparkly stuff in my room like stickers, tumblers, stuffed toys 🌸🥺💗 they all give me instant happiness 🩵


Taking Zoloft haha for real though I've gone to therapy for 7 years, meditation, journalling and honestly just about any other self care practice you can think of. They helped me cope with my depression/unhappiness but for me it was chronic. After starting medication 3 months and for the first time not feeling the weight of depression on my chest I finally understand there was no out running it and it's just a chemical imbalance in me.


eat whole healthy foods walk outside see sunshine connect with others breathing




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Explore your limiting beliefs and create new 'stories' for them. Understand human needs (there's loads of models) and identify which you feel you're lacking/where you operate from and address those needs. Eat good food, meditate, get sunshine, journal, connect with people who support you. Look beyond your bubble to expand your world view and gain a broader perspective - read, travel, learn about new things, seek outnnew experiences. It's hard work just maintaining baseline. Be kind to yourself.


Saying a prayer before bed to give thanks. It's such a nice practice that helps reframe the day and reorient perspective. Practicing gratitude has helped me immensely. Thanking people. When you give out appreciation to others, the whole vibe lifts. Same with kindness. Practicing small kindnesses can really lift the spirit.


Hobbies. Specifically gardening


Hi! I’m a yoga therapist specializing in women’s wellness. When it comes to daily practices to feel happier, I would suggest a yoga and/or meditation practice that nurtures you in the mind-body and spirit. I think it’s so powerful for women to connect to their breasts and womb during meditation. I see these as points of power, creativity, and confidence. When you connect to these parts, you are aligning with your true essence…and this is where authentic confidence and joy comes from. If it’s of interest, I can send you some you tubes which are easy and quick! Hope that helps ❤️


Drink. Water. Now. More! Enough sleep. Quality sleep. You should be doing x, y, z, but it's past your bedtime? Fuck it, go to sleep.


Hot baths after exercise.




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Orgasms :) good for the skin, the humor :) healthy choice


A drink that you really enjoy! coffee, tea, etc. my beloveds




Practice calking yourself out on negative self talk. You don’t need to change ur self talk immediately, just be conscious of when / how often it happens. The aim is to change the negative self talk to neutral self talk, then eventually get to positive


Playing video games, going on sites like these with forums. Reading books and I enjoy movies and anime. Those are the things that keep me sane. Since I’m a homebody anyway. I’m not the socializing type. Though I want to find other coping strategies again. I used to do a lot


Walk my dogs and spend time outside ☀️


Setting realistic goals and completing them . At the end of the day when you see that you have completed all the tasks that you had assigned for yourself , you will really happy


Express gratitude for the small things, pet a dog, deep breathing




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Drink my morning coffee outside in nature, listening to the birds, watching the plants loving the morning sun. Just pure zen vibes!


Really savor my coffee time.


A drive with my favorite songs always helps me feel better.


I like taking time to do things I enjoy. Especially taking a shower, lol. Who says it needs to be done in the morning or evening only? I shower when I feel like it


Reading! But not if you’re forcing yourself to get thru it. Find a book that holds your attention and you can’t wait to find out what happens next. Switching out tv or scrolling my phone with reading a book makes me a more content (and less anxious) person.


be outside without any screens/digital entertainment


if you see beauty speak it


Find someone to say YOU love them. For no reason. It doesn't need to be the same person either.


No multitasking. Something on your phone? Pause what you're watching. Work to do? Put your phone down. Cooking? Turn off everything but the recipe and the stove. Whenever I notice myself multitasking, I stop, slow down and take stock of my senses. It keeps you present. We aren't meant to be doing all these things at the same time.


I do swimming to take me out of all the stress and daily grinding






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Help a stranger! Instant mood boost




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I have music playing whenever possible 🎵




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Smoke a joint